Insanity is a Lifestyle, and I'm Living it {Open for Applicants! Asylum Roleplay}

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Mark: -entire portion of text censored-
Luke: -sneaks up behind a family of 3 and throws two daggers at the mother and child, smiling as I snap the father neck- Three down~
Charles: Can I leave..? Please..?
Scarr: Sorry man, just read a book or something for now..
Jade: *pulls away from Jazz for a bit. Kisses Mark* There's enough of me for the both of you
Sammie: I'll come with you Kevin, wait for me
Lilith: *kills as many things as possible with her Sai Swords
Sam: *Covers her ears, trying to drown out all the noise coming from the other room*
Alec: *Killing a father and his child, then torture the mother in the family* Yeah right it's a competition *kills the father and move on to the next family*
Kevin: pizza pizza, it's so good :D lalala I don't hear anything ^^
Cole: I'm scared :''( Help meee
Kevin: Just look at the pizza and it will be fine ^^
Jazz: -censored all the way- :D

Found a character song to Jazz xD *plays in the background when they do their thing. xD
Cole: what's that music? o.O
Kevin: Don't pay any atention to it. *Keeps eating.*
Mark: -kisses back, still CENSOREDing her CENSORED-
Charles: ~sigh~ Fine..
Luke: -walks into a market, the daggers extending into swords as I run along with them by my sides, slashing men and children in half with a single graze- Ahhahahaha!!~ I'm back baby!!~
Scarr: Crap, he's out of it..
Alec: *jumps around like a maniac killing people on high speed* I lost count o.O Oh well, *Keeps killing*
Jazz: sings ~oooh, do you know what you got into? can you handle what I'm about to do? Cause its about to get rough for you. I'm here for your entertainment.

Kevin: This sure is a good pizza isn't it sammie :) *ignores the noice*
Cole: b-b-b-b-b-b-b-ut they are o.O
Kevin: don't mind them^^
Jade: Oh I like it rough, no worries there *Giggles* *Censored*
Sammie: Yep. Some of the best I've had actually
Lilith: Oh, were we supposed to count? *lost count a while ago*
Jazz: -Censored but you can probably guess ;)-
Alec: Change in rules, the one that stops killing first loses. *keeps killing while laughing like a maniac*
Kevin: Want a drink? *are in his own happy place*
Cole: just a nightmare just a nightmare just a nigh... o.O
Jade: *Censored, because you really don't wanna know, but can probably guess*
Sammie: Sure *Thankful she's in her own little bubble with someone who's not totally insane*
Lilith: *Cackles* All right *continues to slaughter the innocents*
Jazz: Keeps singing while doing -censured- and kissing deeply, Oops kissed the guy o.O ehm.. oh well a lip's a lip. Going back to kiss Jade.
Alec: HIHIHIHIHIHI (hi=japanese for fire and a funny laugh) *burns down a house*
Kevin: mm, wonderful ice cream ^^,
Jade: *Kisses Mark deeply while doing (censored) to Jazz's (censored)
Sammie: *Nods* Uh huh
Lilith: *runs down main street cackling as she kills people*
Jazz: -censored- to Jades -cencored- while Jade does -cencured-
Cole: what does those words mean? :o
Kevin: You'll know when your older, eat your pizza before it gets cold
Alec: I have fun *mad smile* Kill more kill more :D *like a child on christmas*
Jade: *moans, the does (censored) to Jazz*
Sammie: I don't think you'll be ready even when you are older
Lilith: *giggles as she beheads someone* I haven't been this happy in a long time
Jazz: *licks her -censored- touch her -censored-*
Kevin: Probably not.. .. *drinks a cup tea* That movie yesterday was really nice ^^
Cole: .... o.O
Alec: I'm getting away with murder xD
Jade: *arches back and starts (censored)*
Sammie: It was. *Plays with extra straw*
Lilith: Which is a great thing. For us. Them *eyes victims* not so much
Jazz: I think the other guy fell asleep.. oh well ^^ more for me -a lot of censored things-
Kevin: Wonder if they finnished soon... ... .. *remembers that it's Jazz and Alec his talking about* .. this can take a while
Cole: What can take a while o.O
Kevin: noooothin~
Alec: They should be happy ^^ when they die they won't feel any pain anymore :9 *kills another three people*
Jade: I think so too *CENSOED*
Sammie: Plus it's Jade She has Stamina. Lilith... well there's no stopping her
Lilith: *Humming Slaughter your world as she kills a family of five*
Jazz: Your awesome at this *doing -censored-*
Kevin: Yeah, Jazz has pretty much stamina to, and Alec... ... the only thing thats stop him is when theres no people left -_-'
Cole: what are you two talking about o.O
Alec: Yo, sweetie want to test my flamethrower? Hehehe xD
Jade: You're awesome too *doing (censored) to (censored)*
Sammie: *Nods* So either way this'll take a while
Lilith: Did you say...Flamethrower? Of course I would
Jazz: I will give you -censored- of your -censored- to your -censored- and after that we will -censored- If your up for it ;) -censored-
Kevin: Okay, can't ignore anymore T-T I CAN'T LIVE WITH YOU GUYS o.O ice cream sammie?
Alec: *gives Lilith the flamethrower and takes out a second one for himself* WOHOOO
Cole: I don't hear anything I don't hear anything I don't hear anything I don't hear... T-T