Insanity is a Lifestyle, and I'm Living it {Open for Applicants! Asylum Roleplay}

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Jazz: Sorry dude but you can't have my girl if you wan't to keep your balls ^^
Cole: Uhhh I'm scared :''''''''(
Kevin: no such words around a kid o.O

Cole: *runs and hide in a corner*

Is this some kind of warm up to the roleplay? xD hahha
Jade: *Hugs Jazz, starts kissing his neck*
Sammie: *Blush* Jade... Umm

I don't know, but it's fun
Luke: I'm with Lilith on this one! -raises a hand-
Mark: Fff- Fine, gods.. -sits down, waiting and watching-
Charles: ~sigh~ Mark, you really need to take some hormonal calming herbs or something..
Mark: Shuttup brainiac..
Dylan: Burrn~

This is very strange.. xD I'm not going to be like this in the actual rp of course, I'm only like this now because I'm so incredibly bored..
Jazz: *starts to undress both her and himself while kissing her deaply*
Cole: ...... ... I'm to young for this o.O HELP
Kevin: ... for the sake of God -_-' I'm leaving.. wait.. we're the same person o.O FUCK IT -_-'

I think we all are bored xD hahahha
Sam: *Walks out of her room to see Jade and Jazz* o.O *closes door slowly and backs away*
Mark: OH WHAT THE HELL MAN?! -stares in disbelief-
Charles: My point exactly..
Luke: Alright, that's it, people are gonna start dying soon if this damn thing doesn't start..
Scarr: ~sigh~ I hate waiting.. Also, Jazz and Jade, if you guys don't at LEAST tone it down a bit, I think Mark's gonna blow a fuse..~
Mark: -to both of them, pleadingly- Can we at least have a threesome or something?

Jazz: I can have a threesome, jump in ^^
Kevin: o.O close your eyes cole
Cole: *close eyes and runs under his bed*
Alec: ... I will freaking kill you all for using my body like this
Mark: Yes!! Finally!!~ -strips down and jumps over excitedly-
Charles: Naw, goddammit..
Luke: I'm just gonna go now.. -vanishes into thin air-
Dylan: Oh gods, what is he doing?!
Scarr: You don't wana know, kid.. You don't wana know..
Jade: I'm all for it
Sammie: ... O-o-oh dear. Why must you do this?
Lilith: Killing things, now there's an idea
Jazz: I have had fivesome before but the other four was girls, I have never had another guy in on it before. And I will probably not test it again. *keeps doing it anyway*
Kevin: I don't wanna know this -_-'
Cole: neighter do I T-T I barely even understand what they talking about, but somehow I don't wanna know either.
Alec: If I cut off you penis, will you stop torturing me then? *rage*
Mark: -ready and waiting, standing next to Jazz-
-everyone else is just in silent shock-
Scarr: .... NOPE NOT HAPPENING. -walks away, taking Mark with me-
Mark: OH COME ON!! -pissed flailing-
Luke: -slaughters anything I can catch in the forest-
I like how they ignore Sam completely xD. Like she is invisible or something. She's calmed down a lot over the 2 years she's been there so she's pretty normal, except for her extreme fear of men...her night terrors...and hallucinations.
Jade:*Grabs Mark* Nu-uh. He stays *Starts kissing Jazz again*
Sammie: Why are you doing this to me?!
Lilith: If I stab you, would that stop you?
Jazz: *cencured due to the mature content in Jazz's brain*
Kevin: Okay time to leave *Pulls cole with him*
Cole: o.O
Alec: Lillith, wanna go out and massacre a village? first to ten killed people wins... *needs to get rid of rage*
Luke: Only if I can join in with you guys.. I'd love to go on a good human hunt again..~
Charles: Oh, not that again, didn't you kill enough last time?!
Luke: There's no such thing as enough.. -glare-
Scarr: Mark, go have fun, I'm disbanding you from my mind for now because I do NOT want to be a part of that..
Damien: C-can I come out yet..? -fear-
Scarr: Only if you don't mind Luke killing people.
Jade:*hitches up skirt.* *Censored, because it's Jade and you don't wanna know*
Sammie: *goes to sit in a corner with a book* This cannot be happening
Lilith: Sounds fun. I'm all for it
Jazz: You can go, I stay here and keeping this lady ..and this.. guy?... company :D
Alec: Sure first to ten wins, you can use whichever weapon you want
Cole: we..we..weapon? o.O
Kevin: I'm not going to be a part of this, who wants to go and eat?
Luke: Then let the slaughter begin. -grins madly, letting two daggers slide out of my sleeves and into my hands-
Charles: What is wrong with him..?
Scarr: More than we'll ever know, Charles.. More than we'll ever know..
Dylan: Why do you keep saying things twice?~
Scarr: Because I can!!~
Mark: Ooh, dibs on her -rest of phrase censored for obvious reasons-!!~ -stares at it eagerly-
Alec: MOHHAHAHA *goes berserk on every woman, man and child he sees, with a sword*
Kevin: Pizza, my treat. *goes away from the scene*
Cole: B-b-b-b-but that..
Kevin: It's nothing don't mind them, they are just a bit crazy that's all. *pulls cole to the pizza*
Jazz: looks at *cencured* and her *cencured* uses his *cencured* and *Cencured*