Insane love

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Avis bit her lip and looked at the ground, she didn't want to meet his eyes. "I know... I just thought that you... didn't want me anymore", she said, not far away from crying. "I'm sorry", she said and looked at him. "I understand if you don't want me anymore, but you don't want it to put it that way. You know it would make me sad. I'm already sad though, so tell me the truth and let go of me", she said.
Maydon shook his head,
and kissed her cheek.
"Avis, I won't ever 'not' want you."
He grimly smiled.
"Yet, I'll have to leave you if you go home."
Avis took a deep breath and closer her eyes. "I don't want you to leave", she said confused, as if she wasn't sure of what she really wanted. "At least, I don't want to be alone", she said and opened her eyes.
Maydon nodded,
then asked,
"Will you come to Sans Francisco with me, Avis?"
He hoped she would say yes.
Everything would fit into place then.
Avis nodded. "Yes, of course", she said, hating the idea of being alone. She hugged him and sighed. "Thank you for letting me come with you, I don't know what I would do otherwise", she said.
Maydon smiled and wrapped his arms around her,
meeting her hug.
"We should leave now, if we want to get there before sunset."
He smiled sweetly again.
Yet, on the inside he was grinning.
His plan had worked.
She was willingly coming with him.
It was all working out perfectly.
"Lets hurry then", she said and let go of him. "You got everything we need, right?" she said, and glanced back at the hospital. "You got my meds, right? I'm not going back there, anyways", she said and looked around. "What about the car?" she asked.
Maydon pointed,
"I have the car over there,
the man from the restaurant
brought it, kind man he is."
He then took her hand and started walking forward.
"The doctor also gave me a bottle for one month of your medicine,
And a prescription slip, to get more."
Avis nodded slowly. "Good", she said, happy that he had thought of her. She looked at their hands together as they walked, she wasn't sure whether she should laugh or cry. She got in to the car and glanced at the window. "How long will it be till we're there?" she asked as Maydon opened the door.
Maydon thought for a moment,
"Well, maybe around two hours."
They weren't too far away from San Francisco.
"It'll probably feel like no time at all!
Don't worry about it."
Avis leaned her head towards the window and looked at the road as Maydon drove. She glanced at the sky and felt like opening the door to just fall out, but at the same time, she didn't want to, not at all. She felt safe inside the car with Maydon. She knew he would protect him. She glanced at him, her eyes being cold in a way, looking deep into the, they almost looked dead. "I kind of feel like dying", she said, pronouncing the words as if she was talking to a child who didn't speak that much English.
Maydon drove down the road.
The same speed was getting boring to him.
He wished they could get to Sans Francisco sooner.
He finally had Avis.
She was all his.
"I kind of feel like dying," She had said.
The words seemed slow and cautious.
He looked at her,
trying to compose his anger,
"What could you possibly mean by that?
Weren't we fighting for you to live at the hospital?"
(Thanks for telling me. Yes, I'd probably miss you if you hadn't told me. See you then!)

Avis looked at Maydon. He was right, what did she mean by that? What was wrong with her? She shook her head and looked out the window. She didn't know. "I don't know what to say", she said and sighed. "I'm just very emotional right now, don't worry about it", she said, but she didn't sound as carefree as before.
Maydon decided to keep a close eye on Avis from now on.
He wanted to keep her safe.
but she was all his.

((Omg yes I'm so happy!! :D))

Avis curled up and closed her eyes. She felt like she could really use some sleep, or at least some rest. It had been a rough day and she finally felt safe, so she could relax. "Wake me up when we get there, or whenever you like, if I fall asleep", she said in the middle of a yawn, glancing at him before closing her eyes.
Maydon glanced over at her.
She really was cute.
That's one of the reason he fell for her.
"Sure Avis," He smiled,
and kept on driving.
It had been a long drive, but finally they had reached Sans Francisco.
He decided to stop at the hotel first, since Avis would need the night's rest.
He nudged her shoulder,
Avis slowly opened her eyes, and at first she wasn't sure where she was. She looked at Maydon in a mixture of fear and calmness, almost panicking at the same time. "Maydon", she said, almost more like a question, or just to make sure that he was who he was. "Are we there?" she asked and looked out the window, and remembered what had happened. "A hotel?" she said confused and looked at Maydon. "What are we going to do here?" she asked and curled up a bit. "Can't we stay in the car?"
"We'll sleep of course
You're neck is going to get sore sleeping in the car,"
He said.
He had already gotten an apartment here,
but he wasn't sure If Avis would go along with it as well.
He'd have to slowly get her to willingly accept the idea of an apartment together.
"It's only for a few nights.
Staying in the car could also be very dangerous in a bustling city."
Avis bit her lip, unsure of if she was going to come with him or not. After thinking for a while she decided to come, he was right, it could be dangerous sleeping in the car. She got out of the car, closed the door and followed him inside.
"We're only going to be here for the night, right? Are we going to keep going then?" she asked.
Maydon nodded,
"Then we'll go."
He checked into the two bed room,
and took the bags up.
"I figured you'd be more comfortable that way,"
He explained.
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