Infinite Beginnings Academy (Magical Girl/boy Roleplay)

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The headmistress nodded seriously. She shot a small smile to Natalia, proud of her student for taking a role of responsibility. She turned on a projector that was on the stage of the gymnasium, and she used it to project a large picture of a man in a red hoodie with a gas mask on his face. "This is Selt Koge." The headmistress announced. "We do not know much about this man." The headmistress said with a frown. She wish she had more information for the students. "However, what we do know about him thus far is that he is a mercenary, and his next target is this school." She frowned even deeper. She wondered if the students would be up for the task. However, she figured that since it was only one man against many magical students, they would be fine. "Your mission is to defeat him in battle." She nodded. "Find him, defeat him. That is all." She walked away. The students already started to murmur among themselves.

Natalia was shocked and felt very unsure of herself. "How are we supposed to even find him?" she wondered out loud.
Duke turned to the group. "It seems we'll have to track him ourselves. Alex, You see what you can spot from the air. Keep in touch with your telekinesis. Nicola, you and Natalia will search the west, Me and Airi will search the East. If you guys find anything, contact Alex via telekinesis, and she will deliver the message to us. We will do the same. All clear?"
Outside of the school Selt Koge has located himself deeper in the forest. He checks his phone and closes it.

"Looks like i have been found out." He throws his hood over his head. "Agent Black: Shape: Selt Koge." He shot black fog out of his mouth and they slowly took his form. There were 4 clones of him. "Okay men, I am confident the headmistress will be sending her students to take me out and have the teachers hiding in the shadows watching and also take me out if i prove to dangerous. We know are plan, Steal a certain piece of information that the headmistresses her self has." He looked around the forest. "I also believe we might have some one on are tail right now."

(Any teachers for selt to kill that are not in use anymore.)
(Chad quit, do you think he would mind? I really don't know if we should be messing with his characters...)

Natalia nodded. She was ready to prove herself to the other students.
(Chad did drop so i think we can use Cornelius Browning.)

"Come on out rat, Face your death." Selt and his clones looked in the spot the interloper was hiding in.
(Welp, i'm done for the night...Good night, everyone!)
Airi transformed quickly and headed towards the east, watching everywhere she went.
"H-Hey! Wait for me!" Man that girl seriously seemed excited to get started. Duke ran after the girl, and transformed while running.

~Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room.~

"Hm. It seemes the game is beginning."

A hand reached out and placed four pieces on a chess board. He moved one black knight and three black pawns around a white bishop. He lifted the knight over the pawns, and knocked the bishop down with the knight.
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Selt walked out of a smoky cloud of his poison holding Cornelius by his head. He was banged up and injured. "Cornelius Browning, Well your were a very worthy opponent. The information you had was very useful too." He threw the body on the ground. "Agent Black: Shape: Selt Koge." He spewed his black fog and created 4 more clones. "Maybe i am taking this too light, If all these mentors are as strong as him, I might be killed." He threw his hood back up. "Men, Spread out."
Cure Heart blinked and waited for Duke to catch up. "Theres bad guys! Lets go!"
Im going to cover the sky right now. If I find him I will send you the message.
I will be connected to all of you, so if your in danger you need to send the message to me.
I will then forward the message to everyone.

Alex transforms along with her staff.
If it comes down to it, My dragon will show its true form, at that time you all
need to get as far as you can.

Alex then hovers up to the sky.
She then begins to touch her pearl eating that didn't disappear.
4 triangles surround one of her eyes, somewhat like a sniper scope.

We need to cover as much air as we can.
Duke searched for the target. Then in the distance he saw a body on the ground. "Airi!, follow me." He ran as fast as he could to the figure. He let out a gasp and fell to the ground beside him. It was Cornelius, He was badly beaten. Whoever they were after must have done this. This Selt was no laughing matter. He contacted Alex

Alex! Tell the Headmistress Cornelius is hurt badly outside the school, quick!
(i'm going wait for the message to be relayed to my character before I have the headmistress deal with it.)

Natalia started to glow a pale green, and her outfit transformed into one of a gypsy, except the outfit was completely white with black trim. She followed Cure Heart, thinking it was a good idea to at least stick in pairs. "Hey, wait up!" Natalia shouted. "Where are you going!?"

(Sorry, this is my only post for today...i'm exhausted!)
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"Hey guys, Wait up." A whirlwind whipped around and Nicola clothing transmuted and he now wore his military like uniform. He then followed Natalia and Cure on foot.
Natalia looked around carefully as she walked. She was unsettled and she had a bad feeling about this. Unfortunately, she was paying too close attention to the trees and not to where she was walking that she tripped over a root. She yelped and quickly stood up again. "S-sorry..." she muttered and continued to walk. She looked down, trying to hide her blushing because of her embarrassment.
"You alright, Come on your the leader in this party, Don't make a fool of you self." Nicola said playfully, He reached out his hand to help her up.
Airi followed Duke, but waited for Natalia and Nicola to catch up. When Natalia tripped, she went over to her. "Are you okay? That seemed bad." Airi looked worried.
She frowned slightly and refused his hand as she got up. "I'm fine, i'm fine..." She mumbled. She was obviously very embarrassed. "Airi, do you know where we are going? I think we're lost..." She said slowly. She didn't recognize this part of the woods.
Airi nodded and poibted ahead, to where the figure of Duke could be seen. She then ran in that direction
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