Infinite Beginnings Academy (Magical Girl/boy Roleplay)

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"Name's Duke. Poison, my specialty. I can incapacitate living material by touch. I have little experience in hand to hand combat though. However, I'd have no problem if someone just called being leader."
" Thank god they didn't call on me... "

Alex feels a evil aura behind her and feels some grab her head.

" Your going to make your mentor look bad... "

Mrs. Alane kicked her into the crowd.

" Now talk about yourself, or I'm going to break your neck... "

There was a silence in the Gymnasium. Alex took a few breaths and began to speak.

" My name is Alex Patreel. I specialize in Physic Magic and I am experienced with the history and weaknesses of magic. My magic abilities within Physic
includes Telekinesis, Energy Medicine, Retrocognition, Transvection, and finally Psychoscopy. I hope that my powers and knowledge are of somewhat
help. "
Airi watched the other kids as they spoke of their powers. She wasnt sure if she was supposed to speakmup or not til Setsuna nodded to her.

"I can transform and use attacks formed from light." Airi said.
"Well, Are power all seem to be very different, I decide i will play scout for this mission, I can get in and out easy with my speed." Nicola announced.

"You should try to go for leader as well, Embraces the strength of your ancestors who lead your tribe." Dyami whispered in his ear.

"No, I don't even know these people, i can't become leader out of nowhere." Nicola replied to Dyami.
There was narrow a call for leader. Duke spoke once more. "No one? Well then, I will assume the role of leader if there are no objections."
(( St O'possum your Villian application was approved, so you might want to star on a mentor ))

" I have no objections... I don't really care who the leader is.... "

" I can cover the sky or attack, either ones ok. "

(( Yay, I need to go to sleep! ( Sarcastic Voice ) ))
Airi shrugged as it seemed she was ignored. Sharuru huffed in indignation.
(Hey, are we still in need of more students? I could make one if necessary)
(Don't you already have a student?)

Natalia nodded. "W-would anyone object if I was second-in-charge? In case something happens to Duke...?" She flinched again, expecting everyone to yell at her about how they hated that idea.
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(Nope, oh and by the way I might be making a third character, i'm not sure if I will, though.)
( I usually keep to one character, because I can't keep with all the role-plays )
(Haha, yeah...I probably won't make another character. Anyways, would you guys mind responding to my character? o-o))
"I have no problem with it." Airi smiled encouragingly at Natalia
Natalia thought for a moment, then nodded firmly. She reminded you a little of the headmistress because of the stern look on her face. "Yes, I....I think I can do this!"

The headmistress rang the bell again, causing the students to become silent. "Have you chosen your leader, then?" she asked the group of students.
Nicola smiled, He was happy to see she was brimming with confidence. "Alright Then." He looked to the Headmistresses. "We have chosen Duke as are leader and Natalia as second in command."
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