Infinite Beginnings Academy (Magical Girl/boy Roleplay)

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The headmistress went to the gym, and Natalia followed her. Natalia wondered why they were going to the gym, but she stayed silent. The headmistress rang the school bell, which meant it was time for all the students to gather in the gym. She waited for all of them to enter, then said "Here at Infinite Beginnings Academy, we believe in learning by practice, not by reading from some book." Melanie wrinkled her nose at the thought of such a thing. "Today you will be getting your first mission, which means you will be sent to fight some sort of shadow or chaotic being that is tipping the scales between good and evil." She paused, letting that message sink in. What?! Natalia Freed thought to herself. But, its only our second day here, what on Earth can we know already?! Headmistress Everstein grinned as she saw the confusion and fear on the students' faces. "Now, go and talk to your fellow classmates and figure out who will lead you on this expedition. When you have chosen, talk to me." The headmistress nodded to Natalia and she joined the group of students who were already beginning to bicker among themselves over who would be the leader.

(HI! Sorry, I would have posted yesterday but I had no idea what to post @_@... So um, I would REALLY appreciate someone volunteering to roleplay the enemy...)
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(I'll play a villain if you need a new character. I voluntary Juda mastersen if you plan to have evil teachers, I believe we should also get more people into the role play (for bad guys) and does anyone else have a free spot for a villain. Lets get ideas going before we go on.)
(Do you think you would be able to get more people to join? o-o)
After breakfast, the two went out to practice. There they stood at the edge of the forest.

"Alright, now transform." Duke did as he was asked, and as soon as he opened his eyes he saw a trunk being hurled at him. He only barely dodged it

"Not bad reaction time." Eleanor was now dressed in sleeveless navy blue armor, with two gauntlets equipped.

"What the Hell!'

'Ah-ah-ah. Temper. Now..." The stump cycled round and she held it in her hand. I want you to decay this thing with your poison powers. They seem contact oriented, so you will get used to deflecting blows as well as activating your powers. Now, Once more!" She hurled the stump at full speed. Duke was prepared this time. He ducked under the stump and brought his open palm straight up, hitting it up. The stump changed course and landed on the ground, putrefied. "Well done. Now lets do that again. The two practiced this for a while.

"Good. Now, I do not want you to use your powers. Come at me." Eleanor planted herself on the ground. Duke ran at her full speed. However, before he could even do anything he found himself lifted in the air, then dropped on the ground.

"No fair, you're using your powers.'

"No I'm not. I just kept myself balanced. My fighting style might involve a lot of brute force, but that doesn't mean I am all punches. We will practice hand to hand combat later. But for now we are heading to the gym. Headmistress has an assignment or somethin'"

And so the two went to the gym.

"Alright, so who should be team leader? Duke asked the students(After they all arrived.)
(BTE i could play a bad guy, I have a few pictures for it.)
(Please talk about becoming villain in brainstorming chat. Thank you very much~)

( I was not able to find the IC, so if anyone has, or if it can someone please give it to me so I can place this post in its appropriate area. Also, If you are not accepting anymore, I will delete the post for your convenience )

Name: Alex Patreel

Sex: Female

Birth date/Age: 14

Normal Attire: A Black sweatshirt with a white undershirt and black tights. This includes accessories like a Green Tie, a pearl necklace and a pair or piercings.



Powers: She has psychic powers that are focused through a staff which is formed from her pet dragon.

How did you get your powers? Genetic

Physical attributes: This magical girl's deep-set eyes are the color of fresh green apples. Her medium-length, straight, thick hair is the color of obsidian, and is worn in a businesslike style. She has a slender figure.

Personality: Alex is a kind person to those who are in need. But she often doesn't make friends because they think she's weird.
She is a loving bookworm who gets very serious when mad, this is out of the ordinary from her normal cheerful attitude.
She doesn't mind getting violent if needed, but would rather like being peaceful. She ha sheen in love with music since a young age.

General History: Both of Alex's parents were killed when she was only 3. At that time she was brought into a orphanage.
When she was 12 they found out about her powers, they became afraid of her. 2 days after a letter was sent explaining to them about the Infinite Beginnings Academy. She walked up there all by herself. No one ever came with her.

How did you find out the academy's location? A letter that was sent from Infinite Beginnings Academy.

Mentor Character Sheet.


Name: Hannah Alane

Sex: Female

Birth date/Age: 22

Normal Attire: Is usually in ripped jeans and t-shirt

Costume: A Blue and Yellow elegant short dress. Somewhat looking like a French Maid Outfit

Powers: Light Magic which is focus through a staff

How did you get your powers? Genetics

Physical attributes: The has red hair a glistening red eyes. She is also very strong with a athletic body.

Personality: She has a low tempure and has small patience. But is very friendly to those who have been neglected and hurt.

General History: Hannah was born In England. Her mother and father were currently teachers at Infinite Beginnings Academy. At
that time she was taught how to use her magic. She graduated and was immediately pointed to the job of a mentor.

How did you find out the academy's location? From her parents.
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(Thank you for your application. I know some people may find this annoying, but this is both the thread for OOC and IC. Welcome to Infinite Beginnings Academy.)

Headmistress Everstein noticed a new arrival standing awkwardly at the front gates. She approached her and said "Alex Patreel, yes?" Before the girl got a chance to reply, the headmistress said "I am happy to see that you have received your letter. Before you can join your fellow students in the gym for the first mission, you must approach our famous Fairydeep Lake, which will show us your true power. Based on that information, I will be able to give you a mentor. Then, you may follow me to the gymnasium." She grabbed the girl's hand and led her to the lake. She let go of her hand and nodded, waiting for her to walk to the edge of the lake.
As Alexis was heading towards Bliss to start their first lesson, her cellphone began to buzz and she paused to answer it. Bliss wondered over, being the nosy little twerp that she was, to eavesdrop.
"Hailey?" Alexis gasped, surprised to hear her older sister's voice. "You want what? Why now?" She demanded, her voice rising with every word that she spoke. Noticing that her sudden loud exchange was getting attention she left the room, pulling Bliss along with her.
"Wha-You can't just--You left her in my custody!" Alexis snarled into the phone, interrupting whatever nonsense her sister was saying to her. "FINE THEN! WE'LL GO TO COURT!" She yelled, snapping her phone closed.

"What's going on? Who was that? What do you--" Bliss spluttered, looking utterly lost and confused.

"We have to leave right now, but I'll tell you on the way. Stay right here for a second." Alexis said, and jogged back into the dining hall only to find that the headmistress wasn't their, but after using her powers and connecting with the wind, she headed to the lake, where the headmistress was standing with a new student. "Professor Everstein, I'm terribly sorry to interrupt but something has come up and Bliss and I have to leave. I hope you understand." She said softly, her face grim.
( I don't mind, I to do that on different role-play websites )

Alex walk to the edge of the lake, she was quite nervous. Her palms were a bit sweaty and she was shaking quite a bit.
She took a final breath and calmed down. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a little girl in the Lake. Sitting down
in a ball. There was blood everywhere and everything was broken and shattered. Things were floating in the air, and they
wouldn't come down. At that moment she noticed a dark Female figure standing across the room holding a knife.
She reached her hand out, but she knew how it was going to end. The dark figured charged the girl, then it all faded away.
Alex put her hand down and looks down at her feet then looked back up.

" That was way to depressing! "

( Curse you doctor Phil for making me post late! )
The headmistress looked towards Alexis and gave her a firm nod. "May good luck guide you on your journey." She looked towards the lake and seemed a little shaken. "Your mentor shall be Miss Alane." She looked toward Miss Alane and said "Please guide your new student to the gymnasium and introduce her to the other students. I have some paperwork to attend to." She then walked away without another word.
Alex is taken to the gymnasium by her Mentor, Mrs. Alane. When she enters there are many
students, who looks like they are of very high class...
" So this is what its like to be with a lot of people "
After that she puts a sugar cube in her mouth, which came from a small bag she always
carries around.
Then Mrs. Alane ask a simple question.
" Hey Kid, why are you eating sugar cubes "
" Well, in order to replenish my magic ability, I need to fuel it, so I eat sweats that have a lot of sugar in them. "

Name: Airi Hiroko

Sex: Female

Birth date/Age: 14

Normal Attire: A light pink shirt with purple and white striped sleeves, a pink skirt with frills of pink & white, violet knee-high socks and white & pink colored shoes.

Costume: Her eye color changes to a lighter pink, while her hair color changes drastically from magenta to blonde, with two small buns on her head, a curly mullet below her head and one big ponytail behind it. She wears two pink heart-shaped earrings and white & pink colored accessories in her hair, also in heart shape, a small pink choker, pink arm warmers with magenta hearts on them and white & pink colored boots with magenta colored hearts on them as well. She has pink, white (and with a little light blue) colored dress with a magenta heart on her chest and a rose red colored ribbon on her pelvis. She also has a few frills under her dress and dark pink short-like pants underneath. On her right side hangs her Lovely Commune, (transformation device)

Powers: comes from her items, mostly light with heart motif

How did you get your powers?: Airi was walking home from school when she saw a monster attacking a pink bunny like creature. She ran over and stoodin front of the bunny, lecturing the monster to pick on someone their own size. As she was about to be attacked, the bunny changed into a cell phone like thing and told her to transform. Accepting the device, the words appeared in her head and she transformed into Cure Heart. She quickly purified the monster and changed back. The bunny, named Sharuru, explained that she was destined to help others.

Physical attributes: She is very fast and good at all sports.

Personality:She is a cheerful girl who is great at sports and studies. She is great at taking care of people, resolving conflicts, helping friends out with extracurricular activities, and solving problems. However, she often rushes into things before thinking it through. If there is any problem to resolve, she is very competent of resolving conflicts. She makes friends very quickly and thinks about other people first. Also, she is very courageous, as she heads straight into danger to help people without thinking.

General History: A normal girl with a big heart, Airi loves helping people out. Born and raised in Japan, Airi has never lived anywhere else. She helps out the family restaurant with her parents. After becoming Cure Heart, Airi told her parents who were both happy and worried. Sharuru told them about the academy, so her parents signed her up.

How did you find out the academy's location?: Sharuru told her about it.
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(Yay villians!)


Dante Aligadro



Normal Attire:
Princely attire

See amazing getup in image

Drone magic( He can create drones out of materials like plants, stone, ice and metal. He, has not actual control over these elements, and only can control the drones he makes. However, this feeds his tactics and chess obsession. The bigger and more powerful the drone, the more magic it takes to control it. Most of his magic actually is used in commanding his 'army')

How did he get his powers?:
His power is augmented by his rapier, but he got his powers from heredity, sword was inherited.

Physical Appearance:
Rather weak, and light blonde hair. Purple eyes

Dante is pretentious and arrogant. He thinks himself a genius, and, in fact, is one, making it all the more annoying. He is obsessed with chess, and despises loosing.
in battle, he will often make fifteen different drones. Eight pawns, two knights, two rooks, two bishops, and one queen. The king is himself.


The Aligadro family was once a great power in Europe, working behind the scenes in political matters since the Crusades. By the start of the 17th century, they were beginning to be forgotten, and their influence has been diminishing greatly, until by the 20th century, they were completely powerless. What happened, one may ask. Well the sudden loss of the family gift. Drone magic. However one boy, the bastard child of the second daughter, has been appointed Heir to the family, for having this ability. He was sent to school in his magic. However, his family never had a good reputation with Infinite Beginnings Academy.

(So, um hows this guy?)

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" Mrs. Patreel, we need to activate you powers before you meet up with the others for your mission. "

" Oh Ok.... "

Alex's pet baby dragon climbs out of her bucket and onto her hand and becomes a staff.
(( Referance Staff : ))

" Maybe I should of just said this before... but I really don't know how to transform "

" Just think of something that is like a moral. Your type of magic is Physic, so think about something like that "

Alex starts thinking about apples, somewhat like the symbol of life. Then she thinks of floating
small mirrors. Alex then transforms into a outfit that looks like a intelligent witch.

" Good, you successfully did it!"
" By the looks of it your powers are focused through a staff. Oh and how come that dragon isn't huge like regular ones. "

" Well its because he only grows big when I ask him to, and its easier to carry him like this! "

Alex changes back, along with her pet baby dragon. Mrs. Alane takes to a room with other students. There currently fighting
over who should be the leader. She then feeds a sugar cube to the small dragon.

" A mission, on the second day, thats a bit surprising. "
(Accepted. Welcome to Infinite Beginnings Academy, Chibichan!)
The headmistress, to her surprise, saw yet another girl standing at the gate. Hm... I wasn't expecting her for a few more days. The headmistress thought to herself. She sure got here quickly... She shook her head and walked up to the girl. " Airi Hiroko, yes? We were expecting you a bit later, but...well, it doesn't matter anyways." She tried to smile, but it turned into a grimace. She grabbed the girl's hand and led her to the lake. "See this lake? Well, it has a special...ability, if you would like to call it that. It can show people their true power. This is how I will be able to tell what power you have and what mentor you should have." Melanie nodded, thinking that it was a good enough of an explanation. "Please gaze into the depths of Fairydeep Lake."

Natalia looked at the other students and said "Well...who do you think should be the leader?" She flinched, expecting them to start to yell at her over who should be the leader of their little group.
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