In Love and War

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"Ok, boys out." the maid demanded as the butlers left and the maid turned to Fel again. "You should get that off while I grab you some cloths for you."
"o-okay." She manages to mutter and starts to take off what could only be called rags. standing there nake and shaking she waits for the maid to come back.
The maid comes back with a low-cut shirt and a mini skirt with some panties and a bra. "Sorry, this is all I can spare right now."
Takes the clothes and starts to get dressed, "don't worry it's fine, better than those." She nods over to the clothes.
"Ok, just hurry, I don't want to be caught with you." the maid said seeming to get a little anxious.
"Ok, now go go go go og." The maid said pushing Fel out of the room. "You stole that if your caught." After that the maid closed the door and Fel found herself outside,
Nods to the maid as she's pushed out, looking around she smiles, she was outside again. She needed to find Gil and fast but she had no idea where to start.
Gil ran up to her "I have been looking all over for you!" He hugged her. "I thought you would be locked up downstairs." He said with her in his arms.
Looks at him in shock, "Gil...." She mutters looking at him. "I-... I.. Gil..." She started to tremble in his arms and tears roll down her face to no sound.
"It's, ok. It's ok." He said holding her in his arms. "We have to go, the back is guarded heavily so lets try the front." He said walking to a door and slowly looking inside. His hand was still holding hers.
Follows after him wiping away her tears, "okay, im sorry you have to see me like this Gil." She mutters as they walk.
He pulled her in and raise up a hand. His sleeve fell down to revel a needle which he went to stick in her.
"Gil wha-" She dodges the needle and yanks free glaring at him. "What are you doing?!" she shouts as she steps back from him with her fists clenched and raised.
He tries again as a couple of guards run in. He smirks "Just go with it, I'm trying to trick the guards." he whispered.
"what? but Gil." She stops moving to talk and the needle strikes home on her arm. "AH!" she gasps and tries to pull it out.
He smiles as the chemical goes into her arm. It would make her pass out, "Sorry, but I'm not Gil."
"W-wha-" She didnt finish as she collapsed onto the ground. "No... gil?..." She looked up at him with hazed over eyes and grins, "hai gil" she mutters then her head drops limp and she passed out.
The guards pick her up and bring her to her doggy bed where she was given a new collar and chained. The twin laid on the bed and fell asleep just outside of her range.
Wakes up with a start and looks at him sleeping. A steady growl raised in her throat as she stood to hands and knees and walked out to the extent of her leash and glared at him. "WAKE UP!!" She shouts at him making him jump. She was done with this, she wasnt taking any more from him.