IN HER DYING EYES-the black embrace

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Several minutes later, they were all laughing, swapping stories and such. Turns out Alex had been in contact with armand since he was eleven. after learngint eh truth abotu great uncle armand, He decided to carry on the good work, became a muscician, toured a bit, but mostly helped int eh backalleys with some.. undercover justice.

" So this one vamp.. been aroudn MAYBE eight years.. walksup to me after a concert and says. "Your music makes me want to bang a hole in the floor and bury myself in it." so, like, i can see he's a fangbanger from a mile away... i smile at him, tell him I can bang a hole somewhere else, take him to my truck and slam his head in the door a few times. Bastard thought he was gettign laid, and instead winds up with a cuncussion that makes him even fugglier than before." Alex seemed to enjoy it, but it was rather odd humor.

" And?" armand said. " There's always a twisted aesops fables thing at the end of these stories.. what happened?" he said, drinking another swig of the sangria.

"Turns out he was an undercover agent for The local coven." he said, more silently now. " The guy reported what happened, and got demoted for approaching me in person." he laughed. "Moral of the story... nightlife in rapid is REAL interesting when your ME." he smiled.

" Good thing Ifreet's is neutral territory." he sighed, taking another rolling puff.

" So, Armand.. anya. i Got a sweet ride for yea my drummer is bringing in as we speak. california plates, legal, and A bill of sale. It'll cost you eighteen grand up front. and soem of that sweet sangria you keep in teh armored winecellar next tiem i see you." he said, sliding a set of keys to armand.

" heated seats..lots of.." he peered over at the round form of nastasia " lots of space..." he siad, peerign back at armand. " Theres fve hundred dollars int eh glove compartment for gas. you disappear here, i take the car you stole down to cheyenne, nobody knows where the hell your going. oh, there's a rigged minifridge int eh back with a bed too. A new model van, revamped in my cousins garage." he took another hit on his turn.

"So.. is it a deal?" he asked, looking at Anya before at Armand for approval.
Anastasia felt embarrassed as he had pointed out how much space they would need for her belly -just another reason she wanted to get rid of it. She felt so damn fat!. Before she could get mad she took another puff of hookah as she listened to the offer made by Armands nephew -it seemed like a pretty good deal considering the circumstances they were in

they needed the new ride, and they needed to disappear and most importantly at least to Anya,

they needed the space

she nodded after thinking it over a moment and then turning towards Armand

"To be honest.. this offer seems pretty legit" She confessed taking another puff

It was either that or be stranded out here as wanted fugitives and a stolen car

they would be fools not to accept the offer.
Armand chuckled at their enthusiasm.

"A saint as always Alex... Thank you." he said, shaking his nephews hand over the table witha sincere smile. they smoked for the next three hours on that hooka, drinking, smoking and carrying on about the most random things. Come closing time, Alex Went out back to meet witht eh guy bringing the van. business was done and when he came back in he handed armand the second set of keys.

" now, old friend.. vanish.. without a trace." he whispered, shaking his hand oncemore, he nodded to Anastasia. " Good to meet you, Anastasia. and.." he looked over armand, chuckling. " Good luck.. you'll need it with this crazy bastard."

Armand shot him a wry look of mock irritation. " Oh, buzz of, Alex." he laughed. The van was an inconspicuous generic blue with a white stripe down both sides and chromed decals. good upkeep, a few scratches in the paint. altogether a STEAL of a deal... and it was legal. Armand looked at anya, took her hand and lead her intot he back.

"Are you tired?" he asked, closing the backdoors behind them and turnign on the light inside. the windows had blackout slated shades.... it was perfect.
Anastasia looked around at the interior of the van and she had to admit, it was nice. She knew it was going to be a good deal, even if the van didnt look good -anything would have been better than riding around in a stolen vehicle.

She heard Armand ask her if she was tired, but she didnt answer him until a moment or to later as she examined the van, making sure all the windows were closed and they couldnt be seen inside -she was just a little paranoid considering the situation, before turning towards him with a smile

"A little -nothing serious, why? are you tired?" she asked, leaning towards him with her eyes squinted in mock suspicion as she waited for an answer.
"Mentally.. yes, physically.. I'm good." he chuckled a little, Getting up into the drivers seat and starting up the vehicle. It had a nice radio a GPS location device adn several other gadgets.

" Gods alive, Did my nephew bribe the mob for this van?" he said. " Jee-zuz, it has Nos!" he laughed. He started up the roaring engine and smiled back at Anya.

" Get comfy. We're going halfway before we rest." He said.
Anastasia smirked at his words but did exactly that, climbing into the passengers seat and leaning it back, putting a pillow behind her bed and some blankets that were in the back when they got there

His nephew had indeed taken care of them.

"Halfway?.. and your rested for that I suppose.. but before we get to our destination I expect you to explain to me whats

the difference between a dhamphire and a vampire.. it doesnt have to be now just whenever you get the chance..

I guess one of the differences would be that you dont need blood -you prefer food instead?"
As teh van rolled out of the city to the west, Armand let go a sigh and gathered his thoughts.

" A dhanphire is a half-vampire. Still living, but with the powers of a vampire. Still vampiric and hard to kill, but with the capabilities of any normal human. Most embrace one side or another of the spectrum, But i prefer to stay in the middle myself." Armands voice sounded like a teachers. he had rattled off these facts before.

" My story is complicated. but in the 1400's,NOTHIGN was what it seemed." he spoke. the forest opened up before them crossign paths with wineries, tourist traps, rock shops and a lumber yard.
It seemed Armand always spoke in riddles it seems -sometimes it was confusing, however none the less she nodded listening to him explain as if he had spoken about this before which he probably had"

She watched as they made their way through the forest -it was too dark to appreciate its beauty, but she stared anyways

"Nothing was what it seemed?... and the middle? your practically human.. I dont think I can say that Ive ever seen you drink anyone's blood..

but I suppose thats a good thing.. so when you bite someone, they come half a vampire too? or whole?"
"I wouldn't know." He said simply. " I have never Bitten anyone with the intent of turning them. it takes a conscious effort you know, It's not some satan fueld disease." he breathed out slowly and turned the radio on low for background noise.

"So my turn... What do YOU think is goign on with you? I'm out of speculations honestly." He said, feeling rather defeated. He had to know as soon as possible why she was changeing, and why ( most importantly) she was still puffy.
Anastasia thought about this for a moment, his question that is. She had no idea how to answer it -how was she supposed to know what was going on with her?.. it made her think deeply.

"I think... it has to be something wrong with your virus because as much as you dont want to admit it I am 99.9999999% sure that if you would not have injected that virus I wouldn't have wings coming out of my back and eyes turning these different colors..this belly.. Im going to share with you that the hips and breasts and even the wings and eye color can stay.. but as a woman I am protesting against this belly.. Im not going to adjust to it at all -we have to find a cure!" She knew she sounded very shallow, but it was true. She took pride in her appearance.

"I think my body just reacted wrong.. weren't you saying something about a fertility goddess? maybe Im turning into her." She added nonchalantly, snacking on some of the chips she got from hookah.
"Yes. the virus was made useing the primordial ooze from Gaia herself. I used LIFe to destroy DEAth you see... well. that's the plan, we'll see how that works out after the military gets out of my castle." he huffed.

" you reacted wrong.. yes thats quite possible actually. THe human variable is very hard to .. how shoudl i say.PING." he smiled a little.

" So long as you don't get any bigger, i think we can manage for awhile, but a outright cure for you might not be simple. We'll need an ultrasound and several other tests. possibly an x-ray too. I will have to set things up once we get to california."

Armand sat back in his chair a little and sighed, driving around the bend. they came to a series of sharp turns and ups and downs. "hells canyon... can't imagien why they call it that."
Anastasia tightened her seat belt as they entered the canyon and such, driving never fazed her but this place made her feel a little nervous. She cleared her throat however, sucked it up and tried think of something else "yeah, I hope its just dead weight from the virus -hopefully it wont grow... also as long as you try Thats all I can ask about fixing it" She shrugged nonchalantly "If all else fails Ill just go get lypo" She joked -but she was also serious.
"Until then the situation is you going to be a father..well the lie" She concluded blushing and letting her gaze fall outside the the canyon.

"I can think of a few reasons they might call it that" She grumbled, sitting back in her seat and sighing. Hopefully they wouldn't be in it much longer. "I wonder if Im immortal now too -or if im still human" she wondered out loud to herself.
"Speculations aside, I think we know too little to go much further. but i think it is safe to say you are somethign..hmmm RESEMBLING immortal. not like we are going to test that, but hey, gives you somethign to pay attention to next time you get a cut or other injury." He sighed, yawning. " Man i hate driving at night..t he white line always makes me sleepy. Might have to stop int eh next town for snacks and caffeine." he said to her, staring att eh road as it began to even out and they came to their last curve.

"ah... thats better. smoothe praries ahead." he smiled, already feeling improved and mroe alert.
"OR.. maybe instead of doping yourself up with caffeine, maybe we should just break and sleep.. all that coffee is not good for you, immortal or not" She said with a laugh, though she was being very serious. She didn't want Armand to pass out on the road, especially any more like the on they had just gotten off of, though she had to admit she was very relieved with that.

"Its getting pretty damn cold out here -dont you think?" She mumbled, before reaching down and turning up the heat.

Indeed it was, it seem the weather had gone from chilly to worse in a matter of seconds to her, or maybe it was just her all together.
"True enough, but we have to get at least a state away before we can rest." he sighed, thinking. " Beign only a town away from the location of a stolen car is not good for our health." he sighed. Indeed she was feelign cold. It was lack of energy hittign her. armand cranked up the Heater and several minutes later it still would not feel like enough. whatever changes where affectign her body were not through with her, though the latest effects where most definitely not as harsh as the physical ones she had already endured so bravely.
Anastasia sighed at his defiance "Fair enough" She concluded and began staring out the window, only for her eyes to peer closer, not sure if she was seeing correctly "... dont you see that?" She asked him, sitting up a bit with her mouth slightly parted, as she squinted closer, she could make out a man, and then -as if she had used up whatever energy she had left it seemed her vision doubled, and in fact it was a man -immediately she turned to Armand, a frightened look on her face

"Just up ahead.. there's a man in the middle of the rode just standing there.. STOP"
What?... what are you talkign about?" Armand said, starign betweent eh road and Anastasia.. what was going on. the middle of the road between the wyomign border and nowhere, south dakota? HE began to slow down, still not seeing anything.
Just then, and out of the blue, a man stepped in the headlights, he was poised and placid, his skin pale and his dark locks barely touching his shoulders.. but enough to cover his eyes, had appeared. As the car slowed the man smirked, and began pacing towards Armand's window

"I think it's time to stop lingering in the shadows, and finally surface. I have been meaning to reveal myself to you both, and with your fickle schedule -- I think this is the best way I can capture your attention." he introduced, cradling an incredibly charming smile across his face.

"My name is Lestat"

Anastasia looked at the man wide eyed -she felt a different aura surround him, one she wasn't familiar with at all, yet at the same time she was.

"Your not human... "

Lestat lowered his gaze and nodded once, before looking back at her, and then letting his eyes travel over her stomach before back at Armand

"Not at all."

Again silence, before she gathered the courage to speak again, she knew exactly the aura that surrounded him, the same that she could sense with Armand ever since her transformation.


This made the man gaze back in her direction "May I join you all? I have much to explain"
Armand screeched the vehicle to a halt infront of the man. as he paused, his eye twitched upon seeing the man.

"...a.....ah....excuse me..?" He stuttered, watching Lestat. he was a well read man, and considering Armand was turned in 1472, and lestat in around 1420, He was armands elder by only fifty years. he sniffed the air as the backdoor to the van opened, eyes still fixed on the blank space Lestat had previously occupied.

Armand snapped out of his confusion, a little bit of his spanish noble coming out in a sudden outburst.

Armadn sniffed the air, starting forward again. " I smel.. * sniff*.. french..."
Everything going on around Anastasia was confusing her greatly -how had the gone from driving alone on the high way, talking about the virus to this man appearing from now where, now in their van as if he belonged there all along. She glared at Armand, one that said 'why the hell are we doing this?'

However her train of thought was rendered as she listened to Lestat


He spoke bluntly, answering Armand's assumptions and then smelling the air quietly and noticed.

"and for you.. Spaniard " He concluded.

Anastasia then cleared her throat, looking from Armand to Lestat and then back up ahead, rubbing her stomach as Lestat continued

"... I imagine you all must have some questions for me at this point, I also have questions.. my first is: Armand, how long until we reach California?"

His voice curious and steady