IN HER DYING EYES-the black embrace

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Armand looked at her obvious discomfort and rummaged around for somethgin to make the ride easier. " I found two pillows and a mexican blanket." he said, poking his head back in and giving them to her.

" Well, it doesn't seem your body has grown anymore, thats a good thing, however.. the vibes your body is putting aoff are... strange. nothing I am familiar with." he added. sitting there with the doors open. a gentle cool breeze came in and caressed her aching skin.
She smiled as the breeze soothed her -along with Armands voice and sighed snuggling with the blanket

"Armand you should let your seat down so you can also rest" She said after a few moments, smiling and reaching for his arm

taking his hand -it was a bold move

but she had to say she was grateful for him being here for her and with thought in mind she parted her lips

".....thank you for everything"
"I wish i could give you more.. when we get to california i must call enreon to see what has happened..." he sighed. " I woudl be lyign if i said i was not worried a bit.. yes.. sleep sounds.. good." he said, lettignt he seat by her legs down, he closed up teh car and pulled hsi coat around his front, laying ahand on her belly, he reached for her hand and smiled at her.

" I have to say, Anya.. I woudl have hated to make this journey alone." he smiled.
Anastasia blushed -his words always made her blush so she didnt fee indifferent about this.

"I have to say Im slightly worried about Gaia as well.. and Armand -really you've done enough.. your still with me right?

we are still doing this together right? and your taking me to a place I have always wanted to be right?... you will

never have to worry about making another Journey alone.. I love you Armand"

The words flowed like water from her mouth. They were so fluent

and it was that fluency -and the skipping of her heart beat that made her realize the statement was beyond true.
"'Well.. took long enough for one of us to say it." Armand smiled, he shifted so he could see her better. so he could stare into those Violet, mystical eyes of hers.

"Rest. We'll nbe In california drinking wine and eatign oranges by nightfall tommorow." he promised Her. his hand on hers.

It was then the Anastasia woudl feel it. that undeniable movement within her innermost self. that bulge inside her stomach that told her there was someTHING not just something inside her.
Anastasia felt it, it made her scared.

She took a deep breath and looked at Armand, her smile fading

"Did.. did you feel that??" she asked him as she sat up a little, trying not to panic

"Armand ... theres something inside me.. I can just feel it... -literally" She concluded,

combing her fingers through her hair

"... I dont know.. its making me nervous and I know theres nothing we can do about it but..

its -something is definitely in there" She concluded with a nod before resting her head back down on the

Armadn pressed his hand more firm on her stomach then withdrew it. sure enough, somethgin was wiggling inside. it was strange though, less of a kick or other expected movement and more of a .. a wriggle. a squirm, like somethgin serpentine. The dhamphire instantly put it out of his head and tried to sleep.

"I am gettign ahold of some friends as soon as we get there... remind of that, will you?" he asked, his thoughts fitful... what bizarre twist of magic had done this to her?

Had his virus made her seceptable to something.. sinister?
Anastasie shifted slightly, trying to put it out of her head as well,

"Okay... Ill be sure to" She promised -as she closed her eyes

tightly and tried to sleep though it was hard -for her stomach kept bothering her.

However she was afraid of the dark slightly -and wanted to beat the night to sleep.

Knowing Armand was there however, made her feel a bit more at ease then she would have been alone.

and sure enough as the sun set gradually so did her train of thought, leading her into

the a sleep
By morning, the smell of gas station nachoes and Citrus soda would hit her nose, the Vehicle already speeding down a nusy interstate road and the radio on very low tot eh classical music channel. to add to teh surreal events of the past few days, of all things, a string and piano version of 'toccata and fugue' the classic creepy pipep organ theme of all time was playing and armand.. was humming along., munching on a breakfast sandwich and 7UP.
Anastasia yawned, stretching her arms and then sitting up and blinking a few times, wiping her eyes. "Good morning" She finally said after a second or adjusting her eyes to the light and such.

She then raised an eyebrow at the choice of music that Armand was listening to.

"Armand... this is.. creepy -im expecting you to back hear and bite my neck any moment now" She concluded

with a small giggle before leaning forward between the two seats and leaning her head on his shoulder

"How long have we been driving?"
He chuckled a littel at that, lookign at her from beneath his red sunglasses. "Hey, I could bite you.. if you wanted me too..." HE said, licking his lips.

"We've been driving for three hours." he responded, making a quick transition to the left lane. " I bought a few things on our way through North dakota. The border was no trouble at 6 a.m. with a pregnant girl sleeping in teh back." he smiled a bit then.

" We'll be in Wyoming in a few hours. The prairie is beautiful this time of year." he smiled. " or.. we can divert into South dakota. Rapid city has a good sized mall, and i figured you'de like some new clothing and.. maybe some other things." he smiled, handing her a credit card.

" I doubt you can max it out." he seemed to know just what to say.
Anastasia blushed at Armand's words about biting her -she couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. "You can bite me.. I wouldn't stop you.." She played along, smirking and looking at her surroundings.

"Im glad I could be of some assistance at the border" She answered with a smile before nodding at his options between Wyoming and South Dakota.

"As much as I love nature and everything I could really use some new clothes -as you can see im practically bursting out of these"

She said with rolling of her eyes in mock annoyance.

She then looked down at the credit card in her hands now, blinking a few times at it. "I wouldn't want to max out your card Armand -that would be

inconsiderate -your so sweet " She laughed lightly

It seemed they had been flirting a lot lately and she wondered what to even call there relationship by now..
" so love..." he began. " Rushmore mall it is... great place. nice orange julius stand." He smiled. " One of my sisters relatives lives there." he smiled.

"Last i saw him he was a boy but, He'd be around.. 22 now." Armand said. " I like to keep track of my family. even if i am great great great uncle Armand." he chuckled.

The badlands gave way to mountains minutes later.

" Hungry? It's not much, and we'll eat at teh mall too but i figured you coudl use some breakfast." he said, pointing to an odd assortment of goodies on teh passengers side seat.
Anastasia gratefully picked out a bag of chips and began eating "Thanks.." She added before continuing.

"Armand.. you are just so old aren't you?"

She joked, taking a sip of soda and giggling a bit.

"I guess I just.. have a thing for older guys.. hmph.. who knew?" She concluded with a shrug and and sarcasm

intertwined in the nonchalance of her statement.

"No but really.. its nice you keep up with your family -family is everything"

She concluded with a nod as if to agree with herself -knowing her own family values and such.
Armand smiled a bit as they made their way through a valley. He didn't say much the rest of the trip before they pulled in to teh rushmore mall, a great big place with several large stores as main entrances, J.C. Penneys, Target, Sears, And Herbergers, then inside were all the amenities of a plush mall.

"So.. like i said, that card has no limit. but take in mind we have a small stolen vehicle." he said, smirking at her. He got out and popped the drivers side seat forward, moving his hadn to help the burdened woman out of the tiny backseat.

" Then again.. I might .. hmm... Shoudl i try to contact my nephew for a more.. legal and permanent ride?"
Anastasia had almost forgotten that they had even stolen the car but it was true, she was sure

whoever owned the vehicle would surely notice by now it was missing -perhaps longer ago than this

and they needed to ditch it.

She nodded her head almost automatically at his proposal "The last thing we want, with the CSI on our tracks is a stolen car also"

She motioned then towards the mall.

"I cant wait to get into something more comfortable" She really couldnt -it seemed she had been uncomfortable a long time

she just hoped this stomach might subside soon..
Armand helped her out, closed the car, sprayed ammonia on his seat and the backseat from a bottle he was carrying, and rubbed off the steerign wheel. h e then took out eight hundred dollars frm his wallet and set it on the seat in an envelope he had written the words " Sorry for the trouble" on.

He walked inot J.C. Penneys with her, the mall was on it's usual hustle and bustle, it being a weekday, only certain people where here. no anoying teenagers, no parents hurrying to get a replacement something.

Arman dmade his way to the mens clothes, nodding to her.

"meet me at The place BY target called KNIFEWORX" he smiled, leaving her to do her own shopping.

Once out of sight and earshot from her, he took out his phone, searching through the contacts list.

"hey, miho! this is Armand, I've gotten myself into a bit of a problem. i had some unexpected guests back home, and i left them in enreon's hands. i and a .. guest are at the rushmore mall.. its friday, so i figured you might be able to get off work early and pay me a visit... i can pay for lunch and the gas if you like too.. we'll be in knifeworx or the foodcourt. adios, amigo. your GRAND..."

armand hung up the phone after leaving the message. he hoped the kid would understand all the hidden meanings in the words. he sighed and smiled at some passersby. "hmm perhpas i should switch into a suite... at least a new overcoat for now." he said, making his way throuhg the store.
Anastasia had descended into a store called ' Four 2 Nine' which was a shop that basically sold cute comfortable wear for women four to nine months pregnant. Just as she entered she felt a sudden shift deep inside her, this let her know that something was definitely in there.. and gave her the confidence she needed to go inside and pretend that she was pregnant with an actual human life despite other things that could probably be living in her now.

"Hello, how many months are you?.. you look really good" One of the employees who was pregnant herself and looked as though she would pop any moment exclaimed as she rubbed Anastasia's belly out of no where.

Anastasia thought about her question a moment, and then looked down to the woman's hand which had been sense left her belly -only there for a brief moment, but it felt as though she could still feel her hand there. A burning sensation where the woman's hand once was.

What could that mean?

She blinked twice, snapping back to reality and giving off a fake smile to the woman which looked pretty genuine."I am 5 and a half months... Im so

excited I cant wait -and thank you" She told the lady as the retailer looked over her as if deciphering a code.

She then smiled brightly -as if she had just had an epiphany and took Anastasia's hand "I think turquoise.. would look beautiful on you"
Despite the fact she was obviously larger than the woman ready to pop, it seemed her explanation was good enough for everyone. Anastasia woudl find in her presence people jsut seemed to be more.. happy. and any attention to that stomach of hers left that strange burning, warm sensation. Like a part of that person stayed with her for several minutes after contact. Armand found what he was looking fro and walked past her, unseen, smiling. he made his way to the Western clothing store, then.. most notably of all, to knifeworx. a sword and knife shop where he could purchase a good weapon.. or five or six.

"Ah Mr. sean.. my nephew alex told me to drop by. i believe you know him well." He began, waltzing in like he owned the place.

" oh.. the solis boy, yeah he buys part of our new stock every few weeks." he said as armand went around the store, searching for something worthwhile...
Just a short while longer she had decided on a dress picked out by the woman who was pregnant and had greeted her when she first walked in.

Her name was Delilah and she was very polite -but honest.

Showing Anastasia what would look good and what woundnt. Finally they both decided on a pink based semi short sundress-with all sorts of other colors mixed in -when Anastasia walked out Delilah's face lit up in approvement.

She walked around Anastasia nodding and smiling "Your shape is very curvy -besides your stomach your top half is small and your hips wide.. this

dress not only embraces the beauty of motherhood, but also braces your beauty over all as well."


Anastasia turned around towards the mirror -admiring herself. She had to admit the dress was flattering. -Also bringing out her eye color which Delilah had probably figured was contacts.

She soon felt a cold fingers slide slowly up her back, making her twinge in slight pain as she turned swiftly to face the lady

"Oh.. Im sorry love -those scars look very interesting -surgery?" She asked curiously as Anastasia suddenly remembered this dress did show her

back and so the slits where her wings were would be revealed

she was relieved they only looked like scars though.

"Um.. yes.. back surgery a while back" She concluded with a nod.

Delilah returned her nod with one of her own, crossing her arms as she began bringing other things Anastasia and her had liked and bringing

them to the front "Yes.. scars can be pretty life changing -I have a few also from my sea-section of my last baby.. us as women

are bound to hate those sort of blemishes but I promise.. once you see your baby it will all be worth it"

Delilah beamed as she reached down, pulling the tag off of Anastasia so she wouldn't have to change back and just ringing it up before

throwing it out.

Anastasia could only sit quietly and wish that was the case but honestly, she didn't know what was going on inside of her.