Illusion Game II: School Daze

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Continued from here.

"Chop Till You Drop"





Once all the votes were submitted, some of you having waited until the 30 minutes were almost up, the Ambidex Gates of your booths opened up, allowing you all back into the hall. The television screens displayed a graphic announcing the results--

Annette|Ilse - BETRAY - +-0
Anna|Adrian - BETRAY - +-0


Umeko|Avia -- BETRAY -- +3
Tom|LuAnn -- ALLY -- -2


Viviette|Yui -- BETRAY -- +-0
Michelle|Aaron|Jason -- BETRAY -- +-0


Kei|Bryan -- BETRAY -- +3
James|Thaneo|Scott -- ALLY -- -2


Logan|Kisho -- BETRAY -- +-0
Simon|Jake -- BETRAY -- +-0

... How odd. There were so many betrays this time! Upon seeing the results, Jake cried out in anger, "That's not true! We hit ally!"

"... Not all of you have managed to stay above 0 BP," said the Overseer in spite of this reversal of votes. LuAnn and Thaneo's bracelets displayed a skull, and both faculty members were injected with the knockout drug. Being closer to Luann, Jake ran to catch the woman as she began to collapse to the floor. "No... No, not again!" Jake's heart skipped a beat as Thaneo then collapsed as well. Jake knew what he had to do-- After observing the drug's effects on Anouk and Kumiko, there was only one solution he could see.

"I have to cut the bracelet off!" he screamed. LuAnn weakly nodded in agreement before she was out cold completely. Jake pointed to Thaneo. "Help me get them to the classroom kitchen! We only have nine minutes!" Troy nodded and ran to help Jake carry LuAnn.

As this chaos occurred, the Overseer continued, "Those of you who received immunity this round will no longer have it. Remember, seek a number 7. Seek a number 9. Seek a number 1."

LuAnn and Thaneo only had nine minutes to live.


Using the keycard you acquired, you will have access to three new doors. The number 9 door is placed at the green spot on the map. The number 1 door is placed at the orange spot on the map. The number 7 door is placed at the pink spot on the map.

@The Tactician as Kisho Taniyama [Computer Applications and Programming Teacher] 3 BP
@TheColourlessRainbow as Bryan Stark [Student] 6 BP
@BarrenThin as Logan Wilson [Physical Education Teacher] 3 BP
@TheBombMan as Umeko Moe [Student] 8 BP

@Mirage as Kumiko Kurumi [Student] ELIMINATED
@Hospes as Viviette Anya Stark [Student] 6 BP
@york as Avia Taniyama [Physical Education Teacher] 8 BP

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Minori Chihara [Student] ELIMINATED
@Emperor of Gallifrey as Jason "Jay" Cortez Wilson [Student] 7 BP
@Gummi Bunnies as James Lancaster [Student] 3 BP
@Mighty Roman as Simon Black [Student] 10 BP
@DapperDogman as Kei Eba [Student] 12 BP
@Jeremi as LuAnn Lewis [Home Economics Teacher] ELIMINATED
@FireDrake150 as Scott Miller [Communications Technology Teacher] 6 BP
@Josh M as Annette De La Rose [Guidance Counselor] 1 BP
@Wedge Antilles as Tom Swanson [Student] 3 BP
@Mari as Anna Collins [Student] 3 BP
@Dinoteen as Thaneo Tesseract [Head Cafeteria Boss] ELIMINATED
@The Silver Paladin as Aaron White [Student] 5 BP

@Nassi as Anouk Cross [Student] ELIMINATED
@Meira as Meira Franz [Student] MARKED FOR DEATH
@theryanjake11 as Takuro Kennedy [Student] MARKED FOR DEATH

@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Adrian Jacobs [Student] 5 BP
@Proxymoron as Ilse Althaus Brandt [Student] 4 BP
@Thuro Pendragon as Michelle Kile [Student] 3 BP
@TheBlueBurch as Yui [Student] 5 BP

@Brother Gabriel as Jacky Robertson [Student] NON-PLAYER
Viviette was terrified to see that her vote had been reversed.. But glad that the other team was fine. However, the same couldn't be said for the others... She ran, tears pooling in her eyes.

More death.

Not wanting to deal with faking being the scared girl from before, she made a b-line for door 1.

Kei smiles and takes the hand, shaking it with a happy chuckle, opening his mouth to speak "I'm K-" he coughs and stands, looking at the other group and then his bracelet "That asshole..." he sighs and shakes his head "That means they tried to betray us..." he scowls at them and takes several deep breaths "I bet James is behind that choice...he was trying to vote for me last time...seems it came back to bite him on the ass"

He tuns back to the male and sighs "Name's Kei...before I get interrupted again"

He shakes his head as he heads for Door 9

Better to be in the largest group possible...he needed to be watched, after all, to ensure he didn't hurt anyone

"Didn't we choose ally?" Kisho muttered as he exited the booth. Whatever, Avia choose betray so I won't beat myself up over it. Looking to find Avia wherever she was, he headed towards the room she had been in. Hopefully she would still be there so they could head to door seven.

@Atomyk @BarrenThin @york
Continued from here.

"Chop Till You Drop"





Once all the votes were submitted, some of you having waited until the 30 minutes were almost up, the Ambidex Gates of your booths opened up, allowing you all back into the hall. The television screens displayed a graphic announcing the results--

Annette|Ilse - BETRAY - +-0
Anna|Adrian - BETRAY - +-0


Umeko|Avia -- BETRAY -- +3
Tom|LuAnn -- ALLY -- -2


Viviette|Yui -- BETRAY -- +-0
Michelle|Aaron|Jason -- BETRAY -- +-0


Kei|Bryan -- BETRAY -- +3
James|Thaneo|Scott -- ALLY -- -2


Logan|Kisho -- BETRAY -- +-0
Simon|Jake -- BETRAY -- +-0

... How odd. There were so many betrays this time! Upon seeing the results, Jake cried out in anger, "That's not true! We hit ally!"

"... Not all of you have managed to stay above 0 BP," said the Overseer in spite of this reversal of votes. LuAnn and Thaneo's bracelets displayed a skull, and both faculty members were injected with the knockout drug. Being closer to Luann, Jake ran to catch the woman as she began to collapse to the floor. "No... No, not again!" Jake's heart skipped a beat as Thaneo then collapsed as well. Jake knew what he had to do-- After observing the drug's effects on Anouk and Kumiko, there was only one solution he could see.

"I have to cut the bracelet off!" he screamed. LuAnn weakly nodded in agreement before she was out cold completely. Jake pointed to Thaneo. "Help me get them to the classroom kitchen! We only have nine minutes!" Troy nodded and ran to help Jake carry LuAnn.

As this chaos occurred, the Overseer continued, "Those of you who received immunity this round will no longer have it. Remember, seek a number 7. Seek a number 9. Seek a number 1."

LuAnn and Thaneo only had nine minutes to live.


Using the keycard you acquired, you will have access to three new doors. The number 9 door is placed at the green spot on the map. The number 1 door is placed at the orange spot on the map. The number 7 door is placed at the pink spot on the map.

@The Tactician as Kisho Taniyama [Computer Applications and Programming Teacher] 3 BP
@TheColourlessRainbow as Bryan Stark [Student] 6 BP
@BarrenThin as Logan Wilson [Physical Education Teacher] 3 BP
@TheBombMan as Umeko Moe [Student] 8 BP

@Mirage as Kumiko Kurumi [Student] ELIMINATED
@Hospes as Viviette Anya Stark [Student] 6 BP
@york as Avia Taniyama [Physical Education Teacher] 8 BP

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Minori Chihara [Student] ELIMINATED
@Emperor of Gallifrey as Jason "Jay" Cortez Wilson [Student] 7 BP
@Gummi Bunnies as James Lancaster [Student] 3 BP
@Mighty Roman as Simon Black [Student] 10 BP
@DapperDogman as Kei Eba [Student] 12 BP
@Jeremi as LuAnn Lewis [Home Economics Teacher] ELIMINATED
@FireDrake150 as Scott Miller [Communications Technology Teacher] 6 BP
@Josh M as Annette De La Rose [Guidance Counselor] 1 BP
@Wedge Antilles as Tom Swanson [Student] 3 BP
@Mari as Anna Collins [Student] 3 BP
@Dinoteen as Thaneo Tesseract [Head Cafeteria Boss] ELIMINATED
@The Silver Paladin as Aaron White [Student] 5 BP

@Nassi as Anouk Cross [Student] ELIMINATED
@Meira as Meira Franz [Student] MARKED FOR DEATH
@theryanjake11 as Takuro Kennedy [Student] MARKED FOR DEATH

@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Adrian Jacobs [Student] 5 BP
@Proxymoron as Ilse Althaus Brandt [Student] 4 BP
@Thuro Pendragon as Michelle Kile [Student] 3 BP
@TheBlueBurch as Yui [Student] 5 BP

@Brother Gabriel as Jacky Robertson [Student] NON-PLAYER
"... you've got to be fucking kidding me... I know I'm a fucking asshole, but that was NOT what we all voted for!!" James growled in anger from the shock of seeing Thaneo immediately collapse from losing all of his BP. While the anger came from James, the disbelief that another has died came from Will.

Damn it all... I... I tried to keep Thaneo from dying... stupid stupid stupid! Will's voice cursed out in distress to the minds of Teresa and Mal (@Hospes @BarrenThin).

Trying to keep himself together, James immediately went off for door 7.

Yuki nodded. She usually had very little to say in reply to people, simply taking into her head what she heard from them. She walked after the diver, looking directly at the exit door of the cabin. "What is the dark presence?" she asked, curious and full of questions with the fact she knew nothing that was going on.

@theryanjake11 @Meira
Takuro followed the diver's direction to the cabin exit door, still puzzled about this whole situation.
"It can not be described. Not by you or I. Not by humans. It is an alien presence, one that revels in what we perceive as darkness." The diver would disappear out the door and float into the sky. As Takuro moved to follow him, he would find the diver nowhere in sight.


You hear the diver speaking from somewhere far away.

"For he did not know, that beyond the lake he called home,
There lied a deeper, and darker ocean green.
Where waves are both wilder and more serene.
To its ports I've been,
To its ports I've been."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @theryanjake11 @Meira
Continued from here.

"Chop Till You Drop"





Once all the votes were submitted, some of you having waited until the 30 minutes were almost up, the Ambidex Gates of your booths opened up, allowing you all back into the hall. The television screens displayed a graphic announcing the results--

Annette|Ilse - BETRAY - +-0
Anna|Adrian - BETRAY - +-0


Umeko|Avia -- BETRAY -- +3
Tom|LuAnn -- ALLY -- -2


Viviette|Yui -- BETRAY -- +-0
Michelle|Aaron|Jason -- BETRAY -- +-0


Kei|Bryan -- BETRAY -- +3
James|Thaneo|Scott -- ALLY -- -2


Logan|Kisho -- BETRAY -- +-0
Simon|Jake -- BETRAY -- +-0

... How odd. There were so many betrays this time! Upon seeing the results, Jake cried out in anger, "That's not true! We hit ally!"

"... Not all of you have managed to stay above 0 BP," said the Overseer in spite of this reversal of votes. LuAnn and Thaneo's bracelets displayed a skull, and both faculty members were injected with the knockout drug. Being closer to Luann, Jake ran to catch the woman as she began to collapse to the floor. "No... No, not again!" Jake's heart skipped a beat as Thaneo then collapsed as well. Jake knew what he had to do-- After observing the drug's effects on Anouk and Kumiko, there was only one solution he could see.

"I have to cut the bracelet off!" he screamed. LuAnn weakly nodded in agreement before she was out cold completely. Jake pointed to Thaneo. "Help me get them to the classroom kitchen! We only have nine minutes!" Troy nodded and ran to help Jake carry LuAnn.

As this chaos occurred, the Overseer continued, "Those of you who received immunity this round will no longer have it. Remember, seek a number 7. Seek a number 9. Seek a number 1."

LuAnn and Thaneo only had nine minutes to live.


Using the keycard you acquired, you will have access to three new doors. The number 9 door is placed at the green spot on the map. The number 1 door is placed at the orange spot on the map. The number 7 door is placed at the pink spot on the map.

@The Tactician as Kisho Taniyama [Computer Applications and Programming Teacher] 3 BP
@TheColourlessRainbow as Bryan Stark [Student] 6 BP
@BarrenThin as Logan Wilson [Physical Education Teacher] 3 BP
@TheBombMan as Umeko Moe [Student] 8 BP

@Mirage as Kumiko Kurumi [Student] ELIMINATED
@Hospes as Viviette Anya Stark [Student] 6 BP
@york as Avia Taniyama [Physical Education Teacher] 8 BP

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Minori Chihara [Student] ELIMINATED
@Emperor of Gallifrey as Jason "Jay" Cortez Wilson [Student] 7 BP
@Gummi Bunnies as James Lancaster [Student] 3 BP
@Mighty Roman as Simon Black [Student] 10 BP
@DapperDogman as Kei Eba [Student] 12 BP
@Jeremi as LuAnn Lewis [Home Economics Teacher] ELIMINATED
@FireDrake150 as Scott Miller [Communications Technology Teacher] 6 BP
@Josh M as Annette De La Rose [Guidance Counselor] 1 BP
@Wedge Antilles as Tom Swanson [Student] 3 BP
@Mari as Anna Collins [Student] 3 BP
@Dinoteen as Thaneo Tesseract [Head Cafeteria Boss] ELIMINATED
@The Silver Paladin as Aaron White [Student] 5 BP

@Nassi as Anouk Cross [Student] ELIMINATED
@Meira as Meira Franz [Student] MARKED FOR DEATH
@theryanjake11 as Takuro Kennedy [Student] MARKED FOR DEATH

@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Adrian Jacobs [Student] 5 BP
@Proxymoron as Ilse Althaus Brandt [Student] 4 BP
@Thuro Pendragon as Michelle Kile [Student] 3 BP
@TheBlueBurch as Yui [Student] 5 BP

@Brother Gabriel as Jacky Robertson [Student] NON-PLAYER
Aaron looked really startled. "h-h-how?" He looked at the results. "I swear to God! I didn't hit betray! You all saw, right?" He pointed to Michelle. Aaron then ran to Umeko. "How are you holding up?" He asked his Girlfriend. "Which door do you want to go to?"

@TheBombMan @Thuro Pendragon
"Didn't we choose ally?" Kisho muttered as he exited the booth. Whatever, Avia choose betray so I won't beat myself up over it. Looking to find Avia wherever she was, he headed towards the room she had been in. Hopefully she would still be there so they could head to door seven.

@Atomyk @BarrenThin @york

"We did hit ally!" Logan sprinted to help Jake, starting to drag Thaneo. "What the Hell was that!?"
"... you've got to be fucking kidding me... I know I'm a fucking asshole, but that was NOT what we all voted for!!" James growled in anger from the shock of seeing Thaneo immediately collapse from losing all of his BP. While the anger came from James, the disbelief that another has died came from Will.

Damn it all... I... I tried to keep Thaneo from dying... stupid stupid stupid! Will's voice cursed out in distress to the minds of Teresa and Mal (@Hospes @BarrenThin).

Trying to keep himself together, James immediately went off for door 7.


Not your fault. Something weird is happening. We hit ally, but it came up betray.

@The Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
Continued from here.

"Chop Till You Drop"





Once all the votes were submitted, some of you having waited until the 30 minutes were almost up, the Ambidex Gates of your booths opened up, allowing you all back into the hall. The television screens displayed a graphic announcing the results--

Annette|Ilse - BETRAY - +-0
Anna|Adrian - BETRAY - +-0


Umeko|Avia -- BETRAY -- +3
Tom|LuAnn -- ALLY -- -2


Viviette|Yui -- BETRAY -- +-0
Michelle|Aaron|Jason -- BETRAY -- +-0


Kei|Bryan -- BETRAY -- +3
James|Thaneo|Scott -- ALLY -- -2


Logan|Kisho -- BETRAY -- +-0
Simon|Jake -- BETRAY -- +-0

... How odd. There were so many betrays this time! Upon seeing the results, Jake cried out in anger, "That's not true! We hit ally!"

"... Not all of you have managed to stay above 0 BP," said the Overseer in spite of this reversal of votes. LuAnn and Thaneo's bracelets displayed a skull, and both faculty members were injected with the knockout drug. Being closer to Luann, Jake ran to catch the woman as she began to collapse to the floor. "No... No, not again!" Jake's heart skipped a beat as Thaneo then collapsed as well. Jake knew what he had to do-- After observing the drug's effects on Anouk and Kumiko, there was only one solution he could see.

"I have to cut the bracelet off!" he screamed. LuAnn weakly nodded in agreement before she was out cold completely. Jake pointed to Thaneo. "Help me get them to the classroom kitchen! We only have nine minutes!" Troy nodded and ran to help Jake carry LuAnn.

As this chaos occurred, the Overseer continued, "Those of you who received immunity this round will no longer have it. Remember, seek a number 7. Seek a number 9. Seek a number 1."

LuAnn and Thaneo only had nine minutes to live.


Using the keycard you acquired, you will have access to three new doors. The number 9 door is placed at the green spot on the map. The number 1 door is placed at the orange spot on the map. The number 7 door is placed at the pink spot on the map.

@The Tactician as Kisho Taniyama [Computer Applications and Programming Teacher] 3 BP
@TheColourlessRainbow as Bryan Stark [Student] 6 BP
@BarrenThin as Logan Wilson [Physical Education Teacher] 3 BP
@TheBombMan as Umeko Moe [Student] 8 BP

@Mirage as Kumiko Kurumi [Student] ELIMINATED
@Hospes as Viviette Anya Stark [Student] 6 BP
@york as Avia Taniyama [Physical Education Teacher] 8 BP

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Minori Chihara [Student] ELIMINATED
@Emperor of Gallifrey as Jason "Jay" Cortez Wilson [Student] 7 BP
@Gummi Bunnies as James Lancaster [Student] 3 BP
@Mighty Roman as Simon Black [Student] 10 BP
@DapperDogman as Kei Eba [Student] 12 BP
@Jeremi as LuAnn Lewis [Home Economics Teacher] ELIMINATED
@FireDrake150 as Scott Miller [Communications Technology Teacher] 6 BP
@Josh M as Annette De La Rose [Guidance Counselor] 1 BP
@Wedge Antilles as Tom Swanson [Student] 3 BP
@Mari as Anna Collins [Student] 3 BP
@Dinoteen as Thaneo Tesseract [Head Cafeteria Boss] ELIMINATED
@The Silver Paladin as Aaron White [Student] 5 BP

@Nassi as Anouk Cross [Student] ELIMINATED
@Meira as Meira Franz [Student] MARKED FOR DEATH
@theryanjake11 as Takuro Kennedy [Student] MARKED FOR DEATH

@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Adrian Jacobs [Student] 5 BP
@Proxymoron as Ilse Althaus Brandt [Student] 4 BP
@Thuro Pendragon as Michelle Kile [Student] 3 BP
@TheBlueBurch as Yui [Student] 5 BP

@Brother Gabriel as Jacky Robertson [Student] NON-PLAYER
"Didn't we choose ally?" Kisho muttered as he exited the booth. Whatever, Avia choose betray so I won't beat myself up over it. Looking to find Avia wherever she was, he headed towards the room she had been in. Hopefully she would still be there so they could head to door seven.

@Atomyk @BarrenThin @york
Avia Taniyama
@The Tactician @Anyone else

"Did your vote get reversed too?" Avia asked, noticng her husband step into the room she was in... She looked confued, even frowning a little, she didn't seem to remember that being part of the game... With any luck, it wouldn't be a factor again, but, knowing how unpredictable those Ambidex games were getting, she wasn't so sure if she should count on that...​
Teresa's thoughts were so jumbled and frantic that they were probably impossible for James or Logan to really understand. I.. Th-.. H-...

It.. It wasn't your fault...

@BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies
Tom sought out Ilse and found her. He took her in a warm, tight embrace. "You okay?", he asked, "some weird stuff's going on now. Should we head to one of the rooms?"

"We did hit ally!" Logan sprinted to help Jake, starting to drag Thaneo. "What the Hell was that!?"

Not your fault. Something weird is happening. We hit ally, but it came up betray.

@The Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
Teresa's thoughts were so jumbled and frantic that they were probably impossible for James or Logan to really understand. I.. Th-.. H-...

It.. It wasn't your fault...

@BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies
I bet that Overseer did that... so that people would possibly turn against each other... I... I just have to keep myself together...

@BarrenThin @Hospes
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"We did hit ally!" Logan sprinted to help Jake, starting to drag Thaneo. "What the Hell was that!?"

Not your fault. Something weird is happening. We hit ally, but it came up betray.

@The Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
Michelle walked to Logan and started to drag the body. She hadn't even heard Aaron's voice. She was just... not shocked. She had moved on from shocked. She was just accepting it. She'd always been the fighter. But who was there to fight? The invisible voice mocking them from the shadows?

"He lied." She said.

Avia Taniyama
@The Tactician @Anyone else

"Did your vote get reversed too?" Avia asked, noticng her husband step into the room she was in... She looked confued, even frowning a little, she didn't seem to remember that being part of the game... With any luck, it wouldn't be a factor again, but, knowing how unpredictable those Ambidex games were getting, she wasn't so sure if she should count on that...​

"Yes and I'm kind of pissed about it," Kisho replied as he began to lead the way to Door 7.

@Atomyk @york

Door number 1 requires one player to enter.

Number of players at door: 1 [Viviette]


Door number 7 requires seven players to enter.

Number of players at door: 2 [Kisho/James]


Door number 9 requires nine players to enter.

Number of players at door: 1 [Kei]
Michelle walked to Logan and started to drag the body. She hadn't even heard Aaron's voice. She was just... not shocked. She had moved on from shocked. She was just accepting it. She'd always been the fighter. But who was there to fight? The invisible voice mocking them from the shadows?

"He lied." She said.


"Who lied?" Logan frowned at her.

@Thuro Pendragon
"Yes and I'm kind of pissed about it," Kisho replied as he began to lead the way to Door 7.

@Atomyk @york
Avia Taniyama
@The Tactician @Atomyk @Anyone else

Avia nodded a little, but, quickly followed after Kisho, grabbing onto his arm lightly as she too made her way over to Door 7 "I hope the next round won't pull that same trick on us..." she murmured.​
"It can not be described. Not by you or I. Not by humans. It is an alien presence, one that revels in what we perceive as darkness." The diver would disappear out the door and float into the sky. As Takuro moved to follow him, he would find the diver nowhere in sight.


You hear the diver speaking from somewhere far away.

"For he did not know, that beyond the lake he called home,
There lied a deeper, and darker ocean green.
Where waves are both wilder and more serene.
To its ports I've been,
To its ports I've been."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @theryanjake11 @Meira
Takuro looked everywhere for the diver but he could not see him anymore. "DIVER!!??? WHERE ARE YOU??!!!, great how am I supposed to proceed now looks like I'm stuck here but don't worry Takuro, things will seem alright in the end! Oh who am I kidding looks like I'm here for ever, I just need to accept that I'm better off dead anyway!!!" Takuro fell to his knees.
"We did hit ally!" Logan sprinted to help Jake, starting to drag Thaneo. "What the Hell was that!?"

Not your fault. Something weird is happening. We hit ally, but it came up betray.

@The Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
Jake and Troy had LuAnn in the kitchen first, and the nurse was running around in search of a blade large enough to cut off their hands. Troy buried his hands in his face for a moment, having simply been not prepared for this course of actions. After the moment had passed, he moved to help Logan carry Thaneo the rest of the way. "What monster would do this?" he moaned.

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