Illusion Game I: The Distraction of the Falling Worlds

  • Thread starter TheColourlessRainbow
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Chapter One: Candlelight and Carved Pumpkins

It was a fairly normal day, in the eyes of Ambrosia. She was admittedly glad that fall had rolled back around, as she loved both the cool weather and the beautiful scenery the season brought with it. It always helped to put the blonde at ease; making it her favorite season. Admittedly, Halloween wasn't exactly her favorite holiday, but she did find the holiday amusing, and it warmed her heart to see children in their costumes.

The woman had spent quite some time decorating both the interior and the exterior of her, Chandler, and Richard's home; something that she felt at least somewhat made her son and any passersby enjoy the night a bit more. After all, it did spread the holiday cheer.. Right? She at least hoped it did.. And she hoped her family felt the same.

The day went on quite smoothly, in the mind of the young woman. Chandler had school, as usual, and she'd seen little of Richard throughout the day. Personally, she'd spent most of the day cleaning, reading, and baking, since there wasn't much else for her to do. Now, however, she was curled up beside her husband on their couch, absently and quietly reading.

A thoughtful look crossed her face, and she seemed as though she were about to say something. But, before she could and at complete random, her hand collided with Richard's face with the loud sound of a smack. She blinked owlishly, as if she hadn't intended the action and was shocked by it, pale green eyes demonstrating this further.

There was a brief pause, and silence filled the room. Though, it only lasted a matter of seconds, before she seemed to actually realize what she just did. Immediately after, she began apologizing profusely, going to examine the red mark from where she'd slapped him. "I am so, so sorry, love! I have no idea what just came over me..."

Oddly enough, it felt almost like it hadn't been her action. Like.. Like she'd spasm-ed, almost. To match the action, the woman felt on the verge of passing out. Nauseous, and light-headed. So when she tried to get up to get her husband an ice pack, she wasn't surprised to just fall right back. "I.. I don't feel so good..."

Her features were pale, and she had her head rested weakly on her hands. A thin layer of sweat coated her skin, and she was shaking very slightly. She definitely seemed sick.. Seeing a doctor as fast as possible was probably a good idea.

@Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Round One: The Beginning of The End

As the night came to an end, the guests of the local Christmas party was asked to leave, concluding the short lived event. Discord smiled at Bubba as he escorted him to the door,

"Please, do have a chat with the townsfolk for me," started Discord before his lips quivered, releasing a insane chuckle. Discord waited for only a minute or two before snapping his fingers, causing the rest of the unmoving guests to disappear, then reappear outside the Town Hall. He shut the doors with a sigh, then quietly walked to his desk, scribbling something onto a piece of white lined paper before tossing it into the air as he snapped his fingers causing it to disappear with a red flash.


A few hours passed by before a black haired female stood on the roof top of the largest building in town, which in fact was the only apartment complex that resigned in it. She sighed as she saw the townsfolk walking among the streets, other were in their houses enjoying a family that doesn't exist, or even finishing their late Christmas., none the less, she knew everything within this town was a lie including the time of day that it was currently, and she had only one way to break this blasted Illusion. Taking a hand full of her only Fairy Dust, she blew into the pile, releasing it into the air, so that it may break the Illusion of three of the townsfolk. The dust floated and danced in the wind until it hit three individual's, breaking the endless Illusion of the life they thought they had, and giving them the one they had forgotten. It was like a flood of memory's hitting them, giving back old emotions, personality's, and even outlooks on life. One message could be heard through the ears of the released Illusion Prisoners,

"You are the Savors. You must release this town of most of its captives, and everyone will be free. You must do it by any means necessary, and you must stay hidden. Discord will be looking for you, and the townsfolk will be following close behind him." stated the female voice before disappearing, never to be heard from again.


It was October, what a wonderful month! It was full of chilly winds and steady warm air, not to mention lots of rain. None the less! It was the day to start looking forward to Halloween, a time where most dressed in their most frightening costumes, or sexiest attire. Some didn't even do such a thing, but instead handed out candy to the ones who knocked on their door, while others went to the local Halloween Party at town hall, which was far better then the Christmas Party, due to the many Halloween themed games that it had. As you look through the mall, you notice that Discord had sent the whole town a letter, one informing them of a local game that was going to be played, and how the winner(s) would win ownership of the town. He added that the game was to be played like this, at every party or town gathering for as long as the game goes on, people would vote for the ones who thought to be different. He wrote that in different that he might not the same as they were before, meaning they could act different in all aspects of their life, like different Hair styles, different use of words, different level of Intellect, different personality's, and even mentions of a life that was clearly not theirs. He finished the letter with one final sentence,

Winning is your solvation.

It seemed that there was multiple things for you to do, Visit a friend or family member, visit the only haunted house in town, prepare to go trick or treating, go to the local Halloween party, pass out candy, or anything else that comes to your mind!

(Round One will last 2 days! Tomorrow will be when local trick or treating will start, and Round two will be posted by 6 PM Wednesday.)

@Ouchies as Maria
@A Wild Sav as Ambrosia Astrophel
@Gummi Bunnies as Melody
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Chandler
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Bubba
@Jenny as Emily Lake
@Atomyk as [BCOLOR=transparent]Richard Paris[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]@CCC Kouhai as ????[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]@FireDrake150 as Hiroshi Kenzo[/BCOLOR]
@Krieg as [Mr.] Richard
@york as Neil Magnus
@Emperor of Gallifrey as Alison O'Donnell
@Jeremi as Lola Coulson
@DapperDogman as Ib
@Mari as Zhang Min
as Jason Scott Bjorn
@Wedge Antilles as Calvin Klein
@Ryu Keiko as Alex
Neil Magnus

Neil was about to react to the turkey being turned into a... Cow? Just like that, no logic or anything to it, he scratched his head, that was even stranger than Atlas shooting lighting out of his hand like that, though before anything could happen, suddenly, he felt everything shift and change when he was moved out of that party since it had concluded itself somehow... Neil sighed as he walked back to his house, figuring he'd just forget all that happened for now, maybe reflect a little later on.

Before he knew it, it was October 31st, the day where everyone loaded up with free sweets and dressed up in costumes, but, not Neil, not yet anyways. The new information he recieved, about being able to win ownership of the town just like that for pointing out people who behaved different than normal, but why? And more importantly (to Neil at the moment) what was he suposed to do as a job if he owned the town? That sounded like a bit of a boring prospect, even if he probably would be wealthier, and maybe happier, he didn't really feel up to it... Though he did take note of that wierd feeling he had that someone he once knew was around, what was that all about? Could he really have known someone from an earlier time? Other than one of his targets or employers of course, he frowned, deep in thought as he walked along, not really paying attention to where he was going.​
Hiroshi nods a bit as he listens, Holding a notebook with a Familiar Blue dragon on it. "<Why wait for them? if you wanna go, go, may be a good way to make more friends. if not, well, there are plenty of other things to do around town. I don't have much to do myself, so I may as well go to the party. The Christmas one wasn't bad, so if the halloween one is better, I'm in. can't hurt.>" He smiles again, standing with her* "<Did you want company, or do you want to go do some of the things you mentioned?>"

@Chris Lang
"<I'd love to have company>." Megumi said. "<And you're right. The party will be a great way to get to know everyone better. This past Christmas, Lola introduced me to a few people and they seemed nice.>"

Megumi's mind flashed back to her discussion with Alex and Melody, when she showed them her playlist.

Alex looked at the female and smiled. "I'm fine with whatever music you have." he said kindly. He actually was okay with J-Pop, but his favorite music was Jazz and Blues, and other modern music, which there were too many to name. He yawned slightly again. He looked over at Melody and smiled. "You have any problems with her music choice?" He asked softly.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Chris Lang

(Sorry, I'm trying my best, but apparently I have writer's block TT.TT)


Megumi suddenly looked embarrassed. "Oh, silly me. I don't even think I told you my name. I'm Megumi Yashida. I moved here from Tokyo a year ago. Pleased to meet you."

"Anyway, I thought we'd all share our interests and the stuff we like so we can get to know each other better."

@Ryu Keiko @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi

End Flashback, return to present

"<I'm really looking forward to the party.>" Megumi said. "<I'm hoping lots of people are gonna be there. But there's just so much to do on Halloween night, you know?>"

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On a cool fall evening, on the street in front of his house, Calvin Klein was starting to put the finishing touches, the final adjustments, to his latest invention. He was working on a car, which, if he could get the flux capacitor to work properly, could possibly travel through time.


Talking to himself, to his recording device to document his work, as he worked. "Brought the DeLorean out here on Halloween because on a night like this, something this out of the ordinary would seem to disappear in plain sight. I appear to have the circuits properly connected and aligned, and the flux capacitor, the womb of what I hope will be the child that is time travel, is... fluxing. Everything appears to be... okay?"
Flashback to last Christmas~

Emily still kept her hand covering her face, almost too embarrassed to say anything now. She wanted to tell him that she really did mean it, but she knew that would just make everything more awkward... Looks like she messed that one up.

"I... I'll follow you if that's alright" she said. It was a little bit too risky for her to stay behind alone. What if Chandler's parents saw her and started asking questions? Or worse, what if they saw her and decided to tell her parents? She'd be dead meat. Besides, she was pretty curious to see what his room looked like, for some reason. Just be cool... Don't say any more stupid things...

Em followed her friend as he lead her to his room, eagerly looking around upon entering it. This really wasn't the kind of room Emily was used to, since she wasn't allowed to keep any kind of entertainment in her room. To her, a child's room was their place to sleep, and their place when they were grounded. But Chandler had so many things, consoles, a computer, games, posters...

"Wow..." she sighed after a second or two. Say something else, say something nice about his room! "Y-Your room smells really nice..." she said. She would slap herself in the face for that, but that would make her look even more weird. Instead, she just stood there, being embarrassed and waiting to see what Chandler had for her.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"<I'd love to have company>." Megumi said. "<And you're right. The party will be a great way to get to know everyone better. This past Christmas, Lola introduced me to a few people and they seemed nice.>"

Megumi's mind flashed back to her discussion with Alex and Melody, when she showed them her playlist.

Megumi suddenly looked embarrassed. "Oh, silly me. I don't even think I told you my name. I'm Megumi Yashida. I moved here from Tokyo a year ago. Pleased to meet you."

"Anyway, I thought we'd all share our interests and the stuff we like so we can get to know each other better."

@Ryu Keiko @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi

End Flashback, return to present

"<I'm really looking forward to the party.>" Megumi said. "<I'm hoping lots of people are gonna be there. But there's just so much to do on Halloween night, you know?>"

Hiroshi nods, starting to walk with her. "<Yeah, theres a lot more then one would think on Halloween. I really should get back into a better sleep schedule too though, but so much work so little time, y'know?>"

@Chris Lang
Flashback to last Christmas~

Emily still kept her hand covering her face, almost too embarrassed to say anything now. She wanted to tell him that she really did mean it, but she knew that would just make everything more awkward... Looks like she messed that one up.

"I... I'll follow you if that's alright" she said. It was a little bit too risky for her to stay behind alone. What if Chandler's parents saw her and started asking questions? Or worse, what if they saw her and decided to tell her parents? She'd be dead meat. Besides, she was pretty curious to see what his room looked like, for some reason. Just be cool... Don't say any more stupid things...

Em followed her friend as he lead her to his room, eagerly looking around upon entering it. This really wasn't the kind of room Emily was used to, since she wasn't allowed to keep any kind of entertainment in her room. To her, a child's room was their place to sleep, and their place when they were grounded. But Chandler had so many things, consoles, a computer, games, posters...

"Wow..." she sighed after a second or two. Say something else, say something nice about his room! "Y-Your room smells really nice..." she said. She would slap herself in the face for that, but that would make her look even more weird. Instead, she just stood there, being embarrassed and waiting to see what Chandler had for her.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Great!" Chandler cleared his throat and tried to lower his tone of voice, wanting to seem cool. "I mean, that's cool. C'mon,"

Chandler could feel his palms starting to sweat as he waited for her to follow. Oh god, the last time he felt his palms sweat like this was when he attempted to finish the final boss on [insert game here] in insanity mode to earn his final achievement on Steam. It had been one hell of a ride. He really didn't want to get all sweaty in front of a cute girl though. Chandler had a feeling girls didn't like sweat. He secretly wiped his hands on the sides of his pants, hoping she wouldn't notice him do so, as they made his way up to his room.


When they walked into his room, Chandler panicked realizing he had some clothes on the floor. He rushed over and picked them up, throwing them under his bed. Potato chip bags, soda cans, and energy bar wrappers also happened to be on the floor. What a mess! He wanted to impress her, not show her how sloppy he was! Flustered, Chandler rushed to pick up all of the garbage, throwing it in the corner of his room and tossing a small blanket with the Elder Scrolls logo over it.

"Sorry about that," he replied, rubbing the back of his head. "Nobody really comes in here so... stuff kinda falls on the floor and I forget to pick it up," he admitted with a shrug. "Anyways, I did want to show you something."

Chandler quickly moved over to a table and picked up a small object (hidden by his hands), frowning for a moment. He was planning to give it to Emily, but he wanted to wrap it like a proper Christmas present. Since it was too late for that now, with a sigh he took the object and walked over to Emily. "Close your eyes," he said, "and open your hands." After Emily did what he asked, he placed the object in her hands.

"You can open them now. That's... for you."

[btn=modc|]Chandler's Gift[/btn]

After she would see the gift, he explained:

"When my parents and I moved into this house, there were some old boxes of stuff the old owners said we could have or either throw away. That music box was in it. It was broken, but I fixed it. Yeah... I was going to give it to my mom, or something, but... There's an "E" carved on the bottom. My mom's name starts with an A so it wouldn't have worked. It made me... think of you. I was going to give it to you at the Christmas party, but since you won't be going to that... I thought I'd just give it to you now. Sorry if it's dumb... I-I just thought you could have it," he stammered nervously toward the end of his words.
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"Ooooh, I hate Halloween!" Maria spat out as scrambling out of her home to go shopping for a costume for Halloween. As she always liked monologuing to herself for..Some reason, she cleared her throat as her eye twitched of irritation, beginning to speak. "I hate everything about this stupid 'holiday!' Why can't it be Christmas already, where everybody's happy!" She whimpered after saying that, sighing after a few seconds and crossing her arms. She closed her eyes, continuing her rambling with a disgruntled frown upon her face "The stupid costumes, and the good costumes you can never know if the ghouls are real or just people with way too much money to spare on the outfits..." Maria shuddered. "But you agree with me, ri-" The girl turned to face...Nothing. She brushed her bangs to the side of her face, and then blinked, having a saddened expression, her head drooping. "Oh..Yeah..." She then arrived at the mall.

She arrived at the mall, looking at the exterior for a second before looking inside..Empty. Maria smiled, strolling her way to the door "Well, I guess last minute shopping was a good idea!"


"Great!" Chandler cleared his throat and tried to lower his tone of voice, wanting to seem cool. "I mean, that's cool. C'mon,"

Chandler could feel his palms starting to sweat as he waited for her to follow. Oh god, the last time he felt his palms sweat like this was when he attempted to finish the final boss on [insert game here] in insanity mode to earn his final achievement on Steam. It had been one hell of a ride. He really didn't want to get all sweaty in front of a cute girl though. Chandler had a feeling girls didn't like sweat. He secretly wiped his hands on the sides of his pants, hoping she wouldn't notice him do so, as they made his way up to his room.


When they walked into his room, Chandler panicked realizing he had some clothes on the floor. He rushed over and picked them up, throwing them under his bed. Potato chip bags, soda cans, and energy bar wrappers also happened to be on the floor. What a mess! He wanted to impress her, not show her how sloppy he was! Flustered, Chandler rushed to pick up all of the garbage, throwing it in the corner of his room and tossing a small blanket with the Elder Scrolls logo over it.

"Sorry about that," he replied, rubbing the back of his head. "Nobody really comes in here so... stuff kinda falls on the floor and I forget to pick it up," he admitted with a shrug. "Anyways, I did want to show you something."

Chandler quickly moved over to a table and picked up a small object (hidden by his hands), frowning for a moment. He was planning to give it to Emily, but he wanted to wrap it like a proper Christmas present. Since it was too late for that now, with a sigh he took the object and walked over to Emily. "Close your eyes," he said, "and open your hands." After Emily did what he asked, he placed the object in her hands.

"You can open them now. That's... for you."

[btn=modc|]Chandler's Gift[/btn]

After she would see the gift, he explained:

"When my parents and I moved into this house, there were some old boxes of stuff the old owners said we could have or either throw away. That music box was in it. It was broken, but I fixed it. Yeah... I was going to give it to my mom, or something, but... There's an "E" carved on the bottom. My mom's name starts with an A so it wouldn't have worked. It made me... think of you. I was going to give it to you at the Christmas party, but since you won't be going to that... I thought I'd just give it to you now. Sorry if it's dumb... I-I just thought you could have it," he stammered nervously toward the end of his words.
When she opened her eyes, Emily's mouth fell open a bit. "This... This is... beautiful..." she said softly, keeping her eyes on it for a few seconds. She then looked back at Chandler, unable to find any words to thank him. "I... I don't know what to say, it's just..." Realizing it would be useless to waste time on trying to think of something, she just put it down on the ground, took a big step forward and wrapped her arms tightly around the boy.

A hug. An actual hug with a real boy. A cute boy, no less. Actually, it was her first hug ever. She was probably hugged as a baby, but she couldn't remember a single point in her life where her mother, father or sister actually hugged her. But this hug was perfect. She didn't even need to think about it, it just felt right, and she didn't want to let go. "Thank you..." she whispered softly. "Thank you so much..."

She was smiling and felt genuinely happy, but still... She felt a tear rolling down her cheek. A tear? Why? Why was she crying now? She was happier than ever! This might even be the greatest moment of her life, hugging a sweet boy right after he gave her a gift, and now she's crying in front of him like a little baby? She sniffed once and even started shaking a little, releasing her grip on Chandler after a few seconds.

"I-I'm sorry, I... I d-don't know wh-..." she sniffled. It was too late now though. She'd already messed up way too badly. "I-I'm sorry..." Embarrassed, she quickly picked up her gift and ran down the stairs, going back home as quickly as she could.

Present day~

Thinking back to that day, Emily still couldn't hold back a little smile. She remembered that, even though she almost cried, she felt happier then than she ever did, and that she couldn't stop smiling on her way home. That day was a very important one to her, since it was the start of her first relationship... At least, she thought it was one. They'd been kind of keeping it a secret.

If her parents found out, they would most definitely keep her locked in her room for maybe a month or two. Chandler's parents also didn't know yet, and she kind of wanted to avoid the awkward situation of telling them. Any time she went to visit Chandler, she just told her parents she was going for a walk. A simple excuse, but it worked. It almost surprised her how easy it was to lie to her parents. She wouldn't even have dared to think about lying to her parents before she started dating Chandler, but now it's almost become pretty much a weekly thing, if not more often.

Now she was on her way to his house again. It was an hour long walk, but it was worth every minute to her. She walked up to his house and rang the doorbell.

@Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @A Wild Sav
Last year Orel had left his hometown almost in a panic, intending to file a missing persons report as soon he got to the station in the city where he worked. But as soon as he had left the town limits of that quaint and odd little place his phone rang. It had been his parents, explaining how a friend had taken them on a surprise trip out of town and furthermore out of cell service. He had been angry for a minute, but his anger was soon washed over with relief that they were alright.
That had been last year. Now another year older and not much wiser he returned like an unnecessarily repentant prodigal son. He blamed himself for not getting to spend any time with his folks the prior year and planned to fix that this time around. Things never work out the way you plan them.



Orel knocked on Jason's door. He had just been to his parents house and guess what? They were missing again. This time Orel had decided he wasn't even going to look for them. They must have been whisked away on another trip. Short of visiting his family Orel was left with two options, either visit Bubba or see if that guy he had met last year wanted to go to the party together. Sure, it was awkward showing up unannounced at his house. But Bubba wasn't a great conversationalist no matter how much Orel liked the guy and Jason as far Orel could tell lived alone.

Plus Orel had already dressed up in his Halloween costume and didn't want to go alone. He was still armed though. He never felt safe without having on his person it for some odd reason.


Well nothing ventured nothing gained. Orel stood on the doorstep waiting for someone to answer.

@BarrenThin @Emperor of Gallifrey
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Last year Orel had left his hometown almost in a panic, intending to file a missing persons report as soon he got to the station in the city where he worked. But as soon as he had left the town limits of that quaint and odd little place his phone rang. It had been his parents, explaining how a friend had taken them on a surprise trip out of town and furthermore out of cell service. He had been angry for a minute, but his anger was soon washed over with relief that they were alright.
That had been last year. Now another year older and not much wiser he returned like an unnecessarily repentant prodigal son. He blamed himself for not getting to spend any time with his folks the prior year and planned to fix that this time around. Things never work out the way you plan them.



Orel knocked on Jason's door. He had just been to his parents house and guess what? They were missing again. This time Orel had decided he wasn't even going to look for them. They must have been whisked away on another trip. Short of visiting his family Orel was left with two options, either visit Bubba or see if that guy he had met last year wanted to go to the party together. Sure, it was awkward showing up unannounced at his house. But Bubba wasn't a great conversationalist no matter how much Orel liked the guy and Jason as far Orel could tell lived alone.

Plus Orel had already dressed up in his Halloween costume and didn't want to go alone. He was still armed though. He never felt safe without having on his person it for some odd reason.


Well nothing ventured nothing gained. Orel stood on the doorstep waiting for someone to answer.

@BarrenThin @Emperor of Gallifrey

Jason was wearing a costume as well. It was one of the more enjoyable aspects of Halloween, dressing up. So, when he opened the door, he was clad in a long, black robe.


At his waist hung a broadsword, and the good was pulled down. "Ah! Orel!" Jason hasn't seen the man in a while, but his memory was impeccable. "What can I do for you?"
@Thuro Pendragon @Emperor of Gallifrey
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When she opened her eyes, Emily's mouth fell open a bit. "This... This is... beautiful..." she said softly, keeping her eyes on it for a few seconds. She then looked back at Chandler, unable to find any words to thank him. "I... I don't know what to say, it's just..." Realizing it would be useless to waste time on trying to think of something, she just put it down on the ground, took a big step forward and wrapped her arms tightly around the boy.

A hug. An actual hug with a real boy. A cute boy, no less. Actually, it was her first hug ever. She was probably hugged as a baby, but she couldn't remember a single point in her life where her mother, father or sister actually hugged her. But this hug was perfect. She didn't even need to think about it, it just felt right, and she didn't want to let go. "Thank you..." she whispered softly. "Thank you so much..."

She was smiling and felt genuinely happy, but still... She felt a tear rolling down her cheek. A tear? Why? Why was she crying now? She was happier than ever! This might even be the greatest moment of her life, hugging a sweet boy right after he gave her a gift, and now she's crying in front of him like a little baby? She sniffed once and even started shaking a little, releasing her grip on Chandler after a few seconds.

"I-I'm sorry, I... I d-don't know wh-..." she sniffled. It was too late now though. She'd already messed up way too badly. "I-I'm sorry..." Embarrassed, she quickly picked up her gift and ran down the stairs, going back home as quickly as she could.

Present day~

Thinking back to that day, Emily still couldn't hold back a little smile. She remembered that, even though she almost cried, she felt happier then than she ever did, and that she couldn't stop smiling on her way home. That day was a very important one to her, since it was the start of her first relationship... At least, she thought it was one. They'd been kind of keeping it a secret.

If her parents found out, they would most definitely keep her locked in her room for maybe a month or two. Chandler's parents also didn't know yet, and she kind of wanted to avoid the awkward situation of telling them. Any time she went to visit Chandler, she just told her parents she was going for a walk. A simple excuse, but it worked. It almost surprised her how easy it was to lie to her parents. She wouldn't even have dared to think about lying to her parents before she started dating Chandler, but now it's almost become pretty much a weekly thing, if not more often.

Now she was on her way to his house again. It was an hour long walk, but it was worth every minute to her. She walked up to his house and rang the doorbell.

@Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @A Wild Sav

Did Emily like the gift? Did she hate it? Would she refuse it? Chandler mentally asked himself these questions as he intently studied the girl's face for any small sign of approval or disapproval. She seemed entirely shocked at first, and Chandler couldn't blame her. After all, this was a present from someone she didn't know too well. He really hoped giving a gift to her wasn't a weird thing to do. He was surprised he even had the courage to give it to her.

Her words or facial expressions didn't clue him in on how she really felt about about his gift. She something else entirely that Chandler hadn't expected at all: Emily hugged him. Chandler's arms remained limp at his sides for a moment as a blush spread over his cheeks. After a moment of realizing he should probably do something with his arms, he flopped them around like wiggly noodles as he tried to figure out what that something was. Eventually he settled on touching her shoulders. After all, she was a girl. He didn't want to grab her in the wrong place by accident, especially when he wasn't used to things like this.

"You like it? Wow, I'm glad. I wasn't sure if you would. Y-You're welcome," he replied, enjoying her hug for as long as it lasted. It felt... warm and comforting. It was as if he could feel her gentle nature through the hug, and he liked it. His heart skipped a beat excitedly, a beat he hoped that she didn't feel. Chandler was happy though. He had never got to enjoy something like this before.

After a moment, however, he felt the girl start to shake. When she stepped back, he could see tears in her eyes. Chandler raised his eyebrows and dropped his mouth open, alarmed. "E-Emily? What's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?" Emily didn't reply. Instead, she picked up her gift and darted out of the room, quickly leaving his house. He chased after her, but stopped in the doorway, letting her go. He shut the door and stepped back, kicking it a few times. "Damn it, damn it, damn it! I screwed up!" he shouted, angry at himself. He was worried he screwed up. But still, he really wouldn't know until he saw Emily again next time...

Little did he know, however, that she was not mad at him at all, but actually liked him in return! And the two of them would spend the next year hanging out together.

~Present Day~

Chandler stood quietly in his room, facing the wall next to his TV. He let his hair hang in his face, shadowing it slightly. His body shook in a rage that bubbled over after a moment, causing him to punch and kick the wall repeatedly. He cursed his lungs out, tears falling down his cheeks after a moment. "N-No," he mumbled, backing away. "This sucks, why me? It wasn't supposed to be like this." He then turned to a shelf containing some of his video game cases and shoved it onto the floor, watching the cases fall all over the place. Yeah, Chandler wasn't having a good day.

He bit his lip after a moment, realizing the doorbell had rung. He cursed and wiped his eyes before exiting his room to go answer it. He knew it was Emily. They had planned to hang out for halloween and go check out the haunted house in town. He had been looking forward to their plans for a while. He knew hanging out with her would cheer him up a bit, but now he wasn't sure exactly how much he could enjoy himself...

He opened the door for her, a look of sadness in his eyes. "Hey, Emily, come in. I know we were gonna just leave right away, but I'm... running late. I need to change into my halloween costume. I hope you don't mind," he told her, stepping aside so she could enter.

@A Wild Sav @Atomyk (If the parents are home. :3)
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Hiroshi nods, starting to walk with her. "<Yeah, theres a lot more then one would think on Halloween. I really should get back into a better sleep schedule too though, but so much work so little time, y'know?>"

@Chris Lang
Megumi nodded. "<Oh, that reminds me. Did you get that weird letter? It seems like everyone else got it. What's that game all about? Will the winners really get to run this town? Seems strange they'd just give away a whole town as a prize.>"

"<I dunno. I'd think they'd be giving away, oh, a car, or a house, or money, or something, like you see in those giveaways.">

"<Anyway, I guess we'll be seeing a lot of people dressing up and all. I don't know what that letter's talking about when it asks us to spot people acting different. This is Halloween. People are, you know, supposed to act different.">

Again, she looked around the street and the park to see who else might wish to speak with her.

@FireDrake150 @Anyone
Zhang continued to give away candies to the trick or treaters visiting at her house. She smiled at each one, though none of them were people she knew too well, she liked them all and hoped they enjoyed the occasion. She found enjoyment just in seeing their smiles, and to some of their reactions when they tried the candies, or on some occasion some who had wanted to try the other food she had prepared on a tray, as a type of sampler tray of the various dishes she could cook.


She looked outside, to see if there were any other people intending to visit her house. If there didn't seem to be any, she was considering going out herself, to walk around the town since the weather was cool but not quite a winter cold yet, and possibly find another interesting activity.
Megumi nodded. "<Oh, that reminds me. Did you get that weird letter? It seems like everyone else got it. What's that game all about? Will the winners really get to run this town? Seems strange they'd just give away a whole town as a prize.>"

"<I dunno. I'd think they'd be giving away, oh, a car, or a house, or money, or something, like you see in those giveaways.">

"<Anyway, I guess we'll be seeing a lot of people dressing up and all. I don't know what that letter's talking about when it asks us to spot people acting different. This is Halloween. People are, you know, supposed to act different.">

Again, she looked around the street and the park to see who else might wish to speak with her.

@FireDrake150 @Anyone
Hiroshi nods. "<I did get the letter, but it seemed he wasn't referring to just tonight, but over the grand news of the time itself. I still don't know what he means, different memories, personalities, and everything? I can't imagine having chosen to be anything other than a Game Designer.>" He l;ooks around, wondering if anyone else is nearby, scarf tight, jacket pulled closer in, and glasses starting to gradually fog up from the cold against them, while the heat from his face makes the other side of the glass a different temperature. "<Oh nice, My glasses are fogging up. Hmm, I didn't think It was that cold out here.... >"

@Chris Lang
Bubba had reached the main part of town on his long walk. The lake was some ways out, but Bubba had enough endurance to walk all the way there (and he cant fit in a car). Bubba was practically a walking halloween costume himself, and some people were already scared of him. But, Bubba wanted to fit in with the rest of the town. Maby find some friends. He wondered what Zhang was up to; most likely preparing something for her neighbors. Orel is either hanging with his own friends, or maby dressing in a blood hood and leaping around, scaring kids. Leff 5 Deed, Bubba thinks (Every now and then, he walks by Chandlers house and see's some of the oddest games, kids these days..).

While Bubba was walking, he spotted Megumi around the park. Bubba moaned and waved his hand to Megumi in a friendly greeting.

@Chris Lang
@Anyone else
Zhang had already changed out of her costume and put on a more normal outfit. More of a modern attire, as she started to walk around the city. She remembered some events going on, but wasn't sure if she wanted to attend, as she was tired from entertaining guests and giving candies to children trick or treating.

Then, she saw Bubba. She remembered him this time.


"Hello, Bubba, my friend?" she asked. She remembered he was not the best in speaking, so she would try to just speak for both their voices.

"I shall walk with you my friend, I like the nice cool weather, just want to enjoy it out here for a while."


Did Emily like the gift? Did she hate it? Would she refuse it? Chandler mentally asked himself these questions as he intently studied the girl's face for any small sign of approval or disapproval. She seemed entirely shocked at first, and Chandler couldn't blame her. After all, this was a present from someone she didn't know too well. He really hoped giving a gift to her wasn't a weird thing to do. He was surprised he even had the courage to give it to her.

Her words or facial expressions didn't clue him in on how she really felt about about his gift. She something else entirely that Chandler hadn't expected at all: Emily hugged him. Chandler's arms remained limp at his sides for a moment as a blush spread over his cheeks. After a moment of realizing he should probably do something with his arms, he flopped them around like wiggly noodles as he tried to figure out what that something was. Eventually he settled on touching her shoulders. After all, she was a girl. He didn't want to grab her in the wrong place by accident, especially when he wasn't used to things like this.

"You like it? Wow, I'm glad. I wasn't sure if you would. Y-You're welcome," he replied, enjoying her hug for as long as it lasted. It felt... warm and comforting. It was as if he could feel her gentle nature through the hug, and he liked it. His heart skipped a beat excitedly, a beat he hoped that she didn't feel. Chandler was happy though. He had never got to enjoy something like this before.

After a moment, however, he felt the girl start to shake. When she stepped back, he could see tears in her eyes. Chandler raised his eyebrows and dropped his mouth open, alarmed. "E-Emily? What's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?" Emily didn't reply. Instead, she picked up her gift and darted out of the room, quickly leaving his house. He chased after her, but stopped in the doorway, letting her go. He shut the door and stepped back, kicking it a few times. "Damn it, damn it, damn it! I screwed up!" he shouted, angry at himself. He was worried he screwed up. But still, he really wouldn't know until he saw Emily again next time...

Little did he know, however, that she was not mad at him at all, but actually liked him in return! And the two of them would spend the next year hanging out together.

~Present Day~

Chandler stood quietly in his room, facing the wall next to his TV. He let his hair hang in his face, shadowing it slightly. His body shook in a rage that bubbled over after a moment, causing him to punch and kick the wall repeatedly. He cursed his lungs out, tears falling down his cheeks after a moment. "N-No," he mumbled, backing away. "This sucks, why me? It wasn't supposed to be like this." He then turned to a shelf containing some of his video game cases and shoved it onto the floor, watching the cases fall all over the place. Yeah, Chandler wasn't having a good day.

He bit his lip after a moment, realizing the doorbell had rung. He cursed and wiped his eyes before exiting his room to go answer it. He knew it was Emily. They had planned to hang out for halloween and go check out the haunted house in town. He had been looking forward to their plans for a while. He knew hanging out with her would cheer him up a bit, but now he wasn't sure exactly how much he could enjoy himself...

He opened the door for her, a look of sadness in his eyes. "Hey, Emily, come in. I know we were gonna just leave right away, but I'm... running late. I need to change into my halloween costume. I hope you don't mind," he told her, stepping aside so she could enter.

@A Wild Sav @Atomyk (If the parents are home. :3)
When Chandlered opened the door, Emily wanted to step forward and hug him, like they had usually done before, but she stopped herself. Something wasn't right, it was obvious the boy wasn't feeling so well. Not only his eyes betrayed him, but also the tone of his voice was a give-away. "Oh..." she started, a little unsure of what to do now. She wanted to comfort him and try to make him feel better, but what if she said something wrong?

"It's okay" she assured him with a gentle smile. "I still need to get changed too" the girl said, patting the box she was holding under her shoulder. "If my parents saw me leaving in a costume, they'd uh... well, they'd flip out, hehe..."

She stepped inside the house, but couldn't help looking at Chandler's face every few moments. "... You don't do a very good job of hiding your feelings" she softly said with a light smile, before putting her box down on the floor and getting a little closer to him. "What's wrong?" she asked, worried.

@Atomyk @A Wild Sav
When Chandlered opened the door, Emily wanted to step forward and hug him, like they had usually done before, but she stopped herself. Something wasn't right, it was obvious the boy wasn't feeling so well. Not only his eyes betrayed him, but also the tone of his voice was a give-away. "Oh..." she started, a little unsure of what to do now. She wanted to comfort him and try to make him feel better, but what if she said something wrong?

"It's okay" she assured him with a gentle smile. "I still need to get changed too" the girl said, patting the box she was holding under her shoulder. "If my parents saw me leaving in a costume, they'd uh... well, they'd flip out, hehe..."

She stepped inside the house, but couldn't help looking at Chandler's face every few moments. "... You don't do a very good job of hiding your feelings" she softly said with a light smile, before putting her box down on the floor and getting a little closer to him. "What's wrong?" she asked, worried.

@Atomyk @A Wild Sav

After Emily pointed out that she still needed to change into her costume, Chandler realized he had looked right through her a moment ago. He was in a slight daze, after all, and wasn't really focusing his thoughts in the moment. "Oh yeah, you're right; they probably would. You can come in and change in the bathroom. Just be quiet if you can. I just remembered my parents are lying on the couch," he explained, making his way further into the house. He stopped moving when Emily approached.

Chandler bit his lip and glanced away, unsure how to respond to Emily when she asked what was wrong. She could read him too well. Or maybe she was right and it was just plain obvous that something was up. He glanced between her and the couch where his parents were before whispering, "I'll tell you about it when we're alone. We should just get our costumes on first. You can change in the bathroom and I'll change in my room," he replied, offering her a weak smile.

@A Wild Sav @Atomyk
After Emily pointed out that she still needed to change into her costume, Chandler realized he had looked right through her a moment ago. He was in a slight daze, after all, and wasn't really focusing his thoughts in the moment. "Oh yeah, you're right; they probably would. You can come in and change in the bathroom. Just be quiet if you can. I just remembered my parents are lying on the couch," he explained, making his way further into the house. He stopped moving when Emily approached.

Chandler bit his lip and glanced away, unsure how to respond to Emily when she asked what was wrong. She could read him too well. Or maybe she was right and it was just plain obvous that something was up. He glanced between her and the couch where his parents were before whispering, "I'll tell you about it when we're alone. We should just get our costumes on first. You can change in the bathroom and I'll change in my room," he replied, offering her a weak smile.

@A Wild Sav @Atomyk
Emily nodded. She didn't much like sneaking around in someone else's house, but hey, it was better than having his parents find out about them. At least, she felt it would be better. There was no doubt in her mind that eventually she would tell both her and Chandler's parents, but for now, maybe it was best to keep their relationship a secret. "Okay..." she said softly, almost whispering now, as if his parents heard the smallest noise in the house. "I'll meet you up in your room in a few minutes then."

She wanted to say something else to lighten the mood a little bit, but she couldn't think of anything. Instead, she decided to just make her way to the bathroom while Chandler went up to his room. As quitely as she could, she changed her clothes and put on her self-made outfit. Looking in the mirror at herself, she thought she looked ridiculous, but at the least she was a bit more comfortable knowing that Chandler probably thought the same about himself. She smiled at herself happily in the mirror before leaving the bathroom and going up to Chandler's room.

@Atomyk @A Wild Sav

[btn=moda|]Emily's sign-up sheet[/btn][btn=moda|]Her outfit (:[/btn]
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