Illusion Game I: The Distraction of the Falling Worlds

  • Thread starter TheColourlessRainbow
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Hiroshi Tags along in his makeshift costume, remaining fairly quiet, Notebook computer still in hand, a dead giveaway as to whom is wrapped up in the glasses, scarf, and hood, and he smiles behind the scarf. Debating on whether or not to interject, he smiles, before making Ghost noises. "Oooooohhhhhhhhhh, I am the Ghost of Game Developers Past.....OOOOOOOooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" He Reaches his hands up, acting much like a zombie, only to end up tripping on an untied shoelace and fall flat on his face. The Laptop, which survived the fall, got jostled from his hand and slid a few feet away, as his hood flies off from the wind it cathces on his way down, and the scarf falls back around his neck.
Megumi laughed, at first, until Hiroshi tripped and fell flat on his face. She looked at him and asked "Are you all right?"

She also moved to grab the laptop, since it no doubt contained important things on it that Hiroshi would not want stolen.

Then Megumi would hear a shout. "ME-GU-MI~!" Lola would have run up to people talking looking completely tired as she leaned herself on Jason, her ample bosom pushing up towards him. "Whew! Like, running is so stressful, you know?"

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Chris Lang
"Lola!" Megumi shouted. "I didn't know if you were coming!"

She smiled and giggled as she greeted her friend. "The party's just getting started. I think we're supposed to hear more about that 'game' those weird letters were talking about, unless I missed something. Which I could have."

"Anyway, this is Orel, and Hiroshi and Ja..." Megumi stopped when she realized Lola was leaning on Jason. "You two already know each other?" she asked with a knowing smile.

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Jeremi
Megumi laughed, at first, until Hiroshi tripped and fell flat on his face. She looked at him and asked "Are you all right?"

She also moved to grab the laptop, since it no doubt contained important things on it that Hiroshi would not want stolen.

"Lola!" Megumi shouted. "I didn't know if you were coming!"

She smiled and giggled as she greeted her friend. "The party's just getting started. I think we're supposed to hear more about that 'game' those weird letters were talking about, unless I missed something. Which I could have."

"Anyway, this is Orel, and Hiroshi and Ja..." Megumi stopped when she realized Lola was leaning on Jason. "You two already know each other?" she asked with a knowing smile.

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Jeremi
"Married." Orel coughed not so subtly.

Orel also went to pick up the laptop. Megumi beat him to it by a moment, they almost ran into each other trying to get it. As his fingers brushed the keys one of his episodes hit him. All of a sudden he couldn't feel his hands, his skin, his senses were cut off. It was like he was seeing our life through the other end of a computer screen.

He didn't want to worry the others, so he fumbled along, trying not to let it show. He roughly Hiroshi's arm and yanked him up. It wasn't his intention, but he truly couldn't tell the difference at the moment.

"Hey. You okay?" He said, his voice harsh.

@BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Jeremi @Chris Lang
@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Chris Lang @Jeremi

Hiroshi accepts the help and nods, adjusting his glasses. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just seem to have neglected a shoelace. My mistake." He smiles softly, Accepting the machine again, grateful no one got to investigate the prototypical projects on it. Getting yanked up by Orel, he lets out an almost yelp like noise, and starts retracking back to himself a little. "I'I'm Fine Orel, Please, your hurting me..."
@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @chris Lang @Jeremi

Hiroshi accepts the help and nods, adjusting his glasses. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just seem to have neglected a shoelace. My mistake." He smiles softly, Accepting the machine again, grateful no one got to investigate the prototypical projects on it. Getting yanked up by Orel, he lets out an almost yelp like noise, and starts retracking back to himself a little. "I'I'm Fine Orel, Please, your hurting me..."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Orel apologizes. "Sometimes I lose feeling in um... in certain parts of my body. Its not something that the doctor's can treat...or even find..." he mutters that last part under his breath. He realizes he's still holding onto Hiroshi's arm. He releases it and slowly backs up. "Again, I'm so sorry."

@BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Chris Lang @Jeremi @FireDrake150
Zhang looked at the two who were running or walking into each other. She wasn't sure what to do, but they seemed to be alright. Still, she looked at them and they both seemed quite... frail and fragile.


"Are you two okay?" she asked. She was tempted to ask if they wanted to do some physical training with her, to get them more physically strong, but she thought, even that might get them hurt as well.

@Thuro Pendragon @FireDrake150 @Chris Lang @CrunchyCHEEZIT @BarrenThin @Jeremi
Hiroshi rubs his arm where Orel had held it, and nods. "It's okay, Sir. We all have our weaknesses. I myself am a little too introverted...." He gives a nervous chuckle, trying to hide his discomfort with there being so many people in one room. Hiroshi would need physical training as well, but its not the sort of thing he would ever mention out loud without first being asked.

@Thuro Pendragon @Mari @Chris Lang @CrunchyCHEEZIT @BarrenThin @Jeremi
Megumi laughed, at first, until Hiroshi tripped and fell flat on his face. She looked at him and asked "Are you all right?"

She also moved to grab the laptop, since it no doubt contained important things on it that Hiroshi would not want stolen.

"Lola!" Megumi shouted. "I didn't know if you were coming!"

She smiled and giggled as she greeted her friend. "The party's just getting started. I think we're supposed to hear more about that 'game' those weird letters were talking about, unless I missed something. Which I could have."

"Anyway, this is Orel, and Hiroshi and Ja..." Megumi stopped when she realized Lola was leaning on Jason. "You two already know each other?" she asked with a knowing smile.

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Jeremi

"Like yeah! I wasn't but then like they mentioned a party and I was like no way! And yeah he came trick or treating earlier. I thought it was weird cause he's like pretty old and stuff, but I can't judge or anything, like you know, everyone loves candy! He's kind of like that rugged hobo way, you know?" She flashed Megumi a smile forgetting or just not caring that Jason was right next to her, nor was Orel's not so subtle cough being registered in anyway.

"Game? Like, I love games!"

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Chris Lang
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@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Chris Lang @Jeremi

Hiroshi accepts the help and nods, adjusting his glasses. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just seem to have neglected a shoelace. My mistake." He smiles softly, Accepting the machine again, grateful no one got to investigate the prototypical projects on it. Getting yanked up by Orel, he lets out an almost yelp like noise, and starts retracking back to himself a little. "I'I'm Fine Orel, Please, your hurting me..."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Orel apologizes. "Sometimes I lose feeling in um... in certain parts of my body. Its not something that the doctor's can treat...or even find..." he mutters that last part under his breath. He realizes he's still holding onto Hiroshi's arm. He releases it and slowly backs up. "Again, I'm so sorry."

@BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Chris Lang @Jeremi @FireDrake150
Hiroshi rubs his arm where Orel had held it, and nods. "It's okay, Sir. We all have our weaknesses. I myself am a little too introverted...." He gives a nervous chuckle, trying to hide his discomfort with there being so many people in one room. Hiroshi would need physical training as well, but its not the sort of thing he would ever mention out loud without first being asked.

@Thuro Pendragon @Mari @Chris Lang @CrunchyCHEEZIT @BarrenThin @Jeremi
Megumi turned her gaze from Hiroshi to Orel. "I hope you two are okay. That was scary ... and not the good kind of scary that this holiday's all about."

She turned to Hiroshi. "I don't know what's on that laptop, but I know it's got lots of stuff you need. It looks like it's okay."

"You know, you really should be more careful before you start doing those Halloween pranks, you know?"

@FireDrake150 @Mari @Thuro Pendragon @Jeremi
@Chris Lang @Mari @Thuro Pendragon @Jeremi

Hiroshi nods and rubs the back of his head embarrassedly. "Yeah, mainly prototypes, but important builds too. Good thing I put an SSD in there not too long ago, otherwise it'd be dead." He looks around, before neeling and tying his shoes.
"Again I'm sorry. Its not much of a weakness really, see? I'm fine." Orel was lying through his teeth. It wasn't over, and he couldn't be sure how long before it passed. It was never consistent. But there was no need to worry them with that. They might as well enjoy their holiday.

"It's... alright." Orel told the woman. "This is the first time it's happened outside the apartment in years. Although I'm never opposed to a little extra training."

@FireDrake150 @Mari @Chris Lang @Jeremi
"Like yeah! I wasn't but then like they mentioned a party and I was like no way! And yeah he came trick or treating earlier. I thought it was weird cause he's like pretty old and stuff, but I can't judge or anything, like you know, everyone loves candy! He's kind of like that rugged hobo way, you know?" She flashed Megumi a smile forgetting or just not caring that Jason was right next to her, nor was Orel's not so subtle cough being registered in anyway.

"Game? Like, I love games!"
"Yeah, he's kind of good-looking, but also kind of quiet. And he's right next to you." Megumi said, with a giggle.

"I'm not sure what this game is. It sounds like the mayor wants us to look for people who are acting kinda weird or out of character or something. And the people who spot them all will be given this whole town. Weird prize, isn't it?"

"It sounds like we're supposed to vote on it or something. I don't know when we're supposed to start. Maybe we should ... like ... wait for them to say something?"
@Chris Lang @Mari @Thuro Pendragon @Jeremi

Hiroshi nods and rubs the back of his head embarrassedly. "Yeah, mainly prototypes, but important builds too. Good thing I put an SSD in there not too long ago, otherwise it'd be dead." He looks around, before neeling and tying his shoes.

Megumi breathed a sigh of relief when she realized Hiroshi's only injury was to his dignity. "Good thing I'm not wearing the kind of shoes that need laces," she said. "Though I hope I don't have to play chase. It's kinda hard in heels."

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Jeremi
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Bubba would stomp over to see if everything was alright, his back turned when Hiroshi fell. Bubba sometimes got nervous around large crowd, and he made a loud moan to signal his presence to the newcomers. Bubba would spot Orel and stomp over, patting him on the back and giving a happy grunt. Bubba would then slowly raise his drill and point it at the town hall, revving it a few times to remind everyone of the party-- standing out in the middle of the street is unsafe, after all.

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @Chris Lang @FireDrake150 @Jeremi
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After Chandler's dad moved out of the way, he returned his attention to Emily so he could look at her costume for a moment. His sad expression washed away for a moment, replaced by a proud smile as he admired her. She looked so cute, but then again she always did! "You look even better. I'm the luckiest guy in school to have a girl like you even talk to me let alone actually hang out with me all the time," he told her, glancing down at his own costume after a moment. "Uh, yeah, Assassin's Creed. Which, ironically has pirates in it. You could be part of my pirate crew," he said with a playful wink.

His happier expression quickly went away again, however, when Emily asked what was wrong. Chandler opened his mouth to try and find the words, but before anything could come out he heard his mom speak to them. He turned to his mother and offered her a weak, sheepish smile. "Oh, this is... Emily, Mom," he told her, rubbing his arm awkwardly. He wasn't sure if it would make Emily nervous to tell his mother they were dating, so he struggled to get any more words out. "She's a friend... that's a girl... like a girlfri-- We're going to the Haunted House in town, actually. I heard it was interesting..."
If Richard was being honest, it was in his best interest to approve of Chandler's friend, whether or not there was something more going on. A stepfather and stepson, the pair of them hadn't exactly had a great relationship, so Richard had taken great pains to be the more accepting of the parental units. He might have even invited Emily over for dinner if his mind wasn't jumping in twenty different directions at the moment. With a long look toward his wife, Richard eventually said, "The Haunted House seems fun. I hope you both have a good time." Ambrosia might have disapproved, but she wasn't in any condition to do much about it. Sighing, he reached out and gently took her by the hand. "Am-- You, uh... If your head hurts that much, we need to do something about it."

The kids were forgotten as Richard suddenly got up to stride into the kitchen. "Right, ice, I'll get some for your head too..."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jenny @A Wild Sav
Calvin Klein was just about ready to get the initial run on his time machine. "All parameters are optimal, checklist is all checked through, we are ready to travel through time!", he said to himself, as he shut the doors, and got the remote control started up.


Cal didn't want to be in the car himself, at least not until he could verify it was safe, and that the time machine actually would work. He didn't want to find himself dead, or lost in time, that would be a terrible fate. He walked away from the time machine and was about to get it started when he saw several people walking towards the car.


"Neighbors!" he yelled, "Great Scott!" He instinctively said something, though no one would be there to hear it just yet, as the oncoming pedestrians were not within audible range yet.

"Quick, cover the time machine!" he said, but realized he didn't have anything to cover it up with. He resigned himself to just waving at the pedestrians, and playing it cool.

"Just a little experiment, that's all", he said to them as they got closer.

@Mari @Thuro Pendragon @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Chris Lang @Jeremi @BarrenThin
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"Like duh, drinking on a boat doesn't count, you know?" Man who was this new guy? Everyone knew that! "Also like has anyone told you you're like a super buzz kill?"

"Aw but like, you jost got here! Well bye! Like take some candy and happy Halloween!" As she closed the door she realized what they had said.

...Wait. Did they like...say a party?" She was the party girl after all! And slutty princess outfit shouldn't go to waste just because of her being sad over breaking up with Kevin. "Like being home alone on Halloween's a total bore!" She exclaimed to herself before grabbing a coat and heading after the two men towards the party.

Then Megumi would hear a shout. "ME-GU-MI~!" Lola would have run up to people talking looking completely tired as she leaned herself on Jason, her ample bosom pushing up towards him. "Whew! Like, running is so stressful, you know?"

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Chris Lang

Jason turned all kinds of red, and stared up at the ceiling. Where was Alison when he needed her?
@Jeremi @Thuro Pendragon @Chris Lang
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"Yeah, he's kind of good-looking, but also kind of quiet. And he's right next to you." Megumi said, with a giggle.

"I'm not sure what this game is. It sounds like the mayor wants us to look for people who are acting kinda weird or out of character or something. And the people who spot them all will be given this whole town. Weird prize, isn't it?"

"It sounds like we're supposed to vote on it or something. I don't know when we're supposed to start. Maybe we should ... like ... wait for them to say something?"

Megumi breathed a sigh of relief when she realized Hiroshi's only injury was to his dignity. "Good thing I'm not wearing the kind of shoes that need laces," she said. "Though I hope I don't have to play chase. It's kinda hard in heels."

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Jeremi

"LOL silly me." She replied toying with her hair while leaning ever so slightly closer to Jason. "And like probably, hope it's a cool game like Twister, cause like I'm really good at that." She turned towards Jason and gave him a coquettish smile. "Like you're a carpenter so like, I guess you stretch a lot, huh?"

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Chris Lang
"LOL silly me." She replied toying with her hair while leaning ever so slightly closer to Jason. "And like probably, hope it's a cool game like Twister, cause like I'm really good at that." She turned towards Jason and gave him a coquettish smile. "Like you're a carpenter so like, I guess you stretch a lot, huh?"

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Chris Lang
"Uh... Yeah... I guess." His voice had gotten very small. He gave Orel a pleading look before moving his eyes back up to the ceiling. He would push her off, but he didn't want to be mean, so he just... tolerated... the flirtation, for now. "Yes." Sweet Lord help me.

@Chris Lang
@Thuro Pendragon
"Uh... Yeah... I guess." His voice had gotten very small. He gave Orel a pleading look before moving his eyes back up to the ceiling. He would push her off, but he didn't want to be mean, so he just... tolerated... the flirtation, for now. "Yes." Sweet Lord help me.

@Chris Lang
@Thuro Pendragon

"Like what are you looking at?" Lola would look up to the ceiling with a puzzled look on her face. "Is this like a carpenter thing or something? Are you checking for mold? Cause, that would be icky and gross if there was mold. Or are you like just thinking who would be tacky enough to do it like that? Like omg are you serious?"

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"Like what are you looking at?" Lola would look up to the ceiling with a puzzled look on her face. "Is this like a carpenter thing or something? Are you checking for mold? Cause, that would be icky and gross if there was mold. Or are you like just thinking who would be tacky enough to do it like that? Like omg are you serious?"

"The... t-the second one?" He stuttered out, looking back at her now, smiling awkwardly. This wasn't a situation he anticipated or particularly enjoyed, though he couldn't deny that the woman was very attractive. "I-it's pretty t-tacky..." Being as short as he was, every time he looked ahead, Jason got a good look at her chest. That was the opposite of what he wanted, so he ended up looking at her forehead.

@Chris Lang
@Thuro Pendragon

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"The... t-the second one?" He stuttered out, looking back at her now, smiling awkwardly. This wasn't a situation he anticipated or particularly enjoyed, though he couldn't deny that the woman was very attractive. "I-it's pretty t-tacky..." Being as short as he was, every time he looked ahead, Jason got a good look at her chest. That was the opposite of what he wanted, so he ended up looking at her forehead.

@Chris Lang
@Thuro Pendragon

"Huh?" Lola started to touch her forehead. "Please don't tell me...I have a zit? Oh. My. God. I probably like look like a freak!" She quickly flung her handbag off her shoulder and removed a small mirror to check if there was something out of the ordinary. "Ugh I swear to God..."

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