Illusion Game I: The Distraction of the Falling Worlds

  • Thread starter TheColourlessRainbow
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Emily stayed quiet for the rest of the conversation, letting Chandler and his father sort the rest out themselves. She felt like she had no business with his mother being sick, and at least that way she wouldn't have to have that awkward conversation with the man. It just felt like she wasn't quite ready to let others know about her relationship with Chandler just yet.

She waited for his father to leave, and then turned her head back to Chandler, giving him a soft smile. "... You're looking good" she said to try and change the subject from his parents. "I guess it's some video game thing huh...? I just went for a classic pirate costume myself."

Though as much as she liked talking about costumes and Halloween, she still didn't feel like Chandler was feeling that well yet. After he answered her, she asked again, in a softer and quieter voice: "So what's up...? I know you're upset, I just wanna know why."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @A Wild Sav

[btn=moda|]Emily's sign-up sheet[/btn][btn=moda|]Her costume[/btn]
Ambrosia lifted her head slightly when she heard her son address her, trying to focus on him so that she could provide some sort of reassuring look, but she didn't quite seem able. Instead, it was all she could do to try to give him a smile despite the pain. "Yes, darling..?" she managed to reply, softly. Though, when Richard returned with the Ibuprofen, her attention was turned away.

Gratefully, she accepted the offered medicine, taking it quietly. "Thank you, l-love..." Despite the fact her head was swimming, Ambrosia managed to weakly shake her head at the statement, though the movement caused her to wince. "G-gah... I-I'll be f-fine," she stammered weakly, still seeming unable to meet Richard's gaze. "You.." there was a brief pause, and she seemed to be faltering for words. "..Y-you should get some.. i-ice.."

It seemed that, despite the immense pain she was undergoing, Richard was somehow still her priority. Well... Him, and Chandler. His hesitation didn't go unnoticed; nor did the presence of the girl with him. Her features softened slightly, though it was hard to tell with the way pain painted her features, and she tried to put on a smile. "Y-you both l-look l-lovely, tonight..." she managed, sincerely. "May I ask w-who..- agh... -your friend is..?"

Hooray for awkward mothers in pain. :)

@Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jenny

After Chandler's dad moved out of the way, he returned his attention to Emily so he could look at her costume for a moment. His sad expression washed away for a moment, replaced by a proud smile as he admired her. She looked so cute, but then again she always did! "You look even better. I'm the luckiest guy in school to have a girl like you even talk to me let alone actually hang out with me all the time," he told her, glancing down at his own costume after a moment. "Uh, yeah, Assassin's Creed. Which, ironically has pirates in it. You could be part of my pirate crew," he said with a playful wink.

His happier expression quickly went away again, however, when Emily asked what was wrong. Chandler opened his mouth to try and find the words, but before anything could come out he heard his mom speak to them. He turned to his mother and offered her a weak, sheepish smile. "Oh, this is... Emily, Mom," he told her, rubbing his arm awkwardly. He wasn't sure if it would make Emily nervous to tell his mother they were dating, so he struggled to get any more words out. "She's a friend... that's a girl... like a girlfri-- We're going to the Haunted House in town, actually. I heard it was interesting..."

After Chandler's dad moved out of the way, he returned his attention to Emily so he could look at her costume for a moment. His sad expression washed away for a moment, replaced by a proud smile as he admired her. She looked so cute, but then again she always did! "You look even better. I'm the luckiest guy in school to have a girl like you even talk to me let alone actually hang out with me all the time," he told her, glancing down at his own costume after a moment. "Uh, yeah, Assassin's Creed. Which, ironically has pirates in it. You could be part of my pirate crew," he said with a playful wink.

His happier expression quickly went away again, however, when Emily asked what was wrong. Chandler opened his mouth to try and find the words, but before anything could come out he heard his mom speak to them. He turned to his mother and offered her a weak, sheepish smile. "Oh, this is... Emily, Mom," he told her, rubbing his arm awkwardly. He wasn't sure if it would make Emily nervous to tell his mother they were dating, so he struggled to get any more words out. "She's a friend... that's a girl... like a girlfri-- We're going to the Haunted House in town, actually. I heard it was interesting..."
Emily gave a small nod and smile when Chandler introduced her. "Nice to meet you, ma'am..." she softly said, still feeling a little awkward with the woman being so sick and all that. She was almost convinced it wasn't going to be that bad, until Chandler almost called her his girlfriend, and her face turned a bright red once again.

"I... I h-hope you get better..." she said to his mother, trying to be as polite as possible. She didn't want Chandler's parents to think she was rude or awkward or anything bad. She wanted to make a good impression, even though her shy nature made it hard for her to do so.

@A Wild Sav @Atomyk

[btn=moda|]Emily's sign-up sheet[/btn][btn=moda|]Her costume[/btn]
"Right. Well... you have a lovely home ma'am. Thank you for having us."

Orel stepped outside. The cold air felt good on his skin. Sometimes it felt he was disconnected from his senses, like he was looking through everything threw a screen of glass. But the moments were rare and usually passed soon.

The trip to the party was uneventful thankfully, there were no klutzy kids tripping like ninja kittens (wait, what?) this time. As they passed the threshold something Orel looked for Bubba. It looked like he wasn't here. That was too bad. He had wanted to talk to him about new firearm regulations that had been put into effect since the previous year.

@BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi

Jason followed Orel, seeming quite unsure of what to do.
@Thuro Pendragon
"Right. Well... you have a lovely home ma'am. Thank you for having us."

Orel stepped outside. The cold air felt good on his skin. Sometimes it felt he was disconnected from his senses, like he was looking through everything threw a screen of glass. But the moments were rare and usually passed soon.

The trip to the party was uneventful thankfully, there were no klutzy kids tripping like ninja kittens (wait, what?) this time. As they passed the threshold something Orel looked for Bubba. It looked like he wasn't here. That was too bad. He had wanted to talk to him about new firearm regulations that had been put into effect since the previous year.

@BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi
As Megumi and her companions neared the town hall where the party would be held, she noticed Orel and Jason entering the building.

Megumi looked around "Well, looks like we're here!" she said, addressing Zhang, Hiroshi, and Bubba. "All we need to do is go inside and maybe we'll learn what this game is all about. Or at least get to say hi to people and hang out."

"Either way, it ought to be fun, right?" With that, she led the way to the entrance of the party, hoping her companions were following.

@FireDrake150 @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Thuro Pendragon
As Megumi and her companions neared the town hall where the party would be held, she noticed Orel and Jason entering the building.

Megumi looked around "Well, looks like we're here!" she said, addressing Zhang, Hiroshi, and Bubba. "All we need to do is go inside and maybe we'll learn what this game is all about. Or at least get to say hi to people and hang out."

"Either way, it ought to be fun, right?" With that, she led the way to the entrance of the party, hoping her companions were following.

@FireDrake150 @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Thuro Pendragon

Jason just waved to the group timidly.
@Chris Lang and friends
Hiroshi Follows, pulling up a hood at the back of his jacket, and adjusting his glasses so as to go in under cover, lifting his scarf over his face. Its ture he had no costume, but this should suffice. If anyone asks, he could claim to be the hooded redead. No one could know whether it was a last minute throw together or something from his halloween release, for the release has yet to occur. Following suit, he moans softly, much like a Zelda Re-dead, and surpresses a giggle at the festivities and how it sounds.

@Mari @Chris Lang @CrunchyCHEEZIT
As Megumi and her companions neared the town hall where the party would be held, she noticed Orel and Jason entering the building.

Megumi looked around "Well, looks like we're here!" she said, addressing Zhang, Hiroshi, and Bubba. "All we need to do is go inside and maybe we'll learn what this game is all about. Or at least get to say hi to people and hang out."

"Either way, it ought to be fun, right?" With that, she led the way to the entrance of the party, hoping her companions were following.

@FireDrake150 @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Thuro Pendragon
"I hope so... Megumi?" Orel had seen the girl around the town a few times but had never really met her. "That letter that showed up at the apartment, it was bit odd. Did yours contain anything extra?"

Orel nodded a greeting at Bubba.

@FireDrake150 @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Thuro Pendragon @Chris Lang
Alex sighed as he walked around the town, looking everywhere for Melody. He somehow managed to lose her.... And he knew somehow.... It would be his fault. "Melody?" he called out before sighing again, his breathe causing a small fog in front of his face. "Son of a.... How the hell can I lose a person?" he asked as he walked around. He didn't have any direction. He just... Walked.

@Gummi Bunnies @Anyone around
Jason just waved to the group timidly.
@Chris Lang and friends
Megumi just waved back, smiling. She didn't really know Jason other than just another resident of the town she saw roaming around now and then, but waving back was the polite thing to do.

"I hope so... Megumi?" Orel had seen the girl around the town a few times but had never really met her. "That letter that showed up at the apartment, it was bit odd. Did yours contain anything extra?"

Orel nodded a greeting at Bubba.

@FireDrake150 @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Thuro Pendragon @Chris Lang
"Yes, I'm Megumi Yashida." Megumi said with a smile. "Of course back in Japan they'd use the family name first and call me Yashida Megumi. But either way is all right with me!"

"So you're Orel, right? The carpenter? I think I saw you fixing up some old places a few months back."

"Yes, I got the letter too but I haven't seen anyone else's letters. All I know is that everyone else got letters, too. As far as I know, they say the exact same thing mine did."

@Thuro Pendragon @Mari @BarrenThin @FireDrake150
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Megumi just waved back, smiling. She didn't really know Jason other than just another resident of the town she saw roaming around now and then, but waving back was the polite thing to do.

"Yes, I'm Megumi Yashida." Megumi said with a smile. "Of course back in Japan they'd use the family name first and call me Yashida Megumi. But either way is all right with me!"

"So you're Orel, right? The carpenter? I think I saw you fixing up some old places a few months back."

"Yes, I got the letter too but I haven't seen anyone else's letters. All I know is that everyone else got letters, too. As far as I know, they say the exact same thing mine did."

@Thuro Pendragon @Mari @BarrenThin @FireDrake150
"Actually, Jason's the carpenter. I'm a cop." He smirked. "A few more members of this little get together and we can do a village people rendition."

Orel held out his hand.

"My name is Orel Krovotecheniye. Don't worry about remembering it, few people do." He laughed. "Gotta love Russian."

@Mari @BarrenThin @FireDrake150 @Chris Lang
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"Actually, Jason's the carpenter. I'm a cop." He smirked. "A few more members of this little get together and we can do a village people rendition."

Orel held out his hand.

"My name is Orel Krovotecheniye. Don't worry about remembering it, few people do." He laughed. "Gotta love Russian."

@Mari @BarrenThin @FireDrake150 @Chris Lang
"Oh, silly me!" Megumi giggled. "Guess I got you guys confused cause I see you two hanging out together a lot. Do you two know each other very well?"

"If it's okay with you, I'll just call you Orel. Okay?"

Upon being mentioned, Jason again waved timidly. "Uh... Hi."
@Chris Lang @Thuro Pendragon
Megumi waved back. "Hi!" she said. "I hope you enjoy the party."

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari
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  • Like
Reactions: Thuro 116 Pendragon
"Oh, silly me!" Megumi giggled. "Guess I got you guys confused cause I see you two hanging out together a lot. Do you two know each other very well?"

"If it's okay with you, I'll just call you Orel. Okay?"

Megumi waved back. "Hi!" she said. "I hope you enjoy the party."

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari
"Not that well. I'd say we're friends, but I live in the city so I don't know a lot of people these days. Seems like a lot of people have been moving in and out these days. I grew up here though. Bubba..." Orel nodded at the large lumbering man. " me out of more than a few scrapes while I was growing up."

"Orel is fine. Its actually what I prefer. Its a lot less trouble than saying Eagle every time you want to talk to me."

@BarrenThin @Chris Lang @CrunchyCHEEZIT
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Jason, as always, couldn't shake a nagging feeling at the edges of his mind. It was almost like he felt things around him. As usual, though, he just ignored it.

"So you're Megumi. I don't think we've really talked very much."

@Thuro Pendragon
@Chris Lang
Alex sighed as he walked around the town, looking everywhere for Melody. He somehow managed to lose her.... And he knew somehow.... It would be his fault. "Melody?" he called out before sighing again, his breathe causing a small fog in front of his face. "Son of a.... How the hell can I lose a person?" he asked as he walked around. He didn't have any direction. He just... Walked.

@Gummi Bunnies @Anyone around
Possibly worn out from the many things that a terribly fortunate person such as Melody would go through, the brunette happened to pass out, asleep on a bench. Well, even if she were asked on what she was doing, she honestly had no clue, her and her stupid sleepy self. At least she had her usual warm coat on, or else she might as well get a cold.

@Ryu Keiko @anybody else?

(yes, I know this is crappy short, but it's just a way for me to jump back in ^^")​
"Not that well. I'd say we're friends, but I live in the city so I don't know a lot of people these days. Seems like a lot of people have been moving in and out these days. I grew up here though. Bubba..." Orel nodded at the large lumbering man. " me out of more than a few scrapes while I was growing up."

"Orel is fine. Its actually what I prefer. Its a lot less trouble than saying Eagle every time you want to talk to me."
Megumi nodded. "Yeah, Bubba's a guy of few words, but it's nice to have him backing you up when you need him. I don't know where he came from, but I think he really likes it here. I don't know about anyone else, but if I'm one of the winners of this contest, I'd love to keep him on helping us all."

Jason, as always, couldn't shake a nagging feeling at the edges of his mind. It was almost like he felt things around him. As usual, though, he just ignored it.

"So you're Megumi. I don't think we've really talked very much."

@Thuro Pendragon
@Chris Lang
"No, we haven't." Megumi said. "You're kind of a quiet guy. All I know is that you're a carpenter, which is totally not the same thing as a guy who puts down carpets. English might be my second language, but I know the difference."

"Have you met Lola? She's fun and she's nice, but sometimes she gets a little confused. Not that I'm complaining. I love going on shopping trips and hanging out with her. She's one of my best friends."

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150
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Possibly worn out from the many things that a terribly fortunate person such as Melody would go through, the brunette happened to pass out, asleep on a bench. Well, even if she were asked on what she was doing, she honestly had no clue, her and her stupid sleepy self. At least she had her usual warm coat on, or else she might as well get a cold.

@Ryu Keiko @anybody else?

(yes, I know this is crappy short, but it's just a way for me to jump back in ^^")​
Alex continued to look around to he saw Melody on a nearby bench, asleep. "What the..." He mumbled before he lightly jogged over to her location. "Hey Melody, you okay?" he called out as he neared her. He came to a stop and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he huffed. Great she is asleep... He said. He leaned forward and gently shook her, hoping to not startle her.

(I'm in the same boat as you trust me...)

@Gummi Bunnies
@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @chris Ling

Hiroshi Tags along in his makeshift costume, remaining fairly quiet, Notebook computer still in hand, a dead giveaway as to whom is wrapped up in the glasses, scarf, and hood, and he smiles behind the scarf. Debating on whether or not to interject, he smiles, before making Ghost noises. "Oooooohhhhhhhhhh, I am the Ghost of Game Developers Past.....OOOOOOOooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" He Reaches his hands up, acting much like a zombie, only to end up tripping on an untied shoelace and fall flat on his face. The Laptop, which survived the fall, got jostled from his hand and slid a few feet away, as his hood flies off from the wind it cathces on his way down, and the scarf falls back around his neck.
Earlier when Jason had opened the door Orel had explained his costume. He was dressing up as criminal, something he found very ironic considering his chosen profession. After that Orel had silently followed the girl and Jason.

When Orel heard that coming out of the girl's mouth he coughed. "Remember, always drink responsibly. Back when I was a patrolman I had to deal with this... this kid that was driving drunk. Or what was left of him between the windshield and the dash."

Orel looked was lost in thought for a moment. That was one of his worst memories.

@BarrenThin @Jeremi

"Like duh, drinking on a boat doesn't count, you know?" Man who was this new guy? Everyone knew that! "Also like has anyone told you you're like a super buzz kill?"

"Yeah... Anyways, we should probably get going." Jason looked over the woman and pinched his arm to help himself remember that he was married.

@Thuro Pendragon
"Aw but like, you jost got here! Well bye! Like take some candy and happy Halloween!" As she closed the door she realized what they had said.

...Wait. Did they like...say a party?" She was the party girl after all! And slutty princess outfit shouldn't go to waste just because of her being sad over breaking up with Kevin. "Like being home alone on Halloween's a total bore!" She exclaimed to herself before grabbing a coat and heading after the two men towards the party.

Megumi nodded. "Yeah, Bubba's a guy of few words, but it's nice to have him backing you up when you need him. I don't know where he came from, but I think he really likes it here. I don't know about anyone else, but if I'm one of the winners of this contest, I'd love to keep him on helping us all."

"No, we haven't." Megumi said. "You're kind of a quiet guy. All I know is that you're a carpenter, which is totally not the same thing as a guy who puts down carpets. English might be my second language, but I know the difference."

"Have you met Lola? She's fun and she's nice, but sometimes she gets a little confused. Not that I'm complaining. I love going on shopping trips and hanging out with her. She's one of my best friends."

Then Megumi would hear a shout. "ME-GU-MI~!" Lola would have run up to people talking looking completely tired as she leaned herself on Jason, her ample bosom pushing up towards him. "Whew! Like, running is so stressful, you know?"

@Thuro Pendragon @BarrenThin @Mari @CrunchyCHEEZIT @FireDrake150 @Chris Lang
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