Illusion Breaker

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As Frank would scan the area, what would eventually come into sight would be a peculiar one. In the distance, standing at the courtyard of the school, would be a small group of individuals dressed in black, armed with guns and armor. Though it was somewhat difficult to see in the dark, it can easily be assumed that this was the same group that had attacked Tohsaka Mansion earlier, if not a group that happened to be affiliated with them in any case. However, they looked more professional compared to the last group, less crudely armed and trained, it seemed.


Running over to the gymnasium, which was a separate building, the soldiers entered and pointed their weapons at something or someone inside, as if intending to shoot, which they did.

"H-Huh? What was that?"

The distant sound of gunshots could barely be heard if one were to focus their listening enough, though the small flashes of light that the guns gave off would also be indication that shots were being fired. But who were they firing at, and for what purpose?

In no time, the doors would be barged open from the inside, and out from it would Shirou Emiya, the boy who had appeared at Rin's home earlier that day. As he had slammed the doors open with a shoulder dash, he would lose his balance quickly and fall over, but scramble to his feet and continue running, sprinting towards the main building of the school while the soldiers followed him from behind, firing at him. His arm seemed to be shot, judging from the fact that he was holding it with his other arm, and the amount of blood that was coming from it.

For such an ordinary boy, he was surprisingly swift. If Frank were observant enough, he'd be able to even see a small hint of green light from his legs, not entirely unlike the glows that would appear when Rin would use magecraft that applied to her own body. With that, Shirou ran quickly, barely avoiding fatal shots as he hid behind a pillar.

However, with no time to rest, the soldiers hot on his trail, the young man would make a break for it, running through the doors of the building, the soldiers doing the same and chasing after him.

"That was...!" Rin exclaimed with great concern, also using magecraft to transport her voice to reach Frank, "Frank, go after him! Make sure he doesn't die! Please, I--" She began to say, before a small explosion would be heard right from her position!

Perhaps explosion was the wrong word, but more like... a shockwave, perhaps? There was no fire or anything, so there was no indication that any grenade was used, but there was still quite a lot of smoke, greatly obscuring Frank's view if he were to focus his attention to where Rin and Archer were, though through the smokescreen, he would be able to see sparks appear, like metal objects, or weapons, hitting against each other.

As if there was a fight going on there.

Go after Shirou?

Go after Rin?
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So much for non-lethals. He quickly changed magazines the moment he recognized the attackers. His eyes widened when he recognized the boy. Not good. Not good. He heard Rin shouting, and then everything went to shit. The old man growled with confusion, but his decision was quick. "Archer! Keep her safe!" The old man bellowed before sprinting to Shirou.

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The school's main building could be reached from Frank's position, the rooftop allowing entry inside the building from a door. As he would enter the dark building and make his way down the stairs, in the quiet, almost empty place, he'd be able to hear frantic footsteps and the occasional gunshot and pained grunt from below.


It didn't look like he had a lot of time to waste!

As Frank would make his way through the place, he'd be able to hear the voice of one of the soldiers, presumably the field commander of the small group, speak. "Alright, let's spread out! He couldn't have gone far!" He spoke, before sending some soldiers off into different directions throughout the building with shouts of "Investigate the left!" and "You, look through the right." When he would move again, only two soldiers would be accompanying him.

It was then that Frank would realize that the soldiers were moving towards his position. Well, time to act then.​
Frank didn't hesitate. He peered around the corner and fired three short bursts at each soldier. He didn't have time to be stealthy.

"Gah! What the hell?!" One of the soldiers exclaimed in surprise as they would be shot at all of a sudden out of the blue, his armor absorbing most of the bullets that landed in non-vital areas, "Was that--?!" He would exclaim while the second soldier would fall down, handicapped as the bullets would hit his legs with a pained groan.

"Hostile engaged! Return fire! Tend to the wounded after dispatching hostile!" The third soldier exclaimed, crouching into position and firing his automatic gun in Frank's general direction.​
Frank ducked behind cover after his initial volley. Maybe he could get their attention off of the boy. He threw a frag grenade, pin drawn, at them. A bullet grazed his arm when he threw it. Nearly tore a chunk out. He grimaced in response, but pushed through it.
"Grenade! Take co--Agghhh!" The soldier in front yelled as the grenade would explode, instantly killing him, along with one of the other soldiers, his body crashing through the nearby window and the other slamming into the wall, leaving only the lone soldier who had become handicapped from being shot in the legs earlier.

"W-Who are you?! Show yourself!" He demanded, laying there almost defenselessly as he tried to drag himself towards cover, waving his rifle around, hoping to spot Frank with the gun's flashlight.​
Frank got ready to spray into the man... but found himself hesitating. He shifted for a moment before shouting down the hall in response. "Put your gun down, boy, and I'll let you live." The words left a bad taste in the old man's mouth. He'd said them before, if course... but it was true, this time.​
"G-Go to hell!" The soldier responded, aiming his gun at Frank without hesitation, "If I'm dying, make it quick for me, old man! 'Cause if the mission isn't done, that man... the boss will kill me. And I'm gonna go down fighting!" He would exclaim, firing at Frank.​
"G-Go to hell!" The soldier responded, aiming his gun at Frank without hesitation, "If I'm dying, make it quick for me, old man! 'Cause if the mission isn't done, that man... the boss will kill me. And I'm gonna go down fighting!" He would exclaim, firing at Frank.​

A bullet slammed into his Kevlar, sending him staggering. Another hit his arm before he could get to cover. "Dammit! You didn't have to die!" The former vigilante waited for the boy to stop shooting, then peered out and sprayed at his head and neck.​

The young man instantly died, his movements ceasing to be quickly enough.

With that minor setback, hopefully the other groups hadn't gotten too far. Still, even from inside where Frank was, he could see the flashes and sparks of metallic weapons clash, and hear the clanks and such. Shortly after moving forward, Frank would be met with an option to go either left or right, a window in front of him.

If he were to look out the window, Frank would be able to see Archer clashing with a figure in blue with a long red spear, both of them moving at speeds faster than the eye could see. It was apparent that the two of them were only testing each other, not fighting anywhere near their full strength, and yet, they still seemed startlingly powerful.


With his strange appearance, his weapon, and his physical stats matched only by Archer, there was no mistaking it. He was an enemy Servant. To be precise, the Lancer-class Servant. The sheer force of their weapons hitting almost seemed to cause the air around them to shake, and every step they took was like a blur. Rin could be seen standing behind Archer, the white-haired man defending her from the enemy.


Archer moved swiftly, countering the Lancer's forward thrust and attempting to bring one of his swords down upon him. Lancer had plotted for this occasion and pulled out quickly.

On the side, it might strike some as odd that even though Rin was out in the open like this, there didn't seem to be any soldiers taking advantage of this opportunity. It would have been a foolhardy gesture to send every soldier after Emiya and not have one small group look for Rin as well. Even though one could assume that Lancer's job here was to assassinate Rin, none of the soldiers seemed... even aware of it.

One could almost guess that Lancer was a third party. But from whom? Was the fact that he and the soldiers showed up around the same time a mere coincidence? Chance and superstition were some things Rin didn't believe in much, personally, but it seemed almost too well-timed, as though the soldiers knew Lancer would arrive that day.

But who was getting ahead of whom at this point? Who knows?


As their fight raged on, the two of them becoming more heated in the moment, Lancer would be sent flying straight into the building where Frank was, crashing through several walls in the left side, though the Servant quickly recovered, running through the walls he had crashed through and lunging straight at Archer again!

Well, maybe left wasn't an optimal option now, eh?​
Frank hesitated, considering running to Rin. He resisted the urge, though, and went right, moving past each doorway cautiously.​
As Frank would move away from the fight outside, the sounds of the skirmish gradually growing slightly softer as more distance would be made, he would eventually be able to hear some footsteps in the distance, and then around the corner, and then...


"Oof!" Shirou would grunt as he would fall onto the ground, having accidentally ran into Frank and being sent into the ground. He'd instinctively scoot away, believing him to be one of the soldiers that had been chasing him earlier, before getting a better look.


"Ah... M-Mr. Castle?"
Frank took a half step back. He had his gun trained on the boy, but he quickly lowered it. "Get your ass in gear, boy." He reached down and tried to lift Shirou up by his collar. "Where are they?" The old man drew his knife.​
"J-Just around the corner," Shirou would respond, glancing back uneasily, before looking at Frank again. In no time, Frank would be able to hear the distant footsteps of the remaining soldiers as well. "Who are they? Why are they after me? And... Mr. Castle, w-what are you even doing here?" He questioned, not seeming to know anything about the situation he was in.​
Frank growled and more or less tried to throw Shirou into one of the rooms. Holding his gun at his waste with one hand, and his knife in the other, he ducked into another. He wasn't equipped well for fighting soldiers.​
"Hey, wha--uwaah!" Shirou exclaimed as he would be thrown into a nearby classroom.

In no time, the remaining soldiers, a small group of four, would come his way, marching through the hallway. They were hardly subtle, given all the heavy equipment that they were carrying, so thus, they were fairly hard to miss.​
Frank waited for them to pass before spraying into their backs. The odd thing was that he almost felt bad about it. Almost.​
Most of them went down without a hitch, instantly dying, though one of them would survive, groaning loudly. Attempting to crawl out of the area, he would access his radio and speak into it. "Kappa-432! Hostile in the first floor east wing!" He would exclaim, attempting to get backup. Little did he know that Frank had already taken care of them. At least, until there would be no response.

"Do you copy?! Acknowledge! He's after me!"
Frank put his gun to the man's head. "Don't be stupid like your friends, boy."​
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