Illusion Breaker

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He would be able to find a staircase leading up in a relatively short time. Upon circling around, Frank would come across the place that Archer had crashed into. It extended deep through the building, the Servant evidently appearing to have crashed through a few different classrooms and walls and such. The clashing from outside was over, and if he would look outside, he would see that not only were Archer and Lancer gone, having apparently never returned outside to continue their fight, but Rin was also gone.

In any case, the gap that was once ground to step on wasn't too big. Frank could easily jump over it to continue.​
Frank did just that, leaping across and running to find Shirou. He took care to reload while moving... just in case.​
As he would travel through the school, looking for Shirou, Frank wouldn't get very much further before having to turn a corner and seeing a lone figure dressed in blue spandex just standing there, as though waiting for him. Even for a superhero's standards, his costume almost seemed a little too silly for some's tastes, but if nothing else, it was simple yet memorable.

That was indeed the Lancer from before.


"Aha, I knew that little miss had more than just a Servant along with her. It's just as my Master said, huh?" He would say with a cocky tone. If one listened closely, they'd be able to hear a hint of an Irish accent in his voice, hinting at his identity, not that he seemed to really care that much judging from his expression even if a Servant having their identity revealed could spell trouble, much like how a superhero's identity was best kept secret as well.

"Well, if I can't find the brat or her Servant, I may as well take you out while I can. Been told that you're a lot of trouble, even for someone who's supposedly not even a mage."

It was somewhat surprising that he seemed to know quite a bit about Frank. Whoever his Master was, they were good at finding information if nothing else, it seemed.

Either way, Lancer would begin stepping towards the old man in a threatening fashion, sticking out his hand. Red energy began to appear as his spear would materialize. His intentions were... not needed to be explained hopefully.​
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Frank answered the only way he could. He knew he was outmatched on every level. So he used the weapon that hadn't seen action since his last Murder Game; the lightsaber. The weapon whipped out as he drew it from his belt, the old man having practiced drawing it quickly, as he attempted to knock his hand away before taking off in a mad dash back down the halls.​


Lancer clicked his tongue a bit as he was taken aback a bit by surprise, but recovered rather quickly. He was used to normal humans on their knees before him in his past life, whether because they were deifying him like the mythical hero that he was, or... for some other reason, but that was besides the point.

Dashing towards Frank from behind at superhuman speeds, the man in blue easily caught up, sending a swift kick at Frank's back with the intent of knocking him forward several feet into the ground.

Heh... an interesting human. No harm in toying around with him for the moment, right? He would think of himself with an amused smile, still holding his spear without a care in the world in his hands.

"C'mon, get up. Prey isn't any fun to hunt if it's too easy, y'know. That's why they call 'em game. Or at least... that's what I assume anyway."
Frank grunted and growled as he was knocked onto his face. He cursed in anger, standing. So much for running. Fighting wasn't an option, either. So he was fucked. He scanned his surroundings briefly, trying to work a way out of this. He could try jumping out the window, but he'd likely just break his leg or die anyways. Well... if he was going down, he was going down fighting. In response to the taunt, the old man tried to unload the gun into Lancer's face and stab at his groin with the saber. He knew it wasn't going to work... but he wasn't going down like a sheep.​

Lancer deftly spun his weapon around like a windmill at staggering speeds, easily deflecting each and every bullet that came his way, before it would come to a halt as it would clash with the lightsaber, not appearing to be split in half like most other objects would be, oddly enough. Whatever the case though, Lancer, with his mighty strength that surpassed any normal human by a fairly great margin, easily enough broke away, his smile widening ever so slightly as he savored the moment.

"Y'know... you're pretty entertaining, I'll give you that. Much more fun than that kid I dealt with earlier," Lancer spoke, hinting at an unpleasant possibility, "No fun at all. Too annoying to keep up with, so I had to do away with him like that. Pretty boring if you ask me, but hey, that's the job. My Master says I gotta take you out, so if you'll excuse me, I may as well stop wastin' time before he gets annoyed with my tardiness. It's been fun, so for that, I'll make it quick for ya!" He exclaimed, beginning to thrust his spear forward right towards Frank's heart!

A gasp.

Then a surprised grunt.

In the blink of an eye, a young man suddenly appeared right in front of Frank, apparently having protected him from the thrust somehow. Lancer was suddenly several feet away, as though a strange force had pushed him away. Even in the dark, the young man's appearance was strange, though not to the degree of a Servant like Lancer or Archer. He had white hair and pale skin, as well as red eyes, a crutch that he possibly depended on to walk, and a choker with wires hooked up to him.


"Aha, so this really is the place Tsuchimikado sent me towards. You look pretty weird, but then again, I guess nothing should be able to surprise me anymore," the young man spoke, pocketing his free hand, before addressing Frank, though his attention remained on Lancer, "Oi, old man. I'd suggest taking the way around if you can help it. This part of the hall's gonna undergo a nice little renovation..."

"Tch, another brat, huh? Great. More witnesses to dispose of. Whatever. That's fine with me though. I'll kill you all if I must!"
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Frank wasn't going to waste the opportunity. Especially not since Lancer mentioned doing away with a boy. Was Shirou alright? Through old man took off running, going the long way in search of Shirou.​
While Lancer found a new opponent to hold him at bay, Frank's little detour that would bring him around the school would eventually result in him stepping in what appeared to be a small red puddle. It could only have been one thing. Blood. Perhaps at the moment, it was needless to say whose it was, but just to be sure...​
"... Damn..." Frank knelt down by the blood briefly before beginning to search for the boy... well aware he might only find a corpse. "Boy? Shirou?" He called out. "If you're alive, answer!" The old man cast his mind to Rin and Archer while he searched. Well... if Lancer couldn't find them, at least that meant they were alright.​
And that was it.

The bloody body of Shirou Emiya lay on the floor, lying on his back. There didn't seem to be many external wounds on his body to indicate much damage, save for the source of blood coming from where his heart would be. Rin would be seen beside his body, shaking him as if in denial of his death, while Archer leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, a more nonchalant air to him.

"No, no no no no!" Rin exclaimed, having not noticed Frank, "Please, wake up! How could I possibly face her if I let you die?!"

"Rin, we do not have time for this. Lancer could be back any moment now," Archer said calmly with a somewhat forceful tone, seemingly unaware of the young albino man combating Lancer meanwhile.

"No, it's not all lost! I can undo the curse on him if I just--!"

"Oh, jeez. What an unsightly... sight," an unfamiliar voice said, appearing from deeper into the hallway. A young man, possibly a year or two younger than Rin even, casually walked into view, as though he didn't actually care much for the situation at hand. Sporting blonde hair that stuck out a bit and an open Hawaii shirt, an odd choice for the Winter season, as well as the sunglasses in the building, in the middle of the night no less, it looked like tonight was a gathering of all sorts of strange people.


"So you're the famous Rin Tohsaka, eh? Pity. So far, I'm not that impressed-nya. How could someone like you be a head of a big mage family or something if you can't even keep a normal guy like him alive?" He asked, to which Rin would react strongly.

"Tch, you...! Who are you?! Do you have anything to do with this?!"
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Frank just observed for now. He felt a familiar rage boiling up in his chest at the sight of the boy's corpse... but he'd refrain from putting a bullet in the new person's head until certain he was involved. With a scowl, he stepped between the two. The old man was well aware he was outmatched by almost every foe he'd encountered in this place, but, with Archer nowhere in sight, he'd give protecting Rin his all.​
"Well... kinda," The strange young man would shrug in response to Rin, his hands pocketed, "But not in the way that you might think."

He wouldn't elaborate until Frank would appear from around the corner, instinctively putting his hands up defensively and taking a step back. One could say he was actually intimidated by Frank, though the fact that his face's expression shifted into an almost amused one would cause others to reconsider. Who knew what this guy was ever thinking about? Was there actually more to him than he let on? Was he just plain stupidly cocky? He seemed just about unreadable.

"I had nothing to do with this guy's death if that's what you're wondering," he would continue after a short while, "In fact, if I coulda helped it, I would have made sure he didn't! Ya gotta believe me!" He exclaimed in his strangely upbeat voice.

"You annoy me. Who are you exactly then? And who are you with if not with Lancer?" Archer inquired.

"Lancer? Oh, you mean that weirdo in blue? Don't worry about him! I've got a guy dealing with him-nya," he replied, giving a thumb-up gesture and a toothy grin, "Anyway, I can imagine this isn't the best time or place to talk about why I'm here, so I'll give you some time to... ah, resurrect him. Or uncurse him."

"..." Rin gave him a wary look, before taking out what appeared to be a pendant.


A one-of-a-kind pendant passed down through many generations of the Tohsaka family, it contained an unbelievable amount of magical energy. Enough to heal something like a broken heart. Like the wound Shirou Emiya suffered from.

Despite the fact that something with so much mana would be quite useful for a variety of situations, Rin had been discouraged from actually using it by her father when she was younger, as it was a precious heirloom. But that was okay. Even if it was important to her family, its worth could never compare to the life of another person.

"Frank, Archer... Keep an eye on him while I use this."

- - -



"Tch, why can't I hit you? What sort of magecraft is this?!"

Heroic Spirits were known for their triumphant history. Triumph was what made them well-renowned heroes in the first place, after all. So as such, it was humiliating to fight an opponent that didn't seem to have any weaknesses whatsoever. It didn't matter how hard he hit, what different strategies he used, it was all useless. Nothing could get to this brat.

"It ain't magic or anything like that! I may not know shit about magic, but you shouldn't underestimate me just because I'm a scientific Esper," the albino young man replied cockily, shooting himself at Lancer like a bullet and throwing a punch with force that equaled a car going at least eighty miles per hour. Lancer blocked with his bare arms, being sent skidding back several meters.

Damn! Someone like me... being forced onto the defensive?! Who is this guy?! If he's not a mage... what the hell is he?!
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Frank glared at the boy for a few seconds before his expression slackened slightly. He tried his best not to look at Shirou's corpse while Rin set to work. "Is your friend going to be alright?" The old man looked at the newcomer.​
"My friend? Aha, don't worry about him. If you're gonna worry about anyone, worry about the guy in blue! From where I come from, my guy's considered the number one strongest! Almost nothing can touch him!" The young man said enthusiastically, as though this was all in the bag. Archer gave the blonde boy a skeptical look, as though the thought of Lancer being forced onto the defensive was a difficult one to imagine, but didn't say anything, letting him continue speaking, "The name's Tsuchimikado by the way-nya. I've heard about Tohsaka, but not about you. Guessin' you're some sort of guardian?"

Meanwhile, Rin silently went to work, the pendant shining brightly as she did her stuff, pressing it against where Shirou's heart would be. Mana was what fueled the body in this kind of world. One could almost call it "life energy" if they wanted to be cheesy about it, but it wouldn't exactly be inaccurate. Coming into contact with this kind of energy usually worked out well as long as it was pure or raw, but... well, "raw" mana was something some preferred to not take, and something others couldn't live without.

Let's just say I'd rather not talk about the financially struggling mages that live off selling their "raw mana in a jar."

"C'mon... work, damn it! You have to live! For her sake!"

That was right. Shirou was a good friend of someone important to Rin... She wouldn't be able to stand it if he would be gone. His death was something that could not stick around.

From the other side of the building, a loud explosion rocked the building a bit.

"Heh, that must be my guy at work," the young man named Tsuchimikado said with his usual cocky grin.

- - -

"Alright, then!" Lancer exclaimed, getting into position, "You've forced my hand! I wanted to save this for a more heated fight, but like a rat trapped in the corner, I gotta do what I gotta do!"

Even though his Master had only sent him to scout the area and play around a bit, he couldn't back down now. A Heroic Spirit had heroic pride. He had to finish this fight out of principle.


The spear began to glow as Lancer began to charge his attack, whatever it was. "Stick around and you'll see the extent of my power! I'll be taking your heart now! Gae Bolg!" He began to say, before quickly thrusting the spear forward, the weapon brimming with a strange power that was difficult to ascertain. It wasn't unlike magical energy, but it was something even a number of other Servants might have trouble identifying the origin of.

Either way, the albino young man kept his guard up. Ever since a previous encounter with a humiliatingly tough opponent, he had learned not to underestimate his foes, no matter how good his conventional defense was.

As the spear was thrust forward, something almost resembling a laser or energy beam would appear, heading straight for the young man! This phenomena was known as Gae Bolg: Barbed Spear that Pierces with Death. Originating from Irish mythology, in short, it is the kind of "unavoidable attack" that targets a person's heart and will move even at impossible angles if it meant hitting its mark.

It determines the opponent's fate simply through its use, an always fatal move that pierces the heart with one thrust. It is also possible for him to activate it without actively striking the heart. It is an attack on destiny itself, enough to challenge the authority of the gods. This was the Noble Phantasm, or rather, one of the trump cards that Lancer had under his belt. In short, the unstoppable attack that one had no way of avoiding or countering.

However, there was one problem.

Physics, while a popular scientific study, isn't strictly science. Simply put, it was the work of things in motion, and like many concrete things, most magic worked on physics as well.

Ever since a certain earlier incident involving a fantastical world called Hyrule, the young man was able to identify all sorts of magic and whatnot when he was normally unable to. His own power, Redirection, easily reflected the vector of anything that would come towards him. If a punch would be thrown at him, the force of the punch would be negated and sent right back at the attacker. If someone were to try to shoot him with a bullet, the bullet would bounce off and be sent right back at the shooter with the same force and speed as when it was flying towards him. And so on. Not even less concrete things like gases could affect him.

It was one of the powers that the young man known as Accelerator had.

So there was the problem. An unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

An attack that challenged destiny to hit the target's heart no matter what clashed with a defense that protected against anything no matter what.

A paradox like this never ended well.

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Frank continued to avoid looking at Shirou and Rin. "A Guardian?" The old man frowned for a moment. "... Of a sort." He was fairly sure Rin would, if she hadn't already, surpassed him in power. Then... well, something big happened. He didn't know what. "What the fuck-!?"​
"Yeah, that Accelerator needs some work on subtlety, but then again, it's hard enough trying to get him to do what I want him to do. Like a loose cannon, and cannons aren't exactly subtle either, I guess," the young man named Tsuchimikado said in an almost nonchalant manner, giving an exasperated sigh and shrug.

Rin was too concentrated on reviving Shirou in the meantime, while Archer only opened his eyes in response, but did not act further. Eventually, Rin's pendant would cease to glow, the magical energy having been absorbed by Shirou's body. The blood stopped coming out of his heart, and after a relieved sigh, the young girl would stand up.

"Sorry, papa... That jewel probably meant a lot to you, but I had to do what I believed was right," Rin murmured to herself, before facing the others.


"He should wake up soon, but before he does so, we should carry him to safety. Your "guy" makes me more wary than anything else for his safety."

"Well, that I cannot blame you for!"

"Right... Archer, pick him up. We could probably sneak out if Lancer's still busy. Let's go," she spoke, wasting no time in breaking into a run while Archer silently did as he was told, picking up the no longer deceased body of Shirou, hoisting him over his shoulder and following. With a nod, Tsuchimikado followed suit as well.​
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Frank, looking around a little nervously, followed shortly. He was liking their odds less and less as things got worse.​
As the group would make their way out of the building, a small hole would be visible from where the albino teenager and Lancer were last seen earlier, though that place seemed oddly quiet. Still, it was ill-advised to just sit there. If that guy was buying time for them, they shouldn't squander that opportunity.

Archer would dash over at subsonic speeds to the gymnasium building's side, setting Shirou's unconscious body behind some bushes to obscure him from sight. The pendant was wrapped around his neck, glowing ever so slightly, almost akin to a heartbeat.

Upon making his way back to them, he would look at everyone else present. "What a bother that young man is. And civilians in general," He muttered, crossing his arms, "Speaking of which... Tsuchimikado, was it? If you aren't here to oppose us, then I assume you're here to help us then? You don't exactly look like you'd be much help on your own, but alas, looks can be deceiving, eh?"

"Heh heh, got me there," the sunglasses-wearing teen responded, "So if you want help, I suppose you'd want me to start? 'Cause I'll start by providing some info. We'll start with the basics... Like the soldiers and the guys who attacked you before, Teitoku Kakine and Terra of the Left, I'm not from this world. My superiors have said something about some Murder Game possibly being involved, but I suppose you guys would know about that more than me! But maybe I'm getting too ahead of myself. Gotta finish one candy bar before going on to the next, huh?"

"A... Murder Game? No way... I thought the Arch Demon was..."

"In any case, I doubt this is the place for such a conversation. If we are to talk about this, I imagine it must be somewhere else. And we may as well make haste with that, as these two are indeed involved with such games. Am I correct, Rin? Frank?"
Everything was relatively alright until the mention of Murder Games. His eyes rolled skyward and a string of curses left his mouth.

Well... there was his answer.​
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