I'll Be Your Hero (Mae Renea & Charlise)

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"No Lee, I'm not calming down. This is bullshit, this family has been through enough."
"You have to understand Mr. Palmer, this is a very large tumor. This kind of cancer is very hard to treat and even harder to remove. Not to mention expensive, it's a very tedious...."
"I don't care how expensive or hard it is! What exactly are you saying, you can't help him?!" He clutched onto Baylee tightly. The doctor sighed and rubbed his bald head. "I'm saying, we don't know if we can. It's...chances are slim."
"Slim, for what?" Elias removed to believe what he was saying. He shook his head vigorously. He couldn't believe that.
Baylee felt her heart break, she only stayed still because Elias held her. "I can't lose him," she spoke quietly. "Can we go see him? Please."
"He is conscious. But we havent told him. We'll tell him now." The doctor nodded slowly before turning to take them to Kyle. Elias almost felt sick, he could barely move if it wasn't for Baylee being there. He just could t understand it. Why Kyle? Why was it always him? He was supposed to be the strongest. Now cancer? When they arrived at the room, Kyle smiled warily. He looked weak and tired. Elias wanted to puke.
"Hey bro, Hi baby."
Baylee moved slowly to him. "Hey baby, I love you." She kissed his forehead. She was trying so hard not to break or cry. They were suppose to have children together one day and now he has Cancer.
"I love you, too." But Kyle saw their faces he was less than happy. "Babe what's wrong? Eli? What's going on?" Elias stayed stiff as a board. The doctor moved closer to Kyle with the face of a man burdened with bad news.
"Well doc, out with it. How bad?" Kyle added as he curled his arm around Baylee.
"I'm afraid not too good. We found a large tumor on the left side of your brain. I'm afraid....it is cancerous." Hearing the news, all Kyle did was take a deep breath. Now he got Why they were acting that way. He swallowed deeply before speaking. "How long?"
"Hard to say..."
"Kyle, I'd have to say Maybe a few months." Elias' eyes welled with tears. He shook his head in denial.
"What could have been the cause?" She asked, shakily. She took Elias' hand. She wasn't sure if it was for her, him, or both of them.
"Really Mrs. Palmer it could have been numerous things. Kyle is a miracle. He's had this for a long time."
"Could IED have anything to do with it?"
"Possibly, but not the disorder itself. More so the damage it does to your brain. From your passing out in that accident six years ago, your trauma during your incarceration, the medications you've been taking. All of those things could have been the accumulating cause."
"So you're saying my brother's gonna die?" Eli asked outright. The doctor winced at his words. He never liked jist saying someone was dying. "Im so, very sorry." Was all he said.
Baylee looked to Kyle and started crying. "This isn't fair! He never done anything wrong!" She didn't mean to yell at the doctor, it wasn't his fault. She needed her inhaler or something, she was going to fall.
Kyle quickly pulled Baylee into bed with him and wrapped himself around her. "Come here, baby. I got you. Its okay." Elias moved to where she was standing just as back-up. The doctor felt horrible. "I will being a nurse back to discuss treatment options."
"No." Kyle replied. Elias shot him a look. "Kyle what are you doing? What do you mean no?"
"Doc could you give us a minute?" Kyle asked and the doctor left.
"I said no."
"What the fuck is the matter with you?! Treatment options!"
Baylee understood, he didn't want to suffer any longer than he already has to. "Kyle, there is always a chance. We were suppose to have that baby girl."
Kyle shook his head before turning to Baylee. "I know. And we will. She'll be beautiful and she'll have the most amazing mother in the world." He took he head in his hands and leaned her forehead on his. "Everything's going to be okay." Although Elias was far too angry to believe such things. "So you're just giving up? No more Kyle the hero?"
"Eli you've had me for 26 years. We're grown up now. You're a father. You made it. I did everything I could do. You're good. This is happening for a reason."
"What about Baylee? You didn't even get to marry her! You're just gonna let it all go?"
"In my heart Baylee is my wife. She knows that. Besides I'm not going to marry her and hold her to something I'm not even going to be here for. She'll move on. You will too."
"You've lost your fucking mind."
"I'm growing up, Eli. Im sorry."
"How can I have her without you? Even if the last time worked I can't do it alone, I can't burden Eli and Aqua." She stood up, hearing the rest. "You expect me to move on? Kyle... How can you be at peace with this?!"
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Tears formed in his eyes but never fell. His eyes followed her as she stood. "Baby, I knew you may not understand this. And...I'm not gonna pretend that I'm not scared. I am. But being locked up all those Years showed me that everything happens for a reason. You know I don't want to leave you. Ever. But I'll be damned if I let you ruin your life holding on to me when you can truly be happy." He leaned up to grab her hand and pull her close to him. "I know you're scared. I'm sorry. I really am. But I guess I did all I could here. And I don't regret it. Not one bit. I've kept you safe, gave you a love that you never had, protected your body and your heart, gave you all of me that I possibly could. Maybe that was my purpose."
Baylee cried, "No one can make me happy like you can. I can never love the same." She leaned into him as he held her. "I love you, Kyle that is never going to change." She said, feeling her tears stream down her cheeks. What if they did have a baby? She would never have a father and he wouldn't watch her grow. No one to dance with at her wedding. Baylee couldn't burden Aqua and Elias, especially sense no depression meds can heal a lover in mourn.
"Baby, I'm sorry." He held her closely and tightly. He hated seeing her so hurt. But he didn't know what else to do. This was inevitable. Elias stood at the window. He tuned everything out. He wasn't dealing with this. He didn't want to.
"You guys will be fine, I Promise. I love you so much and nothing will ever change that."
Baylee looked up to see Elias, staring blankly. She got up and hugged him, he needed it too. She couldn't help like Aqua could but she was trying. She looked back at Kyle, she needed to prove to them they would be okay. They had each other.
"I can't believe you're just going to give up like this." Elias said. He didn't move, didn't hug Baylee back. He just couldn't.
"Don't look at it that way."
"There's no other way to look at it. You never give up on anything. Why now?"
"Were you listening to me?"
"Elias, it really hurts. I know but we also have to think about him. Why prolong his suffering? If it all worked out he would still only be using half his brain and have seizures frequently." She said, she hated that it was true. "We have to show him we'll be okay, he can't die with guilt. Do you hear me?"
Elias didn't respond. He didn't get it. He didn't want to get it, although he knew better. He knew she was right.
"Has this registered to you? Like do you really get whats happening?"
"Yea. Im dying. I know whats coming. Im scared shitless. Of course I dont want to die. But, I have to know this is what it is."
"Still trying to be a hero?"
"No. Just trying to be happy while I can."
Baylee went back to Kyle, "I'll go get the doctor so we can talk to him," she was sure he wanted to know how long he had and if he could just go home. No sense in dying in the hospital, once outside the door she cried. She knew what she said was true but it didn't make it any easier. She finally pulled herself up and asked for the doctor to come back in.
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