Ignition: The Hero Academy [Closed]

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Athena sat up suddenly hearing the announcement her wings shooting out behind her in surprise. "Oh crap oh crap need to get to class." Jumping out of bed she grabbed her bag and made sure all her stuff she needed was there. Pulling some clothes on she dashed out of her room locking the door behind her she headed down the hall summoning her armor around her she sighed in relief as she raced to class. Checking her map and schedule she nodded to herself and found her way there walking in she chose a seat in the back of the room hopefully from the prying eyes of everyone else.
Raelyn pulled the thinner blade from her hip. She generally avoided showing others her sword, but Kioshi's sudden interest sparked her interest.

"It was from my uh....friend. He passed away and left it to me."

She hoped the lie would keep him from asking further questions. especially after he noticed the IHA insignia carved into the very base of the hilt. Her brother had refused to scratch it out after he gave it to her and became a...

She shook the thought away and handed the sword to the boy sitting next to her.
Kioshi grabbed the sword by the hilt in one hand, and by the blade with his left hand. Having this be his fighting style with Kiss and Razor, his hand was already scarred enough to were scratches didn't usually bother him anymore.

The sword was heavy, with the schools logo engraved on the hilt, odd, usually only study who have graduated had engravements such as his one.

"And this is yours? Did you make it, or did you pay a blacksmith?" He stood up and swing it once. It was a nice size, but too heavy for his liking. He continued to examine it. It was vaguely familiar but he couldn't figure how how.
Elliot grew nervous as the teachers filed into his classroom "What do I teach again" He thought Frantically "oh yeah Ignition history" HE felt relieved as the subject and his previous knowledge came flooding back into his head. The bell was about to ring he grabbed his Bo staff from behind his desk. He smiled as light conversation fluttered around in the classroom around his room pictures of ancient political and social leaders. He opens his Teachers handbook and surveys the room one last time before opening his mouth the only thing running through his head "don't screw up don't screw up don't screw up"
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"It was left to me by an old friend..." She noted his careful examination of the sword and the slight look of confusion on his face as he found the engraving. Her ears flattened a little bit at the scrutiny, unsure if he recognized the specific design or not. If he was a 4th year he would know what the wings coming out from the design would mean.

Raelyn began to panic, but avoided showing anything but indifference on her face.
Miwari got up late and had to dash off to her first class. Fortunately, the teacher hadn't taken roll yet, so technically she wasn't late. Thank goodness.

The student in front of her was proudly showing off her sword. "Mind if I take a look when he's done?"
Raelyn stiffened slightly but nodded. "Sure."

She watched the other two students looking over her blade, heart pounding slightly in her chest. She wasn't a fan of showing the blade to others, but he didn't want to come off as rude to the older members of the class.
Athena sat in the back still hoping not to be noticed. As she sat there she watched the other students examining one of the other girls blades. Smiling she summoned her own blade and looked it over. That was one thing Athena took great pride in the condition of her weapons. As she sat there she pulled out a stone and started honing the blades making sure they stayed sharp. As she worked she couldnt help but note the great condition of the others blade and nodded her approval to herself before turning her attention back to her blade pulling a rag out now to polish it.
Toraa look over at the girl who seemed slightly panicked. "Everything will be fine. No reason to worry. Im sure they will be careful with it. Here do you want a breakfast bar. It has gensing in it to help with nerves." He reached out holding a white wrapper with gold trim. The writing on the wrapper had the title 'Pergrain' Along with that the words 'enriched with gensing honey. ' Take it I have plenty of then.
Kioshi quickly handed the sword to Miwari taking note of the insignia. After school he needed to head into town to his black smith.

"Very interesting" Kioshi added. He wrote a reminder to himself to go see his black smith in town later and picked up Kiss and Razor to examine them now for no apparent reason. This had been a lot if unwanted interaction.

There had been another girl clean her blade sitting behind them. He gave her a quick smirk before sitting back down.

'Poor teacher, no one is even paying attention to him.' Kioshi thought to himself.
Miwari felt the sword's balance and tested its edge. "This is excellent craftsmanship. Who made this? I might have to contract with them for a new blade soon."
Damien blinked a little looking at the teacher then back at the students. Huh...so is this how school is? He thought to himself looking out the window opening up his hand making wisps of shadow magic appear from his fingers playing around a little.
-Headmaster White-

Meex finished her much needed rest and started to roam the halls of the school.

Training classes were working as hard as ever, teaching new students the basics and old students more advanced magic. The team building classrooms were full of students who were learnig leadership, and other great teamwork skills. Everything seemed to be going well.

"This is going to be quite the year here." He smiled and started making her way toward the Ignition History rooms. She peered into one of the classes to see one of the new teachers, Mr. Elliot, an electric magician. His class, however, was full of mix-matched students, none of them listening to Elliot. This made her wry angry especially when she saw students who have been here for more than just a few days still not doing what they were supposed to.

"Alright, everyone, weapons away and take your seats!" She announced while abruptly entering the room. The lights flickered but she didn't seem to notice.

"This is not the what I want to see as I'm walking down the hallway. For those of you attempting to learn," she looked at many students sitting politely in their seats. "This does not apply to you and I apologize for this rude intrusion that you're fellow classmates have caused." She paused, "I expect better from those of you who have been here before." Se scanned the room looking at those, like Kioshi, who have been here before. "I expect you all to listen to your instructor and pay attention."

She then left the room as abruptly as she's entered with a scowl that would leave even the bravest men speechless.
Elliot extends his Bo Staff and,charges,it into the floor making a thunderclap like noise "now lets begin im not one for formal inroductions so you may refer to me as Elliot just as my friends do, you are all apart of the next generation of heroes don't let that get too your head you can and will fail this class if you fool around im here to share with you knowledge about where you are and what you are protecting think.of me as a good friend that could ruin your future with a letter at the top of a paper. Welcome To Class try and learn something will ya" Elliot felt a sense of pride glad he made it through his speech without a voice crack he begins his lesson with a open question " who are you and what is something youd like to share" he asks the class " no need to raise your hands i just feel as if icebreakers are important"
Although the intrusion startled her, Raelyn was relieved to put her sword away. Turning her attention to Mr. Elliot, she pulled out a notebook and a pen. She avoided icebreakers like the plague and although she was curious to learn about the people around her, she in turn did not want to speak. Lowering her gaze, she began to doodle.
Damien turned towards the door a little as the headmaster interrupted the class to calm down the students. She was a beautiful woman that shined of purity with a strong voice that kept everyone in check. He chuckled a little looking over at the teacher as he started to talk about an icebreaker. He blinked a little looking around the classroom a little wonder who would speak up first.
Athena blushed and looked down when she was given the smirk from the boy in front of her. Giving a gasp at the intrusion from the head master she quickly made her sword dissapear. Blushing again she looked down at her desk and started to doodle on her notebook as she listened to the instructor. Most of this she would be hearing for the rest of the day but like in this class she wouldnt be saying anything ice breaker or no she wasnt talking in front of this many people.
Toraa wasn't afraid to stand and speak, so after a while of noticing everyone's discomfort he decided to do it. He stood at his desk and put his hand on his hip. "What is wrong with you people. This is a school of heroes yet no one can speak in front of a class. What are you guys going to do when it comes to fighting? If you can't talk?" He stated with sass. He then continued with less sass. "Well, now that I have gotten that out of my system. I am Toraa. I am a second year student. Also the day I was born my parents died. If you have questions ask. But that means you want to be friends and I am very picky about the people I want around me. I also keep my circle very small." Once he finished his statement. He took a seat and crossed his legs like a female actress in an interview.
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