Idlaide - The Rays of Fortune OOC

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Ahhhh apologies apologies @Reaper Jack, I posted mine without refreshing and then saw yours, and then edited it again. So if you want to interact with Cynthia you can! Unless you don't in that case I'll edit it back! Sorry about that! ; n ;
No worries! *Goes off to inspect changes*

I was just trying to stop the brat from annoying you.
No no yeah totally my fault super my fault! I posted mine and then I was like "Wait no! Interaction! Why did I not see you sooner! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Thank you for being considerate towards Cynthia though! I really want to see how all of the pilots play off of one another though! *smilesmile* Interaction is so much fun.
This is what happens when I leave young adults alone. Just a big mess.

I'm talking about the characters, by the way, not you guys.
Before anyone posts again I just realized: 100 replies! Woo!
Haha another thing I didn't see until after I posted...but beyond the fact, yay!!
The last RP I was in on here had 1157 replies...
It was long.
The one before that had over 3000 replies.
It was longer.
Hey, for this being my first successful GMing of an RP that's pretty awesome for me.
The RP I'm GMing right now just went over 230 replies. Also my first time playing GM. It does make you feel good ^^
@Reaper Jack, @Lyra Meiko: I just love the conversation you two have started amongst yourselves! You're really getting to know each other there! Where is everybody else? Come on! Let's have a big conversation joining in! Max can be secretly listening in the entire time.
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@Reaper Jack, @Lyra Meiko: I just love the conversation you two have started amongst yourselves! You're really getting to know each other there! Where is everybody else? Come on! Let's have a big conversation joining in! Max can be secretly listening in the entire time.
That style is my usual for character interaction; I find it works best ^^
Yeah! Everyone can have fun if all of our characters interact so more people should join! All of our characters can learn about each other!

Oh, and I have a question. When one of our characters die, do we get to create a new character for our ray? Or what happens to the ray after pilot death? I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but I can't remember. I'll probably look back if you'd rather not answer again.
Still need people? I haven't done a good sci-fi story in some time.
Oh, and I have a question. When one of our characters die, do we get to create a new character for our ray? Or what happens to the ray after pilot death? I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but I can't remember. I'll probably look back if you'd rather not answer again.
The Ray goes cold, basically. I think the canon lore is that no Ray has ever chosen a new pilot after the death of their old one, and the Ray just becomes an empty husk instead.
Assuming @GeminasM posts up a character sheet at some time you'll be second to last, and there would be just one more left. Like him, you'll have to come later on another shuttle.

And @Disgruntled Goat: You're right. The Rays drawn in on themselves and refuse interaction with anyone else. The Rays don't really die afterwards, but they do go dormant.

However, the story I'd come up with that I'm basing this on does have someone getting hold of Idlaide after Max dies, but it would be the first time something like that happens.
@Disgruntled Goat

That's kind of sad. ; n ; So I figure once one of our pilots die, we can't make a new character unless not all of the rays have been claimed at that point? Since at the beginning of the story there were only twelve unclaimed ones or something like that? Which I'm sure they will have all been taken by the time another one of the characters die. I see people have taken more interest in this role play! Yay!

I'm not planning on like killing Cynthia very soon or anything, I'm just curious.
At the moment, @Lyra Meiko, I don't really want to kill any of your characters. You're all pretty good. We're only killing egglegg's because he's not able to keep replying.
I'm not planning on like killing Cynthia very soon or anything, I'm just curious.

Out with it, then! If you're not planning on killing Cynthia, just which character are you planning on killing?
No no! I'm not thinking of killing anyone! Like I said, I was just curious as to what the process would be. Then I wanted to make sure that I wasn't crazy, because I remember in the rules it said that death would happen.

Looking back on it now, I see that when it happens then we can make a new character as someone evil or a love interest? With your permission of course, it said.

I was just thinking ahead for Cynthia, and a few ideas popped into my mind, but they really would not appear until very far into the role play. So don't worry about it now, I just wanted to ask some questions. ^u^