I Will Always Be There For You

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As she slipped he quickly brought his arm to her so she could grab it."Thats I've got you" he smiled softly then blushed a little as he saw her shirt was wet. He was able to see the bikini now. Then he looked at her face once she said, "Oops" he heart beat was going crazy and his urge was becoming worse. 'Damn...she is so beautiful' he thought then snapped out of it.'No! Resist'
He gave he another smile, "Clumsy." He said cheerfully, "Ok. So are you ready?" He ask hoping that will somehow lessen his urge.
The lesson seemed to be complete tourture for him but he managed to power through. It was so tough being soo close to her where he could just kiss her... but he figured she wouldnt like that. He figured hshe wouldnt seem him that way... But he made it and that was all that mattered. Then came the getting out part. He got out first with her shortly behind him hanging onto the railing. Then when she came out that was when she fell forward. He quickly caught her, "You ok?" that was when they were looking eye to eye theor faces only inches from each oth. He couldnt take it anymore. With his arms already wrapped around her waist and their bodies already close to each other he leaned in kissing her gently and sweetly, clearly not forcing anything unlike Terrance.
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She loved the way he instantly moved to help her. Protect her. Even from accidentally drinking pool water. How had she been so lucky to find a friend like him? And why was it that she wanted to add to that word. One syllable and everything between them could fall apart. That's what she was afraid of. Besides, she could never stand next to Erin as a girlfriend and feel like she belonged there. Not physically at least. She wouldn't deserve him any way.

Casey looked down when he he correctly labeled her as clumsy. Yeah she was. It sucks.
"I-I guess.." She mumbled before he started to teach her. Julie was right. He was a good teacher, but it was really hard to focus on his instructions when his wet skin was touching hers on any part of her body. And anytime she looked at him, her heart beat fast. When did this begin?! It must have been a very slow descent into having feelings for him because she's known him for most of hr life and never called him a brother. He was always...different. And it was so hard to keep from acting upon it now! Until they started getting out again. She slipped. Again. But this time he caught her mostly out of the water and not only did he kiss her, she had done the same thing. Couldn't resist. They leaned in at the same time and met in the middle and then she....kissed him back. Gently. Sweetly. Oh how she had longed for this for what seemed like forever. It was..beautiful. But then it ended and her eyes opened slowly, then opened wide all at once. What...what did they do? "Erin.."
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Erin loved it... he loved this moment. He definatly felt eletricity in between them. He had to admit he was surprised that she kissed back. However he wanted this moment to last forever... then she pulled away which causes him to open his eyes and look straight into her eyes. Of course he couldnt help but blush. "Case...." was pretty much his only response at this point. He didnt understand any of this. These feelings... they were all too confusing for him. Then his sister got out of the kitty pool and without them knowong she caught them in the act. She smiled big.
She skips over to them once her stomach starts growling. She wasnt going to tell them that she saw them, she had no plans on telling their parents either. She yells, "I'm hungry!" Luckly there was a food shak at this place.
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That had been..incredible. Her eyes did not move away from his. It was impossible. Casey's cheeks were beet red and her mind was absolutely blank. What...?
So of course she gasped when Julie showed up, loudly proclaiming her hunger while she stared dumbly and tried to get her thoughts in order and stand on her own two feet. She had never in her life thought that a kiss between her and Erin would ever feel so right while continuing to be so wrong. Even if he had kissed her back, did he really feel that way about her? Either way, she would never be good enough to be his girlfriend. She might be feeling her heart pounding at the moment, but maybe he didn't. And she was very very conflicted. He kissed her the day after she was dumped. How does that work? Isn't there a rule for that?
He was wuit surprised to hear his sister yelling like that. He turned to look at her his cheeks as red as his hair. He cursed mentally because he was hoping for more time. But no Jules hunger just couldnt wait. He sighed and for a very breif moment looked upset. But he quickly went back to his usual cheerful smile, "Alright kiddo just let me get my wallet then all three of can get something to eat. You two stay here and wait. Ill be back in like 20 seconds." And with that he jogged into the locker room.
"Okay.." Casey mumbled absentmindedly. Her eyes were kind of glazed over, si she just sat on the highest step of the pool beside Julie. Was he going to ignore that it ever happened? Was it a big mistake? Why did she like it so much? Why did she want to do it again? Oh gosh this is going to be terrible. Every time she looked at him from now on would be a struggle because he would never be with her. She's not worth it and she's not pretty and she's...his best friend. What if they actually do get into a relationship, treat each other differently, break up and never become friends again?! She could not take the risk of losing him. Not now, not ever.
As he left he began going through his locker he began think. The entire scene going over and over again in his head. There was no way she would ever want to be with him. She was still just gettting over Terrance. How can she even possibly want him as a boyfriend? Plus he had to admit he was kinda... afraid... and confused. He would be risking his friendship with her. He sighed and took his wallet staying in there a few more seconds then walked out.
It didn't take long for Erin to return and when he did, Casey couldn't meet his eyes. So she looked to his sister instead and started toward the food shak. "What do you guys want to eat?" She asked them both. She wasn't sure if she was hungry. Who could eat if their best friendship was at stake because of a kiss?
For once Erin wasnt hungry. All this has really gotten to his head. He rubs the back of his back of his neck and looks at her but only a moment. "Actually I'm not hungry." Jules stopped and looked at him shocked, "What?..."
He looks at her and shrugs, "I said I'm not hungry " he says walks a little ahead of them."
"But your always hungry!"
"Umm...Julie, Erin and I weren't r-really in the pool for a very long time. You're hungry because you've been splashing around for awhile. I'm not hungry either." Casey replied, hopefully covering for the both of them without really lying.
He looked over at her actually looking her in the eyes and nodded slightly to her then looked back at Jules who didnt seem to believe it. But she shrugged it of, "Ok! If you say so." And witb that they all headed into the food shak. Jules ordered Nachos and a coke. Then they all sat down at a table. Erin sat across from Case. Jules begin munching on her food and Erin looks at her. "Alright aftdr you done we will head home alright. We have been here for a while."
Jules seemed a little suspicious, but let it slide thankfully. When they reached a table, Casey couldn't keep her eyes on Erin's. She was glad that they'd be going soon. Maybe she'd be able to talk to Erin about that kiss..
"Okay." She mumbled , and stared down at her lap softly.
He really just wanted to go home, go into his basement and train. That always cleared his mind, helps him think. Pretty much everyone knows when something is bothering him because he trains for boxing... for tons of hours sometimes. He has always trained way to hard. But when something is on his mind he trains until he cant get up anymore and womds up sleeping on the basement floor. The amount of pressure he puts on himself with training has always worried Case... Anyways after his little training session when he had a clear mind he planned on talking to her alone. After about 10 minutes Jules was finally finished. Great they could leave. He stood up then realized he had to pee. He laughed a little and rubbed the back of his neck, "Before we leave I need to use the bathroom. " and with that he jogged over to the porter potty.
Casey nodded at her (best friend?) and Jules said she was going to sit in the kiddy pool until he came back. So Casey was alone with her thoughts and though she doesn't normally do this, she paced. She just didn't realize that the table they were sitting at was near the deep end. Nearly just as she was sorting through her thoughts and feelings a familiarly dominant voice rang out by the shallow end. Terrance. Casey turned with wide eyes and her chin dropped to see him hanging out with a bunch of his football mates and--a girl. A girl he was making out with. the air in Casey's lungs was sucked out at about the same rate they were sucking face. A lot of the guys rushed past her and cannon-balled into the pool which splashed her skinny, trembling body by the pool. She was too shocked to say anything. But her blood was slowly beginning to heat up to a boil.
Terrance and the gorgeous redhead on his arm sauntered past Casey as if she was invisible. Until the perfectly proportioned girl bumped her shoulder hard and she gasped. Ouch. What was that for?! He had obviously chosen her over Casey so why would she be bitter? She heard a whisper. "Your ex is here."
"Just ignore her baby. I broke up with her ages ago."
Casey, for some stupid reason, found her voice and growled. How could he do that to her?! Maybe being mistreated by his dad was a good excuse, but she still had no idea why he broke up with her and it was in no way fair to her for him to be making out with this chick. "You broke up with me yesterday!"
"What?" The redhead snarled.
"She's lying babe. She's just jealous of you." Terrance said through gritted teeth. His grip on her arm grew tighter and Casey got really mad. No matter who she was, that girl didn't deserve to the bruises.
"You said you loved me. Not twenty four hours ago you--" Casey yelled, but got cut off when he punched her bruise hard and she couldn't breathe or do anything but fall backwards into the deepest end of the pool. 8 ft. None of Terrance's friends cared. In fact some of them laughed, but Casey on the other hand, was struggling to stay on the surface. She tried to remember what Erin had taught her not too long ago, but she couldn't think past the kiss and her head was clouded with panic before she could move her limbs in any way that would help her. So she sunk, struggling to hold onto consciousness when the oxygen had literally been punched out of her lungs. Her lungs screamed and burned while her right ribs send agonizing waves of pain to her brain. Black spots showed up in her vision and her useless flailing was slowing to a stop. She was unconscious at the bottom of the pool before anyone could do a thing about it.
Luckily the porter potty walls were thin so he heard everything. He rcognized Terrances voice and of course Case's. Then he heard the splash which attomatically brought a bad feeling in the pit of his stomaçh. He quickly pulled up his pants and opened the door. He immidiatly knew where Case. Erin reacted quickly and dived into the pool. Luckily it didnt take long for him to get to the bottom he picked her up with one hand and swam up to the surface bringing her to theedge of the pool and set her on the cement floor he didnt get out too long after her. He immidiatly kneeled down beside her and put his ear on his chest. He didnt heard breathing so much. But he heard gurgling which wasnt good. He slight tilted her head and pinched her nose. Then he brought his lips to hers and breath air into her mouth a couple times. The he pulled away abrought his hands together and pushed onto her chest. He repeated this process until she coughed out the water. He slightly tilted herbody up so that way it is easier for the rest of the water to come out. Jules heard all the commotion and looked over. She was stunned to see the scene before her. She ran over to them clearly worried. Erin lightly patted Case's back, "Its alright Case, I've got you. Everything is ok."
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Her lips had been tinged blue because she couldn't breathe in anything but water. For a moment, she was afraid that she would die. Not even a single bubble floated to the surface because there was nothing but water there to tether her to the tiles. What she thought would be her watery grave. But then the next thing she knew was feeling like her lungs were going to burst out of her chest, gurgling with chlorine and deadly water. A steady rhythmic pressure on her, pushing it out of her mouth. It took a little bit for it to spurt out from her lips. Erin's sealed against hers and then he was helping her sit up as her eyes shot open and she coughed for what seemed like forever, water and saliva streaming down from her mouth as the color from her face stayed absent or a little while. She wasn't really comprehending what had happened, just trying to breathe as her whole body trembled and shook in Erin's arms.
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He sighed in relief and he held her in his arms for a while. People clapped. Well except for Terrance and his douchebg friends. The life guard ran to them amd he simply glared at him. Thats idiot! He had no idea how to do his job! He kneeled down next to him, "I'll take her over to the life guard station and make sure everything is in order."
Erin shook his head, he didnt trust him. He noticed the blonde girl from earlier. She seemed trust worthy enough. "Can you take her and my little sister for a moment and get them checked out. " she looks surprised but nodded simply.
She slowly helped Case up and lead her to the life guard station. Julie followed shortly after her. Good. Now he can take care of the asshole. He glared at Terrance, his eyes burnin with fury. He was just chatting away with his friends acting as if nothing has happened, which only added to his anger. He marched up to Terrance and yelled, "Hey Terrance!" As soon as Terrance turned around Erim punched him hard in the face causing him to fall to the ground. His buddies backed up in shock as they watched Erin beat the shit out of him. He mainly aimed at his face. It was punch after punch after pu nch. Blood, gashes and bruises all appeared all over his face. But he couldnt stop. All he saw was red. Finally 4 football players had to pull him back, they were ammused enough."Aright just calm down man." Terrance was nearly unconcious. When the football players tried calming him down he shot a glare at them, "Calm down?! This guy is a monster and he is going to hell!" Then he glared back at Terrance, "And if you come near Case again I will fucking rip your god damn throat out and kill you!" And with that he stormed into the life guard station.
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Casey breathed and kept breathing, taking in the sweet taste of air in her lungs. She ever thought she'd be so thankful to be able to breathe. Erin's arms were warm around her but she couldn't seem to stop shaking. Not only was she extremely cold and in danger of going into shock, but she was terrified. She had almost died and if it wasn't for...Erin! Erin, whom she couldn't even see that well because her vision was all blurry and she couldn't clear it up all that well.
Erin had saved her life! She gasped when the blonde pulled her up. Casey had to lean on her heavily and even then she wobbled all the way to the life guard station. Where was Erin? Why wasn't he with her? Casey's free hand held onto Julie's hand, trying to reassure and protect her even as her head spun when the blonde employee helped her onto a cot in the life guard station. Casey groaned and the blonde set up two rolly chairs beside her bed after draping a blanket over her. She sat in one of them and let Julie into another. "Hey honey I'm Jennifer. Do you need anything else? Maybe a fresh glass of water? Can you breathe okay?" Casey gulped. Water didn't sound so great right now, but at least it wouldn't be chlorinated. "I-I'm..f-fine.." She rasped.
"Do you have any dry clothes I can grab for you?" She asked just as Erin walked in. She ignored the question. Erin was here. And he didn't look happy. "E-Er-rin.." She shivered
The moment he looked at her his anger seemed evaporate (for the most part) to concern. He walked over to her and sat by her pulling her into his arms, "You ok Case?" He asked as he looks down at her his eyes filled with concern. He did have some of Terrance's blood on his fists but he didnt seem to notice.
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When the blonde saw Erin come in, she moved out of the chair so he could occupy the one next to Julie, who may have been shocked into silence by now. Casey was instantly pulled into his arms and she had no complaints at all. She buried her face in his neck and nodded. "Th-thanks t-to you. Y-you saved m-my life..." She whispered, still sort of freaking out over almost dying. The blonde with the ponytail stood by and cleared her throat a little awkward. "Is there anything I can help you with? Maybe get your bags? Some dry clothes she can change into?"
It would have been smart of Casey to pull of the wet tank top in the air conditioning of the life guard station, but she could only imagine what the bruise looked like now. Her ribs were still in pain. She knew it would probably hurt to breathe for awhile. But right now she was with Erin. Her savior. And nothing else mattered.
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