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Yay, sorry to worry you XD, Bug said she wouldn't be able to join *Cries* lol XD
I don't find it rude to just notify me stepping down <_< and cause I can't find the right partner :3
Stepping down isn't rude, saying "mehhhhh I think its best I drop out" without any reason why is rude.

Anyway, sorry to hear that none of the applied demon's seem to fit your liking, but there are still some reserved spots that haven't been filled out yet. So who knows, if you stick around, one might pop up that catches your fancy?
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May I reserve a spot for a female human?
Edit: oh shizz, just realized someone else resered it ;x;
Unless vamps doesn't get her character in tomorrow, I will remove her from the reservations list. Then You can have it. ^^

We will either be starting tomorrow, or next weekend, depending on how busy I am. >.<
Hehe, take your time, I can't be super active till thursday anyhow
I would like to reserve a spot for the female human. I can give the cs by today.
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Oh. Dang. Nevermind... all spots have been reserved v.v
I'm sorry. >_< She has already been reserved by Pluviophile. Yeah, sorry. X3
I'm sorry. >_< She has already been reserved by Pluviophile. Yeah, sorry. X3
Yeah. It is fine. If there is anyone backing out from the human female category, do inform me. I would like to join ^.^
I will. Though, there are a few other people who have asked me to do the same, so they're first. X3

There is a chance I will allow more people to join later, though with humans not making contracts with demons or...ahem...other species. That'll not be yet, however.
I will. Though, there are a few other people who have asked me to do the same, so they're first. X3

There is a chance I will allow more people to join later, though with humans not making contracts with demons or...ahem...other species. That'll not be yet, however.
Alright. Fine by me. I am very interested in this roleplay. I will make a cs just in case lol. If it is not used here, it can be used somewhere else
  • Hi there, everyone! I am planning on starting this role play soon, so I am asking you all to please get your character sheets in. Preferably, latest on Friday, since I plan on starting the role play this weekend.
  • Also, it seems we have two male human spots free, unless Nocour changes her mind. These two spots need to be filled before we can begin. I offer these to Nuria Alva and Killroy first hand, which means that if one of them is interested in taking the spots then they are more than welcome to. ^^
I won't be online during the weekends much XD I'm sorry. I'll try to but no promises, my step-mom is coming home from a cruise this weekend so I may only be able to be on at night XD, I'll jump in when I can.
Name: Janos (Yan-OhSH,James) Nakako

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Role: Human Male 2 OR 4

Family: Japanese Mother, Sakura Nanako (Deceased), Hungarian Father, Ferenc Bartok (Deceased). Andras Hegyes, Cousin- Head of Hungarian Interior Ministry.

Personality: Janos , is very calm and collected when in public. In fact, quite sociable. Though despite this he often looks down on himself and can't seem to find his place- he feels that people only mock him while on the outside he knows that there are those that truly do care.
IN a nutshell:
Calm | Sociable | Irritable | Intellectual | Arrogant | Reserved | Tea Epicure | Charming | Happy | Able to put up with mischief | Havoc-causing | Patriotic | Fearless | Inferiority-Complex | Superiority-Complex | Con-Artist | Lacks Motivation for Boring Stuff

Sexuality: PanRomantic, Heterosexual

Likes: Money, Hacking, Power, Love

Dislikes: Death, being an associate to murder unless compensated, being a direct cause of murder, Jail, Theft, Robbery, Assault. These are all things if he is directly involved. Otherwise go at it.

Equipment and Abilities:
Computer Hacking
- A young Janos took Programming classes with a professor that decided to teach hacking on the side, nothing too tricky- just using the school's mainframe as a testing ground with promises to the Dean of Students that there would be no breech in student privacy. Within weeks however Janos had dropped out of the college and starting working day in and day out in his apartment within the Ikebukero Ward trying to hack into different shops, stores, banks- you name it. He never stole anything, mind you, yet this gave him life.

Biographic History: Growing up for the first 10 years of his life in Pecs, Hungary, he learned Hungarian as a first language and grew up with having a lot of patriotism for his homeland. However when he was 11, his father was reassigned as a diplomat to Japan- forcing him to leave behind his motherland and friends. The young Janos would never forget this, and though he would never truly come to rue the day he left- he is still quite sad. Nothing, to him, beats the coffee shops in Budapest where he would spend his summers.
Having arrived in Japan at age 11, he was surely behind much of the classes. Studying hard, he managed to learn the basic grammar of the language as well as the nuances, cases, etc within ten months. At the age of 19, his mother died of cancer, and his father committed suicide only days later, to sorrowful to live on without his wife. Ordinarily, the Hungarian government might send the relatives of the deceased employee an apologetic note, mourning the loss and declaring an unofficial day of remembrance, as well as send said relatives some money to compensate the loss of their relative depending on government position. Diplomatic families, like the Nakako's, were supposed to be given $12,000 or so in order to cover funeral costs and living expenses over the next few months. The government, in lieu of this monetary stipend, gave Janos a free apartment in Ikebukero Ward and $6,000. They had paid for the apartment up front, apparently. Janos quickly spent $2,000 to get a completely state-of-the-art computer, monitor, headset, and other things he may or may not need for hacking/computer work. He did both in his free time- both gave him some form of monetary income. He also bought a laptop for $1,000- the other half of the money was kept for savings.

If not for the apartment being somewhat furnished when purchased, he never would have had a bed, refrigerator, or any appliances to speak of.
Hair Color: Black http://
Eye Color: Red
Weight: 150lbs
Height: 5'11
Brief Appearance Description: Janos has broad shoulders- like a water polo player. His hair is mostly slicked back and despite spending much of his time either walking Ikebukero or in a cafe with his laptop, or in his apartment, he keeps himself groomed and healthy looking. He has his father's blue eyes and his mother's nose.
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