Hunter x Hunter: The Truth is There

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Room 1A

Recette admitted, "I'm not really surprised, actually." After the money exchange, Recette blinked, before adding, "And when it comes to this kinda stuff I don't think I should be surprised." Though now that they had the extra money, it was kind of hard to feel worried...

Glancing at the door, she suggested, "...Let's get started with the challenge. We can talk after, okay?"

Room 2B

Helen clapped her hands together. "Kyoko-chan is good at so many things! I'll find the prices while you negotiate then." Flipping Kyoko so she was facing towards the barrier, she asked, "Ready? Go!"

Room 2B

Storming in, Sybil was about ready to get started when she began to take in the room. Six, they had faces on them, and clothing around them. She wasn't sure what she expected when she heard 'robots' but these fit the bill, apparently.

Fiften minutes on the clock...

Sybil reached the first one. It's simple eyes seemed to be absentmindedly glancing about the room. Sybil asked, "Hello."

"...Hello. Do you need something?"

Test 1. Pointing over to one of the other robots, Sybil wondered, "He has a hat over there. Is yours..." Sybil stopped as her eyes laid on the lowest price item in his selection, an obscenely tall top hat with several layers of frills, glitter, and a neon green bulb blinking on top of the garishly colored headwear. "...the better deal?"

"You got me."


Okay, probably not the best one to try it on. The sign mentioned different personalities, and this one was clearly disinterested.

Test 2 and 3.

Heading to the next one, Sybil looked around, spotting another hat, but before he could acknowledge the robot, it acknowledged her.

"Hey there little lady! You look like you could use a new belt! This one here is top of the line! It makes you look thinner!"

Sybil's eye twitched. What was that supposed to mean!? Calming down, she said, "I'm more interested in this...fedora. See, I need a hat for my, er, starving...little brother. But that one over there has a much cheaper and more colorful hat."

"Hey, you get what pay for: this fedora is top quality stuff, m'lady!"

Cringing, Sybil changed subject, noting, "So, his more expensive belt is probably even higher quality than the one you're touting."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"Duly noted." Stepping back, Sybil put everything together. The robots weren't fully aware of their competitors, it seemed. They also didn't seem to be weak to cheap emotional exploits. Sybil's comparison to herself wasn't too off the mark. There would be no bidding war, but if Sybil had a method that would work on one, there was a chance it could work on another depending on their pre-programmed personality.

Now to get moving. Sybil called to her unwilling partner, "So, you can help me with one thing: I'm not wearing any of these." Checking the clock, she'd spent three and a half minutes gathering info.
Room 1A

Recette admitted, "I'm not really surprised, actually." After the money exchange, Recette blinked, before adding, "And when it comes to this kinda stuff I don't think I should be surprised." Though now that they had the extra money, it was kind of hard to feel worried...

Glancing at the door, she suggested, "...Let's get started with the challenge. We can talk after, okay?"

Room 2B

Helen clapped her hands together. "Kyoko-chan is good at so many things! I'll find the prices while you negotiate then." Flipping Kyoko so she was facing towards the barrier, she asked, "Ready? Go!"

Room 2B

Storming in, Sybil was about ready to get started when she began to take in the room. Six, they had faces on them, and clothing around them. She wasn't sure what she expected when she heard 'robots' but these fit the bill, apparently.

Fiften minutes on the clock...

Sybil reached the first one. It's simple eyes seemed to be absentmindedly glancing about the room. Sybil asked, "Hello."

"...Hello. Do you need something?"

Test 1. Pointing over to one of the other robots, Sybil wondered, "He has a hat over there. Is yours..." Sybil stopped as her eyes laid on the lowest price item in his selection, an obscenely tall top hat with several layers of frills, glitter, and a neon green bulb blinking on top of the garishly colored headwear. "...the better deal?"

"You got me."


Okay, probably not the best one to try it on. The sign mentioned different personalities, and this one was clearly disinterested.

Test 2 and 3.

Heading to the next one, Sybil looked around, spotting another hat, but before he could acknowledge the robot, it acknowledged her.

"Hey there little lady! You look like you could use a new belt! This one here is top of the line! It makes you look thinner!"

Sybil's eye twitched. What was that supposed to mean!? Calming down, she said, "I'm more interested in this...fedora. See, I need a hat for my, er, starving...little brother. But that one over there has a much cheaper and more colorful hat."

"Hey, you get what pay for: this fedora is top quality stuff, m'lady!"

Cringing, Sybil changed subject, noting, "So, his more expensive belt is probably even higher quality than the one you're touting."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"Duly noted." Stepping back, Sybil put everything together. The robots weren't fully aware of their competitors, it seemed. They also didn't seem to be weak to cheap emotional exploits. Sybil's comparison to herself wasn't too off the mark. There would be no bidding war, but if Sybil had a method that would work on one, there was a chance it could work on another depending on their pre-programmed personality.

Now to get moving. Sybil called to her unwilling partner, "So, you can help me with one thing: I'm not wearing any of these." Checking the clock, she'd spent three and a half minutes gathering info.
Room 1A

Kira looks over Recette, a little bit disappointed, but only showing it slightly. "I don't think there is really a reason to worry so much. We have nearly twice as much money as they intended us to have, so this challenge is basically already won. Think of it more like a little shopping adventure." Kira tries to reach for Recette's hand but shies away just as she is about to grasp her hand. "Anyway, which aren't you surprised about, the misprint or my reason for picking you."

Room 1B

Kyoko doesn't seem to have the sense of urgency that she had in all the other exams. Rather, she acted more childish than usual, looking with wonder at all the stalls. Taking notice of her childlike demeanour, the salesperson robot calls her over, "Hey little miss. You look like you are having a good time here. If I might be so bold, I believe this red ribbon would suit a cute little girl like you quite well."

Kyoko takes the red ribbon, and pins it in her hair. Looking in the mirror, her smile lights up like she was opening a Christmas present. Spinning around quickly to see what it looked like from the other side, her skirt picks up each to almost reveal the swimsuit underneath. Then eagerly pressing herself against the counter, she seemed like she was already sold on the item.

Thinking the sale was basically final, the robot declares, "That will be 3040 Zenni please." However the sale wasn't quite as final as the robot had thought. Kyoko's eyes suddenly filled with sadness. Taking the ribbon out of her hair, she looks at it longingly before placing it down. Starting to tear up, Kyoko speaks with a sullen voice. "Kyoko... Kyoko only has 1500 Zenni."

The robot looks confused at first, but doesn't have any reason to believe Kyoko was lying. "Listen, Kyoko was it? I can't sell you that ribbon for that low, but maybe if your friend over there could pitch in, I'd be willing to lower the price to 2100."

At this point, Kyoko looks terrified in the direction of Helen. She shakes her head furiously, "Onee-chan is really violent. If I asked her for money, she'd beat me."

Consoling the poor girl, "Just be brave little miss. You just need a little more, and you'll get this beautiful ribbon. I'll even throw in this cat ear headband if you'll pay another 1500."

Kyoko looks longingly at the ribbon before seemingly steeling her resolve. Moving towards Helen, the robot continues watching her every move but is too far away to hear the conversation. Kyoko keeps her cutesy side showing as she tells Helen, "I've nearly got this guy suckered, but I need you to beat me. I want to look weak, so try to keep the blows to areas where people couldn't see the marks."

Room 2B

"Whatever." Angel still gives Sybil the complete silent treatment. Anything Angel said could be turned against her, but Angel saw in this challenge a great opportunity. Sybil was going to reveal her business practices in this phase, and she could have Sybil dig her own grave with her actions. Sybil was absolutely going to find the most ridiculous outfit possible since she thought she'd get Angel to wear it. But that would only make the karmic justice more sweet when she reversed the situation on her. She'd even fake several attempts to touch Sybil just to make her think that she was both safe and in control. Then, when the moment was right, she'd exact her revenge.
Room 1A

Recette grumbled, "At least let me pretend to take this seriously!" Besides, who knows if the robots would even understand the value of the misprinted bi-oh who am I kidding.

Heading through the barrier, Recette answered, "Well, I shouldn't have been surprised about the money but after reading the info I did think 'well, none of Kira's luck here!'. But I did get some...perspective, that might explain why everyone seems interested in me... I mean, you have been paying attention to me from the start, so of course you'd pick me over Kyoko or Helen." Looking at the first vendor, if she had so much extra money she might as well choose something that looked nice. They got to keep it, right?

Room 1B

Helen frowned, "Eh? That's awful. I would never do that to any of my cute siblings!"

Despite her protest, she glanced over the the robot, ever judging with its unfeeling display eyes. Puckering her lips, Helen unleashed a blindingly fast series of thwacks to the sides of Kyoko's torso. Though they were enough to hurt for more than an instant, Helen's eyes teared up a little.

Room 2B

Quickly going through the remaining shop-bots, Sybil finally settled on one at the ten minute mark.

Picking a gaudy pair of sunglasses, Sybil begins. "How much?"

"2230, give or take."


"Hey, I can't do that. Let's try 2000?"

"1350," Sybil said. The robot narrowed its eyes. Sybil offered, "You should have taken the offer when it was at 1400."

"1600 lady, it's the best I can-"

"1300." The robot was not amused. Moving along, Sybil looked at a bracelet based on some superhero. "How much?"


"1500," Sybil said plainly.

The robot was still for a moment, before offering, "Deal."

Taking the bracelet, and forking over her cash, she stepped over to Angel, locking eyes with her before dropping it for her to pick up off the floor. Moving on, Sybil was ready to finish by the five minute mark, though she took one moment to double check the wording of the task. If all she had to do was 'find a way', then...
Room 1A

Recette grumbled, "At least let me pretend to take this seriously!" Besides, who knows if the robots would even understand the value of the misprinted bi-oh who am I kidding.

Heading through the barrier, Recette answered, "Well, I shouldn't have been surprised about the money but after reading the info I did think 'well, none of Kira's luck here!'. But I did get some...perspective, that might explain why everyone seems interested in me... I mean, you have been paying attention to me from the start, so of course you'd pick me over Kyoko or Helen." Looking at the first vendor, if she had so much extra money she might as well choose something that looked nice. They got to keep it, right?

Room 1B

Helen frowned, "Eh? That's awful. I would never do that to any of my cute siblings!"

Despite her protest, she glanced over the the robot, ever judging with its unfeeling display eyes. Puckering her lips, Helen unleashed a blindingly fast series of thwacks to the sides of Kyoko's torso. Though they were enough to hurt for more than an instant, Helen's eyes teared up a little.

Room 2B

Quickly going through the remaining shop-bots, Sybil finally settled on one at the ten minute mark.

Picking a gaudy pair of sunglasses, Sybil begins. "How much?"

"2230, give or take."


"Hey, I can't do that. Let's try 2000?"

"1350," Sybil said. The robot narrowed its eyes. Sybil offered, "You should have taken the offer when it was at 1400."

"1600 lady, it's the best I can-"

"1300." The robot was not amused. Moving along, Sybil looked at a bracelet based on some superhero. "How much?"


"1500," Sybil said plainly.

The robot was still for a moment, before offering, "Deal."

Taking the bracelet, and forking over her cash, she stepped over to Angel, locking eyes with her before dropping it for her to pick up off the floor. Moving on, Sybil was ready to finish by the five minute mark, though she took one moment to double check the wording of the task. If all she had to do was 'find a way', then...
Room 1A

Kira looks at Recette with an element of surprise, but mostly remains her elusive, standoffish self. "Well, you definitely are a special person, but I'd like to hear what you think. Maybe afterwards, I'll tell you how close you are." Kira continues to follow Recette about. Her eyes casually scan for something she'd like, but mostly she is watching Recette.

Room 1B

Kyoko cries out in pain, laying out on the floor. If Helen didn't know better, she might have thought that she actually managed to hurt Kyoko with those blows. Kyoko gasps for air on the ground, much to the horror of the shop bot. Helen's part was rather unconvincing due to the obvious pain it caused her, but the act looked convincing enough from a distance. The shopbot felt concerned enough to wheel itself over to Kyoko. "I, I didn't realize that you meant she'd physically abuse you. You should value your safety more. This little ribbon isn't worth taking a beating."

Kyoko remain in tears, shaking her head. "I really wanted it though. I even, managed to take 1000 Zenni from her before she noticed... Pulling out 2500 Zenni. I did it right... I can get the ribbon, and usagi-chan, right?"

Naturally, she did not have enough. She didn't have anywhere near the agreed upon amount. But even the salesperson personality didn't have a heart of stone. From its perspective, it was partially responsible for injuring this young girl, all because he wanted to turn a profit. She wanted such small things, with such fervor. She was likely giving up her entire allowance for this. All this made the robot willing to violate its programming. It would take a loss to make up for its part in the incident. "Of course it is enough."

Kyoko gives the robot the biggest, brightest smile she could possibly give, though it still seemed quite pained. Kyoko was quite the actor. She slowly got up to her feet, and limped over to the stall where she quickly exchanged the goods while the deal still stood. She placed the cat ears on her head and attached the red ribbon to her bangs.

The goodwill she got from the incident extended to the negotiator, who gave her a silver necklace for just 2500 Zenni. Kyoko had essentially gotten the items single-handedly, and with plenty of time to spare. At which point, she immediately dropped the act, returning to her usual self. She only used seven minutes to pull off this act.

"Onee-chan, you did good." Kyoko hugs Helen's arm again. They still have to wait the entire duration for the attempt to count. The only way they could fail now was if Kyoko took off one of their three items.

Room 2B

Moving towards Sybil, she glares daggers at her as she places it on her wrist. It was quite tacky, but there were plenty of other things that would be far worse. As she placed the bracelet, she made a veiled attempt to make contact with Sybil, intentionally making sure that Sybil could just barely detect it. Though even after Sybil does something to evade her grasp, she doesn't give off anything more than slight annoyance.

Still giving Sybil the silent treatment, Angel starts to report her findings in a strictly matter-of-fact manner, "The best deal so far is someone selling bed-wetting training pants for just 1800 Zenni. Next best is a jester's skirt for 2200 that comes with a hat for just 2000 more, but I think that the robot enjoys haggling. Last deal worth chasing is an "I'm with stupid" shirt for 1930, but that robot seemed pretty sleazy."
Room 1A

Recette gave an awkward laugh. Put on the spot, she summed up, "Well, the way Angel put it, I'm probably the least tough one here, but I made it this far anyway. She thought it was endearing at least. Anyway, one second."

Slamming a palm down near a robot vendor, she spotted a nice looking hairclip. With 4500 to work with...

"How much?"

"Who's asking?"

"...Money, money is asking."

"2700 Z then."

"What!? It's just a hairclip! It shouldn't be more than 1000 Z!"

"Supply and demand. If not you I'll find another buyer, like the lady behind you."

"1200 then."

"You can do better than that."

Recette frowned. He wasn't haggling? Sneaky.

"Hmm, 1450 is definetely too much..."

"I'd take it though."

Recette grinned, handing over her money. She'd have gone up to 1700!

Putting the black, trianglar hairclip on, pushing aside some her bangs, she nodded. "One down."

Room 1B

Helen wrapped her arms around Kyoko, bawling, "You're such a good actor!"Swinging Kyoko around, the bunny ears falling off, Helen added, "You're gonna make me cry and the big sister shouldn't cry!"

Calming down a bit, she sniffled, "So many of my other siblings went through stuff like that..." Thinking for a moment, she wondered, "But they'll be fine for a little while longer. What are you doing after the Exam?"

Room 2B

Sybil hurried her step away as she noticed Angel reach for her. Shooting her a nasty look, Sybil passed it off. Still considering the information she was giving, Sybil noted, "At least you have some initiative."

Ignoring her advice anyway, Sybil returned to the first one she encounted, who was rather noncommital. "How much is this one?" After getting her answer, Sybil moved on, until she knew how much every item was.

"...So, how much is this one?"

"I told you already."

"But what if the price changed?" Sybil said meekly. The robot was unamused.

"So, this one?" As Sybil continued her repetetive heckling, the robot finally began lowering its own prices, as if to get Sybil to leave. Finally, she got a pair of pink sunglasses with glass, gem shaped beads poking out in ways that would jab into the wearers head. Only 1300 Z! Laying them on the floor, she used her foot to slide it to Angel, the gaudy glasses bouncing as they skittered across the floor.

Finally, she went to the one Angel had said was shady. Sybil had something a bit different in mind for this one. Sybil offered, "What would you do if I told you that you could earn 1300 Z for practically nothing but some of your time?

"...I'm listening."

Whipping off her own sunglasses, Sybil plopped them down, offering, "I'm selling you these-"

"I don't buy, lassie."

"Then they're free. They're yours now."

The robot seemed to blink, before conceeding, "O-okay?"

"Now, I would like to buy them from you for 1300 Z."

Transaction complete, Sybil smiled as she put them back on. The rules had said they they 'must find a way to obtain three articles of clothing from the robot vendors without stealing'. Selling and rebuying was certainly 'a way', if not an efficient one. There was nothing that said the clothes or accessories had to be originally from the robots. And Angel didn't have room to complain either: Sybil kept the cheap goods small, avoiding, say, that giant hat, or the things Angel suggested. That, and they still had two minutes to spare.
Room 1A

Recette gave an awkward laugh. Put on the spot, she summed up, "Well, the way Angel put it, I'm probably the least tough one here, but I made it this far anyway. She thought it was endearing at least. Anyway, one second."

Slamming a palm down near a robot vendor, she spotted a nice looking hairclip. With 4500 to work with...

"How much?"

"Who's asking?"

"...Money, money is asking."

"2700 Z then."

"What!? It's just a hairclip! It shouldn't be more than 1000 Z!"

"Supply and demand. If not you I'll find another buyer, like the lady behind you."

"1200 then."

"You can do better than that."

Recette frowned. He wasn't haggling? Sneaky.

"Hmm, 1450 is definetely too much..."

"I'd take it though."

Recette grinned, handing over her money. She'd have gone up to 1700!

Putting the black, trianglar hairclip on, pushing aside some her bangs, she nodded. "One down."

Room 1B

Helen wrapped her arms around Kyoko, bawling, "You're such a good actor!"Swinging Kyoko around, the bunny ears falling off, Helen added, "You're gonna make me cry and the big sister shouldn't cry!"

Calming down a bit, she sniffled, "So many of my other siblings went through stuff like that..." Thinking for a moment, she wondered, "But they'll be fine for a little while longer. What are you doing after the Exam?"

Room 2B

Sybil hurried her step away as she noticed Angel reach for her. Shooting her a nasty look, Sybil passed it off. Still considering the information she was giving, Sybil noted, "At least you have some initiative."

Ignoring her advice anyway, Sybil returned to the first one she encounted, who was rather noncommital. "How much is this one?" After getting her answer, Sybil moved on, until she knew how much every item was.

"...So, how much is this one?"

"I told you already."

"But what if the price changed?" Sybil said meekly. The robot was unamused.

"So, this one?" As Sybil continued her repetetive heckling, the robot finally began lowering its own prices, as if to get Sybil to leave. Finally, she got a pair of pink sunglasses with glass, gem shaped beads poking out in ways that would jab into the wearers head. Only 1300 Z! Laying them on the floor, she used her foot to slide it to Angel, the gaudy glasses bouncing as they skittered across the floor.

Finally, she went to the one Angel had said was shady. Sybil had something a bit different in mind for this one. Sybil offered, "What would you do if I told you that you could earn 1300 Z for practically nothing but some of your time?

"...I'm listening."

Whipping off her own sunglasses, Sybil plopped them down, offering, "I'm selling you these-"

"I don't buy, lassie."

"Then they're free. They're yours now."

The robot seemed to blink, before conceeding, "O-okay?"

"Now, I would like to buy them from you for 1300 Z."

Transaction complete, Sybil smiled as she put them back on. The rules had said they they 'must find a way to obtain three articles of clothing from the robot vendors without stealing'. Selling and rebuying was certainly 'a way', if not an efficient one. There was nothing that said the clothes or accessories had to be originally from the robots. And Angel didn't have room to complain either: Sybil kept the cheap goods small, avoiding, say, that giant hat, or the things Angel suggested. That, and they still had two minutes to spare.
Room 1A

Kira watches with amusement as Recette does an excellent job haggling down the price. Even in spite of the fact that they had more than enough money to straight up buy anything they wanted, she still felt the need to haggle the price down lower. Kira makes eye contact with Recette. "I wanted to support you, because I know what you are doing for your Dad."

Room 1B

Kyoko holds on for dear life as Helen swings her about like a ball and chain. Whining, "Onee-chan, I'm perfectly fine. There is no reason to cry. You'd need to hit me a lot harder than that to hurt me." When Kyoko is released, she retrieves the bunny ears, and takes off her shirt. "See Onee-chan, no bruises! I'm probably a lot tougher than your average sibling."

Once the big question came down, Kyoko's face was swallowed up with excitement. "I'm going to go back home to go get my sis. I've wanted to get her out of that place for a long time now, so I'll finally be able to see her and play all day. I'm also gonna take my best friend Recette so she can meet my sissy. I don't know where we are going to go after that, but I can't wait. I haven't seen her in forever, and I really miss her."

Room 2B

Angel looked at Sybil with somewhat of an awkward expression. The experiment did not turn out quite as planned. While Angel expected to be turning the tables on Sybil, Sybil didn't try to take advantage of the situation at all. Certainly the items she bought were tacky, but they weren't the joke items that ran rampant through these stores. Sybil certainly wasn't as ruthless as Angel had made her out to be. But she had to confirm for herself. "Is it just me, or did you intentionally avoid embarrassing me?"
Room 1A

Recette's eyes seemed to bulge out of her head, reaching as she turned her head to look at Kira in shock. After regaining a bit of her composure, she gawked, "I-I didn't say anything about my dad to you! Did I?"

Room 1B

Helen's face seemed stuck for a moment, before she suggested, "Recette's nice and all, but will she really be able to help you?"

Room 2B

Sybil kept her arms crossed, body turned towards the countdown as hse answered, "Pride and humiliation are not a zero sum game. Doing far better than you ever could here is more than enough for me. Humiliating you by forcing you to wear silly clothing for a few minutes at best isn't very interesting to me. Besides, I couldn't be sure you'd even care unless you told me, like you're doing now."

Almost a minute left now...
Room 1A

Recette's eyes seemed to bulge out of her head, reaching as she turned her head to look at Kira in shock. After regaining a bit of her composure, she gawked, "I-I didn't say anything about my dad to you! Did I?"

Room 1B

Helen's face seemed stuck for a moment, before she suggested, "Recette's nice and all, but will she really be able to help you?"

Room 2B

Sybil kept her arms crossed, body turned towards the countdown as hse answered, "Pride and humiliation are not a zero sum game. Doing far better than you ever could here is more than enough for me. Humiliating you by forcing you to wear silly clothing for a few minutes at best isn't very interesting to me. Besides, I couldn't be sure you'd even care unless you told me, like you're doing now."

Almost a minute left now...
Room 1A
Kira gives a small giggle, "Recette, just the fact that you didn't hide it means most of the intel savvy hunters know about it. Since I'm friends with Ange, I get those sort of perks."

Room 1B
Kyoko nods enthusiastically, "Recette is the perfect person to bring for this sort of thing. She is the first friend I've made since leaving home, she is smart, she teaches me a bunch, she is pretty, kind, and I think my sis will love her bunches."

Room 2B
Angel simply nods in response to Sybil's high and mighty response. She misjudged Sybil, and ultimately that is what caused her to look so foolish. She had planned to make Sybil get what was coming to her, but ultimately, she wasn't the monster Angel made her out to be. She was certainly cutthroat, but she wasn't ruthless. Despite not having the full range of emotions that most people had, what remained was merely competitive and imperfect. At the end of the day, she probably wasn't capable of committing the act that Angel had in mind. She was probably just tricked into overlooking it. But, Angel did have one thing to say in response.

"I'll be sending you a formal complaint about your company after this is all over. I will trust you'll stay good to your word."
Room 1A

Recette pouted for a moment, before beginning, "But...I can't be the only one who's in this for someone else, right?"

Room 1B

Helen was quiet. A good half a minute passed before she finally smiled lightly. She mused, "Ah, is that it. I hope it all works out then..."

Stretching her arms up, she turned to the clock, which still wasn't quite at zero. "What's next? Maybe something I'll be good at..." Hidden from Kyoko's view, Helen gripped her wrist, squeezing it to stop a bit of shaking.

Room 2B

Sybil gave a knowing smile, before confirming, "Of course. But under what name? I never got yours, though at least if it's under 'The Anomaly', I should be able to figure it out."
Room 1A

Kira smirks, "Isn't that a little misguided in more ways than one?" Kira explains, "Most people take the hunter exam for selfish reasons, and almost everyone with a chance of winning has a primarily selfish reason for winning. It is just the nature of being a hunter. A hunter's license isn't very useful for someone that wants to further someone else's dream." Kira shrugs, "But I'm not interested in you because I admire your selflessness, or anything like that. I just feel like I can relate to you. I want you to save your Dad from debt, because I couldn't do the same."

Room 2A

Kyoko looks curiously towards Helen during the period that she remained quiet. Kyoko didn't remember Helen being the quiet sort of person, but after she smiled and spoke again, ultimately chalked it up to just a break in the conversation. Continuing on cheerful as always, "I hope they do something challenging. I haven't gotten to have a really interesting fight since the desert phase, and that ended way too fast. I learned all sorts of things for taking on the Hunter Exam, but it feels like most of it is going to waste... I'm scared that if it doesn't get harder, the researchers might not get enough data, and make me take the hunter exam all over again."

Room 2B

"My name is Angel. I don't even know who came up with the other name. I've never once called myself 'The Anomaly'. And to be frank, now that I understand that you aren't behind the incident, I'm not sure who to direct my anger towards. But, from experience, I'll assume you'll properly punish anyone who manipulates you."
Room 1A

Recette had to concede to Kira's point: hunting was conceived as something done out of need, even animals took part in it, but to the extent of the Hunter Exam it was purely desire. While she'd so easily assumed through her strength that she was nothing special, maybe Angel did have a point about Recette.

Looking down a bit, she commented, "So, it's something like that." After a moment, she said, "Er, it might be a bit...probing, but would you share why? I mean, it's kind of hard to imagine you failing at anything..."

Blinking, she looked at the clock, which was closing in on the halfway mark. Recette didn't say anything but there was a shade of concern present on her face.

Room 1B

Helen tilted her head as she turned back to Kyoko, recalling, "You won't be able to take the again Hunter Exam, silly!" Stepping over to behind Kyoko, she put her hands on her shoulders as she recited, "Hunter's can't take the Exam again, and you're not failing. And if those Agesis guys tell you to quit then I'll make sure they won't bother you again."

Room 2B

Sybil flinched underneath her sunglasses, before stating, "Your body is the one thing in this world you have complete control over. Mostly. I can't imagine anyone would want it taken from them: certainly not me. Alcohol, drugs, your...whatever that is that you do."

As the timer hit zero, allowing them to leave, Sybil finished, "I'd prefer not to be under the influence of those things. Surely you understand?" Done, Sybil made her way to the door.
Room 1A

Recette had to concede to Kira's point: hunting was conceived as something done out of need, even animals took part in it, but to the extent of the Hunter Exam it was purely desire. While she'd so easily assumed through her strength that she was nothing special, maybe Angel did have a point about Recette.

Looking down a bit, she commented, "So, it's something like that." After a moment, she said, "Er, it might be a bit...probing, but would you share why? I mean, it's kind of hard to imagine you failing at anything..."

Blinking, she looked at the clock, which was closing in on the halfway mark. Recette didn't say anything but there was a shade of concern present on her face.

Room 1B

Helen tilted her head as she turned back to Kyoko, recalling, "You won't be able to take the again Hunter Exam, silly!" Stepping over to behind Kyoko, she put her hands on her shoulders as she recited, "Hunter's can't take the Exam again, and you're not failing. And if those Agesis guys tell you to quit then I'll make sure they won't bother you again."

Room 2B

Sybil flinched underneath her sunglasses, before stating, "Your body is the one thing in this world you have complete control over. Mostly. I can't imagine anyone would want it taken from them: certainly not me. Alcohol, drugs, your...whatever that is that you do."

As the timer hit zero, allowing them to leave, Sybil finished, "I'd prefer not to be under the influence of those things. Surely you understand?" Done, Sybil made her way to the door.
Room 1A

Taking note of the worried expression on Recette's face, Kira decides to get the purchasing out of the way. Looking at the robot, she just shows the money and says dryly. "If you let me pick two things from your store, I'll give you the whole thing." Naturally, since the bill was worth far more than any two things that Kira could possibly pick, the robot agreed to the exchange. Kira doesn't even bother looking at what she is taking, but still manages to come out with the two most expensive items in the store: the crystal ring, and the finger-less gloves.

Explaining herself, "I don't mind, but it's a long story. It'll probably take me the rest of our time to tell it."

Room 1B

Kyoko shakes her head, "Whenever I do something they don't like, they don't let me see my sister. If I ran away, I'd probably never see her again."

Room 2B

Angel seizes Sybil's body for just a moment before she goes out the door, "You aren't able to avoid being manipulated as much as you would think. When I manipulate you, at least you walk away with the understanding that you were manipulated. You haven't always been so lucky."
Room 1A

Recette checked the time again, before nodding, stopping down a bit, resting her cheeks in her hands as she waited for the story.

Room 1B

"Oh, don't say things like that. You should trust your sister! Maybe even both of us! I'm not sure what she's like though," Helen said.

Room 2A

As Angel left Sybil behind, Sybil's mood wasn't restored as control of her body was. Eye twitching, Sybil clenched her fists as she stormed through the door. And it had otherwise gone so well...
Room 1A

"Well, I wasn't always as lucky as I am now. I didn't get that until I was about 16. Up until that point, I was just a daughter, of a very poor family who lived in the slums. I lived an otherwise pretty normal life until my Mom died. That was the point where things started getting unstable. You see, since my mom was the only one who actually held a proper job, my Dad wasn't the most reliable. I think Mom was the one keeping him in check. With her gone, I started living life on the road with my Dad."

Laughing in spite of the sad undertone, "You'd think it would have been rough, but it was actually pretty fun at first. I was used to the rough conditions already, and I was born pretty rough and tumble, so the moving around just felt like an adventure. Everywhere I went I didn't have to get attached to anything since it wouldn't stick around long. The only exception was my Dad. No matter what changed, he'd be there. Naturally, he was quite precious to me."

Changing to a somber tone, "But around the time I was 11, I started to understand a bit more. The reason my Dad moved around so much was because he was avoiding the consequences of his debt. He held so much debt, it seemed staggering to me, but all that did was embolden me. I started taking whatever odd jobs I could during our travels, and even managed to get Dad to work now and then. There isn't much honest work you can do at 11, but dishonest work there was plenty of. I was a pretty crafty one, so thieving, gambling, and corruption were my primary means of income. Nobody really expected me to be so naturally talented for such things, but that was exactly why it was so profitable. I was a novelty. I could actually keep up with my father's bad habits. For a time, that fixed the problem, but the center couldn't hold.

Pressing her hand into her face as if in disbelief, "One day, my father finally did something I couldn't save him from. He got into a drunken brawl with the son of a mob boss, and beat the shit out of him. The only reason he wasn't shot dead was because I negotiated. Turns out the son was a total loser to begin with. He was out drinking that night because he got rejected by some girl he was creeping on. He wanted me to pose as his girlfriend to make her jealous. The guy was seriously creepy, but since it was just going to be a one time thing and it was pretend, I agreed. But, it didn't end with one time. He played the carrot and stick game. Threatening my Dad with one hand, and buying me whatever I wanted with the other. And each time, he wanted more and more. When he asked for sex, I finally put my foot down, but he was unfortunately a man of his word. That was the day, my father was taken from me..."

Pausing for a few moments, Kira takes a deep, heavy breath, "He was suffocated to death by some sort of weird magic. But, when he died, my miraculous power awakened in full strength. A meteor came down, completely wrecking the surrounding area. Since I was unharmed, I managed to get away. They should have been able to take me down many times over, but suddenly my fortunes reversed. Now, regardless of which direction I go, everything seems to work out. But, these days feel so directionless, since the one constant in my life, the one thing I wanted to protect more than anything is gone. I did everything I could to try to prevent it, but ultimately no amount of effort on my part could do anything to stop it. Life is pretty unfair that way."

Kira gives Recette an innocent smile, "So basically, I want to see you succeed where I failed. I want you to get your father out of debt through honest work. I don't want you to lose him. So if there is something I can do to make you pass, I'll do it even if it puts my attempt in danger. After all, there isn't really any purpose to my successes and failures. I'm just living out my life to watch where it might go. A big adventure where I never really get attached to anyone. Just like my Dad used to take me on."

Room 1B

Kyoko shakes her head, "My sister isn't strong like me. Even though she was part of the Agesis project, she never got super strong like I did. They only kept her since she looked like she was going to develop like me at first. Around age 3 she stopped showing any special characteristics, but since I'd already bonded with her, they've been using her to motivate me to get through my lessons and training. I love her a lot, and I'm finally going to be able to be with her for as long as I'd like, so I just need to do what they say for a little bit longer. The project is for a good cause, so I wouldn't want to be too selfish either."
Room 1A

Recette shifted her hands to over her eyes, letting out a whine before standing. Grabbing Kira's hand, she proclaimed, "I won't let you down! I'll take care of our debts and get my business off the ground and I'll make good use of my licence I promise!"

Room 1B

Shaking Kyoko lightly, Helen whined, "Jeez, you're worrying too much!" Truth was, however, that Helen didn't have much to say. She just didn't know enough to offer further condolences. Once again she fell silent.
Room 1A

Recette shifted her hands to over her eyes, letting out a whine before standing. Grabbing Kira's hand, she proclaimed, "I won't let you down! I'll take care of our debts and get my business off the ground and I'll make good use of my licence I promise!"

Room 1B

Shaking Kyoko lightly, Helen whined, "Jeez, you're worrying too much!" Truth was, however, that Helen didn't have much to say. She just didn't know enough to offer further condolences. Once again she fell silent.
Room 1A

"Gosh, after playing hard to get all this time, all it took was a story to get you." Kira laughs whimsically. "Recette, as adorable as this is, we should probably get going." Pointing to the timer, it had reached zero, and the doors were open. Walking her up to the doors, Kira gives Recette a hug, then releasing her hand, slides her hand up to her shoulder. "Good luck. I'll see you in the next phase." And with that, Kira chose to walk through the doors first.

Room 1B

Kyoko notices that Helen keeps going quiet, so she takes this chance to give her some space. "Onee-chan, I'm going to go on ahead. Lets definitely meet up next phase."
Room 1A

Recette gave a wave as Kira headed off. Raising a hand to her new hair clip, Recette took a firm breath, before moving on after her. One more task, then one more phase...

Room 1B

"Of course!" Helen confirmed, Kyoko slipping out of her hands. Once Kyoko was gone, Helen's smile faded. Holding out her hand, she took a look, rolling her fingers her fingers, briefly grasping at air before moving on.

Room 1


Room 2


Room 3

Santiago Lopez

Room 4

Hondo Daemon

Room 1

After giving Helen her space, Kyoko came into the next waiting area. Much to her surprise, she once again noticed a familiar face. "Ange, you made it here too."

Ange, "Affirmative. I will be making it all the way to the hunter's license, so I will be seeing you there as well." In the middle of the conversation, Ange's ring begins to glow. "For now, I'll be taking you with me. You seem quite capable."

Kyoko jumps for joy, "I look forward to working with you, captain!"

Ange finds it odd being called captain at first, but ultimately seems to enjoy Kyoko's attempt at a term of endearment. "Let's move out."

Room 3

Angel walks off with her usual lack of facial expression. As per the normal, she starts by entering the room in enhanced zetsu. This time, she intentionally stays clear of Oliko to avoid any interruptions into her meddling. Touching everyone else in the room, she reappears at the entrance, seemingly entering for the first time.

She wouldn't be getting the partner choice this time around, but noticing that Oliko was selected, there was no need to reveal that her Nen had already fused into his. Oliko was smart enough to pick her over everyone else in the room. They already seemed spent from the fatigue of the hunter exam, and hadn't done anything particularly impressive throughout the exam.
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Room 1B

Without recieivng even an iota of either Kyoko or Ange's attention, Sybil was only a little miffed. If there was anything that was going to drive her up the wall, it-

"What's the wait! You got a task to winnin' me. Us. Whatever," Yassi said, creeping up to Sybil. She shot him an ugly work, before making her way to the door. Then, a hand struck out, tapping her in the rump, followed by a laugh from Yassi. Sybil smashed his nose with the butt of her gun. As he fell back, she didn't wait on him.

Room 2

Stepping through the door, Recette took a breath as she saw Helen. Again. Weird. She seemed to be avoiding her though.


...Wait, where was everyone?

Looking down at her ring, it was lit up, and looking at Helen' was also lit up.

Starting to realize what was happening, she said, "Oh, well...guess it's just us." Helen said nothing: no funny guy remark, just a blank look before heading for the door. Recette didn't dawdle.

Room 3

"You're a little late," Olkio said, standing up from his cross legged position. Noticing the color of his ring, he began, "But while normally, the early bird gets the worm, I think the choice is clear." Gesturing toward Angel, he turned to the door.
When the applicants enter their respective rooms, they once again find a room with a barrier with text written on it. Just beyond the screen, two identical copies of the hunters can be found standing at attention. Written on the barrier, "For this challenge you must show that the sum is greater than the total of the parts. Defeat your copies without either teammate losing consciousness. Once this barrier is bypassed, the copies will attack. They won't work together, but you must in order to succeed."

After Angel passes through the door, she doesn't waste any time getting to the question that was clearly on both of their minds, "You are a user, aren't you?" Angel pops the question so early that the rules aren't even within view yet.
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