Humanities Sunset

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William didn't care what the girl was doing. He was going to keep her. He threw her into a helicopter, "Look you best be a good human otherwise I will kill you. You see the only reason that I took you is cause Nikoli over there wants you so badly and if I have what he wants I will have control over him and his power. And when I am through with him I will destroy him and then you will be over. Sad too cause you are the last human."
Anne felt her thrown in the helicopter. She was scared of heights. Her eyes widened and then she looked at him and glared. " I don't care what you do, i wont let you get away with this" she glared and went to slap him. Slapping him across the face, she hated this. She wanted all of this to be over and her family to be back, and if this war had never happened.. She can be home. She glared then on the other side since no body came in she tried to run and escape from him.
William caught up to her with his vampiric speed, "wow wow I can't let you do that now. See your my leverage for taking over all vampiric lands. So you have to stay with. come back the copter." He drug her back and strapped her in tight. William sat down in the pilot seat. He took of towards his castle.

Nikoli could only look out his window. What would he do? What the hell was he thinking he was a vampire lord the only that could stand up to him was William. He would have to infiltrate the castle but first a talk with the other lords. He got them on the screen and informed them of William's unprovoked attack. The lords were outraged and agreed to back Nikoli should any situation warrant it. He was now ready. He got his horse and rode to William's castle.
Anne gasped as she felt herself being dragged back. She fought the hole way, ' I Won't let you!" She glared. As she was strapped down she gasped, trying to get out of what she needed to. She hated this. she bit her lower lip.. looking out she was scared she covered her eyes. she whimpered. She gulped " Vampires are so stupid" She shook her head and sighed slightly.
William laughed at the comment about vampires, "Only when we want more from other vampires. But its a fun stupid wouldn't you say." He was smiling maniacly. He noticed her fear of heights and intentionally turned the helicopter almost sideways so she could see the ground below.
Anne screamed as she seen the ground closing her eyes she gulped, 'S-S-STOP!" She yelled. She then moved over , well trying to. She felt tears but then she just heard laughs from the vampires. She gulped and then said, ' STOP IT" She hated this. she was so scared...putting her hands on her head she was so scared...
Nikoli could see the helicopter he was keeping good time. Still William was still ahead of him.

William landed in his castles court yard and grabbed the girl. He pulled her to an empty room at the top of the castle. There he put her and there he locked her in. No windows, no cracks just the room.

Nikoli reached the entrance to the castle but it was blocked by a slew of vampires.
Anne gasped as she finally seen it was on the ground she went to try to run but he grabbed her. She gasped kicking and screaming but when he dragged her to a room she looked around. No windows!! She ran to the door but it was to late he locked it. She screamed, " no!! " as she hit the door. Soon she leaned against it and cried.. Holding her legs close to her chest.. Hugging them..
Nikoli took the guards down with ease. He was storming the castle on his own. He broke down the giant door only to be met with 2 dozen or more other vampires. William stood at the top of the stairs, "Come one Nikoli come get here if you dare." HE reascended the stairs to the locked room and there he waited outside the door.
Anne was scared. What were they doing she tried to listen... But everything was.. really faint. She hated being a human. She frowned and kicked the door, " LET ME OUT!" She hated this. She slapped the door... " Please!!" She whimpered.. "I'll do anything but not in here..."
Nikoli was beaten up quite a bit from the fight with the vampire underlings but he had made his way to William who had just unlocked the door and was no with the girl. Nikoli ran inside the room and saw William stand next to the girl, "Look Nikoli either you become my servant and all your land and power are in support of me or I drink this girl dry or better yet I will turn Her." Nikoli yelled out to William, "Don't you dare." William drew closer and Closer to the girl.
Anne heard the door unlock she moved quickly to the bed she looked at her arm and as she seen the guy she gulped. She was she grabbed her hair from one side she just twirled it and when she heard them talking then seeing the guy getting close to her. She hid her neck she was scared. she scooted away from him to the bed poles she tried to grab her knife but it wasn't there. She gasped her eyes widened, " Stay away from me!"
Nikoli screamed at William, "Stop! Please Stop!" William stopped but did not move away, "Fine," Nikoli Said, "I will support you just let me have her back." William moved away, "No you cannot have her back. She will stay with me so that I know that you will do as I say." Nikoli wanted to attack him but William had a hundred years on Nikoli. so he bowed and backed out. She was safe that was comforting, Nikoli would just have to find another way to save her. William backed off of the girl as Nikoli left, "It is all going according to plan."
Anne glared, " I cant believe you!!" She glared even more with her pretty eyes. She sighed slightly. Biting her lower lip. She gulped and when she went to the door she wanted to hug Nikoli.. she looked at William.. " Why are you doing this. " Turning to him, ' Why torture me , me... " she paused, after a minute, " Don't answer that... " She sighed. Going to her bed she looked at him she was still scared of him she wanted to slap him. She looked down. Maybe if he tries to touch her she can... Even though she had rare blood she didn't care.. She can fight...
William looked at her with maniacal eyes, "Why? Because I can. Because it gets me more of everything. That is why." William drew close to her brushed her hair away from her face and neck. he toughed her neck, "Because you have this which lets me have all."
anne sighed and when she seen his eyes she gulped and when she seen him go to her. She gulped looking away as her hair was moved out of her face She gulped feeling her neck she then said, " Stop!!" She frowned.She hated this. She wanted to go somewhere else she lifted her leg up and said, " And i have my leg to get away" She kicked him right betweent the legs in the center spot. hoping he would let go so she can run..
William doubled over in pain, "gah, As vampires we have deadened nerves but why the hell does this still hurt so freaking much." He laid there grabbing his crotch. "What the hell? Why?"
Anne felt him let go she stood up, " you deserve that!" She glared and ran out of the room and began to run trying to find, Nikoli. She frowned She didnt know his name she continued to run until a vampire grabbed her. She kicked and screamed, " Let me go!!" She whimpered kicking and screaming moving her arms trying to get free..
Nikoli heard her scream. He turned and ran back to her and saw her there being help by an underling. He quickly cut down the vampire grabbed the girl and ran with her in his arms. William staggered out of the room to see the two running off. he began to give chase but at a much slower speed, he still felt the pain.
anne sighed and felt her out of the hold. She held onto him as he ran she looked at the guy who she kicked. she glared and stuck out her tongue. She put her head on his chest and wondered.