Humanities Sunset

Though you couldn't tell it was about 3 in the morning. A crashing sound came from downstairs and foot steps. Nikoli was half asleep but wasn't reacting to the sounds like he should have been.
Anne was just sleeping away and suddenly she didnt realize it but she was cuddling up against Nikoli...
A team of vampires had entered unnoticed. they ran upstairs to Nikoli's room. They kicked open the door. Nikoli woke with a start he rose to attack but was quickly made unconscious by some poison. They grabbed Anne and took here out of the castle.
Anne was sleeping but when she heard the door she sat up confused. She gulped and when she felt her grabbed she screamed. " No!!" She frowned, " Let me go!" She hated this she kicked and screamed..
The infiltrating vampires drug anne out beyond the castle grounds. They brought her out to the sight of the last vampiric battle. When they got to the sight one vampire held her body, one held out her arm, and one drew a knife from his belt. They positioned her just over the ash pile of William; the vampire with the knife put it to her wrist and in one movement cut her wrist letting blood drip on to the ash.
Anne gasped she didn't know what to do. She gulped. She kicked and screamed and when she seen the ashes, " N-no!" She frowned but she felt herself on her knees as she was held by other vampires she couldn't fight back she seen the knife her eyes widened and when he cut her wrist she screamed then she seen her pretty red blood on his ashes. " n-no you couldn't" she frowned. She felt herself holding tears back. She gulped.
The crimson blood dripped from anne's wrist to the pile of ash. *drip, drip, drip* The ash quickly drank up the blood and after several drops the ash began to swirl and form. there was a dark aura accumulating around the ash. and after several minutes the form became a shape. there he was William was back. He saw anne, "Well my dear it looks as if you help me more then I thought you would." He drew close to her and sank his teeth in to her neck and gulped down much of her blood.
Anne was wanting to pull away but the vampires were holding her there. She whimpered and when she seen the shape she tried to get away. Her eyes widened and when she felt him closer to her then feeling his teeth in her neck she screamed.She closed her eyes. But she felt a lot of blood. she closed her eyes then opening it. She was... She felt.. weak. She felt limp. But then when She soon had enough she had blacked out...
Nikoli came flying out of no where. The drugs had worn off quickly. "William I will kill you again!" Nikoli thrust a fist at the reborn vampire. William easily dodged, "Maybe you should drink more of her blood, you are a little weaker this time." He laughed and flew off into the night with his vampire underlings, but not before scooping Anne in to his arms and taking her.
Anne had no movement she was passed out. But feeling her on the air. She groaned in pain. Slowly waking up holding her neck seeing her on the ground but she thought it was a dream. But then she fell asleep this time... thinking it was just a dream...
Nikoli was stunned by the speed and perception of William. This just couldn't be happening again. He tried to chase them but William had gained immense abilities. Nikoli lost them and Anne.
Anne thought that all of this was just a dream.. Feeling the wind she giggled. She wasn't taking this seriously. Soon she woke up and she seen her in the sky she screamed.. She gulped she was scared..
Nikoli search for hours for the thief of a vampire and the one he stole. Suddenly he heard anne's scream and ran in the general direction of the sound.
anne said, " Put me down! I did nothing to deserve this!!" She frowned closing her eyes. She was so scared...She bit her lower lip. She looked at the male, " I told you to put me down!"
William looked at her with an evil grin, "Oh my dear you didn't have to do anything but be human. Besides this isn't about you its about me and my raise to complete control." He laughed loudly and an echo followed.
Anne gulped and said, " W-where are we?" She was scared. She didn't know what to do. She looked at him as he spoke. Something about control she rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest, goosebumps came on her skin as it echoed she shivered then frowned.
William laughed, "We are going to one of my castles in the high mountains where we can be alone and decide upon what best to do with you." He gave her a hungry grin.
anne listened she looked down and frowned, she didnt know what that meant. She looked at him seeing the eyes then the grin. She gulped. She bit her lower lip and looked at the other vampires... she was scared...
And there on the horizon stood a huge medieval castle that looked as if it had not been lived in for millennial. With in a half hour William landed at that castle and dragged his prisoner in.
As Anne was dragged in she pulled away trying to get away from him, she wanted to slap him, " How dare you!" She knew she can never escape right. She slapped him across the face with her free hand.