How to end a Demon World

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It really was baffling, the different response she got when Isabella asked nicely. She had of course never really tried it with anyone but the simple kind words seemed to work much better for the human then demanding and ordering. He obviously didn't like being told what to do just as she didn't, although asking nicely was still going to take some practice. It was going to take some practice not to treat him directly as a slave, or maybe just to do it a bit more subtly. The demoness had thought she had started off pretty good there, 'can I ask you a favor'.

"Come help me wash the back of my wings when you're done. It will be quicker, we wasted enough time as it is with your frequent appetite needs." With the smooth touches last night to her feathers, the demon trusted Jason to touch her in that aspect for now which was definitely a rarity; the back of her wings were hard to reach without getting in odd angles so they definitely took much longer to scuffle up and smooth out again under the water. She was obviously much cleaner then the man, having time to come down here frequently as the girl was on a little bit less of a 'run for your life' schedule. After speaking Isabella dunked her head into the water to run her fingers through it and scrub it out best she could as well, holding her breath for a few minuets before pulling back. Her hair was more of a dark auburn when wet, contrasting and bringing out just how light red her wings were -almost like blood against the clear water.
He nods a bit and after a few more minutes of hard scrubbing he looked immensly cleaner then he had looked before the bath. He still needed a haircut and a shave however but it would be something to worry about later. He slowly makes his way over to her standing behind her and swallows hard before he gently starts washing her wings. He ran his fingers lightly through her feathers and lightly ever so delicately ran his fingers through her feathers as he washed them.
Isabella let a soft sigh brush past her parted lips and tilted her head back slightly with her eyes closed lightly, very happy at the moment that she hadn't killed him this morning for out-showing her up on the beams. Because the demon had definitely been thinking about it. He certainly was useful in this aspect if for nothing else, yes this alone was enough of a reason to keep the human around although it wasn't alone. Maybe she had even made the request not for a need to go quicker and get back on the move sooner but just to abuse his talent for working through her feathers. Of course if he knew she was using him like this Isabella had very little doubt Jason would stop, so she said nothing of the sort.

When she felt like he had done enough, Isabella gained the tiniest of a smirk and stepped back -to press up against the human. Her bare back lightly touched against his chest along with the rest of her body brushing up and her hair under his chin; she didn't have to look back to know there would be a ruby red blush on his cheeks. It brought the most amused smile to her face. pshh. Humans were so easy to mess with. "Thanks, you're not bad at that. You done washing up?" She hummed lightly, clearly messing with him and it was evident in her teasing tone.
He blushes a bit more and shivers a bit as he felt her press up against him. Ok her skin was extremely soft and smooth. He couldn't help but get a little excited and before he knew it. He had given her rear a soft poke but his hands were still up by her wings. The only thing that went through his mind was "..I am so fucking dead..."
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Isabella had tilted her head back to rest the wet back of it against him slightly, but her eyes flashed open at the movement and it actually took a moment to process-especially since she could feel both his hands comfortably pressed against her wings still. The fact that it was against her backside brought a violent snarl from the girl, clearly it was ok for her to touch him but not vice-versa. The demoness pulled back to turn and face him with her lip still drawn back but her eyes trailed down instead and stayed low for a moment, dropping at the sorce of his excitement. It was only then that her angry threat dropped to a snort and a good laugh.

Oh man. He was actually aroused by her teasing. Well this was not something the Demoness had thought she would encounter from her human. Perhaps her laughter would be a relief and preferred to being sliced open, but it was pretty hard almost enough to bring her to tears so he might have found a bit of embarrassment as well. Se didn't care. "Oh dear,". The girl laughed, running her hands over her wings to strain the water from them as she laughed. "Getting a little too excited there, don't you think Jason?" She gave a mischievous grin and stepped forward again to break the distance between them and press up against the human once more, front-face this time. They were so close he would be able to feel her heart-beat and the amused rumble in her chest as she dragged a claw lightly under his chin, not enough to break the skin. Her other hand trailed up his side just once.

"I know I'm gorgeous but come on, demon remember? Race you have sworn to kill?" She couldn't help but take the dig at him, an oppertunaty the demoness wouldn't pass up. But before he could respond she had pulled away to leave the water still carrying her amused look. "Get dressed."
He only shivered when she pressed up against him and stayed silent the whole time. He swallowed hard when she ran a claw under his chin and slid her other hand up his body. What she spoke was the truth but..he was human and whether he wanted to or not he had to admit she was extremely attractive "if only she wasn't a demon" he thought. Swallowing hard he moves away to get dressed
Pulling back on her clothes, Isabella knew this was definitely going to be new tormenting and teasing material for the human. But for now, that thought could wait because they had to get back on track. She laced up her boots last and wrung her hair out creating a small puddle on the ground in the grass and waited for Jason to finish. Gods, he was slow. "Come on we don't have all day." She scowled, heading off immediately once he had draped the last piece of dirty clothing onto his clean body.

"I believe I warned you about this but I''ll do it again," Isabella spoke as she walked, knowing they had quite a ways to go and wasn't keen to keep it in silence. "Do not look him in the eyes. You will address him as 'sir', and only speak when you're spoken too. Believe me these rules will keep you alive. I wouldn't suggest talking to his humans, it wouldn't be worth it because they haven't spoken in some time. At the end of the day if you still have your tongue and all of your fingers in tact, we can probably-" The demoness paused for a moment, slowing to a stop with her head tilted slightly. There it was again, a soft russel in the bushes not a few feet from them. Without hesitation she jumped and plunged a hand in to draw out a small squirrel grasped in tight claws. Her reflexes were strikingly fast, almost dangerously intimidating to see. "Right... do you understand? Be a good little human, please it would mean a lot to me if you didn't cause problems.."
He looks at her and sighs as she went down her long list of instructions he simply crossed his arms and waited for her to finish "like I said I will do my best to hold my tongue but I will not allow him to treat me as a slave or a dog and I expect you to not treat me as one either for if he attempts to in any way boss me around as the old saying goes shit is going to hit the fan"
"He won't try to boss you around, that's my job. It would be a direct disrespectful step interfering with my property." Isabella noted faintly before running the words through her head and realising at once he would not like them at all. "What I mean to say is, in his eyes you belong to me. We both know that's not true -sort of- but there's no reason he doesn't need to know that. It will make it easier for him simply to see you as a slave, trust me. Even if you don't want to act like one, just don't say anything to suggest otherwise and you'll be just fine."
He grumbles in annoyance but otherwise doesn't say much except for reemphasizing his earlier comment "as long as you don't expect me to act like a slave and treat me like on things will go just fine'
Isabella took the grumbled comment as something of a win, meaning he had no -or little- contradictions to her words. "Define 'act like a slave,'" She hummed as the forest floor changed to something of a steep inclining hill so they had to grab the trees for support. The ground was thankfully dry so her boots could bite into it just fine without fear of slipping. The road only got rougher from here with its steep drops and rocky paths, it would have been much quicker to fly but there were two obvious flaws to that method of transportation and one of them was walking behind her. "And come up here to walk beside me instead of trailing behind, Mr. 'I'm not a slave."
He shakes his head and picks up the pace to walk beside her "I will not be sent on errands nor will I allow you to talk to me like I'm no better then dirt if you want something I ask that you ask me in a way that's nice enough I won't take offense but if need be rude enough so your...friend won't get suspicious oh and insult me or my kind in any way I will snap that goes for him too.."
Alright. His requests would take some practice and patience. But she could live with them, the last one would be hard though. The demoness had a habit of insulting his race without really meaning to, something she had grown into and although she didn't always voice it; many were constantly on her mind. And she didn't particularly like holding her tongue.

"Fine. But you're going to have to be a bit flexible with the last one -just for today and not for me. I can garentee my friend will not speak so respectively about your race should the topid come up. All the more reason for you to stay silent. Please." She rolled her eyes at the last word but came to a slow stop as they reached something of a drop in the ground. A ninety-degree cut off of rock with the grass reclaiming it's growth at the bottem. The drop was twelve feet.

Without hesitation Isabella jumped and landed on her heels and palms with a pure demon-like grace before straitening up again. She looked back at Jason with a raised eyebrow as if to ask if he could make the jump.
He looks down at her and sighs before he quickly climbed down the incline be couldn't make a jump like that lest he break his lehs. He dropped down the last foot or so and looks at her "I will try to keep my temper with that but I cannot promise you anything"
Isabella was slightly surprised when he didn't attempt to make the jump, but waited patiently for Jason too come down as well. His scramble was amusing to watch, she couldn't help but wonder how the man had stayed so fit and healthy over his three mal-nourished years on the run. "It would be much appreciated if you did." She stated, getting back on the move as soon as his feet had touched the ground. Walking against the earth rather then in the trees was already taking a toll on the demoness, boring her to no end. "And I will try my best not to refer to you as a human pet or slave." She gave a smirk, raising a hand to pay him lightly on the head like one might to a dog. Clearly just to get on the hunans nerves.

After walking for what must have been four hours, the two finally broke out of forest. It wasn't gradual, but instead the trees simply cut off to shift to a long grey paved road. It was cracked and littered, obviously not used in a while but strangely rubbled. As if time had directly been working against the man made path. Isabella followed along it for a little while before stopping in what seemed like a completely random spot. She glanced to Jason without a word and shifted her weight as if they were going to be standing here a while. "Remember when I said my territory was flanked on all sides by others? This is what I meant. I share my outer borders with six other demons."
He looks at her and pauses and then looks around slowly. 6 demons? Shit...he had enough trouble dealing with one but if there was a chance of dealing with 7 total he might as well piss her off or this "friend" of hers just so they would kill him and spare him the misery if dealing with them "..greeeeaaaat..." was all he said
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Isabella said nothing more and continued to stand in place for what seemed like a very long time. She ignored Jason for the moment in favour of scanning the trees. She was obviously waiting for something but the demoness seemed only patient at the moment, on her toes as of ready to move at a moments notice but with a casual look on her eyes.

Finally after the cool silence had long settled there was movement among the trees taking a large dark shape. It was another human-looking demon walking forward -well, much less human in appearance then Isabella and stood at eight feet tall.
He carried two sets of long torn wings and the lack of a shirt reviled dark skin with lumpy scales stretched where the wings met his back and chest. Behind him trailed no tail but a simple stub, evidence of one lost. Black and brown horns curled from the top of his head trailing all the way down to his ears in a ram fashion. Even his posture seemed incredibly monsterous, crouched over so his spine could almost be seen if it weren't for the right skin stretched over it. He blinked for a moment after stepping out of the trees, orange eyes first of course going to Isabea but ten landed on Jason. And narrowed.

"Syces,". Isabella purred, leaving the human behind to approch her friend and brush against his rough cheek with her own lightly and move her arms around his neck -even though she had to stand on her toes to do it. Even though her voice was smooth and warm, everything about her posture stated quite clearly that she was not letting her guard down or relaxed the slightest. The male demons gaze softened slightly and trailed down to his sister instead. "Isabella.. You kept me waiting, as ushual. I wasn't aware you owned a human, nor that you were bringing one today."

"He's just tagging along, found him a few days ago on my territory. Not broken in yet though, so give him some space. He can be a bit aggravatable." She looked back to Jason for a moment, eyes hesitant and cautious before waving him over. "Come introduce yourself, Jason."
He was clearly impressed..or was he intimidated? By the new demons size and form. He couldn't help but notice the stub of an old tail that was lost and chuckled in his head as he thought "serves the bastard right."

Upon hearing Isabella call him over he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slight and frown a bit. He fought the urge to cross his arms and glare at her but slowly made his way over standing a few feet away he looked up at the large demon in front of him and swallowed hard in an attempt to keep a retorical response from coming out " honor to meet you sir.."
Isabella couldn't help but snort with laughter after he spoke, receiving a questioning look from her friend. She hadn't been expecting Syces to receive such a formal greeting or for Jason to listen to what she had warned him about before at all, he just might make it though this day without ill outcomes if he kept up a tongue like that. He received a smile for his efforts, to let the human know she appreciated it.

"He does not seem ill-tamed." Syces noted lightly with his eyes still traced on Jason without returning his introduction and practically ignoring it, but his words were seemingly brushed aside immediately by Isabella as well as she watched the larger demon carefully. "Trust me he's still wild. Keep your respective distance." The last words were somewhat sharp, which might have been confusing to the human but she had no time or mind to explain them right now. Or her attitude, which had turned from warm to sharp and tall in an instant. She was eyeing up Syces eyeing up her human and clearly didn't like it -but this had been expected, something she didn't warn Jason about but would come to pass quickly.

"Interesting..." The large male demon took a single step forward towards him, likely to get a better look but as if he had cracked a whip in that instant a snarl rippled from Isabella and she spread her wings slightly. She wasn't standing in front of Jason but didn't need to be, nor did the demoness look at him but instead met Syces eyes as he drew back his lip for a growl in reply.
Jason remained completely motionless as the two started their hissing and growling match he had expected this. Demons fought over everything and anything and he had noticed the way this new demon had been eeying him up. however on the inside he was worried this one was much bigger and stronger then Isabella plus he could fly while she couldn't. She was at a huge disadvantage from everything he could see and knew about demons
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