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"I suppose it's worth a shot," Kyoko replied, holding her chin inquisitively. Producing the key from the bathroom, she attempted to place it in the imprint, but to no avail; it didn't fit. "Hmm... I guess not then. Perhaps the imprint is there for something else? If only I could turn the stove on to test out a hypothesis, but it's not working..."

@Crow @ShiroKiyoshi @Jeremi @Josh M @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Otto @Krieg @Kitchen
"Well, do you need the stove or just a fire? I can make a fire." Rant said as he crossed his arms.

@Crow @ShiroKiyoshi @Jeremi @Josh M @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Otto @Krieg @Kitchen
"Tha's probably best, maybe one of the other groups found something that could open the window." He said with a shrug as he exited the attic.

@Atomyk @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Ryu Keiko @thatguyinthestore @Attic​


"Indeed. Splitting up would be the most effective way, it seems." Toffee replied before heading downstairs and into the kitchen. Toffee didn't say anything about the phone call, as it appeared that they had heard most of it on their own. They had more important things to be worrying about right now, anyways.

Toffee arrived in the kitchen just in time to hear Kyoko mention bolt cutters, causing him to nod his head.


"Yes, there are indeed a pair of bolt cutters down in the basement, though that Batter fellow has them." Toffee replied before heading down into the basement to retrieve the bolt cutters himself. Once he was down there, Toffee held out his hand towards the Batter. "The group upstairs requires the bolt cutters. So, if you would be so kind..." Toffee requested, hoping that he wouldn't try anything stupid and would just hand him the cutters as requested.

@The Batter @Verite @people

"Right. Okay! Holler if anything weird or dangerous happens. Don't die on me, Leon."

Mason followed Toffee into the kitchen.
@Leon Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Ryu Keiko #Not in the attic anynore


"I suppose it's worth a shot," Kyoko replied, holding her chin inquisitively. Producing the key from the bathroom, she attempted to place it in the imprint, but to no avail; it didn't fit. "Hmm... I guess not then. Perhaps the imprint is there for something else? If only I could turn the stove on to test out a hypothesis, but it's not working..."

@Crow @ShiroKiyoshi @Jeremi @Josh M @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Otto @Krieg @Kitchen

"Ah! Kirigiri! Morikubo! You two wouldn't have happened to find any keys, have you?"

@Verite @Crow @ShiroKiyoshi @Jeremi @Josh M @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Otto @Krieg @Kitchen
Teddy looked at the woman still on the starting side. He considered jumping in but felt a little weird about leaving Amir. He also, seriously, had no intention of taking off his clothes if he did go in. "Hey, if you are willing to make a swim for it, I don't mind. They might be in there a while and I'm already in charge of taking care of this lighter..."

On the other side, Noembelu and Six managed to drag Josephine up and out of the water. An examination of her body would reveal a head wound that "Daddy" likely had given her. There was nothing else left in the water Raven could see.

The path ahead continued into some kind of surgical room. Blood and medical equipment were littered about on desks and trays. Shelves contained what appeared to be gross masses of matter and body parts in jars.

@Yun Lee @Glostechk @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian @SecretPassage

"Yes, actually." Billy took the tape out of the VCR. "I messed with the inside and it plays forward now. I think I might have ruined it a bit, but..." He sighed. "Well, I didn't want to watch it fully without someone else. This is kind of, uh... really weird."

There did not appear to be anything in the fireplace.

With Leon leading the attic crew, the group (minus Toffee and Mason) joined Billy and Phil in the living room. "You guys missed the party," Billy said, pointing to the open secret passage.

"Yeah, as cool as that looks, I'm probably not going in there," Tommy responded. "How many people went in there?"

"About seven, Including Teddy..."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Leon Moretti @Ryu Keiko @Attic > LivingRoom
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"Well, do you need the stove or just a fire? I can make a fire." Rant said as he crossed his arms.
"Ah! Kirigiri! Morikubo! You two wouldn't have happened to find any keys, have you?"

"Well... With whatever power dampening field in effect, most likely thanks to Wanda, I doubt you'd be able to conjure up a fire if that's what you were implying, so the stove would be the better choice," Kyoko responded to Rant, before Mason appeared shortly after Toffee.

"We've found an imprint of one," she answered Mason, raising the finger of a dummy hand with an imprint of a key on one, "We were just... thinking of ways on how to make it a real key."

@Mason Moretti @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Kaykay @Otto @Krieg @Jeremi @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kitchen
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"Well... With whatever power dampening field in effect, most likely thanks to Wanda, I doubt you'd be able to conjure up a fire if that's what you were implying, so the stove would be the better choice," Kyoko responded to Rant, before Mason appeared shortly after Toffee.

"We've found an imprint of one," she answered Mason, raising the finger of a dummy hand with an imprint of a key on one, "We were just... thinking of ways on how to make it a real key."

@Mason Moretti @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Kaykay @Otto @Krieg @Jeremi @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kitchen

Before The Batter even had a chance to respond, Toffee saw that he didn't exactly keep the bolt cutters well hidden. Deciding that they didn't have time to waste, Toffee quickly took the bolt cutters from him and made his way back up the stairs.

Once he returned, Toffee held up the bolt cutters and showed them to the group. "Here. Now, what did you need these for again?" Toffee asked, having not heard what exactly she needed them for.

"Yes, actually." Billy took the tape out of the VCR. "I messed with the inside and it plays forward now. I think I might have ruined it a bit, but..." He sighed. "Well, I didn't want to watch it fully without someone else. This is kind of, uh... really weird."

There did not appear to be anything in the fireplace.

With Leon leading the attic crew, the group (minus Toffee and Mason) joined Billy and Phil in the living room. "You guys missed the party," Billy said, pointing to the open secret passage.

"Yeah, as cool as that looks, I'm probably not going in there," Tommy responded. "How many people went in there?"

"About seven, Including Teddy..."

"That's interesting, but I'll have to agree with Tommy and pass on that." He said as he looked for a place to sit to double-check his gunshot wound that Toffee patched up for him. "What else did you guys find down here?"

@Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Leon Moretti @Ryu Keiko @Attic > Living Room
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"Well... With whatever power dampening field in effect, most likely thanks to Wanda, I doubt you'd be able to conjure up a fire if that's what you were implying, so the stove would be the better choice," Kyoko responded to Rant, before Mason appeared shortly after Toffee.

"We've found an imprint of one," she answered Mason, raising the finger of a dummy hand with an imprint of a key on one, "We were just... thinking of ways on how to make it a real key."

@Mason Moretti @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Kaykay @Otto @Krieg @Jeremi @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kitchen

"No, I ain't that dumb. I have a lighter. Utility belt, it holds utilities." Rant said as he slipped the lighter from his belt. It was very small and was cylindrical to fit in the little slot he carried it in. He hit the button and a little flame came out. "I also have some small time explosives, underwater filtration device, I have active camo, but considering I ain't in full gear my hands and legs would disappear randomly, and some bandages, but that big guy used the up all the spray- oh yeah. So, you need the lighter or not?" Rant stopped himself and raised the device to Kyoko before he started rambling on.

@Mason Moretti @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Kaykay @Otto @Krieg @Jeremi @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kitchen
Teddy looked at the woman still on the starting side. He considered jumping in but felt a little weird about leaving Amir. He also, seriously, had no intention of taking off his clothes if he did go in. "Hey, if you are willing to make a swim for it, I don't mind. They might be in there a while and I'm already in charge of taking care of this lighter..."

On the other side, Noembelu and Six managed to drag Josephine up and out of the water. An examination of her body would reveal a head wound that "Daddy" likely had given her.

The path ahead continued into some kind of surgical room. Blood and medical equipment were littered about on desks and trays. Shelves contained what appeared to be gross masses of matter and body parts in jars.

@Yun Lee @Glostechk @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian @SecretPassage
Six didn't like what was going on around this place, checking the head wound that the body had. She turned to Noembelu softly speaking while pointing at the wound.

"This... is bad."

The child then carefully approached the surgical room, making sure that she was not far away from the others. The child decided to grab a medical scalpel from the tray in case anything were to attack her. She saw various body parts in jars within the shelves and began to check for anything useful.

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian @SecretPassage
Teddy looked at the woman still on the starting side. He considered jumping in but felt a little weird about leaving Amir. He also, seriously, had no intention of taking off his clothes if he did go in. "Hey, if you are willing to make a swim for it, I don't mind. They might be in there a while and I'm already in charge of taking care of this lighter..."

On the other side, Noembelu and Six managed to drag Josephine up and out of the water. An examination of her body would reveal a head wound that "Daddy" likely had given her.

The path ahead continued into some kind of surgical room. Blood and medical equipment were littered about on desks and trays. Shelves contained what appeared to be gross masses of matter and body parts in jars.

@Yun Lee @Glostechk @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian @SecretPassage

"Yes, actually." Billy took the tape out of the VCR. "I messed with the inside and it plays forward now. I think I might have ruined it a bit, but..." He sighed. "Well, I didn't want to watch it fully without someone else. This is kind of, uh... really weird."

There did not appear to be anything in the fireplace.

With Leon leading the attic crew, the group (minus Toffee and Mason) joined Billy and Phil in the living room. "You guys missed the party," Billy said, pointing to the open secret passage.

"Yeah, as cool as that looks, I'm probably not going in there," Tommy responded. "How many people went in there?"

"About seven, Including Teddy..."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Leon Moretti @Ryu Keiko @Attic > Living Room

Amir looked up at Teddy, momentarily setting Arno's gun aside. She felt bad for thinking of leaving him behind, but he seemed capable of defending himself if he needed to as well and someone had to watch the weapons.

Giving Teddy a nod and a quick bee back soon' she would jump into the water and make her way to the others.

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Glostechk @Cromartie Sarkissian @Minerva @Gands

"Well... With whatever power dampening field in effect, most likely thanks to Wanda, I doubt you'd be able to conjure up a fire if that's what you were implying, so the stove would be the better choice," Kyoko responded to Rant, before Mason appeared shortly after Toffee.

"We've found an imprint of one," she answered Mason, raising the finger of a dummy hand with an imprint of a key on one, "We were just... thinking of ways on how to make it a real key."

@Mason Moretti @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Kaykay @Otto @Krieg @Jeremi @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kitchen

"Well, if you have fire from turning on the sink and a mold, all you need is a soft metal and we can smith it. Is that a mold, or a keyhole?"

@Verite @Mason Moretti @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Kaykay @Otto @Krieg @Jeremi @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kitchen
One scalpel for the little girl.

There did not appear to be anything useful, for all the documents lying around had been crossed out and redacted. However, there did exist something odd at the back of the room... a cage, where a man lay on a single bed. His back was turned to the door, so it was hard to tell if he was familiar.

The door to his small prison was locked.

@Yun Lee @Glostechk @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian @SecretPassage

"Well... uh, we found that secret passage and this tape." He held it up. "It was weird and working backward, but I think I got it working again. I was going to hold off on watching it until more people are around in case they know the people on it. Make sense?"

"Whatever you say," Tommy said snarkily.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Leon Moretti @Ryu Keiko @LivingRoom
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@Atomyk @Glostechk @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian

Oh God...Noembelu recognized the woman from the dinner. Did that man really kill her when he slammed her head? Noembelu decided to bring the corpse with her, as Six had seemed to want to do. Making sure to keep an eye on Six, Noembelu surfaced, idicating to Arno and Raven to help with the body as she went to help Six out upon her arrival.​
As Noembelu passed through the water one more time, it became startlingly clear to her that the corpse in the water was none other than Josephine.

@Yun Lee @Glostechk @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian @SecretPassage

Tommy acted hurt to Starfire's comment. "Weapons? Me? I'll have you know I'm a combat expert. I could still probably run circles around you, even without my powers." He gave her a smug smile.

He then heard the phone.

"... I have to go."

And the girl hung up.

"So much for that," Tommy said. "Wanna regroup?"

@Atomyk @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Ryu Keiko @Attic
With the help of Noembelu, Six was able to safely surface meeting Arno and Raven. Coughs could be heard from her but it only lasted for a few minutes as the child tried to take deep breaths to keep herself from passing out. She noticed that the corpse was familiar to Noembelu, placing a hand on the Noembelu's arm. Six wasn't quite sure what to say or think since she spent most of the dinner either stuffing her face with food or hiding.

@Yun Lee @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian
After turning back to assist with surfacing Josephine. Damn it all. The woman appeared to be ancient. Someone could have blown up a paper bag and finished her off if time didn't beat them to the bang. No doubt "Daddy" had killed her with his own damn axe. Son of a...

Arno slowly slid his right hand over her face, closing eyes. No matter what kind of woman she had been in life, she still deserved one final dignity. She had earned that much. She was human.

"That man..." Arno whispered unconsciously, a habit of his while locked in thought. "Why did he dump the body here? He must have been down here before is" He began to pace living room, leaving the passage and retracing his steps "But how did he find the passage so quickly and without us hearing the music, and somehow shut it behind him? She would have had to have ran across the house, found the piano, played the tune backwards without the sheet music, somehow shut it behind her without us hearing, all while carrying a body..." He ran back to the secret passage way, tracing the outskirts of the doorway. The old man knew the house well. They were in his domain now... "The door couldn't have shut on a timer, or else it would have locked us in here already. It must have been shut manually from the outside, and I didn't see any handles. So either there must be another entrance to the passage way or an exit... which means isn't a basement or dungeon. It must be a tunnel. And all tunnels lead somewhere...Usually something someone wants to keep secret...or an exit..."

Turning back to the group, Arno took a brief run up, and dived into the water again, willing to push himself as far as he could, desperate to see if he could reach the end of the tunnel. By the time he surfaced, he wished he hadn't.

Arno had seen a lot in his lifetime. A lot of horrible things: daily beheadings, public executions, men crushed the death. He thought he had seen it all. Funny how life always finds a way to disgust you more and more with each passing year. He missed those days of ignorance, travelling the world on his father's ship, from Peckham to Prussia to Paris. The days where his biggest worries were learning his languages and learning to sail. But those days of ignorance were far behind him. If only his younger self could have seen him now: his conscience weighed down with the weight of hundreds of souls, pulling him down like a cannon ball in the ocean, his hands stained with the blood of hundreds, knee deep in sewage and drifting into a mad man's laboratory...

Arno hurried around the room, before halting his search with a start. Six was in the room

"Close your eyes, kid" Arno muttered, placing a hand on her shoulder "You shouldn't have to see this"

Arno turned back towards the laboratory, trying to find a jar he could possibly transport his weapons over to the laboratory. If "Daddy" was in the area, they would need all the weapons they could get hold of. If Daddy was to appear in his laboratory anytime soon- and the corpse implied that he would- the would all want to have some time to defend themselves with. He couldn't live with himself if they got hurt

He next turned his attention towards the prison...was that a man inside? The enemy of the enemy was a friend...

"Hey!" Arno whispered between the bars "You okay in there? We're not with the other guy. We'll get you out. Hold still"
The Ex-Assassin beant down towards the lock to see if it was pickable"
"Right. Okay! Holler if anything weird or dangerous happens. Don't die on me, Leon."

Mason followed Toffee into the kitchen.
@Leon Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Ryu Keiko #Not in the attic anynore

"Ah! Kirigiri! Morikubo! You two wouldn't have happened to find any keys, have you?"

@Verite @Crow @ShiroKiyoshi @Jeremi @Josh M @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Otto @Krieg @Kitchen


"Well... With whatever power dampening field in effect, most likely thanks to Wanda, I doubt you'd be able to conjure up a fire if that's what you were implying, so the stove would be the better choice," Kyoko responded to Rant, before Mason appeared shortly after Toffee.

"We've found an imprint of one," she answered Mason, raising the finger of a dummy hand with an imprint of a key on one, "We were just... thinking of ways on how to make it a real key."

@Mason Moretti @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Kaykay @Otto @Krieg @Jeremi @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kitchen
"Well, if you have fire from turning on the sink and a mold, all you need is a soft metal and we can smith it. Is that a mold, or a keyhole?"

@Verite @Mason Moretti @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Kaykay @Otto @Krieg @Jeremi @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kitchen

"Hold on, what are we going to use to mould the key, anyways? Morikubo might need this pick for self defense until we get a better weapon, and this key we have here... probably leads to another lock..."

Nono then ponders.

"... there are a lot of possibilities to use for the mould, but what if we need them later?"

@Verite @Mason Moretti @Leon Moretti @ShiroKiyoshi @Crow @Kaykay @Otto @Krieg @Jeremi @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kitchen
Raven would be able to salvage a single roll of bandages. Most everything else was ruined. There were plenty of jars, though few that didn't already contain some disgusting matter. At the very least, some of it appeared to be dead cow.

The man did not stir. The lock on the door seemed strangely new compared to the rusty prison door. Likely, it had been installed recently and it wasn't easily pick-able.

@Yun Lee @Glostechk @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian @SecretPassage
"Well... uh, we found that secret passage and this tape." He held it up. "It was weird and working backward, but I think I got it working again. I was going to hold off on watching it until more people are around in case they know the people on it. Make sense?"

"Whatever you say," Tommy said snarkily.

He looked up at Billy, "Weird how? And what people?" Perhaps he could answer a few of the questions, or maybe help them find someone who would know. "I know I may be new around these parts, but hopefully I could be of some kind of help."

@Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Leon Moretti @Ryu Keiko @Living Room​
"No, I ain't that dumb. I have a lighter. Utility belt, it holds utilities." Rant said as he slipped the lighter from his belt. It was very small and was cylindrical to fit in the little slot he carried it in. He hit the button and a little flame came out. "I also have some small time explosives, underwater filtration device, I have active camo, but considering I ain't in full gear my hands and legs would disappear randomly, and some bandages, but that big guy used the up all the spray- oh yeah. So, you need the lighter or not?" Rant stopped himself and raised the device to Kyoko before he started rambling on.
"Well, if you have fire from turning on the sink and a mold, all you need is a soft metal and we can smith it. Is that a mold, or a keyhole?"
"Hold on, what are we going to use to mould the key, anyways? Morikubo might need this pick for self defense until we get a better weapon, and this key we have here... probably leads to another lock..."

Nono then ponders.

"... there are a lot of possibilities to use for the mould, but what if we need them later?"

Before The Batter even had a chance to respond, Toffee saw that he didn't exactly keep the bolt cutters well hidden. Deciding that they didn't have time to waste, Toffee quickly took the bolt cutters from him and made his way back up the stairs.

Once he returned, Toffee held up the bolt cutters and showed them to the group. "Here. Now, what did you need these for again?" Toffee asked, having not heard what exactly she needed them for.

"I was thinking of using T'Challa's claws in place of a hammer to mold the imprint. If you'd be so obliged?"
Kyoko responded to Mason and Nono, before gesturing towards the Black Panther briefly and giving him a brief, waiting look, before glancing back at Rant.

"... Or the lighter would work just as well. Whatever either of you guys would prefer to use to melt down the finger into the shape that we need,"
she spoke.

When Toffee re-appeared, bolt cutters in hand, she graciously took them with a nod. "Thanks. We need these..." Kyoko began, before using them to cut the padlock on the dresser, "... for that."

As the dresser opened, two items of interest were found; a small box with a lock on it, a keyhole to be specific, and a small statuette of a tree sapling; it looked like it was meant to be put in some sort of imprint.

"Everyone, go ahead and still melt down the key anyway. We might need it for something else. And in the meantime... In the event that the key in the finger isn't what we need for this box, is there anything you guys think would be able to open this? It's locked, evidently."

@Jeremi @Josh M @thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Crow @ShiroKiyoshi @Krieg @Kaykay @Otto @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kitchen
Raven would be able to salvage a single roll of bandages. Most everything else was ruined. There were plenty of jars, though few that didn't already contain some disgusting matter. At the very least, some of it appeared to be dead cow.

The man did not stir. The lock on the door seemed strangely new compared to the rusty prison door. Likely, it had been installed recently and it wasn't easily pick-able.

@Yun Lee @Glostechk @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian @SecretPassage
Unable to pick the lock, Arno leaned further in against the bars, desperate to get the attention of the man on the inside
"You, on the inside!" He began to raise his whisper a little "I don't think I can get the door open from this side. Did you see where the bastard put the keys?" Grabbing one of the cleaner jars, Arno unscrewed the lid. If he couldn't get the man's attention, maybe he could go back and shoot off the lock

@Yun Lee @Glostechk @Takumi @Minerva @Gands @Cromartie Sarkissian @SecretPassage
After turning back to assist with surfacing Josephine. Damn it all. The woman appeared to be ancient. Someone could have blown up a paper bag and finished her off if time didn't beat them to the bang. No doubt "Daddy" had killed her with his own damn axe. Son of a...

Arno slowly slid his right hand over her face, closing eyes. No matter what kind of woman she had been in life, she still deserved one final dignity. She had earned that much. She was human.

"That man..." Arno whispered unconsciously, a habit of his while locked in thought. "Why did he dump the body here? He must have been down here before is" He began to pace living room, leaving the passage and retracing his steps "But how did he find the passage so quickly and without us hearing the music, and somehow shut it behind him? She would have had to have ran across the house, found the piano, played the tune backwards without the sheet music, somehow shut it behind her without us hearing, all while carrying a body..." He ran back to the secret passage way, tracing the outskirts of the doorway. The old man knew the house well. They were in his domain now... "The door couldn't have shut on a timer, or else it would have locked us in here already. It must have been shut manually from the outside, and I didn't see any handles. So either there must be another entrance to the passage way or an exit... which means isn't a basement or dungeon. It must be a tunnel. And all tunnels lead somewhere...Usually something someone wants to keep secret...or an exit..."

Turning back to the group, Arno took a brief run up, and dived into the water again, willing to push himself as far as he could, desperate to see if he could reach the end of the tunnel. By the time he surfaced, he wished he hadn't.

Arno had seen a lot in his lifetime. A lot of horrible things: daily beheadings, public executions, men crushed the death. He thought he had seen it all. Funny how life always finds a way to disgust you more and more with each passing year. He missed those days of ignorance, travelling the world on his father's ship, from Peckham to Prussia to Paris. The days where his biggest worries were learning his languages and learning to sail. But those days of ignorance were far behind him. If only his younger self could have seen him now: his conscience weighed down with the weight of hundreds of souls, pulling him down like a cannon ball in the ocean, his hands stained with the blood of hundreds, knee deep in sewage and drifting into a mad man's laboratory...

Arno hurried around the room, before halting his search with a start. Six was in the room

"Close your eyes, kid" Arno muttered, placing a hand on her shoulder "You shouldn't have to see this"

Arno turned back towards the laboratory, trying to find a jar he could possibly transport his weapons over to the laboratory. If "Daddy" was in the area, they would need all the weapons they could get hold of. If Daddy was to appear in his laboratory anytime soon- and the corpse implied that he would- the would all want to have some time to defend themselves with. He couldn't live with himself if they got hurt

He next turned his attention towards the prison...was that a man inside? The enemy of the enemy was a friend...

"Hey!" Arno whispered between the bars "You okay in there? We're not with the other guy. We'll get you out. Hold still"
The Ex-Assassin beant down towards the lock to see if it was pickable"

The little girl pushed Arno's hand away from her shoulder. She didn't like how this man reacts so suddenly to their situation. He acted like a beheaded chicken.

"Calm down. Check the lock."

Six hoped that he could have identified the lock to see if a key or password was required. At least then it would be easier to know what they were needing to search. The little girl went back to Josephine's body, patting Noembelu on the back as Six then knelt before the corpse checking for anything.

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Gands @Minerva @Cromartie Sarkissian @Takumi
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