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"Your in the hospital." A lady said to Victor. "We treated your burns. Now you need to rest." She was in a nurses outfit.
"but what about the othere... there were two girls one called yuki and zora .. what happend to zora?" Victor asks.
"Don't worry they are fine. Zora is in another room. I believe they are letting her go soon. Her wound is all taken care of. We have all of you who were in the building here now." She answered.
Yuki was sleep in the chair next to victors bed she woke up and smiled y " Hey your finally up "
(ooc: We kept posting at the same time...sorry Angelita snow.)
Victor looks over at the chair and smiles "hey yuki im glad to you got out of the building"
Zora had left her room and was walking around trying to find the others. "I hope Jae, Victor and all the others are alright." She said to herself.

The nurse gave Yuki and Victor a smile. "Everyone is alright. I believe everyone got out of the building as well. Thanks good. Although I don't think anyone going to that mall any time soon."
Victor sits up and winces at the pain from his arm which dies down after a few seconds.
The nurse hands Victor a bottle of water and some pain medication. "Here take this. It will help with the pain." She said.

Zora continued to look around. She really didn't know where to look. She noticed a door open and saw Yuki. She was one of the girls Zora remembered that was there. She went up to the door and saw Victor. She walked in. "Are you guys alright?"
"i could be better" Victor replies and swallows the pills and takes a drink from the bottel and thanks the nurse.
The nurse looked at Zora. "Do you need any pain meds?" She asked her.

"No I'm fine. I already had some." She said to the nurse. The nurse nodded and walked out of the room for a moment. "Yeah. I can understand that." Zora said to Victor pointing out her bandaged arm. "But the good thing is we are alive." She gave him and Yuki and smile.
"It's not broken. Cole just stabbed it with his knife when I got in the way so he wouldn't stab Jae." She said to him.
"ah" replies victor as he turns on the tv an flicks to the news channel where the news story of the fire at the mall was on and was breaking news pictures of cole and victor, Zora and Yuki flashed up on screen one after the othere whilst the news readers read through the news report.
Zora looked at the TV. "Great, were the highlight of the news. I am going to get a lot of crap from my parents about this." She laughed a bit.
"my parents are probably worried sick right now" Victor replies and a man walks in a suit walks it was victors boss and he didnt look happy "VICTOR!" he yells. uneffected victor says "well boss ive finally come to my depression take your stupid job and go stuff it up your arse i quit". the man stands silent and then walked out astounded at being taken on by a 18 yearold with such abash.
Zora looks at his boss. "Can't you see he's busy. Geez." She said to the guy.
the man in the suit leaves in a rush and slams the door be hind him. "meh that guys a jerk just ignore him" Victor replies
Jae stopped as she saw the plastic drip down. She didn't know if she wanted to risk it or not. She watched the steady drip, waiting for a! She slipped forwards, pulling Zora forwards and the banner fell just behind them, barely missing Cole's feet. Jae sighed in relief. "That was close..." by then Victor had already returned. "Yes..let's go.." she said, glancing around.

Anarchy pulled Alex out of the front doors, the opposite side from Victor, only to be apprehended by the cops, Alex to the hospital, her to the police department.
Alex sighed, laying on the gurney with a frown, glaring at the police officer that would be staying with him.
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