His name is...

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With a smile Joseph looked at her as he then turned his eyes towards the older man, William.
-"Though..." William started.
-"Isn't the people trying to in some way, make the others forget about the past by changing the story to a new version and also it's unusual for the city to invite the others they've once attacked to their own city and let them tell their stories? For me, it's a positive progress. But I agree with you, Pandora. It's not clear if the people can consider themselved forgiven... Yet." He said with a smile and then looked outside the window.
-"But I think the people are in a good way to bring out a new past, it's just sad that they have to change their own past in order to do so." William sighed as Joseph stepped forward.
-"Do not worry, everything takes time. It's just in this heated moment that they have to make a change but maybe... in the near future, they can forgive themselves and remind each other about the past that they will not do again." Joseph gave him a gentle smile and in some way, his dark green gray eyes, seemed to show more, like the darkness around the eyes started to disappear, but it was probably just the light. William smiled and was thankful for his optimistic thought.
-"Yes, I'm sure that our Lord will give us a bright future when his powers is in his hands again." He said and then looked a bit worried.
-"If we can find the people... And I can not understand how they must feel, to have a bit of a god's power in their tiny little grasp. It must be very hard to master since the powers aren't for them to control."
Pandora's face seemed less serious and more bland when she answered to the others. "I won't be the one to keep bringing the bad memories back, and I sincerely hope that, just like the present is much better than the past, the future of this city will be bright and peaceful, for this means peace for the other cities as well, including the one from where part of my family came. I just avoid the illusion some people use to cover the past... like covering the statue of a monster with flowers..." she went silent, looking again at the men covered in mantles and hoods inside the church.

Maybe all that beauty, all the art covering every surface of the church was a form to disguise the feeling of guilty? Or was it a way to show gratitude and respect? Her thoughts were interrupted by the words of the angelic man, Darius.

"What worries me is that no version of this story talk about where the monster defeated by the Tima Lord came from. A crature like this certainly had a purpose, or followed the purpose of a creator, and just like the first one appeared, there is no evidence a second one will never arise in the future. And with the Time powers fractured..."

"At least all powers are in this world, it seems." Pandora mentioned. "At least that's what I've heard from a safe and wise source."

"It's weird that, with these immense powers, no one tried to start a war, or conquer a nation, or anything like that..." Darius pondered.

"At least, not in clear sight..." Pandora continued. "But they can keep a secret. These are Time powers. They literally have all the time in their hands. No puns intended."

"But mortals are... Wait, can you hear that? Something is happening outside. Or is about to happen."
Darius last sentence were right, outside where screaming and people running heard, something was definitely going on. It seemed that the people from the center of the city started to run away since this church is a little outside but it was still pretty close. William ran outside and the others followed him out of curiousity, Andarius was making sure that Noah stood close beside him as William and Joseph was more infront of them. William gasped as he saw three of four knights on black horses coming right at them, the horses was screaming out as they stood on their two and then landed on the stone ground. One of the black armored knights took away what was saving his face and looked almost like Mikail with his young yet more straight lined face, his long black hair was going outside the helmet and glowing black eyes looking down at them. The man was looking first at Mikail as if he was disgust by something and then looked at William whom shouted out.
-"A-a Skinwalker?! I-I've never met one before?!" He sounded like he was scared to death and Andarius was confused, probably as the others, they know Mikail's a skinwalker, perhaps when he took off his skin, he wasn't recognized as one? Since William have never seen Mikail in his other form. The other man on the horse though, ignored the older man and looked straight at the group.
-"I'm here in order to get a man named Joseph, whom's owning a pub outside this city." He said with a darker voice as Joseph stepped forwards, calm.
-"I assume you're not here for a drink?" He said with a smile as the man wrinkled his nose and pointed his long sword at him.
-"Enough with the jokes!" He shouted.
-"Joseph, are you?" He then said and was looking at Joseph from head to toe.
-"Rather young to be a pub owner..." He criticised.
-"Rather young to be a knight." Joseph answered quickly as he smiled.
-"Tch, you shut your mouth! I'm here in order from our leader Arthur to get you!!" And with that Joseph took a small glance at Darius and then looked at the knight.
-"Ooh..." Joseph said with a low voice, as if he knew what was going on.
-"Sadly..." He then started.
-"I can't go with you right now." He then said as the knight made a crooked smile.
-"You don't have a choice." The man said and was ready with his sword and black shield that had a familiar mark on it, it was like a triangle but it was not whole and the sides was bent and it was red like blood. The man Andarius, Mikail and Darius fought outside the pub, had the same but smaller mark on his cloth, but where it was, was harder to remember. But Joseph remembered it and so did Andarius whom was making an attack on the man before. The other three knights was also ready with their horses and sword as a huge blow came from the center of the city and a huge cloud like a schrimp was shaped behinde the knights.
-"The- The city!" William shouted and saw the fire in the center started to break out, was it... a bomb? Or magic?
-"William! Take Noah to safety!" Joseph then shouted as Andarius looked at him.
-"Please, take good care of her." Andarius said as William took Noah's hand and they ran away, Joseph and the man with long black hair, looked at each other, Joseph was smiling with his dark green eyes and the man looked more serious, with his black eyes.

(I'm thinking that the mark on their shield is similar to this japanese symbol 心 but more of an triangle and the top is still open. Wanted to do a fight as well, so there will be some action :D)
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The sudden chaos seemed unfair after those happy moments af the festival, and beautiful music inside the elegant and adorned church. The group headed outside, with Pandora by their side. The situation was unexpected, and the violence was the clear intention of the four knights; both Darius and Pandora had their suspicions about Joseph, even though the ex-angel were now comfortable to trust in him, and wanted to help this new and strange friend. Or ally, at least.

The girl was a bit more deffensive, especially considering the fact their potential enemy was a skinwalker; she didn't like them much, mostly because she always thought living inside anothers' skin was some kind deep lie... and she didn't like anyone that could be more a liar than she was herself.

The mention of the name "Arthur" caused some impression in Darius, but Joseph's glance was even more significative. It was like his fears were taking form in front of his eyes, and the answers he was earching for so long were even more bitter than he was prepared to take. The explosion were worrying, but at least he caught, with the corner of his eyes, the red glimpse of someone flying: Vesa, with other guardians, was trying to protect the civilians and take them to a safe place. "Hegrid! Follow these red angel! She will protect you and Noah!" he cried, before the man could disappear from where they were.

It was a clear challenge between those men and Joseph; but now he had more than enough reason to take part in this, too. "Where is your master Arthur?"
"You have nothing to do with our affairs." Another knight answered, his voice muffled by the helmet still covering his head and face. "Stay away if you're wise."
"You'd be surprised to know how much I have to do with your affairs." Darius asked again, getting irritated. Pandora noticed the feathers on his wings getting up as a dog would do with the fur on its scruff. "I'm asking again: where. Is. Arthur?"
A third knight positioned his horse between the Fallen and his fellow, dragging a sword out of his sheath. "You have the same shine on your eyes. Many times I've wanted to punch our master. Even kill him." he said with a hoarse voice. One could guess the cruel smile behind the helmet. "Maybe I'll feel better if I kill you."
Darius was glad there were no innocent people around, for everyone already escaped. "Feel free to try. I'm gonna make you talk."

With a swift spinning movement, he hit the other, throwing him away from his horse. He hit hard the ground, but the armor protected him completely. "It's hard to be graceful with all this metal..." the knight joked, getting up quickly.
At the same time, Pandora sighed. "Then... let's make you lighter, shall we?"
Like a cat, she approached the man incredibly quickly, inserting a small black object under the chest plate of his armor. In a moment, all metal pieces fell to the ground, revealing the body under it. The knight was shocked.
"You, miserable...!"
But the girl was already far from his reach, trying to find a way to disarm another knight.
The knight that stood naken with only his helmet on, was angry and of course would still fight.
-"Why, wait you-!" He was about to swing his sword at the woman but a painful critical hit on his stomach made him fly backwards as he landed on his head first, the hard metal hitting the stone ground and the shock from the hit made him faint as Joseph stood with a smile. How he got there so fast was a mystery but that didn't matter now in a fight.
-"Oh my, you have to excuse me for the hard hit but I didn't want to hurt anyone." Joseph said calm and felt something was attacking him from behinde. Andarius saw how the knight with his long hair was going for Joseph on his horse but Andarius were ahead of him. He took his hand and slammed it against the ground and froze the little path to the horse, the man on the horse however was able to react fast and jumped off the horse before the whole horse was surrounded in ice.
-"Hmph, interesting creatures but sadly, I can't continue this game." He said and dodged Andarius ice attack again and saw how the woman was after him next. One of the four was knocked down, the other two could still fight, if he lost here. He would fail his mission but he had no other choice than to retreat, he had to go after them another time.
-"Running away are you?" Joseph asked and looked like he was mocking him with his smile and calm personality, once again Joseph came out of nowhere and was right beside him. The man clenched his teeth and swinged his sword at Joseph, it missed of course and then got stuck at something, or rather, someone took a hold of his sword.
-"Wha-?!" The man panicked and saw how his other members also had been beaten by the others. Andarius took his ice powers and froze the mans legs so he couldn't move. "Shit!" He thought. "I don't have time for this!"
-"Now..." Joseph started as Andarius got closer to him, the group surrounded the knight.
-"Why not tell us more... about this order of yours?" Joseph smile made the man sick and angry, he couldn't say anything, or else Arthur would probably make him disappear for good if he heard what was going on.
Darius was so surprised when the knight in front of him suddenly became naked, covered only with his old underpants that he almost got hit by another knight, still mounted and spinning a long spear. Joseph's unexpected strength also caught him offguard; that was the first time he saw the young-looking man taking part in the fight, and he was glad to know he was one more powerful ally, just like he suspected. But he had no time to continue thinking, as the fight continued.

The knight continued with agile attacks with his spear, spinning and lunging against him. The ex-seraph dodged the assaults and took off, breathing blue fire against the man, what scared the horse. His oponent was forced to jump off of the animal to avoid falling, and was embraced by another bath of bright blue flames. Blinded by the dancing light of the fire, he was not aware when the big fighter came behind him, hitting his neck with both hands, causing an immediate collapse.

Meanwhile, Pandora was facing the fourth knight, being cornered against the external walls surrounding the Church's terrain.
"If you wanted to see one of us nude you could have just asked. You're cute, you know? But you're still getting on the way, and this is a stupid thing to do." he was saying, with a voice both ironic and menacing. She was far from scared.
"I don't want to see any of you, being it clothed, naked, with your own skin, or someone else's." her face was unamused. "Do you want to know what I think of you?"
She looked intently at the knight, who was slowly losing his confident smirk, becoming confused, and slightly scared. "What are...? You-! You damned...!" and he called her names far from gentle, putting a hand on the side of the helmet, shaking his head. In this moment of confusion, she jumped over him, using the reins of his own horse to suffocate him. A stone at the base of his head finished the job, and the man fell unconscious, but still alive.

That was when the last night tried to attack Joseph, but was surprised by both Darius and Andarius. When reading a blow with his sword, the ex-angel picked the blade with a fast move of his big open palms, while his sharp feathers flew from his wings, covering the whole arms of the man and forming around them a rigid prison, cutting his skin with hundreds of small edges. The ice on his legs reduced him to a little more than a statue.
"Tell us what Arthur want. Believe me, you won't be better making me angry than you will be with him."
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The man, made a laugh, like he was mocking them and then took a breathe before talking.
-"He will find you and when he does, you guys will not have it easy as this time. Trust me." He said and with that Joseph understood what he was trying to do and remembered Mikail's words from before. I know of no other skinwalkers, so I cannot speak for my race as a whole, but I have the ability to partially transform into most animals. Fully transforming is possible, though only into certain creatures. The man's skin started to peel off or rather, it looked like it started to melt since his skin was smooth. It was totally different to when Mikail pulled off his skin, could it be a possibility that every skinwalker have different skins or is it just simply that pulling off their skin and transforming is different? No time to think, the man was already about to slip away from their hands and he succeeded, the man had now turned into a rat looking creature, just a bit bigger and ran away with his little feet.
-"He's escaping!" Andarius yelled as he was ready to make a move but Joseph stopped them all and saw the little creature ran off.
-"It's no use, he will not tell us anything useful even if we catch him again. Rather... we should head to where Noah and William are." Joseph suggested and looked at Andarius and the others.

((Sorry for late answer! m(>_<)m Have been pretty busy, but I hope this post is good for now.))
Darius looked at the transforming creature with shock, and then wrath when it started to escape. The moment the filthy creature disappeared from their sight he was so furious he clenched the fists with enough strength to hurt his own palms with his nails. Without noticing it, he was once more going too far on his transformation, and the first scales were showing at the sides of his face and neck. The eyes were two gloomy and wild flames. Afraid he could talk something unwise and regret soon after, he just followed the others in silence.

"We should make sure these ones won't escape." Pandora's voice reached the group, while she gestured to the other three fallen knights. "I'll call the authorities and tell them to be cautious. Maybe they can get some information, too." The young woman ran from that place quickly before the others could protest, and for a moment Darius thought she was just taking the opportunity to get away from more problems. It was fair: the girl should not be involved in those matters... In fact, none of the others should. He wanted to find Arthur alone.

"If he's controlling men like those... I'm sure he went too far. He's mad. I just... have no idea how he's even alive. Or even me. He's too old to be still human..." Darius started to think out loud, not talking exactly to the others, but rather with himself. Soon, they were not far from where Vesa sheltered most of the citizens, and where William and Noah probably were.
Andarius looked at Darius with concerne, he saw how his transformation was going too far, that it must hurt but the worst thing probably was that he couldn't do anything at the moment. He could heal him, but he as well, can't use too much power. Maybe Darius himself even wanted to overcome himself, maybe he wants to tranform back to himself with his own strenght, maybe.

The citizens where in no harm and since they had Vesa's help, they knew they where in safe hands but what made everyone go down with their mood was that they got attacked during the festival that was supposed to be a happy time for everyone and yet, they got attacked. Some would probably blame their ancient story, their ancestors, for what they have done but luckily the city wasn't in ruins and some houses still made it but the feeling, the aura around the forest was like it shouted out "I just want to go home." When the group could explain about the knights and that the citizens could go back to the city, everyone with hazy feet started to go back through the cold winter forest. It was dark and the stars shone even more than before, it was beautiful and yet, it felt wrong to it's beauty to fall upon us. William was in sight but since it was so many people, it was hard to see Noah, Andarius was actually getting worried. He had this look in his eyes and Joseph felt it too, that something, was not right. Andarius saw William squatting on the ground and Vesa was now busy leading the crowd back and by Williams leg a small white little hand was resting and then, Andarius shouted and ran. Just ran.
-"Noah!!" He cried out and when William heard him, he moved aside and looked at him.
-"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. She just suddenly fainted." His under lip was shaking, he didn't know it was that bad, he didn't know anything. Joseph stepped forward and looked at the white sleeping beauty now resting on Andarius' arms.
-"She didn't do anything, did she? Like... Used any of her powers?" Joseph asked William and he shook his head.
-"No... She just... fainted." William answered. Andarius was talking low to himself, his white hand touching Noah's smooth little white cheek.
-"This looks bad." Joseph then said and then looked at William.
-"We can't stay in this city anymore, not with the knights knowing our location. Where is the closest city or village located?" He asked.
-"Oh uhm... The nearest city lies beyond this forest, but with 2 days of walking you'll get to the Venella field ground where the city is at. That's the closest one." William said as Joseph tried to remember the name and location.
-"Venella field ground? Do you mean the city Venella? Then I know where it is." Joseph then said and with that, some hope had sprinkled over them.
-"We must get there now." Andarius then spokewith a powerful and straight forward voice.
-"I don't care how far we have to go, as long as Noah can get into safety that's fine." He said and was still looking down at Noah.
-"No... No... Please... No. Get your heat back, don't get cold. Not now, you can't die." Andarius said to himself over and over again and then the picture of Andre came back to him, Andre, his first friend and also a stubborn one. He remembered his cold face laying down on the snow and blood coloring the ground, even though he was a human and Andarius shouldn't have gotten close to them, Andre would still stay by his side. Andre taught him, the feelings of humans and even though he don't understand them all, he understand that he don't want to lose anyone again and not Noah out of all people.
Seeing Noah so fragile reduced Darius' anger to no more than fumy embers; seeing Andarius worried with Noah reminded him of own past, so long ago... and it only made the present even sadder. William seemed sincerely nervous about the whole situation, and for the first time, he noticed even Joseph was not as calm as usual. The situation was really getting much bigger than before.

Rustling his wings, he approached slowly the siblings. At least this time he could be useful, and repay for the help he received from them the day before. "Maybe this can protect her and keep her warm." he said in low voice, raising his arms. Once more, the snow started to melt around him, and even his breath was like a summer breeze. He surrounded the two in a gentle hug, and wrapped his wings around them.

Soon, it was warm and comfortable; but the heat was not only coming from Darius, but from inside Noah and Andarius as well. He was donating his very energy to the others, the fiery angelic energy he still had with him. It would also convey an intense feeling of reassurance and inner peace. When he stepped back, the warmness was still emanating from the others, and he was smiling, a weird grin, considering that, even being an old angel, he would still look somewhat like a dragon. "She will be warm until she wakes up, as long as I'm alive."

He turned to Joseph "Do you think we should get some provisions before starting this journey, or should we go without wasting any time? I'm sure we can survive a long travel, but Noah still has other necessities. At least, I'm sure I can make us arrive at Venella in less than one day, flying. You just need to point the direction."

Meanwhile, Vesa found some time to get closer to the group, her long robe still incredibly clean despite the dangerous and chaotic situation from moments before. "I fear I cannot leave this place yet. I must help these people rebuild what was destroyed, and make sure they won't start a fight themselves. Anyway, I'm still not allowed to interfere in this situation with this knights' lord." Her expression was empty, yet it was easy to notice she knew more about the crisis than she was revealing. "Maybe I'll be able to help soon, when you all fight this new enemy. Until this moment, I believe you still have good protection." she turned to Darius, smiling subtly. "Free yourself from this. Both sides of you. Only your old self can help you protect what is important to you, and only your new identity can help you reach your brother's heart." She kissed his forehead, before returning to where the others were. Darius, somewhat embarressed, was still waiting for Joseph's answers.
Joseph looked at Darius and seemed to have gotten back to his old self, his gray green eyes calmer than before.
-"I think it is wise to go now, who knows when more knights will show up? Also, we can probably get some stuff from Venella city if that's the case." Joseph turned his sight to Noah who was tight around Andarius' arms, it seems that Andarius is trying to hold the warm feeling longer by hugging her.
-"And if we wait, who knows when something will happen to her again?" His eyes looked empty, yes and calm but deep inside, there was still a worrying feeling showing. But no one was more worried than Andarius himself, his usual happy self was now quiet and very off from the others. William looked at them and then patted Joseph shoulders telling.
-"Can we talk for a moment, you and I?" William asked as Joseph nodded and they walked away from the others so they wouldn't be heard but their backs could still be visible by the moonlight shining upon them and pressing through the naked dark trees. William took out a paper and gave it to Joseph.
-"Give this to the guards, guarding the temple where the leader is. When they read this they will let you guys inside to talk with the leader of Venella. He'll surely give you guys aid if you talk to him about this situation." Joseph took the paper and thanked William as they got back to the group as Joseph smiled.
-"Well... Are we ready to go? I see no need to be here and do nothing." He said as William looked at Darius with a serious expression.
-"I would not use the powers to fly if I were you, Mr. Darius." William was very serious and it was a bit unusual for his character.
-"Who knows what people might see you and attack you, it's not usual to see an ex-angel around these woods. I'd help you get back to your normal form, but sadly I don't know how to change an ex-angel to his original form." Joseph looked at William as he said those words, have he met a creature like Darius before? Or does he just think of our safety? Maybe both. But whatever the situation, it's better to be safe than sorry. Joseph smiled to himself "Safe than sorry" is words Andarius would definitely say in a situation like this.
Darius frowned, somewhat vexed. It would be much easier to get to Venella flying, and he was sure he could carry all the others to their destination. But if they were attacked, he was not certain if he could protect them all, and they wouldn't have much freedom to defend themelves. Also, they would become an easy target if more of those enemies appeared. He agreed it was wise to stay on the ground, and let the opportunity to fly for when they cross empty lands, yet he was annoyed and worried with Noah's situation.

"Okay. We stay on the ground. And don't worry about my transformations. Since Noah and Andarius helped me, I can change back as I need." As if to prove his point, he inhaled deeply to regain his aplomb, and all the scales covering his sides disappeared, leaving only the large wings and dark eyes, with irises clear as the full moon. "I have a tendency of becoming more wild while under too much adrenalin. Now I can't tell you what would be my original form, for I was a human when I was born, and an Angel before it."

A cold voice seemed to whisper inside his mind, crawling at the darkest corners, where his fears and bad instincts were hidden. Don't forget that you will also become a Demon. You'll lose all the control soon enough. This is why Arthur is out there...

Fists clenched once more, Darius tried to dismiss such thoughts, even if the cold voice remained there. "We should go, then. If we get to an emmergency, than we go flying. Master Joseph, please, take the lead..."

"Where are you going?"

Darius turned his head to the slim form getting back to where they were. Pandora arrived with quick steps; she seemed perfectly calm, and far from tired, despite all the tense situation from before, and the run to get help with the authorities. "The other knights were captured, but their leader is really gone." she noticed Noah on Andarius arms, and the expression of worry in his eyes. "What happened to her?"

"We are not sure." Darius replied. "We're going to Venella. We thank you for your help, and I'm really sorry for you being involved in all this."

"Stop that, I want to be involved. I'm going with you." Pandora said with strong conviction. There was no space for a "No".

"This is dangerous. You cannot go." Darius insisted.

"I'm an adult, I can choose where I go. This place was getting boring, and an adventure would come in handy. I know Venella, too. I can help. If there is something I can do to help her, just say it." she talked to Andarius. "Stop being stubborn, and let's go." She started walking without looking back.
-"That girl..." William sighed as he looked towards Darius and Joseph, Andarius was already on his way with Noah in his arms and only that could make anyone worry even more since Andarius didn't say a word.
-"Make sure to take care of her and I hope she wont cause too much trouble. Sadly I cannot join you for I must stay here and take care of the city together with your friend Vesa but I will pray that you've a safe journey." William gave out a gentle smile as he started to walk slowly, almost proceed slowly forward like a ghost into the dark forest back to the city as the little group was the only ones left in silence.
-"We better go or Pandora may go into trouble just walking about however she likes." Joseph said calmly and smiled as he quickly went forward to Andarius and Noah. Hopefully this journey wouldn't take too long. Joseph looked down to Noah and then looked forward, to think it was still night after this long day, everyone must surely feel tired by now but the urge to save Noah was strong.
Pandora could hear the words of rebuke coming from Joseph and William, but ignored them completely. If necessary, she would prove herself worth of their trust; at the same time, she just wished the group would make a tranquil journey. Noah being her biggest preocupation.

Indeed, the first day of travel passed without any clear signs of danger. They met only a few travelers, people making their way between the cities to visit or return from the festival, and none of them seemed suspicious. Even the animals were avoiding their way, the soft snow mostly untouched. Sometimes, the silence would fall heavy aroundthe group.

"How did you get together, all of you?" Pandora asked Darius once in low voice. Her tune was so smooth and calm it didn't disturb the aura of quietness.

"I was searching for master Joseph in his pub, to find news about my brother. Andarius and Noah arrived at the same night, and we fought against strangers during the night, with our friend Mikail, who seemed the first target of the group. Somehow, they seem related to the knights we saw at the city, too." the other replied, looking around, as a guard.

"I see. And why are they attacking you? Also, did you discover something about this brother?" she asked, raising one eyebrow. "You know, you don't need to tell me if this is some kind of secret."

"I don't know what motivates the attacks. About my brother, I will keep silence now." Darius answered. He was still cautious towards this strange girl. "And what brought you to the city? The festival?"

"I live there. I used to be a merchant. But the shop was closed, and I was using my economies to travel and find something else to do with my free time. I thought that maybe the festival could bring some news to that boring place... and well, I was right." she smiled like a charming child. "William know me for years now."

"And how did you learn to fight and use magic?" Darius tried to discover more.

"My father always told me it was important to defend oneself, for anyone used to travelling. He taught me something when I was little. About the magic... I will keep silence now." she repeated his words, sticking out her tongue to tease him.

"Fair enough."

"And you..." she asked to both Andarius and Joseph. "Are you two going to keep all these secrets, or can you tell me something more about my travelling companions?"
And with such relaxed talk, the first day of journey found an end, with them making an improvised camp among the trees.
The day have gone and with walking a lot in silence they finally took a break, Darius and Pandora seemed to have talked a lot and the rest was quiet as the snow kept falling. Even though they all had warm clothes, the fire was still nice and good to keep you warmer for a longer time and expecialty for Noah that looked better but haven't woke up yet. Pandora then asked them about themselves as Andarius was the first one to answer.
-"I've been in the city for some time now, but I didn't meet Darius or Mikail until I got to the pub, though... I've met Joseph before." Andarius explained as he looked at Joseph who continued his story.
-"Yes, he came to this city for some month ago together with Noah but at that time he was together with other people. Andarius searched for me since people have talked about me for quite some time and about my abilities, I think it's like that for Darius as well." Joseph said with a smile.
-"Well, I was curious about your ability but I don't think I was after them at that time. I think I was just curious about who you were and... people seems afraid of you and I guess I wanted to know if you really was like that."
-"Oh? Afraid you say? Well-" Joseph started to laugh a little.
-"I guess people would find it uneasy if a stranger said your name just like that, though... I'm a nice person, for example, in some situations I can see that persons real name but their fake name is like... infront of their real name to of some sort hide their identity, so being nice as I am. I pretend that their fake name is their real one." Joseph laughed and smiled as he usualy does as Andarius continued his part.
-"Noah and I have been in the city for some time now and lived with other people for the time being and as for your talk about magic, you've already seen one that's ice but I can also heal, as well as Noah. But she has limited power..." He looked a bit sad as he said it, but Joseph, Darius and Mikail that was there on the night would understand his situation.
Pandora and Darius listened to Andarius and Joseph's explanations, and the girl's face expressed her concern, in sympathy with Andarius' worries about Noah. She also wanted the little girl to wake up soon. Meanwhile, Darius nodded when Joseph mentioned the probable reason for him to be there. "Yes, I went to the pub with the intention of finding you and ask for my brother, because you would identify his real name despite any fake name he could have used. Well, now this search changed completely in nature... but I'm still glad that I went there, in your pub." he completed, knowing that it was the main reason for all of them being together now. With a quick glance at Pandora, he asked himself if she was going to be part of it all.

"Were you really an angel?" The girl asked, feeling his over over her.
"Yes, in a long lost past." He answered. He exposed his true nature at the festival, and keeping it a secret would be useless at that moment.
"And what are you now?"
"I'm incarnated in a human body." probably for the last time, he thought. "That limits what I can do with my old powers. It's a punishment."
Pandora kept silence, thinking about something she was not going to say.

"Having power over ice must be really useful considering the weather of this season." she finally said to Andarius, changing the subject, gesturing to all the snow around them. "It's probably easier to use it in the cold. And healing is really useful. And generous." she smiled, warming her hands at the fire. "About the other people who lived with you... where are they? Won't they be worried now that you and Noah started this journey without warning them?"

"You make too much questions." Darius remarked, not exactly in good mood.
"You're the one who can choose to give the answers." she replied, always charming.
Everything seemed so calm and relaxing, not like some hours ago where the fought accured, it was nice. No sounds, nothing to do, just sitting there by the fire and see the snow falling. The sky was dark and who knows what time it was now since there weren't any clocks to have a look at when outside the town.
-"Oh, yes. Ice powers is useful, but sometimes not." Andarius said and smiled.
-"But I can also use them without this weather, though, it does get stronger in this kind of climate. And about the other people, they'll be fine since they have to take care of their own now, just like me." Andarius explained as the quiet atmosphere went down again. Everyone seemed tired and it probably was the right time to sleep as well, some were still not sleeping like Joseph but then laid down as other woke up and it went around like that, it could never be safe when there where still bad people hiding out there in the dark forest.

The time passed and a new day arrived, the sky was bright and the white clouds was still hanging over them, the sun, probably never to be seen with all the clouds ever again was still trying to reach the ground with it's light. The snow kept falling and the adventures kept walking, Darius and Andarius took turns to hold Noah warm until the forest started to lighten up.
-"Hey, it looks like the forest ends there." One of them said as they kept walking and then, a warm and gentle light touched their faces and the air suddenly got warmer and by their suprise, just some meters before them, the snow, like cut in half, couldn't go any longer and huge green field was taking over with beautiful flowers and blue sky. The odd thing though, was that where there still was snow, it was still snowing, it was like nature have been cut in half and where the forest was, it was cold, snowing and dark, as for outside the forest, it's like summer have come.
-"H-hey, wasn't this place also in snow before?" Andarius asked as Joseph answered with a smile.
-"No, you must have been mistaken, the world of Venella haven't had snow in almost 2000 years." Joseph said and looked at the others.
-"2000 years? But... why?" Andarius asked and once again Joseph smiled at his question.
-"A long time ago, there where twins born in the land of gods. One male, the other female. The brother, Glacies had the power to make ice and snow and the sister, Ignis had the opposite and could make everything warm. The two were working together, making winter and summer and even autumn and spring with their power to cooperate but one day, the brother decided to do a prank on his sister by making it snow again and again on summer and make the humans confused. The brother laughed at his sight of the small humans while the sister got furious, so to give her brother back a dose of his medicine she made the snow melt when it was the brothers turn to change the weather. Soon the two of them started to fight each others in a brutaly manner and the humans who thought they would live in harmony, was wrong. Fire broke out and deadly low temperature as the twins fought each other day in and out. Though, their fight took to an end as their mother stopped them and told them to talk to each other but their long fight and the growing of hatred towards each other made the sister say "I never want to see your hideous face ever again!" As the brother responded "I hope you disappear from existence!" And with their last fight, they ended it and took their own part, Glacies the forest and the sister Ignis, the land of Venella. The twins after that would never speak to each other again and the weather will remain seperated." Joseph looked out to the green beautiful landscape and then at the snow below his feet with the snow still going down and the clouds over their head made a straight line with the blue and the white. Andarius nodded at the little story Joseph told and looked around at his surroundings as well, to think that the twin gods have never even spoken in 2000 years, it must be lonely. Andarius thought when thinking about the story again.
Pandora seemed pleased with this peculiar change of weather that affected the whole nature, and also by the story she just heard. "As I've said, I already knew Venella, but I never get tired of seeing this. These miracles make wonders to fortify the faith among mortals. And I must admit you make this story sound really enchanting, Joseph." she mentioned, smiling. With graceful steps she reached the green and warm side of the world, basking in the sunlight, that made her brown hair shine with some glints of gold. "To be honest, I prefer this warmness, the life of spring and the intensity of summer, so Ignis has all my admiration. But I can't deny the cold and ice have some glamour, and are incredibly powerful." she added, looking at Andarius, as if he could be offended by her comments against the eternal winter, being related to ice too.

Then she noticed Darius, and smirked, with twisted smile. "It seems our angel is a bit shocked. Is this a wonder so rare that could amaze your kind?" she provoked. And the other was, indeed, really surprised, with eyes wide open, body tense. In his arms, Noah was still resting, and his wings were covering her small frame to protect her from the falling snow. It took him some moments to finally understand her words and reply.

"It's not like... that." he said, still too distracted. He started to collect his thoughts: "I mean... I know Glacies and Ignis. And their Mother and Father... I've have seen the two with their kids in Divine Councils when I was still making my own studies to fill my role as a Seraph. They were little, no more than children by the time. Yet they were both older than me, because some gods age very slowly." He remembered the pale boy with deep cold eyes like precious gems, and the ruddy girl, with a strong personality in that small body. They were incredibly beautiful with their different traits. "But I didn't know about the fight. That means I'm living in the mortal realm, between one life and other, for more than 2000 years... And that is what surprises me."

That seemed enough to surprise Pandora, too, and her smug smile faded away. "You're a bizarre group, all of you. But I like that." she said. "I would not be surprised if the little Noah was older than me. The poor human girl." she joked, far from worried. Maybe she could fit better in this 'strange group' than she was showing. "Should we continue?"

No more so surprised, Darius crossed the invisible line that divided the world between the twins, hoping that this new condition could help Noah to feel better and wake up. His boots, before crushing the compact layer of snow, were now touching the soft grass. "It's funny to think that even the gods deal with these family matters, except everything takes another proportion with them. Their fights take thousands of years, and they can shape the world as they wish, affecting all the other with their decisions."
The Venella grounds were beautiful, it was like heaven, even though no one except Darius probably know how it actually looked like. There was green filled landscapes, gray and brown small mountains, blue sky, white clouds and the warm air was hitting gently at the skin as if to welcome you from the cold. Though, Joseph who had a black coat over his butler suit had to take it off and put it around his arm but Andarius who just had his white suit had no problem with the heat.
With just some more minutes to walk a city started to appear from all the green grass. The city was surrounded by a stone wall atleast 2 or 3 meters tall as the houses was very oddly shaped, like pointy horns at the side of the roof ends and there weren't many colors since the houses where built with the gray and light brown stones, some had green cloth by their window or blue as to match the surroundings but the roofs was in a strong red colour and at the end of the pointy horns on the roofs were a golden colour as a contrast with the red.
-"That's odd looking roofs." Andarius said as they kept walking, it doesn't seem that many people have seen such cities as this one but it's fun since most people seem to have their own thing.
Pandora was familiar with the city; sometimes she would also sell her goodings there, or make some important deliveries for her old boss. They had some distinguished contacts inside the place. That was also the place where she held some important memories from years before. She also carried with her some stupid and naïve hopes, some that she could not wave off completely. Once more, Darius seemed more impressed, but this time his lips twisted in a smile, that grew into chuckle, and finally to an open musical laugh.

"I didn't know you would make fun of architecture." The girl commented, finding it in fact rather rude of him.
"I'm not making fun of it." he replied catching his breath, still holding Noah firmly in his arms. "It's just... funny. Not for the appearance, I mean..." he laughed once more. "Like I said, I knew this family. Glacies and Ignis, their parents, and also their uncle, the brother of their mother, Arialos. He was Ignis' favorite relative. She used to run to him, and he would lauch her up, very high, saying she was his favorite sun." The image was still in his memory, when the goddess was just a child, playing like any child would with a loved one.

"Arialos was tall, slim, with short black hair, frequently dressed as rich lord, for he was considered a god of abundance, prosperity and earth fertility. But his most striking trait was that he had those two long horns in his head! And their tips were made of gold, because they were broken in a fight, in a long lost past, against the demons of Avarice, Famine and Avidity. Arialos was not yet an experienced warrior, and the fight was intense, or at least that was what I found in ancient books. Now I see that Ignis taught this people how to build their buildings in honor of her uncle! Yet I have no idea if they know about that, or just follow this tradition. Do you know if Arialos is a deity respected here?" He asked to both Joseph and Pandora.

While the angel was explaining this short story, they reached the walls and passed the gates. Soon after two soldiers appeared in their way.

"Sorry, but before you pass, what are your intentions in this city?" One of them asked. "Strange things are happening recently."
"Hey, Lau! it's me, Pandora!" the girl talked to the other soldier, an younger man with black hair and dark slanting eyes. "Don't worry, they are friends and won't cause trouble. On the contrary, they will probably help if anything is wrong."
"Pandora, I didn't see you!" Lau answered. The other soldier was still serious.
"We need to take care of this child." Darius mentioned Noah, in his arms.
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