HighSchool For The Unknown

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Emery beamed when the girl turned around and showed him her pencil box. "How cute!" He grinned a bit and handed the pencil to her. "I got it at some lousy corner store. You can have it, I have tons of them." He laughed and pulled another one from his pocket, winking cutely and clicking it to push out some lead. "What's your name? You're like..the first person to say something to me." Emery smiled, sticking his hand out for a shake, his messy hair falling over his eyes slightly as his flowercrown sat on top. "You can call me Emery." He still had the cherry flavored lollipop in his mouth, making his breath smell faintly of cherry and mint.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled brightly. "really thank you!" She loved cute things. She put her regular pencil down and gently took the one he gave her. Thanking him once again. "oh I'm Angie Nice to meet you!" She said as she shook his hand. "Emery huh? That is such a cute name" she tilted her head to the side. "I love your style by the way its unique...im always to shy to buy bright clothes so I usually wear black or grey" she laughed awkwardly. "but my eyes are pink so I guess that counts"

retracting the iron and returning and bringing the material back together to reform my hand back to normal. 'quite a beautiful smile... ' smiling himself for once 'today will be a good 1 i think' with 7min of class left he took a few more notes and started packing his laptop bag with his stuff and so he may get to my next class hoping he shares another class with the lady that has caught his interest.
Blood always knew what time it was, among the thousands of other things she always knew without ever being told. So she knew that first period would end in seven minutes. She finds herself hoping that she'd have another class with them boy she was going to meet at lunch.
She knew that he probably just had heard of her freakish forms and powers and wanted to gawk at the monster like everyone did. She sighs, but it's only half sad. She packs up her books .
Emery laughed lightly, letting go of her hand and picking up his pencil. "Angie's a nice name." He smiled brightly and jotted down some notes quickly, glancing at the board and retaining the knowledge. He thanked her for the compliment on his style, and winked. "You should totally buy something bright every once in awhile. It'll bring out your eyes and body figure." Emery grinned and bit the inside of his cheek lightly. "We could go shopping sometime if you'd like. You could use a bright sweater." He beamed and leaned forward a bit, his brown eyes full of excitement. "I know an awesome store nearby that has such cute clothes. They're to die for." Emery took the lollipop out of his mouth and rolled the paper stem between his index finger and thumb.

with everything packed and 3 minutes left he finds himself wondering if she likes pastrami and Swiss cheese sandwiches. 'i always pack them for lunch but mother always packs me extra's and i always have leftovers. i hope she likes pastrami and cheese sandwiches. cause i'm only able eat 4 and wouldn't want the other 4 to go to waste. i hate wasting food. plus it be nice to have someone to share my lunch with' he thinks happily. then his mind moves on to his scheduled to see what classes he has left 'lets see with history out of the way, i have earth science for 2nd, art class 3rd, then calculus for 4th, then lunch which i hope i will be joined by that lovely lady, p.e. for 5th, 6th is English, and in 7th is study hall. hmmmm.... i wonder if she shares as at least 1 theses classes with me. if so it be great' he smiled at the thought as the bell rang for to go to 2nd period and he got up to leave to his next class.
Blood looks at her list of classes and sees that she has...science... Ugh. Blood despised science with a burning passion because they were always trying to teach her things she'll knew for a fact were total bullshit. She'd of course always been a great student and was amazing at science, though she didn't believe half the shit they taught her. She hoped desperately that this school was different than the others.
She gets her bag and walks out of class and heads towards the science room, she never used those stupid school maps. She only needed to follow the gross scent of chemicals and science crap and she found the room easily.
"Hello there, I believe you're one of the new students? Yes! I remember you are Blood correct? Well don't worry dear, you can just take a seat at any of these science tables and we'll start when everyone gets here, I am Mrs. Summers, " says a bubbly little woman with blonde hair that bounced up and down in country curls. She had a small Texas accent that wasn't overly done so that it was obviously real. She was tiny but her big blue eyes and young face and smile made up for it.
Blood immediately loved her.
With a smile, Blood goes to the table right in front. She was the first student therefore so she'll waited patiently for the other students to get there.
While she waited she looked at Her teacher. She wore a cute white blouse and jeans that went down to her... ohmygod... she was wearing genuine countryfied cowboy boots. She was a total Texan.
(Sorry if I'm not allowed to make the science teacher if I'm not allowed to I'll edit her out. If I am allowed and you hate her name just tell me and ill fix it)
after a small detour cause he enjoyed walking he arrived at his next class early to see the girl from first period sitting in the front. he stood that door way surprised he had 2 classes with her back to back. 'well what a lovely surprise' he thought as he smiled to himself. 'looks like we been fated to meet sooner than expected' he continued to think as he decided to take a empty seat next her and introduced himself "hey there miss, how are you i'm Molvon De'vulch. pleasure to make your acquaintance may i ask you name?" he holds his hand out in offer of a hand shake.
Rebecca was just a normal eighteen year old girl, Dying to leave this school once and for all. He grades were outstanding but her attitude and doubts needed a bit of work. She never really felt as if she needed friends so she stopped herself from getting any since well, Friends won't last forever here in this world of distrustful humans. She smirked as she roamed the empty halls of the school and looked into classrooms ever now and then just watching the many people actually buying into this whole Education will get you anywhere in the world bit. She shook her head watching every kid write five paged essays and reading big text books just thinking how foolish they might as well be. Her black jeans hugged her little legs as she folded her arms and kept herself warm with her little sweater that stayed wrapped around her. Her black hair fell over her gorgeous brown eyes. "Humph." She stopped when staring at the hall monitor Eric as the two stared at each other as if they were about to duel like in the western movies seen on tv. Rebecca smirked and looked through her glasses with those big brown eyes of intimidation as she began to read the monitor like a open book, Knowing his next move in to trying to stop her from her little walk around. If only he would be given the chance to that is, Rebecca was very playful when in situation such as this since well, This was her last year here in this dump so why not make the most out of it. Without warning she turned her back and dashed out of sight after making a right turn at the right corner of the hall and ran as the monitor chased after her gaining on her. She laughed and made a sharp turn left causing her feet to glide against the tiled ground as she turned and ran that direction. The monitor however had a bit of trouble making the turn since he glided all the way to the other side of the turn missing it. "Maybe next time big boy!" Rebecca yelled as her slender form vanished behind a wall that opened to another hallway and in seconds she was gone and out of site.
Rebecca was a girl who took risk and chances and now and days that is what people are looking for, They are looking for guts and a bit of risk taking chances. She was granted many scholarships into many different collages but she declined each and every one of them because she wanted to take a year long break from education and hopefully find a well suited job for herself. And so far she has already planned on becoming a assistant for a fashion designing company. All she needed was to show up for the interview she arranged for next week. Many people believe that she would not make it that far in the world but she had no doubt that she won't since she already has her life planned. And the first thing is to enjoy her life while she can. A year long break should do the trick for her. Knowing she has already lost the monitor she slowed down her pace and broke into a walk before climbing up the stairs into the higher floors as she began to climb her way up to the roof since it was usually her place to just relax and have a smoke here and there. Today was her time and no one was going to ruin the little time she has to finally be satisfied and happy. Now, Who ever wishes to piss her off at this time will go through so much pain that they won't have the words to explain how horrible and painful it was to get beaten by her hands. Because, She is hot when she is mad and people should just keep a distance from her.
Angie smiles and nodded but looked a bit surprised as he offered to go shopping with her. She suddenly blushed brightly. She never realm knew how to shop for herself. "r-really? I don't know will I even look good in bright clothes" she said a bit shyly and twirling her finger in her curly brown hair shyly. "w-well I guess I could try" she said with a bright smile.

Blood sees HIM walk in and butterflies fill her stomach. She tries not to smile like a complete idiot and smiles at his name... she thought it was foreign and beautiful. She gives an internal sigh at the name she had been given when she was small.
She wondered if she could go by the name she called herself...
"I'm Blood...but I prefer to be called Scarlet. It is lovely to meet you Molvon..." She smiles and and shakes his hand. She loved the sound of his name on her tongue.
She smiles at him and looks at him, he was very attractive.
"why scarlet? Blood is quite a exquisite name to have since it isnt used very much. Though regardless its still a nice name." he says returning the smile "forgive me i tend to ramble a bit don't i?" i scratch my head a bit embarrassed at my excitement he normal calm and silent, but smething about her gives him this posiive vibe "anyway how is your morning? and even though we met sooner than planned will you still join me for lunch?" he says happily 'she has quite the beautiful voice and a lovely name. i hope i didn't make its sound bad' he worried to himself.
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He thought her name was beautiful? Blood had always heard that her name was frightening and repulsive.
She smiles at Molvon, he was the first person to ever say something nice to her... well the first in a very long time (not including animal companions).
"I am surprised to hear that you find my name pleasant in any way. Usually people fear my name because of the stories made about me... let's just say I used to be very different from the Blood you now see before you," she admits to him. "I would love to join you for lunch, though I hope you don't mind that I am a carnivore. I've never been able to stand the smell of human food, let alone the taste. Being a wolf does that to a monsters diet, " she whispers at the end... she had always considered herself a monster.
When Blood hears his thoughts about her, she blushes lightly. He thought she had a pretty voice?... well she already knew about that... it was a weapon meant for drawing in prey. She had become good centuries ago, but she was still her... a monster... built to destroy and to kill.
Blood sighs... why couldn't she be able to be happy about the compliments... she wished that she wasnt a monster.
"The countrified teacher seems cool...I just hope she doesn't try to shove a mountain of human science crap down our throats, I've personally disproved that atom bullshit, " she changes the subject, but to a subject that she was actually serious about.
"Monster? I'm sure every one has there own past light and dark, even I. That being said i don't believe in 'monsters', and doubt the you now and the you then would sway my thoughts, and you wish you may share your stories with me in more private environment your place or mine which ever would make you more comfortable." he says understanding that every being has had made choices in life some that are approved by majority of society and some are looked down upon. Though he didn't care what a majority ever thought. "I don't mind at all and don't think yourself as monster cause of it. Every living must eat even if it is other living things." he says with smile and growing more and more fond of this lovely lady "ahh no worries this class is earth science so were probable going to learn about fossils and landscapes, and very interesting i must hear your science theory and/or knowledge for a friendly debate someday. Anyways enough of my rambling tell me about yourself some?" he says happily
Blood was shocked... he was so... understanding. She had never before in her existence met anyone so understanding... then again, he probably did not know the stories.
When he mentions her stories she thinks about it. Would she be willing to risk having this amazing guy know about her former ways?
'What am I thinking... it's not as if he or any guy would ever want me... might as well tell him the stories later. ' she scolds herself.
Blood gives him a shy smile when he asks to know about her. She decides to give the basics.
"I am the Blood Wolf... I'll tell you the story later. My past isn't exactly something I share... in fact I never have, so don't be offended if I don't tell you everything. I have many powers and several different forms. This one is the human one obviously, though I was born as my blood wolf form. I'm very shy and easily offended because I am so used to being made fun of, talked about behind my back, and feared. I have been alone for most of my existence. I used to be... I have instincts that tell me to do horrible things... I used to give into them. I changed long ago though... so even though I am a monster physically, I am really just a misunderstood girl who just wants someone to care about her or to just understand that I have feelings and have had more pain in my life than anyone could possibly understand. Sorry, I guess I tend to rant... " she says it strongly in the beginning, though as her description of herself goes into her feelings she lowers her voice to a whisper, Her vibrant yellow eyes softening to a golden color and filling with ancient pain and loneliness.
Blood is surprised at just how much she'd poured out to Molvon... she was usually very self conscious and shy, especially around guys.
"Anyway, that's enough about me... tell me more about you Molvon. I guess I should mention I am a very curious person. " she changes the subject and her eyes return to their normal vibrant yellow. They had actually never turned gold before then, so she hadn't even noticed the change of her eyes.
"That's cause these last few generations of species are mostly selfish idiots and have no appreciation for others. you just sadly ended up on the bad end of life cause of it, and no offense taken i understand some stories can be painful to tell. Also i don't think your instincts were terrible just misunderstood. wolfs are predatory animal's that seek prey out of their natural instinct to hunt. so don't look down upon that. 1 cannot choose what they are born as they can only control what they make of themselves. and i know you wish for change of topic but i felt that must be said. and as far as your bullies and idiots goes. ignore them, if they cant appreciate you for your natural self then they don't deserve your attention, and i don't mind ranting i'm a good listener so don't be afraid of talking to much." he says with smile hoping it will cheer her

"plus i think we should talk someday after class. i can see the look in your eyes you need to vent your pain and frustration, and i welcome you to speak to me but only if your willing and feel you can trust me. i wont force you. anyways me well i'm a morpher myself just like you though i morph into gem stones and every elemental metal. that being said i'm a elemental so not only can i morph in to those materials i can create them and manipulate them as i please. the strange part about me is my normal state is this human form unlike most elementals that have turn into humans. and for that i was exiled by my kind from the land i was born when i was 8. so i live in a simply small apartment fending for myself since. and a hard life it has been for me. i will tell you more in private if wish to hear more" he ends on a slightly sad note but attitude quickly changes on nice idea but probable childish. "say would like for me to make you a ring or bracelet as token of good will?" he asks with a smile.
Blood smiles at him, he was the kindest person she'd ever met. She listens closely to him, she understood what it is like to be considered a freak by your own kind. That was her life story.
"You and I have more in common than I thought possible. Also... I saw you making your hand into the gems earlier... it was very beautiful. You don't need to make me anything. You conversing with me is gift enough... I don't get many people wanting to converse with me. I find myself very excited for our time together at lunch today, Molvon, " she says with a slight blush.
Just then, the teacher interrupts them with her Texas accented voice.
"Alright everybody, take your seats. Once everyone is here we'll get started." she announces.
With a sigh and a shy smile, Blood takes her seat at the table in the front. It seated two students, so she smiles at Molvon and gestures towards the seat.
"Wanna sit next to me? I think we'd work well together... " she says, Her voice kinda nervous as she asks him.
"Ah you noticed then again they do reflect a beautiful light and i'm also joyed by the fact you'll be joining me and sure i think it be pleasure to work with such a fine lady such as yourself" he said with smile and with a slight and honest bow before he sat next to her at the front "and i find it adorable how you blush so shyly" 'she is a wonderful lady, despite her past she sweet as can be. very admirable since very few with dark past come out well from the shadows.' he knows this cause he had also emerged from darkness. "i hope i don't embarrass or cause to much discomfort for you." he says apologetically, noticing how much he had made her blush.
Blood smiles and shakes her head.
"You don't bother me at all. I just... I'm not used to compliments, " she admits shyly, with yet another blush.
Blood thought she must look like such an idiot blushing like a fool...but she didn't much care, she enjoyed his company. After all... she didn't get much company.
"Well glad i can brighten your day" he says smiling at her "and you feeling okay? i know blushing makes 1 red but you look like your going to turn to a strawberry. Need some water?" he ask as he offers her a unopened bottle of water from his bag with concern for his new friend. He didn't want her to pass out from to much excitement or anything.
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