High School DXD - From the Ashes - OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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I'm not sure if that's in reference to the fact that i forgot to post yesterday or that Dag is an ass lol.
Fushimi is passed out so yeah, I'll just wait til he's healed and all that stuff.
Well if Aiko doesn't post tomorrow i'll get you guys to Aster's place.

Also someone called me a 'noob' just now for opening up with a bad hand in a yugioh game. I'm a gold member on the site we were playing on and he was a base member meaning he's calling a guy who spent over 20k points with over 800 victories (400 some loses) a person who doesn't know what they're doing...I proceeded to stall on cards that wouldn't have even helped me much for 8 some turns drawing into better ones and then proceeded to wreck his ass without much effort.

Why am I telling you all this you ask?

Because it was so FUCKING satisfying to send that guy down loser's boulevard.
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Dag won't kill you he's off retrieving another body. Star won't hurt you she's just a pissy wolf girl with a minor tsundere complex.
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Besides Dag who's on body patrol and Val who is more or less just about to get fucked by an NPC about now yes.
Anyone going to post?
It's all good. You guys can finish your fight and stuff then resurrect me. Right now I thought i was like so far gone and hardly able to do anything
It's all good. You guys can finish your fight and stuff then resurrect me. Right now I thought i was like so far gone and hardly able to do anything
well why don't you look what's happened.
Don't be a dickhead. I haven't got any of the messages after April 3rd
Don't be a dickhead. I haven't got any of the messages after April 3rd
Chill. I really shouldn't even need to @ people. There's a function on this site that let's people check their current subbed threads. I personally check mine everyday to make sure there isn't much to post. If there has been no activity I go on the OOC and ask or look on the IC thread itself.
Chill. I really shouldn't even need to @ people. There's a function on this site that let's people check their current subbed threads. I personally check mine everyday to make sure there isn't much to post. If there has been no activity I go on the OOC and ask or look on the IC thread itself.
I have the thread watched and everything. I should be getting the messages regardless but I'm not.
Then I guess the site is at fault or it's possible you went to check the alerts clicked on another and the alerts for this roleplay disappeared. Still manually checking the threads is possible. Go to alerts, hit show all, go to the left corner and hit watched threads, then hit show all threads.
Or if you're on pc go to the top and there should be an option that says 'watched threads' click on that then say 'show all watched threads'
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