High School DXD - From the Ashes - OOC

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Sayano Takenaka






Hair colour:
Blue - Teal

Eye colour:
Sky Blue

Skin tone:
Pale - Ivory

One piercing in each ear

Sayano is a girl of average height with waist length blue, though appears teal like, hair that falls in loose curled waves. Her eyes are a sky blue and her skin tone being quite pale, close to an ivory skin shade. Physically she is quite slim with curves and long legs. Often in comfortable settings likes to wear kimonos or other traditional garbs. Other times she wears whatever is in fashion, if she has been able to keep track of what is at the time. Wears little make up except lip balm as she often chews on her lip.


Role/Chess Piece:



Special Abilities:
Illusions ~ Sayano excels with illusions as a field of magic. She can manipulate illusions to trick opponents senses. While she can trick all of the five senses, it is a much harder tasks if she is against and opponent that is mentally strong. The stronger she creates the illusions the more energy it consumes in the process.

Defense ~ Sayano knows defensive spells but her skills in this field do not match up to her skills with illusions. She can create barriers primarily with this skill but also entrap something within a space using them. These cost her a lot more energy as defensive magic requires more concentration from her.


Sayano is an optimistic and polite person. Few things seem to ever get Sayano in a negative mood, the denial of her phone being one of them, and so appears to be constantly in a state of joy. Though it is mostly that she can hide her emotions easily, not that she often has to. Sayano enjoys a bit of mischief and likes to play tricks occasionally simply for fun, though rarely does anything harmful. Her easy going character leads her to rarely ever seem serious, even in dire situations which is one of her more annoying characteristics in some situations. She is horrible with making decisions and can often take her days to make any decision which is more serious than what she is going to eat for her next meal. Despite her seemingly kind and peaceful personality, Sayano has a horrible temper and tends to be quite vindictive. She is very protective of her friends.


Sayano's father is a business owner while her mother is a florist, quite well known in the area for her beautiful arrangements. Her family has always been quite traditional and even their home reflects this. The two fell in love when her mother was the creator of arrangements for one of her fathers charity events. The two then dated for a while before he proposed and a year later, Sayano was born.

Her childhood was relatively normal. She was back then, the same as she is now. Bright, happy and mischievous. Her marks in school was always her priority during her younger years as she wanted to impress her parents. She also got into singing in her younger years of childhood. Other than that, her childhood was pretty much uneventful.

Once she was in her pre-teen years, Sayano began to take piano lessons along with singing. Her interest in music developed more and she loved to play for others. Her father at this point also began to slowly teach her about their business in small understandable bits. She began to meet some of their 'allies' as her father called them and was told who to avoid in the world. Not that she really understood why.

By sixteen she was working closer with her father and music had become a hobby at best. Sayano began to experience more stress as months flew by. While she wanted to learn about their company as heir, she also wanted to embrace music which she adored so much.

Once she could legally live alone she moved out to an apartment nearby with the excuse she wanted independence. While she was given some money from her parents, Sayano took on a part time job in a cafe so that she could feel accomplished in some ways. Out of her remaining time, Sayano spends time at the company working under her father. Slowly her stress has been growing recently, much to her own annoyance...



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The character is fine with me if you guys don't see anything wrong with it.
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Isn't there already 2 bishops? Me and someone else? I thought she had a rifle or something like that.
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Iroh had it and he's gone as far as I care now he's been given more than sufficient notice.
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Fair enough.
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Well Vance put up a post after that @Sasha Bliss now it is my turn, ill have it up in a bit
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@VanceXentan, Is it okay if I make my post before gremory or are we going in order, cause I plan on being able to block the first knife only to then be gutted in the back.
Alright go ahead. There is no posting order.
Alright I knew you were still here did you want me to do something with Star? Aster's a bit preoccupied at the moment currently mind telepathing and worried about losing a knight after losing his big pawn and he's about to lose his medic on top of that. who got his medic? Well who do you guys think is going to get Val?
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Also @Sasha Bliss I made it so the Exorcist was within ear shot of both of you and he was referring to both characters directly not just Ivan. I figured one of you'd like a chance at understanding how crazy this guy is.
Also @Sasha Bliss I made it so the Exorcist was within ear shot of both of you and he was referring to both characters directly not just Ivan. I figured one of you'd like a chance at understanding how crazy this guy is.
oh well then, I'll try and add a little something to it after I take my shower.
Alright I knew you were still here did you want me to do something with Star? Aster's a bit preoccupied at the moment currently mind telepathing and worried about losing a knight after losing his big pawn and he's about to lose his medic on top of that. On got his medic? Well who do you guys think is going to get Val?
It would be cool and it could make Alice feel better XD. But you dont have too.
I'll right I'll have Star stop by and do some stuff.
I'll get a post out sometime later today. At least you're not with Dag. Dag would let you both bleed out because the literal last person he helped out turned out to be an awkward assassin girl.
I'll get a post out sometime later today. At least you're not with Dag. Dag would let you both bleed out because the literal last person he helped out turned out to be an awkward assassin girl.
well then
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