Hidden: The Next Stage [Signs up and OOC]

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....Is my post that long and horribly written? I can go rewrite.../dies in sadness
No, I'm serious though. Is my post understandable? :P

Noo. Not at all. Your post is just fine. I just didnt read it cuz of no alerts. That is all :)
of course he will. After he gets back from saving a few people. xD Winter is a very distinct player. Plus she's blonde. Rob has a thing for blondes.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! :D Much appreciated!
Oh? Lol nice to know ;) I wonder what will happen next...

Your very welcome! =D
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ALRIGHT PLAYERS, sorry for the abscence. I was truly waiting on some others who have yet to appear and am severely disappointed that they haven't returned but meh, that's life. :/

So I POSTED ROB. And now, please kindly go ahead. :)

We are near finishing this level and I just really want to get on with the next. :) That is if everyone's still on board.

....are you all still on board? :O
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ALRIGHT PLAYERS, sorry for the abscence. I was truly waiting on some others who have yet to appear and am severely disappointed that they haven't returned but meh, that's life. :/

So I POSTED ROB. And now, please kindly go ahead. :)

We are near finishing this level and I just really want to get on with the next. :) That is if everyone's still on board.

....are you all still on board? :O
I am lol, as long as you dont turn Winter into an Winter pop :P

........we have bigger plans for Winter. ;D

and everyone else for that matter. And being turned in to feces is not one of them. XD

........we have bigger plans for Winter. ;D

and everyone else for that matter. And being turned in to feces is not one of them. XD
Not poop! Lol pop! A Popsicle! Silly XD

Nice post, I feel so bad for poor Rob <3 I wonder whats going to happen to Thanatos and Winter now...There kinda in the hall outside the save point injured, Thane more so then Winter >_< dun duh dun!
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Oh! POP. oops. I'm rabid posting for so many things right now that I can't even....lol (and I should be in bed. SHOULD being the term)

and no, don't worry, no winter popsicle. though that oddly sounds delicious....

thanks. :D Imma glad you like it. :)

Thane and Winter should RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! inside. :)
Oh! POP. oops. I'm rabid posting for so many things right now that I can't even....lol (and I should be in bed. SHOULD being the term)

and no, don't worry, no winter popsicle. though that oddly sounds delicious....

thanks. :D Imma glad you like it. :)

Thane and Winter should RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! inside. :)
Lol thats okay I know the feeling, then go to bed~

It has a nice ring to it doesnt it? Hehe

Your welcome :) I'll wait for Tony's and Thane's Hidden's post first
Lol thats okay I know the feeling, then go to bed~

It has a nice ring to it doesnt it? Hehe

Your welcome :) I'll wait for Tony's and Thane's Hidden's post first

I am, now that I've done everything I need to for Iwaku. yes, Iwaku is my homework. xD

And it does. ....now I want a popsicle named Winter. And I shall patent it in your name! XD
Alright. I just let the ball roll~

I'm still on board! Only thing that would prevent such would be compy problems or loss of internet, lol.
/sobs in joy SUCH GREAT PEOPLE.

drama aside, thanks Seth. :)
I am, now that I've done everything I need to for Iwaku. yes, Iwaku is my homework. xD

And it does. ....now I want a popsicle named Winter. And I shall patent it in your name! XD
Alright. I just let the ball roll~

/sobs in joy SUCH GREAT PEOPLE.

drama aside, thanks Seth. :)
Good lol nighty night Temper <3

I dont know what to say to that XD
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night....er....morning! XD (5am here)

...thank you? XD
*awkward moment* lol jk.

I went to bed at 6am this morning XD Iwaku is such a bad influence lol.
*awkward moment* lol jk.

I went to bed at 6am this morning XD Iwaku is such a bad influence lol.
....see if I patent anything under your name. lol /diva moment

....fun, but I have to wake up early tom...today. Maybe I shouldn't sleep anymore. And it is, isn't it. such horrible horrible influence. I blame Lory.

btw, post in Meadows? :D
....see if I patent anything under your name. lol /diva moment

....fun, but I have to wake up early tom...today. Maybe I shouldn't sleep anymore. And it is, isn't it. such horrible horrible influence. I blame Lory.

btw, post in Meadows? :D
Lol I will soon. Off to bed with you sleepy Temper *shoos you to bed*
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guys, i forgot an important thing in my post. Added it in but it's a small part but yeah. :P

Let's get to the sexy parts now. Nope, not mature themes.

It's your time to reveal your character's life and identity. I'll need full names for each character and a comprehensive introductory bio written in-game that will be previewed to each other.

Does that sound confusing?

Well, you just write up a memory that reveals what kind of life your character has and a possible reason to their answer to Maker's question. You all remember that you selected a Y and became a Seeker or selected N and became Hidden, right? This part will be very sensitive to the plot so make sure your character's background and identity isn't outlandish.

I suggest you pm me about your life so we can discuss how to work it within the story. Let us know in this thread if you've picked up this post and you're preparing your bio already.
Please wait for a go signal before you post your memory.

Temp and I will post respective memories of Robert, Anthony, Emile and Skye [Sophie Keating]. You can weave your character into their past if you like, just notify us.
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