Hey guys!

Yeah, it's especially annoying in group. I like adventure survival RPs. I get the most of fun out of those, even more fun with just the right amount of realism. It only gets boring when someone decides that their character magically has all the working equipment in the world.
Like the post-apocolyptal kind or dystopian Hunger Games-y?
Mostly post-apocalyptic. But I've seen a few dystopian RPs that looked pretty interesting.
XD hah, just out of curiosity, do you watch The Walking Dead. I feel like that would be your cup of tea.
Haha. I used to. I followed all the way to the end of season 2. After awhile it just felt like a soap opera with the occasional zombie attack, so I stopped watching it.
Yeah, I tried to start watching it in the middle of season three (I have this weird habit of watching a few episodes in the middle of a series before watching it from the beginning) and I was really bored with it. I heard season one was really good, but I doubt I'll watch it. I love zombie shows/movies but I'm more interested in placing bets on who's going to die next rather than watching people try and survive. I'm twisted like that.
Yeah, it got pretty boring for me. Now I just ask my friend which characters are dying and which ones are still alive. Lol. I'm waiting to see who will be the only survivor from the original group.
I think it'll be the little boy and his dad, probably. They seem like permanent main characters. I was surprised to hear the mom died though, but everybody hated her so I guess I shouldn't be. Lol.
Yeah, she was turning into a real bitch. I think you're right about the kid and the dad though. As much as I disliked Rick's character, it looks like he is going to stay.
I hate it when you end up hating a main character in a book or show though because they're the only one you know won't get killed off. That happened to me with The Vampire Diaries (don't judge me. I'm ashamed enough as it is). The main character is like a Mary Sue that needs everyone to save her. I keep telling myself I'll stop watching it after the next episode but I've been saying that since the pilot episode so yeah… I'm pathetic when it comes to vampire stuff. I just get sucked (no pun intended) in. It took all my will power not to join the Twilight craze. It's sad, really.
I like it when characters die off in a story, even better if it's a main character that dies. It just makes the show/book that much more realistic.

Ha. I won't judge you for watching Vampire Diaries, but don't you dare start with Twilight. Something about those sparkly vampires just pisses me off.
I don't think I've ever read or watched a story where the main character dies off. Hmmm, maybe in a horror movie, actually, but that's it.

Yeah, I did watch the first movie since I'm a firm believer in not knocking something 'til you try it, but I got really confused when he started sparkling. I don't really understand how the concept of a sparkling vampire makes any sense...
Hey There, Welcome to Iwaku, Hope your holidays are warm and happy ^_^
Hmm. It's something you more likely to see if you're watching/reading something that has multiple main characters.

I didn't really understand the sparkly vampire thing either. I like the classic vampires much more. Sunlight = Death
Very true. Something you'd see in A Game of Thrones! See, I have some good taste in tv shows XD

And yeah, my classic vampire story is definitely an Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice. That is what a vampire should be.
Oh god Game of Thrones. That's a really good example. Main character die left and right and I love it!

I've never heard of that movie. I'll have to watch it.
Ahhh, The Red Wedding! Ahhh! That was pretty funny. It would've been awful for me if I'd been attached to any of the characters there but, luckily, I wasn't. It left a bit of a plot hole though which was saddening because I liked the idea of the war between the Lannisters and the Starks.

It's a pretty good movie. An even better book. My favorite character was Claudia, a vampire trapped in a five year old's body because that's when she was turned. She'd lure people in by pretending to be a lost little girl and then bite them while they were hugging her. She's one of my role models, right up there next to Anne Boleyn and Marie Antoinette.
Ha. The entire time I was watching that episode I knew something felt off about it. Then BAM slaughterhouse! Key characters were just dropping like flies.

A child vampire? Those are the best. Definitely going to check it out now.
Yep! I was pretty shocked though. I felt like it was kind of cruel to kill that many characters off especially since they all had so much potential. And then poor Arya was so close to being reunited with her mother and brother but, alas, it was not to be. I think she's cursed.

They certainly are. Creepy little suckers though.