Hetalia Roleplay

Germany frowns "sure why do you add guns to that list as well" "Germany and Russia are geting scary" Italy said hiding behind Canada
Russia raises his hands to dismiss the thought. "No, no, not my servant, my friend." He turns to Canada, "If you came and lived in my house, though, I would help protect you from being beaten up because people think you are America. Right, Lithuania?" he asks, turning towards the small country, who then begins to shiver in fear. "Y-yes, M- Mr. Russia!"
"I-I... I guess so..." Canada glanced over to his brother with a soft sigh.

(Anyone want to be England? Otherwise I will be claiming him too XD)
"hey pike on someone your size" Italy said but still hides behind canada.

(go for it love)
Hungary slams her fist on the table. "Shut up Russia! Canada don't listen to him. He's nice here but when you go live at his place then your not going to like it. Russia I swear if you say another word I will do something I haven't done in a while!"
Russia simply turns his head slowly towards Italy, still with the creepy, blissful smile on his face.
England nodded. "Russia, if you don't leave my bloody kid alone..." he trailed off, glaring at Russia.
Gurmany looked at Hungary ."in what year have you ever done something?" he asked
Hungary glares at Germany. "Excuse me?!" She glares back at Russia. "Don't try and scare Italy! You pry on the weak and that's just cruel!"
During the chaos, Canada silently made his way over to America, frowning. "U-u-um, Alfred?" Matthew asked softly.
"Pick on someone your own bloody size, twit!" England growled. Then he smirked. "Or France."
wow didnt see that coming and this is all about Canada" he said charkling but stops him self
Italy screamed."noooooooo not France" Italy hid behind Germany
America glares at England. "He is my own size and so are you!" He goes back to eating his 10th hamburger and wrappers are piled up in front of him.
(I don't know if they are the same size or not.)
Russia looked surprised. "I am not trying to scare him. I simply smiled, that is all. I will scare him later and then watch his reaction as I rip off the faces of everyone else and use them as masks at Halloween."

(I think they're similar size... England is shorter lol XD His kiddies outgrew him)

England glared back. "Shut up, America! The least you could do was pay attention to your brother once in a while!"
"America?" Canada asked again, poking his shoulder gently.
(o-o That picture of Russia)
Italy was freaking out. "Hey i am the only on thats alowed scear and freak out is Italy" Germany said walking up to Russia ready to kick his ass
Russia turned to Germany with an innocent look on his face. "Calm, down, Germany, I am not trying to start a fight."
well i hope to start it and ended if you scare my Italy i will kill you." he said and gose back to Italy and keeps him close
Russia turns to France. "I've never seen Germany so defensive about Italy before."

((somebody play France!))
Hungary stand up, walks over to Russia, and slaps him across the face. "I'm on Germany's side for this. I've been waiting for someone to kick your ass, hard."
"A-America?" Canada repeated for the third time, and poked his brother's cheek.