Heroes: The Wonder Boy

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"I'm a bioengineered weapon. I fly and I punch things. And I'm capable of tearing through a standard bulkhead with my bare hands. I guess you'd call me the front line fighter. I can also serve as an excellent distraction, if you need one."
Yes. He is strange, but have you seen the rest of our group?

You know what I am.

The Crinis says coldly. He was used to this kind before. The Crinis race was not one to be looked highly upon. His people produced one of the most horrendous villains to plague the galaxy. The followers of that conqueror still hold dear to their great leader's ideals, and have given the entire race a bad name. Aach-Ti was to overcome the foulness associated with the Crinis. He is the bastion of hope for his people and their place in the galaxy. Still, there would be some who rope Aach-Ti in with others. The only response is action, not words.

I carry no equipment, and I fight with the weapons of the Crinis warriors of old.
Sek giggled for a moment after the Crinis made his first statement.
Still smiling he talks as if he where being interviewed, "Well, I have personal flight, & I've been trained in "Defensive Turaga Style" so I can protect some one should things get hectic, I have an excellent control over my Cosmic Ki, so I can do crowd control. Also, either me or Star could fly the ship."

Seeing the look on Kallard's face, he clarifies,
"Star and I have our own transport starship, that we made into a fightin ship. Also we got our own personal armory there. Mostly Star's other power armor suits. We did store some of the...uuhhh....'Anti Devil Rifles' or somthing along those lines? Remember when we picked up the ninja-bot?"

None of you have ever heard of "Turaga" or 'Cosmic Ki', as opposed to regular Ki. However, you can make educated guesses.
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He doesn't respond further to the Crinis. He may hate the race, but the job was more important than a personal vendetta, and so long as the Crinis didn't get in the way of completing the mission. He wouldn't give his hatred a second thought until after it was complete.

"Yes. I can work with that." he says, as his eyes close, giving the impression of deep thought. After a few silent moments, his eyes open. "Okay, you probably know a bit about the compound and it's make up from the data I sent you. What I'm proposing is a Snatch and Grab, but it's going to require a lot of precision on all of our ends. If you think you're up to it. I'll fill in the details." he finishes, his tone more calm now, but still maintains it's professionalism.
"Wait wait wait, just who are you? I mean, I consider myself to be a trusting guy, but we literally just met you. How do we know you're not setting us for a trap with Wym?"
The man pulls an ISP Investigation Agent badge from one of his pockets And tosses it to Sek.

Special Agent Kallard Drayton.
Cold Case Division, Argus Sector, planet Omikron.

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Sek caught the badge and examined, "Ok, it seems authentic."
Throwing the badge back he says, "So you have information on the place....?"
"Let me hear that others are on board, first. They deserve that much. Also means I won't hear complaining When I tell my plan" Kallard says.
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Just tell us the plan Agent.

Aach-Ti said, again out loud. His human was garbled and rough, but it got the job done. Standing with his arms crossed, and his chin held high, he stared Agent Crow down.

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"I guess I'm in if we're all in." Ansel cricked his neck and scratched idly at the back of his head. All this posturing was beginning to bore him. Again.
Shadow nodded silent. His attention was spread throughout the tunnels, feeling through the shadows for any kind of possible intrusion.
There was a purpose behind Kallard having everyone verbally agree to the plan. He was conditioning them. Give a group of strangers a common purpose or a common enemy, and they would start to work together without much coercion. Now they had both. Even though, he was fairly certain that they were here for Mentat anyway, it still reinforced the point, and had them subconsciously add Kallard to the collective effort.

"Before I start, I have a question for you" he motions to Shadow. "I'm aware you have teleportation abilities, from the video footage of you attempting to probe the shield. My question is, can you teleport others along with yourself?"
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He nodded, crossing his arms. "I can, up to about 1,000 pounds."
"I shall give the initial briefing for Operation Able Authority." Kallard Says before motioning everyone over towards the paper. map of Mentat's compound.

"Right, First we'll start with the situation." Kallard says, delivering the brief as if he was back in the military.

"Enemy forces consist of around 130 men, plus some automated rocket turrets for point defense. Generally, from observation, about 60 men stay on site at all times, with another 70 men off site. The average time it took for the offsite units to return to the compound was 5 minutes. Five sentries maintain the perimeter of each side the building from the roof top. The rest are distributed among the rooms inside. Those inside switch guard posts ever 15 minutes, checking the halls as they do. I'd estimate about 25% of the guards show military style training. Those men always seemed to be armed with ERGO Corp ERL-115 Laser PDW's. While, not powerful enough to burn through armor as effectively as a full on military grade laser weapons, they're still more than enough to instantly flash boil your blood and make you regret having skin. The rest appear to little more than thugs most likely recruited locally. They're primarily armed with ERGO Corp EMP-29 sub machine guns, and ERGO Corp EPH 909 handguns." he pause for a moment.

"It's extremely unlike for Mentat to acquire such high end weapons, let alone laser weapons, unless they were being backed by the ERGO Corp, which my intelligence is highly suggestive of. Enough for the company to get seriously fined, if word got out. It's possible that if we don't get in and out by my time hack, not only will we have to deal with another company of guards, but we may have to deal with ERGO combat droids. I have thought of a contingency for that happenstance, but I'd rather avoid having to use it."

"Enemy's most likely response will to initially hold position until reinforcement arrives, in which case, I suspect they will attempt to utilize their superior numbers to encircle the attack force. Their most dangerous course of action would be to unlease the Gene Hazard they have locked up by Mentat's room. The thing is big, green and mean. Looked bigger than him" he says looking at Ansel. "I have no idea what it's capabilities are, but if I were to wager, I'd say it's really fucking strong and tough as Ferro-Fibrous armor plating. ROE for that mutant is not to engage and avoid at all costs. I'm sure that we could probably neutralize it as a team, it would likely cost us more time than is permissible"

He takes another pause.

"Now, we move on to Friendly Forces.

For this operation there will be two fireteams: Firetime Alpha and Fireteam Bravo.

Fireteam Alpha will consister of: Ansel, Sek and Star.
Fireteam Bravo will consist of Shadow, Aach-Ti, and myself.

Finally, we get to the mission.

The intent of the mission is a snatch-and-grab, and as previously stated, it will be facilitated by two fireteams. I will emphasize. MENTAT IS TO BE SECURED ALIVE.

5 mike prior to start of Operation, Fireteam Alpha will take concealed positions by the eastern side of the compound.

Approximately one mike before start of Operation, Shadow will teleport and abduct one of the guards. His keycard will be tactically acquired, and then he will be neutralized. Bravo will then insert ear pro(ear plugs)

at operation start, Fireteam Alpha will then provide a distraction by launching an all out assault on the eastern side of the compound. I'm talking about being as loud and spectacular as possible. This action will draw out the guard from their posts to the side that Fireteam Alpha is attacking.

at T+60 seconds, Fireteam Bravo will then teleport to the southside entrace, and gain access past the shield with the keycard. Once past the shield, Fireteam Bravo will then teleport into Mentat's room. Bravo will then close their eyes for approximately six seconds as I will throw flashbang grenades at Mentat. Once the flashbangs detonate, Fireteam Bravo will quickly neutralize and black bag Mentat before teleporting to the soutside entrance. The keycard will be used to exit the compound, and the shield. Bravo will then teleport, with Mentat, to a designated safe point: here. Mentat will be secured by Aach-Ti and Myself.

at T+180 seconds, Fireteam Alpha will withdraw to extraction point, where Shadow will be waiting to take them back to the designated safe area. The Extraction Point is the same concealed area Alpha took position at prior to the start of the operation.

ROE for Fireteam Alpha during operation is engage at will. ROE for Bravo will to avoid engagement if possible. Are there any questions?" He finishes, looking over the 'team' assembled before him. It had been awhile since the last time he gave an OPORD. Didn't think he'd ever do so again. Life is funny that way, he callously thinks to himself.
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Aach-Ti takes a couple of steps forward and begins to speak. As he talks, he paces back and forth in front of the group,

Sounds like something I would come up with.

I do have a few questions and amendments.

One. Shadow can extract us all the way to the ship. If we start both teams on the ship out in the middle of space, Shadow can get the keycard, drop both teams, and extract us all without being on the planet's surface for more than a couple of minutes.

Two. Wym knows Shadow can teleport. That being said, he will expect an assault inside the station, rather than us bursting in through the outer walls. We will have to make a show with both teams in the distraction in order to make it believable. After a moment or two, we can jump over to where we think Wym is and take him by surprise.

Three. We still have a barrier to get through, though you would not be wasting our time if you did not have a way around it, unless that is what the keycard is for.

Four. Mrs. Blake is a highly capable member of the team, and I see that she in not on either team.

And Five. Shadow, You, and I are assaulting Wym. You have not told me what it is that makes you capable of taking down such an enemy.
"I have observed that when the keycards are used to gain entry, it creates a temporary breach in the shield in the door way to walk through.

Two, the blue prints I have of the compound show only two entries to Mentat's room. Both are in camera coverage. It's plausible, but unlikely, that he'll be able to move forces into his room without our knowing.

Three. I had thought of that as well, however, it occured to me that having half of the assaulting force instantly disappear would be significantly more suspicious.

Four, I assume Miss Blake was the woman with you at the diner? Is she your team's handler? If so, ask her why I'd be suited. I'm sure her academy status could get that answer. Otherwise, I'm not at liberty to tell you why I'm suited for the task, beyond thay I have a decade of combat experience and training from my time in the Federation Army, as well as an arsenal of skills at my disposal."
"So we have two teams, a fighting team, and a sneaky team. What if the second team needs some extra fire power against Wym, or the muscle thing? Cause I wanna volunteer to be that guy!"

He spoke with the same enthusiasm an excited child would have about going to an amusement park.
Shadow sat, carefully thinking the plan out to see if he could find any holes in it himself. "This all seems risky. Like there's something we aren't taking into account, but I can't tell what. There's something that feels off about it all. But moving on, we could perhaps include Mrs. Blake and Sek in our group, and leave them to continue putting on a show while Aach-Ti and I split off. And he is correct in stating that I can easily teleport that range, though teleporting planetside and then immediately back would be a bit of a stretch. I'd need a few seconds to gather myself. But once that doorway is open, I can get anywhere I want inside their compound. That is...." Shadow paused for a moment. "There are two problems I see. There could be another forcefield around the room Wym is in, keeping us out, that could require higher security clearance. And another, a little problem at the very beginning. The last time I attempted to bring a, shall we say, "unwilling" passenger with me when I teleported, I failed to drag them along. I think we should find a way to eliminate that risk from occurring again."
Ansel spoke up. "I don't exactly hide very well. I'm sure you understand. So perhaps those two could hide nearby, but I'd have a tough time of it. I propose that I wait in high atmosphere instead, and when we're ready to begin..." Ansel slammed one fist into an open palm. "I come down like a hammer. I guarantee it'll draw some attention."
Mrs. Blake is our handler, and controls mystical powers rather than what the rest of us have.
She is more than capable of handling herself.

As for your abilities, what gives you the right to ask of our capabilities and not share yours?
We appreciate the intel, but you have to meet the same standards you set for us officer.
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