Heroes: The Wonder Boy

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Ansel viciously beheads the pirate that managed to wound him via a karate chop to the neck before continuing to beat down the rest.
Shadow dissipated the decoy and readied his weapon again. "What importance is my name to you?" He asked. "At the end of this, one of us will be gone."
Aach-Ti runs in front of Sek, punching the pirate who shot the man with his mind.
"I like to remember the details of worthy foes." [/I] His voice is starting to become filled with more and more anger as he speaks.He then charges at you from across the room, dashing almost as fast as you could blink. He stabs at Shadow, and cuts your cheek. Any closer and he would have killed you. You feel the blood running from your face.

Ansel flies at the individual pirate using his hand to crack his neck into dust. The pirate's body flies off into the distance.
Now that Sek was out of the way, the dust cleared to see the remaining four pirates all around, Ansel, firing away at him. the lasers do not damage him, but they manage to move him about.

Aach-Ti ran up to Sek and threw a mental blast at the pirate shot wounded the kid. The pirate's mind shattered from Aach-Ti's blast as he fell to the ground in a coma.
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Shadow lunged forward as he saw his opponent charge, driving his knee into his chest as he felt the blade cut his cheek. He phased through the other man and put some distance between them before creating shadow walls again and using the light to heal his wounds.

Become Insubstantial, Darkness Control: Create Object, Light Control: Recovery
Ansel crushes another pirate, trying to keep himself between Sek and the pirates.
Aach-Ti continues his attacks upon the pirates using he telekinesis.
Your wounds heal quickly, and you are ready for action. You hear some unintelligible voices over an electronic communicator. He turns to you and says, "We will continue in a moment." He runs off into another part of the ship.

Ansel & Aach-Ti mentally & physically breaks two of the pirates, as the other two start running away, not firing back.
One of them starts shouting into a communicator.
You can tell that they are calling for help

Seconds later you see an armored man dash from where the pirates are running to, slashing at Ansel. His sword lands directly upon his neck. However it does not hurt, it barely even cuts him.

Suddenly, a light behind you starts up and slightly blinds the two of you. The both of you notice Sek is standing and well, the blood on the floor still dripping from his healed body. He reaches both hands out and fires a rapid fire amount of blue and black energy. The armored man deflects several blasts, but a few manage to land. The attacks seem to send him stepping backwards, but overall do not cause any long term harm.

The group is in front of him, with Ansel the closest, Sek in front of, and next to Aach-ti
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Ansel grabs the armored man by the throat and throws him at the ground before jumping onto his chest with both feet.
Shadow teleported into the room along with them, studying the situation as he kicked one of the pirates into the room be had come from and closed the door, saving him for Aach-Ti.
Aach-Ti telepathically looked about to see how many are left.
Waiting a moment, he begins throwing the pirates into the way of Ansel and Sek, keeping them from getting their footing.
After the armored man deflects the blasts from Sek, Ansel grabs him be the neck. In a spastic motion, the armored man twists his body and head to narrowly escape your grasp.
He backs off and makes an aimed attempt at decapitation. He misses by a few inches however as you leaned back to avoid the attack.

Shadow phases into the room making a kick at one of the fleeing pirates, sending him onto the ground with a bloody nose. the pirate next to him screams and in a panic fires wildly at Shadow. He manages to dodge the blaster shots. the lasers fly past every one in the room.

As the lasers fly, so does the pirate who shot them. He is sent flying over to Ansel & the armored man. Sek stands infront of Aach-Ti and fires some of his blasts, this time in a focused single attack, hitting the flying pirate in the air. the pirates ashes sprinkle themselves over Ansel & the armored man.

(From you Assessment Feat) Both you and him realize that if you where to be hit by that sword, or he where to be hurt by your strength, the fight would be over all to quickly.

As you teleport into the room making a kick at the pirate, you see Ansel & the mechanical ninja from before are now facing off. Sek is next to Aach-Ti, aiming his hands at the opponent. You see several corpses and a few piles of what you can only assume is what used to be other pirates.

Including the two pirates in the room with you, there are seven left. The other five are on their way to your location, they'll be there in a few seconds. (1 round)
Also, you hear Sek saying in his head "To answer your question from before, 'Tik' is part of the name of a blasting attack I named. the full thing is 'Tik-Roash-Shra' I say these words to show i'm putting more power into it."
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"Damn, you guys have really done a number on them..." Shadow said, looking around and taking care once more not to look directly at Ansel. Upon spotting his opponent, Shadow readied himself again, tossing up a wall of hard-light between Ansel and the armored man. "What happened to one on one, you dishonorable bastard?" Shadow asked, less than second before teleporting behind the man and thrusting his blade at the center of his back while he reeled from Ansel's attempted grab.
Ansel punched the wall heavily, aiming to bring it down. "Back off, pintsize, this one is the first who didn't tear like paper the first time I laid a hand on him. I got dibs."
"Will you children stop?" Aach-Ti sighs. Thinking quickly, he decides that with the influx of more enemies, Aach-Ti would have to take Ansel and Shadow's toy away before they hurt each other.

Telekinesis Grapple attack.
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Sek starts shouting, "Guys, we can share him can't we?!?"

Ansel punches the wall of hard light into pieces before it faded away into regular light. Shadow was slightly and physically disturbed by the breaking, shaking it off. He then makes an attempt to impale the armored man in the back. However, the armored man flings his sword to Shadow, blocking the attack, while being lifted by Aach-Ti's telekineses. Just after the lifting, six pirates came from where the other two ran off and began firring wildly at the group.

Ansel manages to dodge one of the shots, but the other catches him in the face, heavily damaging him. He could taste his own blood, but could feel his blood boil hotter then the pain inflicted upon him.

Shadow is hit by one of the shots from the pirates, tearing apart his flesh. Where most men would die, this one remained barely conscious.

The last of the pirates fire past the group and at Sek & Aach-Ti. The blasts coming at Sek he was able to avoid, but one manages to land on the Crinis. Not killing him, but making him unconscious.

At that moment, the armored man dashed up to Aach-Ti, attempting the final blow seeing as he could fight him from afar.
Sek, gritted his teeth and began moving. First he stepped in front of his friend and healed the alien back brining him back. As the armored man dashed, Sek pulled out the mechanical device at his side, with a push of a button a yellow beam of plasma shot out into a blade.

Aach-Ti wakes up to find Sek holding his blade against the droid's blade. It pulled his sword back and made several strikes upon Sek. Using a two handed fencing style, he was able to block them all, the boy saw the two of the other pirates running the armored man's aid. Leaving Shadow in the dust, one of them helping the bloody noes pirate, and the last three aiming at Ansel.

As you wake up from the Sek healing you, you hear his surface thoughts. "You will not harm my only friend!" You can feel an unusual amount of anger come from him.
Also, you notice Sek's fighting style was amazingly refined. He definitely had training, but not from Mistress Blake.

The pirates all believe you to be dead. the two going after Sek, and the armored man, have their backs to you. the three after Ansel are have you to the left.
You also notice that Sek's fighting style is very similar to how ancient Samurai fought.

As you recoil from the blast to the face, you can hear a voice in your head. "the droid is yours to kill. Yet your dark ally wishes to have him for yourself..."
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Shadow opened his eyes barely, creating a barrier of shadows where his cloak had been before. Beneath the shadows, he used the light to heal his wounds. As he did, he watched Sek fight, to see if he could learn anything about combat or the opponent's weakness.
"I'll crush you, vermin!" Ansel roared, speeding toward the droid, uncaring who was telling him to crush it. Ansel made to crush its chest with a massive fist.
Springing up and bolting behind cover, Aach-Ti hides as he attempts to control the pirate who shot him. This is not before speaking into the man's mind,
"Shoot me will you? I will enjoy this."

Then, speaking to Sek,
"Thank you.. Friend."

Mind Switch on the pirate that shot him.
I will look for a grenade and light it in the center of the pirates.
If he doesn't have one, I will have him run into the meat grinder Ansel.
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