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I was referring to Rouge's character, he looks, well, exactly like yours
Nope the villain he just posted and your second character
No because this is specifically my character. I have used him before. He is one of my mains. Just changed a few things to fit the role play.
So we can have a complete look a likes then?
Fine I'll fucking delete him. Whatever.
I didn't mean you had to delete him, I mean it is your roleplay. It just might be a bit of a weird thing if they both just showed up looking exactly the same
Well he's from Uta No Prince Sama but I've been specifically saving him. He's one of my mains but whatever. I deleted him. Too late. Idc. I do but... Whatever. I'm Too kissed off to really speak without spouting every curse word known to man
Ah Yeah I took my one from Uta No Prince Sama as well ^^;;

We could have look a likes though I don't mind Rogue~ I even have some ideas we can play with if you wanted to hear them~
When I first found him, I didn't specifically know he was from Uta No Prince Sama. I liked the picture and I liked the character I created from him even more. I was only really a fan of the first season. the girl kinda pissed me off and by the second season, I was about to punch her in the face. The guys I had no problem with.
I already deleted the character though. I have a headache on the brink of a migraine and I feel like my anxiety and depression are literally killing me.
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Haha have to agree with you there~ I wanted her to just choose one...... I watched the second season and fell in love with Quartet Night >////< So yeah I use them alot~

If you say so~ But if you did want to use him then I have an idea~
Ok lets hear it now that I have calmed down.
OK. I'll be sitting here trying to nurse my migraine with drugs that don't seem to be helping.

Aliciana "Alice" Lucia Ferano
Light Manipulation (Photokinesis)
Her powers.
.:Sexual Preference:.
.:Work Place:.
Still in school.
Alice is a very caring person. She likes to see the good in everyone, and she thinks that everyone can be saved, no matter what. She defends anyone she feels needs defending, and she's always there to be a shoulder to cry on. She will never hurt people if she can help it, but if she has to fight she absolutely will. Despite this good nature, she can be overprotective and can often disregard her safety while trying to help others, and she has a serious temper if anyone hurts someone else in front of her. She won't hesitate to go after someone who's going after another person, whether it's just a kid being mean to her friend or someone else, or a villain about to hurt someone seriously. She likes an organized mess, and she's very artistic and creative. She refuses to believe that there are people who can't be saved, and she firmly feels that throwing people in jail and leaving them to rot there is wrong, and this can put her in harm's way as she may try to help a villain be a better person rather than simply put them behind bars. It does depress her, but she does recognize that SSS and SS villains probably will not want her help and so she lately has stopped trying to help them, although she persists with everyone below them. She doesn't fathom how people can hurt another person, and while she understands lashing out after being hurt, she doesn't condone it and she will never understand needless and senseless violence. She is easily upset and can't stand the sight of someone else's blood or a dead body, and she tends to cry a lot over small things like the seasons changing or dropping an apple on the floor. Despite this, she has a very strong heart, and she will never be deterred from standing up for people or helping anyone she can. Civilians always come first in any situation, and rather than fighting the villain she's often the one trying to attend medically to any injured people.
There's not really much to say about Alice. She was born into a family that migrated to America from Italy, and as a result she speaks Italian as a second language, but she didn't inherit the darker skin of her mother, rather the lighter skin of her father and her father's red hair and amber eyes. She's always been a friendly person and she fit in rather well in school, and she's never really known loss or hurt except for when her gerbil died when she was ten, and she cried for days over the gerbil. When she awoke with powers, she felt she had to try and help those who'd been hurt and those who were hurting others, because she assumed for them to be hurting others they must be hurting themselves or something of the like. She finds it difficult to understand the fact that there are people called sociopaths and psychopaths who hurt because they can and because they enjoy it. She still lives at home and hasn't felt the need to give up anything to be a hero.
- caring
- smart
- brave
- medical knowledge
- strong on the inside
- friendly
- protective

- overprotective
- is likely to get herself hurt trying to help others
- can overwork herself
- cries easily
- can't stand blood
- does not understand villains
- tries to help villains
- naive

- being unable to help people
- dying and leaving everyone she cares for behind
- being severely injured
- doing the wrong thing
- hurting someone

She has plenty of friends in school and a great relationship with her parents, and her best friend is named Carrie Adema, but she doesn't have a girlfriend at the moment.


Taylor Jezebel Marco
S criminal
Darkness Manipulation (Umbrakinesis)
Personal Reality
Nothing but what she makes out of shadows and her ability to force people into her personal reality, which she controls completely.
.:Sexual Preference:.
Asexual, biromantic.
.:Work Place:.
She's a villain; she doesn't want or need a real job, and anyway, she'd still be stuck in school if she hadn't dropped out.
Taylor's about as amoral as seventeen year olds come. She tends to take what she wants and have little regard for others, unless they're a child or an animal. She takes a certain sick pride in killing people, but only ones who remind her of her father. She flies under the radar using her powers, and she's very secretive and careful. She trusts no one, and she's not exactly a happy person; actually, Taylor's rather angry and hurt. She's hotheaded and it doesn't take much for her to want to hurt someone, everything seems like a slight to her and it doesn't take much to make her explode. She's kind of a twisted person right now and her favorite thing is chaos, at least currently. When talking to people, Taylor tends to be very sarcastic and sardonic. While perfectly willing to hurt adults, and kill them, she would never hurt a child or an animal, and seeing anyone else do such a thing is enough to send her into a rage. Despite her constant anger, she's very cool and collected on the surface, and she's very manipulative and good at getting people to trust her, assuming they don't realize who she is, which is pretty easy, because no one has actually seen her in action yet. Taylor is also highly intelligent and she's usually pretty calculating despite the constant rage simmering under the surface--the only thing that makes her lose control is mention of her father. Deep down inside, Taylor knows what she's doing is wrong and is really just hurting a lot, and desperately lashing out at everyone around her to make it stop. Taylor also suffers from depression that's gone largely untreated. For children and animals, Taylor has a softer, sweeter side, without all the anger, and she's very protective of their innocence and will go out of her way for animals and children. She only attacks those she perceives as abusive or harmful, and while she does stop some things, like once stopping a group of teenage boys from raping a girl (and then killing the boys), she has a very skewed perception of what's harmful and what's not, and she'll go after adults whose only crime is grabbing a child by the arm a bit roughly because the kid was throwing a tantrum.
Taylor's mother died when she was very young, and she was abused, both physically and sexually, by her father, from the time that she was young. No one ever believed Taylor when she tried to tell about it once, because her father was such an upstanding citizen. Growing up, Taylor began to feel angry at the world for letting her father do such terrible things to her, and so every time he did something to her, she did something to someone else. She started getting into fights in school and hurting other kids, and stealing things. When she woke up with powers, she immediately viewed it as her way of being able to get retribution from the world. The first person Taylor went after and killed was her father, and since then she's been attacking adults and anyone who gets in her way left and right.
- intelligent
- great at manipulating people
- good at flying under the radar
- careful
- collected and calculating
- strong powers
- personal reality to escape to

- untrusting
- light makes her weaker
- mention of her father sends her into a berserk rage
- her past constantly haunts her
- pride
- sociopathic tendencies
- loner
- has severe depression

- her father
- being caught
- trusting people
- someone with light powers
- mental torture

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We already have two fire users, so I am not sure we should have another, because well, we don't want to many pyromaniacs running around
True. How about light manipulators? If not then I'll go find something else.
I don't think we have any
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