Heroes in the Making OOC Discussion

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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you're not dumbasses so don't say that! D:

Anyways I'll post next... Eventually. Today. I promise
Posted, sorry for the wait everybody. We're finally getting this roleplay moving along so everyone, let's get some posts in!!
sorry for short, ingame time constraints blocked me.

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Mitch, how long did it take you to find the perfect picture for that joke?
It's Usagi. Ten to one it didn't take much at all.
That's a good point, she squees pretty hard on a semi consistent basis
Steps i took for that joke:
1: Read the post.
2: Saw the moment to strike.
3: ????????????
4: Typed "Anime Heart Eyes .GIF" into Google.
I didn't post about it here, but my laptop had a fan problem... that I fixed today! I'll get a post up asap! ^v^
Posted with a collab from TacoMako since he was sitting right next to me while I typed this -_-
you say that like we didn't meet up specifically to do that
[BCOLOR=#808080]"So that means you're invulnerable or something, right?" That would explain the fall, but it must be tested to be confirmed. and before he knew it the words, "You have to try and harm yourself to be sure."[/BCOLOR]

Germain turns to Kieth with a beaming smile and says, "I was thinking the same Keith, and I know just how to test her too."

Then hurry up and write a post.

Someone else, hurry and put a post before this happens
Clara is gonna shoot Alice. That ought to work. I'm working on it
I planned this long before I started writing it.
Bow and arrow?
Missile launcher?
Who knows
I'm feeling like it might be time for the first ever Germain + an unwilling alice = gravity cannonball
Teamwork for the win.
That's usually the best kind, and the screaming enhances the fear factor.
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