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The Demon King
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Every day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Transgender
Horror, Paranormal, Comedy, Action, Magical, Fantasy, Modern, School, and Romance.
He escapes the science lab and ends up crossing her path when he hides out in her shed. It is obvious that he is different and... They were meant to cross paths.

-Character Sheet-
Name: Ares Nightwing *doesn't know his last name*
*Other Name(s): Project 207*

Age: 23

Height: 6'3"

Body Type: Muscular/Athletic

Scars: A few battle scars on his body

Birthday: October 31st

Sign: Scorpio

Fear: N/A

Occupation: Unemployed, he has been in a CIA science lab for years.

Hobbies: Training, Fighting and causing Destruction. Its all he really knows in all honesty.

Abilities: Incredibly strong, flying, super hearing. All in all tested on to become the perfect killing machine.

Personality: He is tough, certainly rough around the edges but he needed to in order to survive 18 years of absolute hell. He is stubborn, short tempered and without a doubt underestimates his own strength and sometimes accidentally breaks things. He has never been shown any kind of kindness, all most of his life he has grown up in a science lab. Of course that doesn't mean he didn't have his... Fun with some of the other female experiments. And even some of the female scientist. However he doesn't think he will ever understand what love is. Once you get into his heart he is the most loyal and sweet and caring man you would ever meet.

Bio: Even when he was first born his parents knew he was different... He had special abilities. And a CIA agent took special interest in the young infant. Felt he could use him towards evil. Taken from his parents at the age of 5. His distraught parents did everything in their power to find him, but the CIA agent was very good at cleaning his tracks. With that Ares was tested on, creating him into the ultimate fighting machine to destroy all the people he felt had wronged him. Little did he know Ares had no desire to hurt the innocent. Only the evil. For that he was beaten as a child however, he quickly learned self defense and killed the first trainer that tried 'disciplining' him. Of course he remained trapped... That is until now.

Looks: Both Anime and Real Version. Get to choose which one you wanna RP with! :)



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Yea! Just put up a CS! :)
Am I okay to post a CS?
Name: Skylar Anne Porter

Age: 20

Height: 5'5"

Body Type: fit/athletic

Scars: many small scars down right arm and leg

Birthday: April 10

Sign: Aries

Fear: cars, spiders

Occupation: writer/artist

Hobbies: painting, reading, writing, photography

Abilities: rock climbing, writing, medical aide

Personality: She is reticent, though once she opens up she can be talkative. She is an introvert but she likes seeing new places. She is caring and often takes in hurt animals to nurse them back to health, releasing them back to the wild when they are ready.

Bio: When she was about 11 her family was in a car accident, she was the only survivor though even her survival was touch and go for a while. She had gotten cut up by the glass all along her right side, the worst on her arm and leg. Once she was well enough, she was sent to live with her uncle, her only living relative. He worked for a secret facility as a scientist though that information was kept from her as she grew up and finished school. When she graduated she was able to get access to her parents, now her, money and was able to buy a house of her own and started writing and painting. She would often go out for days or weeks to get to new places to paint them, climbing mountains or taking a ship out to sea to get to where she needed to be to get the pictures or paintings she wanted then coming back home to rest and prepare for the next trip that took her fancy.
