Henry: Iwaku Edition

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I agree. But like, my account is still only like... a week old? If that?

I'm sure I'll adjust.
Don't worry. It took me a year (most of that time (11 months) I didn't even log onto Tumblr) to figure it out.
We'll make the ship happen together. :D
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Now that she knows that I have a Tumblr and that I follow her, she keeps saying things like "Kaga look at this" when she reblogs stuff she thinks I'd like. And then she tells me to reblog things. And now apparently she threatens to eat paper when I don't reblog things. O_o
A common thing that strikes pregnant women.

*Checks Tumblr*

Henry posts so little! ;A;
While Kaga posts more than Sherlock and Doctor Who Combined! ;A;
She rarely has internet access now that she's out of college.

I only brought up her postings that other night cuz she did happen to be online at that moment.

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.
Means you posts a lot. Also, that you MAY, just MAY, either be a) being shipped in a homosexual relationship by a fandom (which happens a LOT in Sherlock), or b) be shipped in a threesome by a fandom (Doctor Who)

obviously, A) has already happened

I volunteer myself to make B) a reality

Taking one for the team! You're welcome, Iwaku!
It means your more active than a Sherlock and a Doctor Who Tumblr page combined.
It means your more active than a Sherlock and a Doctor Who Tumblr page combined.

I guarantee you could find a Doctor Who or Sherlock blog that posts more often than I do. O.o


So this is a point of discussion.
This keeps reminding me to check Tumblr. XD
Also, Gwazi, Henry's ready to tear you a new one for one of your reblogs. And I agree it was just a tad dickish. >:/

*Re-looks at it*

Oh... that one tumblr post had a different meaning than I thought it did. :/
Oops, sorry. :(
Seriously though, Gwazi, tone it down.

Joking around is one thing, but when she's not very attuned to the jokes it comes off much more as harassment. You're kind of upsetting her.

I sort of regret feeding all this shipping fuel, now. >:/

Edit: I am referring not just to the John Lennon post, but also to... well, really all your shipping-related comments. And all the "moe", too.
*Hangs head down in shame*

Sorry... :(

*Toning it down*
See Gwazi? That's why you write in the tags. No one ever looks at the tags.

But in all serious, I haven't seen what Gwazi has written when he reblogs stuff from you, so I can't comment on any of what was just said. But yeah, maybe toning it down a bit, especially when it isn't in this thread, is a good idea.
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