Hell Fire

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Rayne let's out a low ferial growl "take your hands off of me." She yanks her leg away jumping up getting ready to turn into her wolf form. She glares at Rotter before saying " I was simply going for a walk, I'm tired of all the snobs in inmortalis they're all stuck up. Maybe if you went to the bar you'd actually find somebody who's looking for a fight. I'm not tonight jus somebody to talk to" she glares at him waiting for a reply ready to turn at a moments notice.
Rotter chuckles and stands up "well I aint looking for a fight missss, just wanted a laugh". He notices a fresh corpse laying nearby, "exsscuse me, I am feeling a little peckisshhh." He strolls over to the body and promptly rips off an arm. He starts eating it as he returns to Rayne. "well I am always up for a chat, plusss it would be a shame to see a pretty thing like you torn to shreds....but I bet you would make a nice coat. Mine is a little worn out." He cackles as his bullet riddled coat hangs loosely off him. "Now that you mention it there is a bar nearby, how about I buy you a drink?". Before she can respond Rotter is wandering down the road, munching on the limb and twirling his pistol with his free hand.
Rayne sighs and follows him quietly her long legs making it easy for her to catch up with him. "Didn't anybody ever tell you it is never a good idea to scare a werewolf Mr...." She drifts off not knowing his name. Rayne looks him up and down quietly before shoving the door open. She puts a hand over her nose quickly the overwellming smell of alcohol and unwashed bodies filling her nose. She coughs quickly shoving her hands into her pockets. "If you really want I could always buy you a new coat that doesn't consist of my fur." She offers him a small smile before returning her gaze to the people around her.
Rotter chuckles "the namessss Rotter.." He looks around at the bar and notices the corpse of the demon that had its head crushed. "oohhh looksss like ssomeone had a partyy". Rotter steps over the corpse and peers out the window. "and it looks like we have some vampiressss about to throw down with that ugly lookin fella..hope i can score some leftoversss.." Rotter clicks his teeth together in anticipation. "pay attention kid, thissss iss how things work round these partsss".
Rayne freezes smelling the vampires. Her instinct overriding her brain and she turns into her wolf form. Her clothes ripping to shreds, blood pounding in her ears. She let's out a low ferious terrifying growl her black fur raising. She bares her teeth at the vampires her canine teeth razor sharp and huge. She glances around knowing that for her human size she shouldn't be that big in her wolf form, a huge 300 lbs midnight black alpha female who's head is at Rotters shoulder as she stands ready to attack.
I sat down against a chimney on top of a large industrial building. Although the chimney was billowing out a tonne of black smoke, it was blown away from me in the wind. Atami lay asleep in my lap. I watched the grey clouds shift amongst themselves in the sky. What I would give for some sunlight. If it existed, that is. I had merely heard of it through folk tales workers told while the were shovelling piles of coal into the giant furnaces. I could picture it in my head, a giant ball of fire in the sky, letting down warm light. Looking down at Atami's fur, I realised how dirty it was. He was normally white, but years of working in the electricity plant made him look a dark grey. It was then I realised I had to do something. For me and Atami. I had to get away from my family, my unforgiving stepfather, my smelly to-be husband, but mother that couldn't care less. It was that night, on a rooftop in Operarius, that I, Adis, would run away.
Rayne growls her terrifying growl and howls loud enough for everybody in all four districts. She bares her teeth standing protectively infront of Rotter. She looks qround ready to pounce and howls again. Saliva drips from her lips and teeth onto the floor.
Adis jumped as she heard the howl. She was nearing Periculum and her nerves were on edge. She was beginning to have doubts, but she looked down at Atami and realised that she has to do that. Besides, she had never stayed out this late before, and her stepfather normally got drunk with his friends at night. God only knows what he would do to her. She shivered and continued walking, wrapping her thin coat around her. She carefully picked up Atami, tucking him into her coat. Making and estimate, she would reach Periculum in an hour or so. I'll stop for the night she thought to herself. Me and Atami need to sleep, and then we'll set off in the morning. I don't want to sleep in the streets of Periculum alone.
The vampire prince scoffed at the lower classes, and turned away, walking away, towards the exit of Periculum, where it unites back into Inmortalis. "I was actually just leaving. It smells terrible in this district anyway." He exits, all his guards following him out.

(sorry. it was brought to my attention that everyone was waiting for one player to reply and the rp was getting stale. so I've moved his character per-say. thanks)
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Kalona stopped short as he heard the uproar in the bar through his highly sensitive ears. He turned, all his gaurd turning with him. "Someone is not behaving in the lower city, hmph, if i can't execute the elemental, i'll execute that werewolf instead." He moved off at an incredible speed with his guard following closely behind.
Rayne lunges snapping at kalona with her sharp teeth. She manages to snag his shirt with a claw ripping it a she pulls away. She let's out a low growl that vibrates her body. The bars dim lighting making her blend in more
Her eyes widen. He's actually going to kill someone from his own district? That doesn't sound princely to her. Maybe assholey. She jumps down from the roof, and stands beside the wolf girl. She looks at Kalona, with black eyes. "You don't have any authority here, prince." She snarls her hood hiding her face in shadow. "Go back to your district Child of Night." she finishes, widening her stance into her fighting stance. Her chest rumbled with another growl, holding her obsidian sword at her side.
Rayne grumbles slinking back, her teeth still bared at the vampire. She stands next to Red, Rayne's furry face brushing Red's shoulder. She glances back at Rotter before returning to human form, kneeling on the ground, completely naked. She looks up at Red "Why did you interfere? Nobody has ever stepped in like that before..ever." With that she stands up and walks back out into the rain. She wrenches a black trench coat off a dead body and pulls it on before starting to run.
"Red!!!!!!!! Oh how wonderful, I've been looking for you, how lovely to find you here. You've been causing an uproar in this district, we don't want that spilling over to inmortalis, after i exeute you ill find that wolf girl and end her for what she did to my shirt." He moved forward outstrechng his hand. His intention was to torch her soul. He grinned amusingly expecting the scream that was to come when his hand made contact. "Burn girl." He said as he tittered.
"An uproar? I'm honored!" She smiled sickly, "You first." she locked her hand onto his wrist, before her could touch her, her skin starting to glow, flames erupting up his arm. Her grip was tight as she watched the flames climb higher up his arm. Her skin glows brighter and brighter as the flames got bigger. "I want you out of my district." she growls, her skin now bright yellow, lighting the dim pub in a bright light.
The smile dissappeared from Kalona's face. "Now that isn't very nice at all now is it girl. Very well, you have sealed your fate." Kalona beckoned to his guards and in a flash they had completely surrounded the girl. Kalona pulled his burning hand away and gave the command. "Restrain her, Her soul will burn today." The guards latched on to the girl as their prince commanded.
Rayne keeps running, knowing that if caught, she will be in for a horrid beating. She ends up running through districts 1 and 2 ending up in 3 and slumps against the side of somebody's house. Completely and totally out of breath she curls into a ball shivering.
Her skin still burning hot enough to give the guards some nasty burns. They mostly recoiled in shock and she drew her sword faster than the blink of an eye, swinging up to hit on of the guards in the throat. She ducked under their arms, slicing at their knees. Her skin was still brightly colored, so when someone touched her bare skin, they were given 3rd degree burns, which gave her the upper hand, because when they'd pull back their hand, she attack them, either completely decapitating the guards, of stabbing straight through their neck. The dead guards fell at her feet and she faced the prince, her hood having fallen off of her head during the fight. Her black eyes burned with anger, and her red braid fell over her right shoulder, "Did you think it would be that easy to kill me? I mean come on, I am after all THE Red. The queen of uproars and great colors."
"You truly are an idiot, girl!" Kalona spoke as his arm completely finished healing. "Do you think the son of a vampire king can be challenged by a slum dweller, why do you think your fellow rats do not dare to strike me. You..........things tear my shirt, insult me and dare to rise against me." His eyes turned to slits. "You're life has expired!" at this statement the entire bar erupted in flames, all around demons were screaming as fire eat away at their skin. Kal focused on the girl and as he breathed in her direction, fire spewed forth from his mouth.
She groaned as fire sprung up around her, "Hi, I'm Red. The FIRE elemental. Great plan though, lets kill it with fire." She says sarcastically and fanned away the flames, "You are angry over a shirt, oh my god what the actual hell? You are a prince, I'm sure you have more shirts. Also, you are the VAMPIRE king. You have no authority over me, or over any of the people/ demons here in Periculum. Sure we aren't the prettiest district, but that doesn't mean you can just come on here and act like you own all of us!" The orange embers in her eyes glowed bright. She sprayed fire back at the vampire scum. Her anger climbed higher and higher. "You are not, Judge, Jury and Executioner. You're basically just an asshat that thinks he's better than literally everyone that is better than you. I mean really? 10/10 people in Periculum are better people than you are. And thats saying something since y'know, we basically spend our lives killing each other, while you are luxury's lap dog." She argued, throwing flames back and deflecting further shots at her.
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