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"Not right this moment..." His stomache decided then to tell him it was very empty and upset that it was. Then he froze. "Wait, isn't today friday? We have school!"
"Oh yeah..." Harken muttered. Then, the delayed reaction came and he shot out of the bed, going over to his closet and pulling on the first thing he grabbed.
"Crap!" he shouted, running down the stairs with his phone, calling his fathers driver.
He slowly walked around, gathering up his clothes, feeling how badly his ass was aching at that moment. He gathere up his bag and hobbled down the stairs. "Sorry that I distracted you Harken..."
"Ah, no, it's totally fine! I'll just be a little more late than I always am! I'm more worried about you, since you have, like... perfect attendance!" Harken said as he rushed around, gathering their things until he heard a car horn.
"Ah, our ride!" he cheered, taking both bags out with him.
He hobbled after him, ears flat against his head as he gingerly sat in the car, biting his lip.
The man looked back at the teens, smiling.
"Hello, how are you guys?" he asked, starting out on the road.
"Hello, Gemini, this is Belle."
He waved, face blank of the pain he was feeling. "Thank you for driving me as well."
"Oh, of course. So, you the boyfriend?" he asked, turning onto the schools street.
He blinked, a bit stunned, glacning over at Harken. Was it safe for this man to know? And how could he know?
Harken nodded.
"Gemini knows I'm gay, it's alright," Harken chuckled at Belle's reaction. Gemini laughed as well as he pulled into the large parking lot.
"Have a good day, boys, I'll see you at dinner tonight, Harken," Gemini added before driving off.
He winced at having to move again. "You have a very kind driver." He grabbed his bag from Harken's hands and began to hobble up the steps, having to stop when the ache became a horrible stinging pain.
"Hey, you okay? You need some pain killers or something?" Harken asked, holding Belle's shoulders.
"I'll be fine." He murmured. "Just, taking my virginity just before we had to go to school wasn't a very good idea..." Especially since it had gotten a bit rough there, and Harken was well endowed.
"Eheh, probably not." Harken agreed, walking to the building with him,
He winced, feeling a horrible burning senation and paused. "I-I don't think I can sit at the desks... it's very painful to just walk..."
"Well, then... don't sit. Lean on the edge with out your butt touching," Harken nodded, wrapping Belle's arm around him and lifting the boy slightly to help him inside.
He nodded. "Thanks." And went to perch at his seat, ears pressed flat against his head in his discomort. And then he was reminded he still couldn't see and sighed.
"Well, thank you for deciding this class was important boys," the teacher teased, and Harken smiled nervously.
"My uncle is coming over tonight, so you can get the glasses then... for now, I'll take your notes, okay?"
He nodded, doing his best not to sit at all and more hover over his seat, his legs and thighs aching and shaking by the time the bell rang to go to their lunch. He sighed. "I'm out of shape again..." He murmured as he stood, feeling his knee's scream in pain after being trapped with so much pressure and he had to take a deep breath to keep from fainting although he was very pale.
Harken chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, so am I, but that's okay. Ar least you get to lay down at lunch," he added, scratching the back of his head nervously.