HeartLands : Adoptables / RP

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Maybe pick one color and then decide on an element? You can use a favorite color! I'm sure Sol will make it look awesome for you.
well the colors kind of have to make sense for the element for me.. sooo idk
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Look up images in Google or something with the element as a keyword and find one you like. Then pick out colors from it. It's something I learned from Tech Theatre when I was gonna be a lighting tech.
I did something similar with my colors and element. I knew I wanted flora/poison though so I looked up what plants were poisonous and picked a color scheme from that. Granted, I'm not sure if the colors really worked with the tiger form, but I love it anyways ^^

Maybe you can make a list of the elements that you want, look up examples of each element, then choose the colors each has in common? That way no matter which element you choose, there will be a color for that element. Not sure if that made any sense...if not tell me ^^
CHARACTER NAME: Shoutaro Nishinama (Show-Tah-Row Knee-She-Nah-Mah)
AGE: 25

x. STRENGTHS: -Quiet- -Calm- -Caring- -Dutiful- (anything more must be learned in Rp)
x. WEAKNESSES: -Overly Protective- -Little Sister Type- -Fear of Fire- (anything more must be learned in RP)


SPECIES: Capricorn
STARTER COLORS: #177b79 | ##36ffff | #0b3d3c
PATTERN PREFERENCE: On her muzzle/snout, there is a long curved stripe That is the darkest part of her body along with her fish like spines and parts of her tail fin (Accent). As a rule of the sea, her fur/scales follow the darker on top (primary), lighter on bottom (secondary) rule. (feel free to add shades and highlights as you see fit)

(SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG! T.T And yet I'm still not done! I swear I'm working on it! And I legit figured out my Element once i figured out my actual character. Ahahaha Thank THE LORD. Lordy Lou. I'm pooped. I'm not sure what kind of move to choose... and is bio's going to take me a bit to put together and it's really late so.. bed time it is XD)
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And I'm back to work on HeartLands!!!

OMG I'm so sorry NaNo ate my soul for the past month! I swear we are getting going by this weekends end ^.^ If not by tonight MWAHAHA. Anyways working on the first area's scenery now!
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ANNNND! Proof of work!

But now i am half starved lol haven't really eaten all day >.> -slowly crawls away from tablet cursing the fact that arting makes her forget of things like eating and sleeping!-
*eyes chimney stack* Are those mushroom homes? And are the mushrooms edible?

All joking aside, I think you did great! ^^
Lol the mushrooms are buildings yes >.> do not eat them you may die LOL.
And thank you so much I still have to finish this piece of art

but tomorrow morning I will be posting the intro
I have been hella sick since last Tuesday and I am still struggling to get over this mess. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel much better than now but as soon as i am able I will finish the art for the first area scenery snapshot thing. Then I will move on to a couple of our baddies. The intro will be nice and casual and we will be staying within the Glen area for at least a Week maybe longer.

Now Quick Question - Do you want our group to be able to split into smaller groups? Say 2 or 3 groups or Stick together in a large group. This of course meaning we'll be going in different directions.

This has been a group wide post to check for activity / who's still around in the group.
@Shiny || @chaosheart13 || @Celest || @Ashalyn || @nonsequitur || @Lovelessesbutterfly || @Starrnico || @The Succubi Queen || @Jovian || @Scath
Different groups could be interesting, but I feel like that might lead into more work for you?
Either way is fine by me. Smaller groups we could have one moving faster than the others, big group we could fight alongside one another. *shrugs*
Either way would be fine with me.. But i think it'd be easier for you to handle one group
Depends on how much you as the GM wants to do. If you feel like you can handle multiple smaller groups, then go for it. If not, then stick to the one large group. Either way it promises to be fun, larger group means lots of character interaction, while the smaller groups could promote deeper character development/growth.
Hm, honestly I'm fine with either one, though I think small groups make the rp go faster?
I still live! I'm still working for crazy shifts because one of the housekeepers is broken and no one is allowed overtime anymore apparently. And apparently floor technicians don't need to do their jobs because we keep getting pulled from 3rds to work 2nds because of broken housekeepers.

Rant aside, I will be game to play still.
And we have an IC THREAD now! I hope everyone enjoys the casual start ^.^ I didn't want to just throw us into an action scene lol.

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Hmmm i haven't completely finished my chara .. is that okay?
I got some questions to ask. Since Saia's end of the tail looks like a little bell, would it be okay to say that the ball at the end of her tail actually acts like a bell and makes chiming noises? It would go well with the fact that she's the sound element. Also, how big are the companions in relation to each other? Are they as big as their real world counterpart or are all of them the same size?
I got some questions to ask. Since Saia's end of the tail looks like a little bell, would it be okay to say that the ball at the end of her tail actually acts like a bell and makes chiming noises? It would go well with the fact that she's the sound element. Also, how big are the companions in relation to each other? Are they as big as their real world counterpart or are all of them the same size?
Chiming noise and bell tail yesh approved.

As for sizes the baby / 1st forms are relatively up to you. for instance my rabbit is big enough to fit into my palms combined heh
Chiming noise and bell tail yesh approved.

As for sizes the baby / 1st forms are relatively up to you. for instance my rabbit is big enough to fit into my palms combined heh
Daaaw, that's cute. Thank you for answering my questions!
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