Hawthorne Academy || Will you survive? || ALWAYS ACCEPTING

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Lucky for you, you're my favorite @Tart
I honestly don't care how many characters you have, as long as you can handle it (which I know you can).

And I think Skye and Hayden would be perfect friends.
Haha well I feel honored. ;P! And yeah, I'm used to having a buttload of characters, so I should be good! Also, I think Iris's picture messed up. Well, on my screen it is at least.
In yours, on the first page. It's just not there is all ;P
I love Skye lol She's amazing, i guess she will be pissed when she finds Quincy with Lindsay, she'll freak haha
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The Assistant Head Cheerleader
A.K.A The "Princess"


"You're like school in June. No Class."

Name: "Ashton Emmins, doesn't everyone know that?"
Age: "Eighteen and young!"
Grade: "Senior life!"
Sexuality: "Uh, any girl wants a sexy man!" Secretly Bi-sexual
"Um, I'm the princess?"

Envies every misfit and no-groupy

Personality: "Fashion and popularity are..everything. If you're just some sorry ass
misfit or a no-groupy moping around talking about how you can't ever fit in, not my problem! I'll
easily walk past you while wearing my brand new 1 grand shoes, thanks!"

She's actually clinically depressed, and suffers from anxiety due to the years of being bullied when younger. She's not as 'tough'
as she wants to be, and easily cries or gets upset over things. Suffers from an eating disorder.
One would say she was actually nice at a time, but those
days are most likely gone for good.

History: "How about you stop sticking your nose in other people's business. Okay? Okay."
She grew up in a rich family in California, but didn't have a good childhood. At all. She was bullied mercilessly during her
childhood since she was the biggest nerd in the school. Ashton was the biggest loner and 'dweeb' of the school.
She became depressed and gained anxiety, and ended up hospitalized from a suicide attempt in the 8th grade.
She moved to (wherever Hawthorne Academy is) in the beginning of her 9th grade year, and totally changed her looks and personality. Since then she has never spoken or shared any of this with anyone.

Strengths: "Fashion, Manipulating, Embarrassing Others, and Gossip!"
Weaknesses: "When all eyes aren't on me! I mean, come on, I'm the princess aren't I?"

She's actually terrified of sex, and she's a total clean freak. Terrified of heights. And she's petrified
someone from California will out of the blue start to attend Hawthorne and recognize her as the 'dweeb', and telling everyone.

Habits: "Applying lip gloss is my top priority."
Checking the make up on her wrist, applying more on it, fixing her hair, bouncing her foot.
Secrets: "Um, no."
She was once the biggest nerd in the school back in middle school, and often bullied.
She's also very well at piano, but she thinks it's nerdy, and hides the fact that she knows how to play.
She cakes on makeup and other expensive cosmetics to cover a purple, thick, long, scar across her left wrist from a
previous suicide attempt, resulting in her fear of water since it'd wash it away. She's secretly bi-sexual.

Talent: "Uh, I can totally sing." Got in on her daddy's money.
Extra Curricular: "Co-head cheerleader! Cheer is life."



Lit Analysis & Comp
World History

Fine Art

MUS197: Chorus
Music Appreciation


French 1
Early Release


| Likes |
"Lindsay is my best friend, wait, no, we're practically sisters."
"Pretty much, if you're a popular or jock, I like you fair enough."

| Dislikes |
"Jake, that skunk-haired bitch."
"Rose...her name tastes like throw up in my mouth.."
"Every misfit. Talk about gross."

| Crush |
"None, actually."
I pretty much used the same character sheet from last time, because she hasn't changed a bit hahaha. I'll post intros shortly!
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Again, I think everything is up to date in post 1. Let me know if any of you spot a problem with your character, as there are quite a lot of them and I can't proof read it all by myself.
"I would suggest staying down. Get up again and you're dead"
Giovanna (Geo) Cross

Popular- Solitary Fighter
Geo stands around 5'7", which is pretty tall for a girl. Her body is built with sculpted muscle, that is pretty much impossible to hide.
She usually wears casual clothing, such as workout pants and a tank top, or something that would be easy to move in.
Her appearance alone is terrifying, though her face is almost doe like. She has dark brown hair, almost black
which suits her bright crystal blue eyes, framed by her hair which barely reaches her ears on the front. She has a tattoo on her right side. She also has
glasses, but wears contacts all the time because of her fighting.

Geo is a strong woman. On the outside, she is cold and solitary. She keeps herself distanced from others, hoping to keep on her game.
She is so sure of herself on the outside, but on the inside she is more fragile. As you get to know her, she can be pretty chill,
but on the very very inside, she is weak and unstable. Even things get to her

Geo grew up in a rich home, surprisingly. She was thought to be a man when she was first born, but when she wasn't, they trained her to be like
a man. Cut her hair short, teach her to fight, to run a business, anything the owner of a company would need to know. But at the age of 6, her
brother came along, shoving her out of the picture. Now she was just a young heir, meant to be married off. But she didn't want that,
she wanted to fight, to continue on, to be more important. She continued taking fighting lessons, and eventually moved out,
going into the boarding school like a normal kid, that is if a normal kid could beat up someone twice her size.

Good Fighter
Great Grades
Natural singing voice

Has never been that musically inclined
Quick Tempered
Always follows the rules

Bad at playing instruments

Shadow boxing
Bouncing her leg
Walking around
Messing with her hair
Biting her lip
Scrunching her nose

She is still a virgin

She hides her feelings deep inside
Her parents think of her as worthless
She is depressed

She frequently has nightmares
She is very lonely
Mixed Martial Arts
Any sort of fighting
Good grades
Natural singing voice

|Extra Curricular|
Fighting, training and participating in The Wilds, a fighting competition hosted by Hawthorn Academy
Ap Calc
Ap Chem
AP Gov
AP Lit

~:Fine Arts:~
Intro to Script Reading


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Rofl Trent is probably going to bug Geo since he thinks all girls should be girly and snobby...like a certain someone xD.

I wanted to make a third char, probably a misfit then I'll have 1 in each group. Working on them today.
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Hmmm... either Jake will hate or love her. To be determined....

And as of right now I'm at a nail salon, getting a pedicure with my mom... ._.
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Rose will like her even though she is a popular


{You Laugh At Me Now. When I'm big and famous, you'll be buying my records.}


Sunshine "Shine" Matthews (Note: She hates her first name, everybody calls her Shine).








Misfit:The Rocker Girl


Shine is everything that is probably wrong in the world. She's a wild hardcore partier, Shine doesn't hold her tongue with anything. Shine is the go to girl, when you need someone to laugh with or at. Shine can act like a true blonde sometimes, she has her dumb moments. When it comes to singing and guitar playing, Shine really shines in that world. Some people would call Shine a modern day Courtney Love, now you can see how she acts.


Shine didn't grow up in a normal household. As you can guess by her given name, Sunshine's parents were big time hippies. They must of forgot to leave the 60-70S in that era. Shine is the youngest of eight. She didn't get a lot of things in her life, that she wanted. When Shine was 9 one of her older brother's raped her, she told her mother; who didn't believe her. Shine was only 9, so she couldn't just leave. The only one that did believe her, was her older brother Seven, who's a year older then her. He would protect her from their older brother. Shine and Seven were the closest in age, so they protected each other.

After that incident, Shine started to act out. Shine had her first drug experience at 12, she did cocaine. Shine did too much, she was in the hospital for weeks. The doctors thought her parents were unfit. So Shine and her eight siblings went to live with different family members. Shine and Seven, thank god, they went to live with their rich aunt.

Shine still acted up, her and Seven started to grow apart. He became popular and Shine, became a misfit. Shine doesn't like being called a misfit, she would rather be called, a creative soul that has the courage to stand out. Shine doesn't know if that would ever catch on but for now she had her friends, that would have her back. Just like she will have their backs.


Singing, Guitar Playing, Funny, Creative, Loyal.


Drugs, Liquor. Shine has a giant wall around her, not even her friends know everything that has happened in her life. Girls and Guys, that Shine's attracted too.


Even after the scare, Shine still does coke on occasions. She doesn't do as much but damn near close. When Shine is nervous or embarrassed she bites her nails. Shine sometimes plays with her hair, only when she's trying to hide something.


One of her older brothers raped her.
Her closest in age brother is The Pretty Boy, Seven(She doesn't want anyone of her friends to know and vice-versa).
Shine takes medicine for her schizophrenia(She has been managing well, only once in a while it goes haywire).
Shine overdosed on coke, she almost died.

Talent (If you got in on being rich list it):

Guitar Playing
Her aunt is really rich.

Extra Curricular:

MUS 197: Chorus


ENG 101: Literary Analysis and Composition
MTH 122: Algebra I
SCI 111: Earth Science
HST 101: World History

Fine Arts
MUS 101: Intro to Music
ART 020: Music Appreciation

MUS 101: Intro to Music
TA 111: Technical Theater I

Twitter Name:


Seven is her older brother, she doesn't like or dislike him. He's her brother so she has to love him, as long as they stay in their own worlds.

Shine loves all the misfits, she especially loves Jake's attitude towards things. She loves Rose, since she's the one Shine goes to for academic questions and tutoring.

Shine has a crush on a lot of people. It would be easier to say who she isn't crushing on. Ok so far she's crushing on...Quinton, Axel, Destry, Lincoln, Anna, Jake and Nico her pansexual buds. She also has a crush on Quincy, she sees that maybe he isn't as big an asshole like the others.

Shine like any rightful misfit hates the popular kids, except Axel and Quincy of course. Shine really hates Ashton more then Lindsay, Shine thinks Ashton is just Lindsay's puppet.


{Don't Hate Me Because I Don't Love You, Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful.}


Seven Matthews(Note: He got his name because he was the seventh child, creative right?).






Full Out The Closest Gay(which makes him the best gay friend for the popular girls).


Popular:The Pretty Boy


Seven is a romantic, crazy son of a bitch. He loves to flirt, he especially loves to flirt with Trent and Quincy. He thinks it's funny how Trent gets so bothered by it. Seven is probably one of the only popular kids, that doesn't pick on or cuss out a misfit. He just ignores them, well there are two he doesn't. Seven is flamboyant and he waves the gay flag proudly. He never stands down to anyone, which is maybe why the popular girls like him. He also has amazing style so that too could be it.


(Same as Shine's, minus the rape and drugs).


His Good Looks, he's smart in some things. Seven is also an amazing artist and he's very creative.


Guys, new clothes, guys, romantic movies, guys, protein shakes, did I mention guys? Seven also can't or chooses to not tone down his flamboyant personalty.


Seven fixes his hair a lot. Seven is always spraying cologne all over his body. Seven does flirt a lot, sometimes to much.

Seven slept with a freshman(Nico) his sophomore year. He tries to avoid him but he can't forget him.
Seven's sister is Shine.
Seven has OCD.
Seven has slept with over 40 guys.
Seven is bipolar.

Talent (If you got in on being rich list it):

His aunt is rich.
Seven is an artiest

Extra Curricular:



ENG 301: American Literature*
MTH 302: Algebra II*
SCI: AP Chemistry
HST 201: U.S. History

Fine Arts
ART 030: Art History
MUS 101: Intro to Music

ART 010: Fine Art
ART 111: Intro to Painting

Twitter Name:



Lindsay and Ashton, his girls forever. Trent, he just loves to play flirt with him.

Seven has a huge crush on Quincy, he doesn't know if he should tell Quincy about it.

The other jocks and preps, Seven is cool with all of them of course.

The only two misfits that Seven talks to or notices, is his sister Shine and the boy, Nico. Seven likes bad boys, even though he would never act on those feelings. What would his friends think of him then.

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I was only planning on making Shine but then I thought of Seven so now I have four chars, the more I have the more creative I can be.
@CelestialCellar added Seven to Trent's bio.

After they are accepted I'll have another post up^^. Probably tomorrow.