Harry Potter: The Next Generation

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Mireille plays piano.
Cillian is hardcore into classical music and instruments.

Carlyle is a Metamorphmagi.
Cillian is a curious fellow.

There it is. A way in. I dunno in what setting though. Like Kirah says, maybe in a class... but which one...
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Romance is like the icing on the cake for me (I don't' know why I'm comparing it to that because I hate icing. Well I mean if theres an over use of it - -" ANYWAYS). It makes the RP ten times more interesting plus I like interacting with others characters and witnessing their reactions (especially if its unexpected sometimes. Type of person who has an off and off relationship with surprises). As for what type of character they are, the type of characters I make most of the time are so flexible with who they interact with that you can be a crazy sociopath and they'll still get along (over exaggerated example right there but hopefully you've got the gist of it).

Sure class sounds good unless you want to create some type of commotion. Maybe a library meetup? With the way things are going I was kinda planning of making a 'special' visit to the restricted section :P
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Oh you know there's another option. I believe first years arrive at Hogwarts by boat and each boat carries only four students. That could be another opportunity.
M wouldn't break the rules easily. Shed be fascinated with the library though. So that section probably would get her attention.

Ala is great at commotions.
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Oh you know there's another option. I believe first years arrive at Hogwarts by boat and each boat carries only four students. That could be another opportunity.
That's perfect!

On that note I need to sleep I have an audit at work tomorrow *dies*
Cillian's probably going to drown his sorrows in music, but he also really likes mysteries and doubled with his curiosity I can see him attempting a visit to the restricted section.

there are lots of options now
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Good night Kirah.

I should be packing too, but ... but...
Hmm...it seems like the only classes where more than one house get together would be study hall but I don't think the teachers would take too kindly of us chatting up a storm... *moment of realization* obviously if this was real life and not an RP where we can make something work. (I swear my inability to keep fictional and reality from hugging each other is near impossible -.-").

Alright lets meet on the boats then! It can only carry four people though? I gotta make some room for Justice so that might be a problem.

Also you can get a pass from one of the teachers to go into the restricted section and I'm sure being in Ravenclaw they wouldn't really question you as hard as the other students. (As for me I'm just going to sneak in there, obviously)

Gnite @Kirah Good luck on your audition ^^
Good night Kirah.

I should be packing too, but ... but...
Lol I feel your pain. I literally said I was going to take a nap or at least attempt to sleep 2 hours ago XD At least we've both officially earned the titles of Procrastination masters of the highest degree.
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Since I'm going on a hiatus soon you can use the boat idea with Kirah. It looks like I might not be around for it anyway.

Also, if I remember correctly having two houses in one class wasn't too uncommon. I've been reading (or rather, listening) to the first harry potter book and harry and ron grumble at noticing they have potions with the slytherin house.
Since I'm going on a hiatus soon you can use the boat idea with Kirah. It looks like I might not be around for it anyway.

Also, if I remember correctly having two houses in one class wasn't too uncommon. I've been reading (or rather, listening) to the first harry potter book and harry and ron grumble at noticing they have potions with the slytherin house.
Mmm yes theres usually if not always two different houses in one class together but rarely more than that. Ah alright~ If you do manage to make it by then though I just came up with a brilliant idea. Only 4 people (or students) can ride on the boat at the same time. What if one of the those riders didn't happen to be a person? (If you catch my drift).
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waitaminute I think I got a bit confused there. Have you been including my giant all along? XD I forgot about him... oops. That's why the boat numbers weren't adding up in my head and the more than two houses in one class was not in my head either
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waitaminute I think I got a bit confused there. Have you been including my giant all along? XD I forgot about him... oops. That's why the boat numbers weren't adding up in my head and the more than two houses in one class was not in my head either
Oh yea I was assuming that both Kirah and you wanted to bring along your friends and other characters along as well ^^" As for the non-human issue I think I could solve that with just making character shape shift into a mermaid xD Joking (seriously though =_=) Maybe a small animal or just a small kid/ver. of himself so that we all don't completely capsize the boat :P
@AmazinglyNOTonFire @Mglo @Kirah:

How do you think your characters would respond if a shadow was following them, with no one casting it? This is the downfall to my ability if I go in myself, since there still needs to be "my" shadow there....

If Kirah has another character to bring along into the boat situation, I could make Etienne fawn over Hagrid (assuming he's still there 0_0) and in a moment of rare determination make him go jump into Hagrid's boat which only fits him and two other students I think...

Unless you really want to make the drastic morph to something small, in which case I'll make Etienne follow the confident shrimp to the boat X|
@AmazinglyNOTonFire @Mglo @Kirah:

How do you think your characters would respond if a shadow was following them, with no one casting it? This is the downfall to my ability if I go in myself, since there still needs to be "my" shadow there....
To be honest, I'm not even entirely sure how your ability works. I thought it was only like a shadow version of Hermione's little purse. But I'll try to answer anyway:

Cillian would initially ignore it. Curiosity would make him stop and observe the following shadow for a while. If shadow's behavior did not change or maintain his interest, then he would ignore it again for good unless it attacked.

Etienne would get paranoid and go straight to an adult for help, preferably an adult with a kind and welcoming face that is not too surrounded by people. Hold on.... this is not entirely true. You know what, I'm not sure how he'd respond. Etienne is, surprisingly, the more unpredictable of the two.
Walking all the way to the boats the size of a peanut??

Carlyle: Too much exercise, I'll just get Justice to carry me (or stow away in someone's pocket).

As for a random shadow with no caster...Carlyle would immediately try to touch/catch/or grab it in some type of way. After of course staring at it for few minutes. That or he will shamelessly try to converse with it (with or without a crowd of people in the vicinity). Maybe even try to put a candle near it (not to burn it of course but to see what happens if its near a source of light). Basically anything could happen ^^
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In the movies the classes had everyone in that year mixed into the class.
@AmazinglyNOTonFire @Mglo @Kirah:

How do you think your characters would respond if a shadow was following them, with no one casting it? This is the downfall to my ability if I go in myself, since there still needs to be "my" shadow there....
Ala would look up for a dragon, not see one and turn to Alice for confirmation of thing. After Alice confirms she'd poke it.

M would now know it was you and be intrigued but not try to do anything about it.

Lucky for you they get to the boats at night! So everything is in shadow. :)
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