Harry Potter: The Next Generation

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oh btw i posted
oh btw i posted
Oh yea I just saw it :) (/read it). Already starting on my response post ^^ But are you already sitting in a train compartment or did you just get onto the train/still looking for one?
Oh yea I just saw it :) (/read it). Already starting on my response post ^^ But are you already sitting in a train compartment or did you just get onto the train/still looking for one?
i just set it up for anything, but he is sitting down
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Lol, sorry to drag you into a convo like that Kirah, but I found i'd be a good way to get characters interacting right off the bat, and might I add:

LONGEST POST I"VE EVER DONE O>O my head hurts now, so many different paths flow through my mind.....
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A harem of FRIENDSHIP :D *rainbow spreads across internet screen* Oh yea Demonic you're going for the bad guy role right? (or future Dark Lord).
Yes sir, but class is about to end, so after my other class gets continuing on our projects, I should be able to slip back on.
Yes sir, but class is about to end, so after my other class gets continuing on our projects, I should be able to slip back on.
Ah alright and by all means take your time. Just wondering though do you have two or more characters?

  • Name: Etienne Stark
    Age: 11
    Gender: Male
    DoB: July 8th
    Profession: Dragonologist
    Race: Half-giant
    Wand type: Blackthorn wood, Dragon heartstring, 16 inch
    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor

  • inws3p.jpg
    Eyes: Black
    Haircolor: Black
    Height: Will always be much taller than everyone around his age.
    Body type: tall, strong, and yet very nimble
    Description: Because of his height and build he looks older than he actually is. The picture shows him in the future. The 11 year old him is leaner, more round-cheeked and a whole lot more self-conscious. The young him lacks confidence and his posture shows it a bit since he tends to hunch over when not being looked at, however if he feels like he's being stared at he'll stubbornly stand up straight as a self-challenge. His hair is always cut short and his skin is dark, as it's shown in the picture.

  • Weapons: n/a
    Skills: Abnormal physical strength,
    Talents: Intuitive, and has very good reflexes. He lacks talent in controlling his magic especially because it's powerful so one spell takes him longer than everybody to get it right.
    Magical Enhancements: Natural resistance to most types of magical attacks thanks to his giant blood

  • Likes: Sweet things, plants, the outdoors, and nature in general
    Dislikes: Standing out, being stared at, giant or height-related jokes
    Dreams: In his heart, he wants to reach a point where he can truly feel proud of what he is and who he is. He wants to feel like he has lived up to his potential and earned the name Stark. In short, to make his family proud.
    Fears: His grandfather, Theodor Stark
    Habits: Obsession with symmetry particularly when anxious and possibly due to his aversion of standing out.
    Hobbies: Learning about magical creatures, specifically dragons. He enjoys most things that don't have to do with actually producing magic since that's something that doesn't come easy to him.

    He is too self-aware of his physicality and what it means to others. He really abhors public places and big gatherings because it only makes him stand out more and it makes him very self-conscious and uncomfortable.
    Etienne knows himself very well, his faults and defects, however, he's determined to always do at least one thing against them because he's stubborn. Once he's made up his mind for a purpose, he'll plow through even at his own expense.
    He is "steady and sturdy" since he has been able to handle a lot of abuse while remaining unshaken. Even after all those years of his own family belittling him, Etienne kept steadily moving towards his goal of becoming a respectable wizard. He's very dependable.
    He is secretly daring, mostly when it comes to defending others but when it comes to himself he'll just take it. He'll also become very bold when angered, but angering him is quite difficult. He's very good at letting things slide. Over the years the proverbial wall he's built around him has become very thick.
    Patronus: Mammoth

  • Blood Status: Half-breed
    Louis Stark (Father)
    They're very close.

    Ethan Stark (Younger brother of a different mother)
    They've never interacted much, but Etienne knows that although Ethan's got no warm brotherly feelings towards him, he's also got nothing against him... for now.

    Theodor Stark (Grandfather)
    Etienne has all of these aspirations for himself to make himself better as a person by accepting himself and excelling at both sides of his blood. However, Theodor Stark can make him feel despair by crushing all his aspirations with one deep cold stare. In that moment everything seems impossible. In that moment he feels utterly useless. He feels just like others see him, disgusting.
    The main reason why Grandfather Stark has this effect is because outside of his hate for half-breeds the man is respectable. And although Etienne does not want to admit it, he cares about his grandfather's opinion because he respects him.

    History of Family: A pureblood family that fell from grace several generations ago. Etienne's birth crushed whatever hopes they still might have had of returning to their former pureblood glory.

    A child out of wedlock and of an unknown mother was a stain in the Starks' desire to climb the ranks. Louis, the perpetrator, was to pretend his "wife" had died giving birth. However, Etienne's growth was not something anyone could deny nor lie about. Louis was forced to finally reveal the truth to his family: Etienne was a half-giant.

    Louis was soon married to another pureblood and, under pressure, procreated as quickly as possible.
    Meanwhile the family's marked dislike for Etienne caused him to seem himself through their eyes and ceased to speak. He grew up mute and caged but living – only truly loved by his father.
    With time he learned to be stealthy despite his big size and managed to avoid his family for the most part. The one he was particularly careful to avoid was his grandfather. The old man had eyes so skilled in making him feel insignificant; with just a glance he could make Etienne feel very, very small and that was a feat.

    At age eleven, Etienne received the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry letter and he couldn't wait to leave. He spoke to his father that very day and talked about becoming a great wizard and showing the Starks that he deserved the surname he'd been given at birth. He only ever spoke to his father; to everyone else he was mute.

    His aunt Merida's parting words were: " We may be disgraced now that you've been let out, but we're still proud Starks of pureblood. You, on the other hand, are a dirty little stain on the sidewalk. And you know what Etienne? All those kids in that school, they know it. You're just moving into a bigger house but nothing's gonna change. You're not going to change"

Second CS:

  • Name: Cillian Holt (Pronounced: Kill-ian)
    Age: 11
    Gender: Male
    DoB: December 27
    Profession: Department of Mysteries and Classical musician
    Race: Wizard
    Wand type: Hornbeam wood (rigid), Unicorn tail hair, 11 inch
    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff

  • Zangetsu.240.885705.jpg
    Eyes: Grey
    Haircolor: Black
    Height: 4"
    Body type: lean and graceful, almost feminine
    Description: Wavy hair nearly reaching his shoulders. His demeanor is not very friendly at all particularly given recent events in his life.

  • Weapons: Knives
    Skills: Agile
    Talents: Intelligent further enhanced by curiosity
    Magical Enhancements: Proficient occlumence.

  • Likes: music, art, puzzles and mystery
    Dislikes: He's very good at ignoring so there aren't very many things he would say he dislikes.
    Dreams: He currently has no dreams. He's confused and empty.
    Fears: He's living it (separation). He does not yet know himself as an individual and therefore does not have any other fears at the moment.
    Habits: Has not developed any of his own yet.
    Hobbies: Collects mask of a creepy nature, plays several instruments and likes to compose music.

    He chooses not to let the word sex, and its implications, into his life. He sees it, and may, very rarely, be affected by it but he chooses to ignore it. It's not that he feels like he's above it, in his mind it simply does not fit into his life style at the moment.
    Although he fits the Hufflepuff description he's not your typical Hufflepuff.
    He's a hard worker and values that in other people. He discovered his magic quite early on and by the time he entered Hogwarts he was already able to control it for small things. Working hard comes easy to him, so he almost makes it seem like things always work out in his favor.
    He is very tolerant but it borderlines indifference. Unless there's anything to gain from tolerating others he won't bother and ignore them instead.
    He is incredibly loyal but his loyalty is very hard to earn.
    He is fair and patient. However, his idea of fair play is both parties using their full potential or means even if some of those border on deceit and manipulation since those are things he's good at himself. He's a very patient fellow who believes there's an opportune moment for everything.

    Patronus: Cannot produce one
    Pet: Unnamed red eyed Eagle Owl that always looks angry or as if in a bad mood.

  • Blood Status: Pureblood
    Ronan Holt (Uncle)
    Eldest of the Holt brothers and current Head of Family. He has 3 daughters and 4 sons.

    William Holt (Father)
    Dorothea Holt (Mother)
    May Holt (Twin Sister)

    He is very aware of their unusual relationship and knows it is unhealthy, however it is a choice he has willingly made.

    History of Family: Wealthy and famous purebloods, almost considered nobility. A couple of family members were known death eaters in the past, but most of the family did not get involved although they shared their views. The family is known to be quick to discard impurities in the blood to keep the bloodline pure.
    Holts are usually known to be Slytherins or Ravenclaws.


    May was born first. She was also their parent's favorite. She was openly spoiled and willful possessing typical Holt personality traits. A natural born ruler. Cillian, on the other hand, got everything he wanted without making a scene or clamoring about it. He spoiled himself. His talents lay in quiet observance and analysis. In patiently waiting for opportune moments and then acting. Not a naturally born leader, but a sly strategist.

    Despite their seemingly opposite personalities, the twins were close. Creepily so and from early on. Their parents worried about their very odd behavior, particularly as they grew up and it only seemed to intensify. Growing up, their personalities seemed to converge and meld to some extent. They were always together, moving together, thinking together. They moved as if on the same rhythm, doing the exact same thing at the exact same time. They knew each other so well, they didn't even need to speak to each other. One glance, one slight movement of the lips, was enough.
    They considered themselves to be one person.
    However, there were new personality changes that became a concern. Particularly the twins new slightly morbid but cruel behavior. May would say or do things and speak opinions that were alarming. Cillian, in an attempt to understand her and continue to be half of the person they embodied, followed her lead.
    When the twins turned 11. Only Cillian received a letter.
    Suspicions were confirmed: May was a squib.

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I just thought of it, What if Harry is the headmaster and Hermoine and Ron are teachers? That would add a bit of connection.
I just thought of it, What if Harry is the headmaster and Hermoine and Ron are teachers? That would add a bit of connection.
I see no problem in that but it might be a bit to canon for the others. Currently Minerva would be Headmaster of the school and Harry's child as well as Hermione's/Ron's would be attending Hogwarts so feel free to interact with them ^^
So what year would the kids be in, and how would we interact with them? Would we control them or would you/someone else?
So what year would the kids be in, and how would we interact with them? Would we control them or would you/someone else?
Same year as us I suppose and I'll be controlling the characters but if I do lag behind don't hesitate to control them yourselves to "unstuck" yourselves (for example if you're having a conversation with one of them and I don't respond back in a day or two just go ahead and take full control but keep in mind to stay in character when you do).
Got it. This will be fun. *Rubs hands and laughs evilly*
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