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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern
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  • Jamie
    The Outsider
  • Info
    Name: Jamie McIntyre
    Nickname: N/A
    Allegiance: Outsider
    Birthday & Age: June 6th, 1966 | 21


    Even the freaks and geeks at school hadn't quite understood the anomaly that was Jamie McIntyre. The girl was a changeling among her family, an alien in human skin quietly wriggling and writhing within a false façade. Kids in the neighborhood were told to steer clear of the strange McIntyre girl. Betsy Brown claimed that the girl had once plucked a hair from her head and stuck it on a doll's head, scuttling off before Brown could give chase. Joe Webber, the deacon, said she had come to church service on Sunday and stared the whole sermon without blinking.

    Her parents were none the wiser; sweet, bubbly, and impossibly human, no one could tell the McIntyre's that anything was wrong with their darling baby girl. Jamie's fascination with morbidity did not phase them. Her constant seclusion in her room and under her layers of clothes bespoke only the harmless trait of being shy. The neighbors claimed that Jamie did strange things in the shed outside, out there in the light of candlelight and surrounded by animal heads and whispering under her breath--

    Well, which is it? Her parents would huff indignantly. Did folks want her to talk or not?

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 5'4"


    Ms. Jamie McIntyre is an avid fan of Mister Roger's Neighborhood.

    bury a friend - billie eilish
Coded by Ardent
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  • Hunter
    Hollow One
  • Info
    Name: Hunter Nolan
    Nickname: Mad Dog
    Allegiance: Hollow of the Roots
    Birthday & Age: March 11th, 1966 | 21


    You couldn't say celebrity in the small town of Oakfield without immediately thinking of Hunter Nolan. The kid was aiming for the big leagues; the star quarterback on his high school team, Hunter drew in more press for the town than their combined years of winning the local district's Pumpkin Festival. The NCAA wanted him, hell -- the NFL wanted him. If people didn't want him, they wanted to be him. So what if he, say, got in a fight or two or five during his high school and college tenure? Adrenaline is a wild drug, and he's got to let off the steam off somehow, college faculty reasoned. Apparently a few nerds were allegedly shoved into lockers and complained about bullying, but ah -- nerds will be nerds. It wasn't enough to slow down the rising ascent of Hunter Nolan.

    Only the death of his mother could bring him crashing down to Earth. Suddenly the moniker "Mad Dog" wasn't just for his prowess with the ball on the field. Lost in the throes of grief, he followed the last of his sanity down the rabbit's hole, chasing the crow deeper and deeper into the pitchless black of the woods.

    Abilities & Limitations
    [Hollows only]
    Titan: An opposing quarterback had once likened Hunter to a "brick wall" on the field. Hunter's ability can make him just so; when this power is triggered, the man is transformed into an invulnerable tower, his skin and body impervious against blades or great blunt force without feeling pain. At its strongest point, it can even allow him to break through walls or barriers uninjured and unhindered, rendering him a true "titan" of strength. However, this ability can exhaust him if used for too long, or if he has weathered considerable force to his body.

    Hunter can enhance his hearing when needed, enabling him to listen in in to secret conversations behind closed doors. However, this is as much a weakness as it is a strength, as he can get easily overwhelmed by loud noises.

    Fatal Flaw(s): The nape of his neck. No 3dm gear allowed in the general vicinity.

    Physical Characteristics

    Physically, he's built like the very embodiment of strength. There's not a shred of fat on the man. He's single, ladies!
    Height: 6'3"

    Simon Says - Pharaohe Monch [EXPLICIT]
Coded by Ardent
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This seems really cool, I would love to be included if the spaces are available. 😊 Is there a discord or another platform for plotting and such?
This seems really cool, I would love to be included if the spaces are available. 😊 Is there a discord or another platform for plotting and such?

Hi there! You're welcome to join us. Here's the lore for your perusal and the Discord link.

Heirs and Hollows are currently filled, but we are always accepting "Outsider" characters and Founding Family relatives.

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  • Davian
    The Outsider
  • Info
    Name: Davian Aguillon
    Nickname: Davy, Agui (one given by his parents when he misbehaved, a play on his last name 'a thorn in his parents side')
    Allegiance: Outsider
    Birthday & Age: 22 years old | October 31st

    Davian was born in Paris, France circa 1965 to a politician and his late wife. He lived a rich life, a lavished life with all the money and wealth a child could wish for at the time. However, with all the wealth came an expectation of unobtainable perfection. Davian was proper from the moment he emerged from the womb, his father being distant but kept a military-esque presence in the home. He was to be perfect out in public, his mother did her best to raise him as the perfect doll, from his manner of speaking down to the very cosmetics on his flesh.

    When Davian came of age, unlike most of the poorer friends he had collected sneaking out after hours to parties, he was sent to a private school, very befitting a politicians son. Davian kept limited contact with his parents, his grandmother being the only exception to the rule on the terms the conversations wouldn't go any further than them. With what freedom the private school gave him, Davian got a tongue ring and fancied himself with the bars and clubs of the age.

    Davian found himself at yet another party, the news of his grandmothers passing getting lost drink after drink. Bodies colliding with his as the world blurred around the male. What more was there to take? Death surely would take the lights from the bathroom hiding Davian's sorrows if he so wished.

    The mirror and the crow were new for the male, it could've been the lack of sleep for days on end, or perhaps his drink had been spiked. Half expecting to hit the chill of the glass, it would come to a shock when another chill was found.

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 6'2"

    * Knows three languages fluently, French, English, and Italian.
    * His favorite artist is Madonna
    * Has a tongue ring he's successfully hidden from his father.
    * Favorite book is Interview with the Vampire.

Coded by Ardent
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  • Corin
    The Outsider
  • Info
    Name: Marie Rosiane Corin Isabelle
    Nickname: Corin. Cor. Coco (only from her parents, up until last year). Rinny (only from her brother, up until last year).
    Allegiance: Outsider
    Birthday & Age: December 24. 19.

    Everyone in Corin's town, a small lakeside municipality in southern Quebec, Canada, could agree that she was going nowhere in life. But let it be known that Corin never half asses anything! Why only screw over herself when she could ruin everyone else's lives?

    She was being nice, sneaking out with her younger brother at the stroke of midnight to celebrate his birthday. He was the one who wanted to visit the lake. He was a good swimmer. So when a few of her friends appeared, the lake being a common late-night hang out for them, she saw no problem with taking some time to chat.

    But people drown so quietly. She didn't know how long it had been before she realized she could no longer see her brother. She didn't know how long it was before they gave up searching the dark waters and knocked on doors to borrow a landline. Not that it mattered. What mattered was her brother died, and it was her fault.

    The town whispered everywhere she went; in contrast, her dad never looked her in the eye at all. Every interaction with her mom ended in screaming matches. For a time, she tried to escape by hiding out in her friends' houses, but their pity was as grating as the gossip.

    She needed to get away. And when he found her, wandering drunk along the lakeshore, he presented her with the opportunity. He understood her, he said. He offered her a chance to leave, to escape. Follow the crow and she'd be free, no fuss no muss.

    Despite the likelihood that this man was insane or a human trafficker, Corin took the mirror. And when the crow appeared, she did not hesitate to chase after it.

    Physical Characteristics
    Height: 153 cm. She usually wears platform boots which add a few centimeters.

    Hair: Freshly bleached and dyed green just before she came to Grimsby. Her natural hair colour is black. A few months back she'd done a dismal 5AM hack job with kitchen scissors, but it's grown out to be a bit of a mullet.

    Eyes: She has large green eyes which, prior to adding a tattoo and dying her hair, many said were her most striking feature.

    Body: She has a few tattoos, mostly small ones on her limbs. The most notable and the first professionally done is a half finished tattoo she has on her neck. She'd gotten it started a year ago, but canceled her next appointment after the accident and never went back. She has one lip piercing. Her nails are short and ragged due to a habit of biting her nails.

    -She's the lead guitarist in a punk rock band she made with a few friends! They suck. They practice in her friend's garage, as his mother is deaf and thus is the only one who can tolerate the noise.

    -Has a remarkably extensive cassette collection which ranges from black metal to smooth jazz. She always has her Walkman with her.

    -A strong swimmer. She used to teach swimming to kids at the community centre. She wasn't hired this year, of course.

    -A decent cook. Her family owns a restaurant so it would be a shame if she wasn't.

    -Speaks English relatively fluently despite living in a town with a largely Francophone population. Her mother, a native English speaker, insisted on it. It serves their business well in the summer months, when tourists from other provinces come on vacation.
Coded by Ardent
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This role-play will no longer take place on Iwaku. We have fully migrated over to DISCORD.

If you'd like to join us, DM me for the server invite!
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