Good Grades

She looked at him thoughtfully, then leaned her head against his shoulder. "I'd like to stay with you for dinner. Well, actually... I don't feel like being alone tonight," she admitted to him. "Can I spend the night here?"
"Sure." he said with a smile "You can stay whenever you want... When are you expecting your period?" he said as if a second thought. He kissed her again on the forehead then smiled "I'm not a good cook. Just a warning." he said setting her down.
She smiled at him, though it went away for a bit as she thought. When he set her down, she looked up at him. "Well... Maybe Monday or Tuesday?" she told him. "And that's fine. I'm not really a picky eater, anything you make is alright."
He smiled "Good, soon enough our worries will be gone then." He went in to make something for them to eat. He got pork out and tried to cook it but it was burned, tough, and flavorless by the time he was done. "It's ready." he call out to her "Don't think I didn't warn you!" he started to set the table and place some bread down, that might have been the only thing edible, then he motioned her to a chair at his small round table and he sat on the other side. The table was meant for two but it was still a little cramped. He had to take away the flours for room. "Well, let's dig in."
Blair nodded and waited for him. When he set the table, she walked over and sat down with him. "It... Looks nice," she told him, giggling gently, "I'm sure it'll taste alright." She started picking at what was on her plate, trying to figure out how exactly she would eat it. It wasn't unappetizing, but it did look a little tough. "Next time... I'll cook you something," she told him, taking a bite.
He smiled "I hoped you would say that. Normally I end up having to order food." He said as he cut the meat and started to chew. The meat was too tough and he could barely chew it enough to swallow it. "Like tonight would be a good time to order pizza." He said with a laugh as he stood up to order. It would take hours just to chew the stuff. He dialed and as it rang he asked "What toppings?"
She'd just managed to chew through the piece and swallow it. Blair looked up at him and laughed softly. "Sausage or plain cheese pizza's fine," she replied, "whatever you like."
He smiled and ordered a half cheese and half meat loves pizza then sat down at the table. "Well, we have thirty minutes until the pizza comes. What do you want to do?" He asked with a smile as he sat back in the chair. He didn't really now much about her, other than others called her a slut and she didn't want to be one he didn't know anything about her.
She thought for a moment, then laughed a little. "Well... We could just talk," she suggested, "We didn't really do that. We jumped ahead off all the 'get to know each other' junk." She leaned back in the chair a little. "Where are you from, Mr. Roper?"
"Right here. I have always lived in this town. What about you?" He said leaning back until the pork chops taunted him enough and he stood up to throw them away. At least the bread was edible.
"Really?" she asked, watching him throw the meat away. "I've lived here my whole life too... I'm surprised I've never seen you before..." she replied, smiling at him. "It's a pretty big town though, so it's not that odd."
He smiled and nodded before sitting again and grabbing a piece of bread. "Don't worry about the bread, I didn't make it." He laughed as he buttered it.
She laughed and grabbed a piece, taking a bite. After swallowing, she smiled at him. "Do you usually cook for yourself? Or is it always take out?" she asked him.
"It's take out and microwaveable food." he said talking another bite of the bread. "Do you normally cook or your parents?" he asked as he enjoyed her company. He looked at the clock, only five minutes before the pizza should arrive. He was getting hungry.
She sighed a little and looked down. "Well... It's usually microwaveable dinners," she tells him. "My parents don't really have time. They get home late, microwave food, then go to their room the rest of the night. We don't even have conversations at dinner," she admits. "When they go on vacation though, I cook for my brother. We still don't talk much, but I can tell he appreciates my gesture."
"Sounds like they work hard." He said seeing she was a bit saddened by the lack of conversation "You can come over anytime you like for any reason." He said hoping it would make her life a little better. Just before was about to continue the conversation someone knocked on the door and he got up to answer it. It was the pizza guy and he took the pizza after handing him the money then walked back with it. "Well, I have pizza." He said cheerily "Would you like some?" He teased as he put it down on the table.
"Yeah. If you consider trying to keep their affairs a secret working hard," she said quietly. She waited as he came back with the pizza, then smiled and nodded. "Of course, who wouldn't want pizza?" she teased, laughing gently.
He opened the box and took a slice. After he finished it in a couple of bites he smiled realizing he had eaten it so fast. "I have a lot of practice." He joked as he took another one and ate it at a humanly pace this time, trying to eat at the same pace as she was.
She watched him for a moment, then laughed a little. "That's alright," she said, taking a piece and starting to eat it. "I don't really mind if you eat fast," she tells him, noticing that he slowed down.
He smiled but didn't speed up much "Yeah, but I have time, might as well taste the pizza if I'm going to eat it."