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Good Girl meets Bad Boy College Romance

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Sharla playfully hit Thorain on the shoulder "You ruined the fun. well how about loser has to tell a secret and the winner ummm..... gets lunch whenever on the loser for a day". Sharla put out her pinky for Thorain to link with he's if he accepted. Sharla smiled waiting for his answer. She didn't know if she would win or not but the bet was interesting. She hoped she would win because she didn't know what to tell him.
Thorain held where Sharla had hit almost pretending she hurt him. He thought about it for a while before agreeing saying, "That's cool with me. Just don't complain when I whoop your butt." He also took his pinky out and crossed hers to make a deal. They got into the karts and started revving the engine. Luck had it that they were next to each other and although a few others joined them they had to take the karts behind them. This would definitely be a race between the two of them.
Sharla pulled her hair up with a hair tie she found in her purse. She gave Thorain a playful mean look to let him know she was all game. As the light counted down Sharla tapped her gas pedal a couple of times. When she heard the ding she was off she didn't know if Thorain was beside her or behind her because she didn't think to look back just ahead. She could hear some people cheering on as they raced.
Thorain saw that Sharla was serious. Well that would make the challenge that more interesting. He gripped the steering wheel and tried the engine out. It roared like a wildcat ready to be set free and the engine behind Thorain shook uncontrollably. Soon the light was given and they were off. Thorain thought he had some decent reflexes, however Sharla must have been quicker because she pulled out ahead unexpectedly. However he was right behind her and with every twist and turn he inched closer to her.
Sharla could hear a engine getting closer to her and gaining speed. She knew it was, just as she looked she seen Thorain riding shoulder to shoulder with her. She winked her eye as she tried to speed up but it seems she couldn't shake him. They seemed to be in the lead among the others as they raced. Sharla whipped a curve so smooth she couldn't believe that she was doing this good. She had a feeling though that Thorain had some tricks up his sleeves or either he was just pretty good at go karts.
As they were next to each other Thorain threw her a smile as if to say, "Yeah I'm still here." Her wink told him that she was holding it down herself and he figured he had his work cut out for him. He was right as Sharla whipped the car quickly turning very suddenly and Thorain had to focus to keep up. He wasn't sure if he would win but he knew he wouldn't make it easy either.

They finished the first lap and Thorain noticed no one else was even close to them. He also caught the eye of the ride operator and seeing his amazement at Sharla's driving laughed and shrugged at the man. He then revved the engine and tried to get ahead.
they were done with the first lap and on the second one. Sharla noticed a familiar face in the crowd as she drove by. It was Amanda cheering her on from the sidelines. Sharla didn't know she had come earlier then what she said. Sharla went through the finish line on the second round with Thorain right beside her. This was it the last lap and Sharla could feel her heart pumping fast from excitement. She didn't know if she would win or not but deep down inside she didn't care if she did or not. She still would get to see Thorain again that's all she could think about. Maybe she did like him more or was it because she just liked how she could be this free with him.
As they approached the last lap Thorain saw his opportunity to catch up as someone was in the crowd cheering. It looked to be Amanda from the club. "This is my chance." Thorain thought, and he hit the accelerator as hard as he could. THe kart flew forward and soon he was neck and neck with Sharla. They looked at each other and both crossed the finish line. It seemed like it was a tie and they both laughed. As Thorain got out he said, "You drive pretty good for a woman." It was a sexist joke but hopefully she understood he didn't mean that.
Sharla couldn't believe it was a tie but she was just glad now no one won the deal. People clapped and complimented the two as they all started to walk away. As Sharla heard Thorains joke she put on a fake shocked face and said "Uh you pig" playfully bumping her hip against he's. Amanda walked over to the two clapping her hands "Good show it was so intense". Sharla laughed at Amanda's comment. Amanda really wasn't into things like this she thought it was dumb spending your money and time in a place like this. "well it was a tie Thorain so I don't know what we do" Sharla said glad Amanda was occupied with shooing away some random person dog and not in her business.
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