Good Girl/Bad Boy (Myself, KatherinWinter)

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" I know your afraid of your father or whoever beats you. But what dose that have to do with me? I can handle myself in a bad situation usually. Brock just caught me off guard. " Jamie said as she sat against her bed, wrapped her arms around the back of her legs. She sighed, just rested her head on her arms as she turned away from him.
Griffin closed his eyes. "My father is only part of the reason it might not be safe Jamie. Although I seriously doubt you can handle him. I cant even take him and im bigger than you are." He told her reluctantly. "I'm talking about STDs."he wondered if she would get it now. He didn't really want to have to tell her everything.
" Your not a... " Jamie stopped as she turned to look at him, she looked confused. Chewing on her lower lip she placed a strand of hair behind her ear, sighed shaking her head. She'd given up her boyfriend her parents were nevet around, her older brother was dead. The only people in her life that cared were her nanny, Anton who would have to back to Brazil once his work visa was up.
Griffin didn't look at her. "I'm not a drug user." he told her helpfully. He wasn't sure if that's what she was thinking or not. But it was the best guess he had. Many kids their age were into drugs. It was one way to get STDs. he stood to his feet. He was going to have to tell her. It was probably the last time she would want to see him. He went over to her and brushed his lips against his. "There are other ways to get STD."
" So your not a virgin.. Oh wait are you? Your not gay are you? I mean I wouldn't be surprised. But oh wait how did your mother die? It's none of my business, I hate to ask but I'm curious." Jamie said as she looked at him, started to wonder if maybe he wasn't even interested in her.
Griffin shook his head. "im not a virgin Jamie. I haven't been for a long long time. And no I'm not gay. I'm very attracted to you." Griffin assured her. He backed off at her second question. he needed some space between them before he did something he they both regretted. "I was only five when my mom died. I barely remember her. She died in a car accident."
" Who was she, did you love her? " Jamie asked as she picked up her kitty, started petting her as she snuggled with her looking at Griffin. She was curious, wanted to know because she hoped that one day she could find the one man that could accept her for who she was. The blonde wanted to know what love felt like, as of right now it seemed like she never would.
Griffin sighed andrsn his hand through his hair. This was harder than he thought. "Jamie..." Damn it he didn't know how to explain. He moved to the far side of the room. He didn't look at her as he said the words he never thought he would say outloud. "Beating me isn't the only way my father hurts me.'"
" Wait whoa.. What? He molests you? " Jamie asked setting her kitten down on the bed, wrapped her arms around his waist. She was really worried about him now, knew he needed to graduate so he could get away with what he went through at home. It wasn't her place but she knew she had to comfort him, be there for him.
"He rapes me Jamie." Griffin said flateky. He shook in her arms. He had never admitted to anyone what his father did to him. What he had done for years. "Whenever I lose..." He shook his head. He couldn't think about it. She didn't need to know. He both likesd and hated her touch.
" I'm sorry... You shouldn't have to deal with that. When did he start? " Jamie asked as she backed away, chewed on her lower lip. She took a card out if her night stand drawer, handed it to him. On the card was a number for an abuse hotline, they dealt with it all. They would get him the help he needed, the help his father needed if he ever called them.

( I can play his dad if you need me to just need a name.)
"After my mother died. I was... Six..." Griffin told her he took the card but he knew he would ever use it. He couldn't talk about this to some transom stranger."I can't be with you it might not be safe. My father.. His not exactly careful." He explained.

(If you want. That would be interesting. He MSN is Samuel)
" Oh.. Well now I guess I don't feel so bad. But I wish he wasn't hurting you, well maybe you should go. Jamie said as she looked at the time, sat down on her bed. She felt horrible for him, she wished she could save him. Chewing on her lower lip she gulped just imagining what he was going through,her heart just sank.

Samuel paced the house with beer number five or six in his hand, wondered where the hell his son was. He thought cell phones were stupid, if his son didn't get home soon he was going to be lucky if he made it to the next morning. He was drunk, he was horny yet for some reason after losing his wife women just didn't do it for him.
Griffin nodded. It hurt that he was being pushed away. But he had expected it. Jamie's world as clean and safe. His was anything but. He slowly made his way hone. He was already tired and sore. He had gone a round just yo get Jamie her present. Now he was on his way home again. It was a long slow walk from her house to his. It took him nearly two hours to get home.
Samuel was growing angry, hornier by the second. The longer he had to wait for his son the more damage would be done, he clenched his fist as he threw away his empty beer bottle. The middle aged man hated passing out with a hard on, if he didn't get laid soon his son would be in an ambulance or a body bag that's how annoyed he was at the moment.
Griffin was hoping that his father was passed out. That was part of the reason that he took his time. Another reason was that he was hurting from Jamie's rejection. He understood. Bug it still hurt that she threw him out. He hid his phone before heading into the house.
" Where have you been boy.. You know how I hate going to bed with a hard one, you know damn well you have a curfew.. " Samuel said as he pushed his son against the stairs, started to unbutton his pants. He didn't seem to care that what he was doing was wrong, he stopped for a second then went back to his assault on the boy that had been created by his massive member.
Griffin didn't bother answering. There was no point. It would only make things worse. He struggled against his father. But he was tired from his long walk and sore from the beating he received earlier. "Please dad..." He begged. He wanted to escape. To be safe for once. He swung a fist at his father.
" You know boy.. If your mama was still alive she'd of left me a long time ago, you know I was driving the night she died don't you? " Samuel asked as he grabbed his son's fist before it could meet his fist, laughed. He didn't stop, slid his son's pants down around his ankles. " On all fours like s dog now boy. Or you'll be hurting a lot worse then you do now." The man said as he grew impatient with his son, started to tear off his shirt once he had his jacket off.
Griffin was tempted to give in and just surrender. He was tired and sore. He could take his father on a good day. This was definitely not an good and. He shuttered as he found himself naked once again. "Leave me alone!" He kicked at his father hoping to hit his hard on.
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