Good Girl/Bad Boy (Myself, KatherinWinter)

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Jamie sat in her car, sent Griffin a text telling him she was sorry he'd gotten in trouble. She hoped he didn't hate her, now she was even more attracted to him then she had been at first. The fact that he had rescued her from Brock made her think maybe he was the one but no matter how much she wanted him it was obvious he didn't want her least not yet, she felt she needed to find someone that would accept the fact that she wanted to lose her innocence.
I'm glad I was there to help you. Don't worry about it. I probably wouldn't have graduated anyway. I will see you at your party. If I'm still invited. He messaged back. He was glad that she had broken up with Brock. Griffin had a feeling that Brock had a lot of violence hidden inside him. Griffin knew the signs. No one knew how violent and cruel his father could be. Jamie had no idea how much danger she had been in. But now she should be safe.
" Of course your still invited." Jamie sent back as she smiled, she just sat in her car. She didn't really want to go inside, now that she was thinking about dropping out. It was something she had been thinking about for sometime now, she didn't really care anymore.
Good your gift is almost ready. He typed back. He found an empty park bench to sit on. He wondered where she was and what she was doing. Not that it mattered l. She was safe where ever she was. That was important to him. He sighed and looked around the part. At least the weather was nice. He didn't have to worry about being cold or wet.
Jamie smiled as she read his text, she turned on her camera taking a picture then hit send. She figured if he saw she was safe he would feel better, she thought about going to get a pizza or something. Looking in her purse to see how much money she had she smiled, started her car back up then headed into town.
Griffin head Jamie's gift ready. One tiny carving and one tiny kitten. Hiding the kitten had been hard. But he had managed. He just had to keep the gifts out of sight a few more hours. He checked to make sure that both were still safely tucked into his hiding spot. He wanted to find a box or something so he could wrap his gifts. He wanted them to look as good as the one gpher rich friends brought.
Jamie watched as people arrived at her party, she could already hear her friends talking about her behind her back. She wasn't wearing anything fancy, she didn't have on any makeup so she was pretty sure they were saying she looked like a slob etc. It was her party, she was rather upset her parents hadn't been able to make it but knew they were working. She watched her nanny carry out a a large box, Anton carried another one out setting the boxes next to all the other gifts her so called friends had brought. The blonde had opened the mail that had been left by her bed the day she found Brock with Miss Chandler, she hadn't talked to Brock since he slapped her so she really hoped he didn't show up.

She was waiting on Griffin, couldn't wait to see him. She missed him although she would never admit it to him, she chewed on her lower lip as she ran her fingers through her hair with a sigh. It was still early, she expected him to make a dramatic entrance. Rolling her eyes as she watched her supposed friends eye the gifts they had brought to the party, wondering if they should take them back. She sat by the swing set, just watched everybody mingle with each other not really in the mood to be a social butterfly.
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Griffin knew he was going to be late. He had wanted to get there early but he had another run in with his father. He has been on his way to grabbing Jamie's gifts when his father grabbed him. He fought but he was afraid that his father would find the gifts and destroy them. So he gave in easier than usual. His father had beaten the crap out of him. But he couldn't let that keep him from showing up. With hi good arm he gently tucked the tiny black and white kitten and the carving into the box he had found. Then he covered the box with the shiny pink paper he had bought with the money he had stolen. he placed a beautiful purple ribbon on top before poking tiny holes all over the. Box. He slowly made his way to her house. The party had been going for awhile when he arrived. He was blood and his close looked like someone had tried to tear them off him. He rang the doorbell before collapsing.
Jamie jumped when she heard the door bell, she ran inside making her way to the door before her nanny could answer it. Her eyes widened, she pouted as she looked at him. She motioned for him to wrap his arm around her, she would let her nanny take the gift while she got him cleaned up. It was time she went into her brother's room, pulled out a box of his old clothes. She knew her brother would have something that would fit Griffin, she was glad he had shown up but upset because he looked like hell. '' Were going up to my room.. I'm going to clean you up, give you some better clothes.'' The blonde told her new friend, of course everyone came running inside but stayed in the kitchen as they listened to the party then went back to their gossiping.
Griffin let Jamie help him upstairs. He was barely conscious. Between the beating and the walk he was exhausted. He lay on her floor afraid to get dirt and blood on anything else in the room. He would have sat but he simply didn't have the strength. "I don't want to ruin your birthday Jamie. I just wanted you to have the kitten and the carving. I his them for almost a week. Let me rest here awhile and then I'll go."
" Your staying.. You can rest here but I'm getting you some clean clothes." Jamie said with a smile when she heard he had gotten her a kitten, she loved animals especially cats. She would make sure it was the first gift she opened, she went to her brother's room then took a box out of his closet. Finding a pair of jinco jeans, rem t-shirt she also found her brother's old leather jacket, smiled as she walked back to her room, laid the clothes on her bed giving him a kiss. She went back to her party, pretended to enjoy herself.
Griffin struggled to take his tore clothes off. He looked st the clothing she brought her. They had to be her brothers. He decided that he couldn't put them on without cleaning up first. He finished stripping and crawled to the bathroom. He hoped he could stand long enough. It turned out that he couldn't stand at all. His bad leg wouldnt support any weight. He managed to get the water turned on. He sag untmder the spray until the water turnrf cold than he crawled back to his bed room.
Jamie was having absolutely no fun at her party, it was because she knew Griffin was upstairs in her room hurting like hell. When it came time to open gifts she opened his first, her eyes lit up as she cuddled the furry little kitten. She noticed a white patch just under it's chin that looked like a star almost, made sure it was a girl then smiled. Handing the kitten to her nanny she let her take the bid it had been in up to her room, little kitten scampered over to Griffin mewing ever so slightly as she rubbed her head against him. Opening the rest of her gifts she thanked everyone, figured they would all leave since she didn't really have a cake. It's not that she couldn't get one its just she didn't want one, slowly everyone started to leave.

After everyone left she walked upstairs having her nanny,Anton follow her with the rest of her gifts, told them to put them in the guest room which they did. She then walked into her room picked up the kitten, sat down by Griffin as she looked at him tears started to run down her face. She hated the fact that he had to deal with what he did, she wanted to do everything she could to get him out of Dodge.
Clean Griffin struggled into the clothes Jamie had set out for him. He was tempted not to. But he didn't want her to see him naked. It was bad enough that she had to see him clothed. Tired and sore he lay on the floor listening to the party. He hoped that she liked the kitten and the carving he had made.

Seeing her tears he went to her. His movement were slow. He was too sore to go fast. He felt badly for ruining her day. "Don't cry Jamie. I should have come. I should have waited until healed. But I didn't want to risk your gift being found. I also wanted to make sure you didn't think I forgot,"
'' Don't be silly. I'm glad you came, I love my present. Star is a wonderful little kitty, she seems to really like you.'' Jamie said as she smiled wrapping her arms around him gently, handed him an envelope. In the envelope was two tickets to wherever they wanted to go, she didn't want to leave town without him. She could take her kitty with her but she wanted him to there for her just as much, if they got away they could certainly be together.
Griffin stared the tickets. He was tempted. It was an esdy solution to his problem. He could let her take him away. Part of him wanted to. But he knew doing do eoikfnt help either of them. "You cant out run your loneliness Jamie. I don't have money. I wont be dependant on you. My only desire is to be free. To be someone. In order to accomplish that I have to graduate snd go yo college. I need to find a place for myself in the world.
" I'm dropping out.. After my suspension is up I'm ckeaning out my locket, I'm done. I just can't deal with the drama anymore, need to get away from here. I think I'll travel for awhile, maybe try to fall in love. I'm in love with you though, that's why I want you to come with me." Jamie said as she looked at him, started to caress his cheek with her thumb pressing her lips against his.
Griffin closed his eyes and accrpt d her kiss. He even stsrted to return it. "I cant drop out Jamie. Im not rich like you. I nredd to finish high school and go to college if I ever want to became someine. I need to work or I'll be trapped here forever. I care for you. But I don't think you love me. You barely know me."
" I know that it's because of you I stopped lying to myself, I know it's because of you that I didn't end up in the hospital when Brock hit me. He could have very well of really hurt me, I've been admiring you from a far since you started coming to school. Every guy around that chases me only wants one thing from me, I'm never really to give it to them." Jamie said as she kissed him again, then started kissing his neck as she slid her hand up under his shirt rubbing his chest.
"Jamie..." Griffin protested. He shivered at her touch. His body responding to her gentle aggression. He returned her kisses. " might not be safe.'?" He told her. He didn't want to hurt her or jeopardize her health. He had to protect her from herself if nothing else. She was intrigued by him. He knew that her interest last. How could it. They had nothing in common.
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